hi drunk cola
all 44 of my plurk friends
cola has unlocked the harem route
you are so cool we do not really have many overlapping interests but wow you are just really neat
good because i was getting worried like i really want to get married yo uknow??
like i've been with nick 7 years minus a 6 month break like i don't think it's gonna happen so
i'll just marry you later
you are one of my fav people sorry if that's weird we don't even actually talk that often lol
but i really do love you a ton
aww that makes my heart go dokidoki
wow i am risquei am proposing to one person and smooching another all while being a taken lady
this is totally off topic but today at work i was doodling and i was thinking about nonbe and honori and like
i bet when she's too hot she shoves her hands up his shirt b/c his skin is cool
i bet she bed ninjas him when they're in inns together if it's too hot and cuddles him and he's like ISN'T THIS THE OPPOSITE??? OF WHAT YOU WOULD DO WHEN YOU'RE TOO HOT????
I always pictured that whenever she gets sick or something, she lays her head on his lap and tells him to keep a hand on her head to keep herself cool. And he's just sitting there all "UM. Okay???"
nonbe is spoiled princess she's 100% always like STOP BABYING ME GOD I'M AN INDEPENDENT ADULT JEEZ but then also
b/c her brother spoils her so much plus like literally all her magic is, at it's core, getting help from others it's like IT'S WHO SHE IS
if nonbe ever tells honori she's a princess, his mind would be so blown that the concept of royalty will be forever lost to him
royalty in that world it's more like a synonym for a 'visitor'
there's actually four different princesses all in her class (which is rly bizarre for this world, but it somehow happened her generation)
so there's one of Nonbe's close friends, Lilli, Tenmey, and Memo who are all in kind of the same exact role as nonbe altho they all handle it rly differently and have diff magic.
Man Cola, we need to talk more about your world and its world building glory :|a
have thought about it a lot
sometimes i get rly legitimately sad that i'm not capable or even motivated enough to finish my stories or express them properly
and i even get shy talking about them
but honestly my characters and my worlds and their stories are all i think about..........
I know that feeling.
It sucks even more when you have something of a story in your head and then there are ~*
generations *~ involved too, so that's another timeline of fuckery to think up on
my stories are p much ALL connected
Nonbe's is actually around the middle of the timeline
Like on my muselist I've got Aiden and Samantha and for example their stories happen much earlier
Their stories and adventures happen while they are in high-school and college and they are both the same age at the same time but
Lilli's mom is one of Samantha's friends, which means Nonbe's story i guess takes place about 13 years after Samantha and Aiden's stories (both completely separate, but connected?? i guess? overlapping, maybe?)
and then Nonbe, when she is older and her story is over, is kind of the mentor the next princess, Song, who is about 12 when she becomes the princess
But those events are really closer to being Eugene's story
Song's story happens a good eight years later
And those are just the stories that directly relate to Lovrell, each of the mentioned is something of a 'main character' to their own adventure....
but there are a ton of other stories going on in the same areas
Nonbe's grandmother, Fauna, was also a princess. It being twice in one family is ALSO really bizarre, so Nonbe is like a clash of coincidences
back when she was Nonbe's age
but her story is not so developed it just kind of happened
in the history of the world
I think Belle Fayt and Airyn's story is going on during Nonbe's, too
I really need to piece out where Honori's timeline is also ahaha. Since technically he's a side character thats like in between Rue's (my Warlord OC) story and Xia's story timeline. And kind of taken the role
of wide-eyed romantic idealist forever young and shifting to a jaded and stoic kid that doesn't like fun at all.
i want to play w/ all ur OCs ehehehe honori is my fav but only b/c i know him best so far
I'm always up for that
i worry tho b/c not a lot of them are necessarily from fantasy worlds, like the ones i have accounts for definitely very few
Samantha has zero familiarity w/ other worlds she's just a modern day rude ass teenager
Aiden is familiar with other worlds but only fleetingly, not as in depth as Nonbe
Eugene is like the only one i have who is actually from a fantasy world
altho i should someday make an account for fayt
I'd like to think I have a character for every kind of setting. Fantasy, modern, futuristic, and apocalyptic.
So I can work with anything you'd like.
and may have also been drinking
and may need to drink more
u gave me flowers in animal crossing and they made my town kawaii and so i love u
also it is my first time actually having other league players on my timeline so it is nice uwu
and selfyyyy owoh!!! since my characters are p much all tied to each other somehow, most of mine are from either modern or fantasy worlds or used to both but still idk i like world dissonances
they're just confusing to wrap my head around for rp like WHERE IS THIS HAPPENING
but i am always down for anything
sometimes i am sad b/c i am too lazy to icons and also since i draw and design all my characters i get picky but i'm too lazy to make iconsets for everyone so even tho i have like
i won't rp many of them.......
i use pbs for a few but bleh!!!
s'why IM RP is also a thing.
change is scary!!! I'm used to DW rp!!!
it is too intimate it makes me shy
i'll be gentle with you aaaah, gotcha~
I am glad I only make a fool of myself in person when drinking...
well kev, we should fix this sometime with drunk PSO2ing
i am not making any fool of myself drinking just makes me more vocal
i always love everyone!!!!!
the only thing i'll regret is talking about my gay ocs no one cares about!!!!
i am very in love with all of my friends ok
she develops complexes rly easily and fears being left behind
and also doesn't trust romance b/c her parents had a bad relationship
so first impressions w/ her are rly important and she's also rly judgmental and pretty shallow
she's really really into makeup and clothes and whatever is popular
she lacks interests of her own b/c she follows whatever is trendy but that also means she gets really intensely invested in whatever her friends like
so she can be rly caring w/ them!!!
her story doesn't have any magic tho even tho it exists around her she's not aware of it even a little bit.......
i think probably like 80% of my 'main characters' personal growth stories tend to revolve around learning to either trust others, rely on others, or stop being an asshole
Samantha's personal growth is kind of all three, Nonbe's is mostly to rely on other people she's never been very distrustful and never stops being a brat
Aiden's growth is... learning to socialize with people like a normal person after his 'charm' effect on them wears off, so it's kind of a combo too
i love my aiden uwu he's such a lil douchebag tho
i think most of my main characters are douchebags
even though i have a lot of OCs who are sweet or inbetween or have moodswings between etc etc
most of my main characters are rude and selfish and terrible at expressing themselves