cait sidhe
10 years ago
[The Unnamed Serial] So, I have a few choices on what I want to name it. I also found a place to host it but I need to pick a domain for it and any other collections I do. So I am requesting help
latest #8
cait sidhe
10 years ago
the lists If you can think of something else for either, please let me know? :-D <3333
10 years ago
I like: Places For The Lost, Surving With Stories, Little Lost Things, We Are More Than Ever After
10 years ago
for domains: Pages Come Calling
Matches And Mythology
Crossroad Stories
cait sidhe
10 years ago
I like LLT too also SWS but I am not certain? I don't know, I'm fluttery. As for the domain, I'm leaning toward Matches cause it's the one I nabbed for Wordpress and posting the promptts/Tumblrwriting/Pintrest
10 years ago
Matches is neat? I really like how Pages Come Calling rolls off the tongue so I have a bias towards it but Matches is my second favorite.
10 years ago
Ditto with LLT actually, I'm just having a night where I'm slighlty obsessive about pretty word combos.
cait sidhe
10 years ago
Mmm, Maybe Pages might work better because it would make the distinction between the housing of the serial stuff and the rnadom stuff. rolls around names. They are hard.
10 years ago
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