10 years ago
[event] is trying to staunch his bleeding on the river bank. One of his meals had turned a knife on him... people were starting to get more cautious...
latest #112
10 years ago
had been out for a short flight when he noticed the sight down on the river bank. He flies down, though staying out of sight at first.. last thing he needed now was a fight. Perching on a nearby branch though,
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he notices who it is though, pering down at the amount of blood near him. "Hey, Ariel.... are you alright...?" he calls out, not wanting to fly down until he knew whether or not the merman would attack
10 years ago
on instinct.
10 years ago
Turns around, hissing on instinct. His eyes have no whites and his teeth are sharp as blades. It is probably a good thing that Francis didn't sneak up on him. When he spots the pheonix he relaxes some, facial_
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Features decidedly more human. 'I'm not Ariel,' he grunts, hands pressed down against his tail to stop the bleeding. He looks pallet than usual, for a red head that is.
10 years ago
bristles at the reaction, glad indeed he hadn't snuck up on him. He waits until Gregory seems to have calmed a little before gliding down, swiftly changing back into his human form with a few feathers sticking
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around. "You look like her, red hair, green tail..." he teases, thoguh coming around to look him over, gently prying his hands away to look at the wound. "What happened? You look like you're going to
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pass out..." he asks softly, fretting over him.
10 years ago
Groans in pain as Francis moves his hands away, eyes shutting in pain. A meal decided to get particularly violent and was prepared,' he grits out, jaw set in a tight line.
10 years ago
's eyes widen at the deep cut, inspecting it carefully. "Don't move," he instructs, pulling back. He pulls off his shirt and dunks it in the river, coming back to Gregory quickly. Gently he dabs at the cut,
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cleaning away the excess of blood around it. "...this may hurt a little, so please don't attack me, alright?" he tells him, before running his finger along the cut and sodering it shut.
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Grips the ground instead, webbed hands clawing into the dirt as he grits through the pain. He chokes back a groan when the man starts soldering the wound, struggling not to pass out.
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tries to do it quickly, he mostly needed the bleeding to stop long enough for the next step but he still didn't want to do too terrible of a job. He pulls his finger back once he's done, sliding his hands up
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to cup Gregory's face and kiss him gently. "Stay awake a little longer, please..." he murmurs softly, giving him a sad smile. He pulls back again though, hovering over the cut on his tail and petting him
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gently as he took a deep breath. There's a moment of silence from him before he bends his face over the cut, a curtain of hair shielding Gregory's view as Francis makes himself cry.
10 years ago
Nods, eyes fluttering shut with the kiss. He was struggling to stay awake, deciding to focus on the way Francis' hair looked in the sunlight. He doesn't quite realise what the man is doing, the thought that he_
Scotland will
10 years ago
be scarred after this offending his vain side. He pants, head tilting back as he looks to the sky. 'Is it bad?' He asks, assuming the other was inspecting his wound.
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doesn't reply, focusing on sad thoguhts and aim. After a moment he manages, little tear drops faling on the cut and making a softly sizzling sound as they took effect, causing the wound to heal itself in
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mere minutes. He takes a breath, sitting back up and wiping his face a bit, smiling at Gregory. "Do you feel better..?" It would heal the wound, but his expression drops a little as he realizes
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Gregory is still deathly pale.
10 years ago
Falls quiet when he realises just what the other is doing, watching in fascination. He nods with the question, the action causing him to hiss. He was still lightheaded... But definitely better. He manages a_
10 years ago
Smile for the pheonix, 'All thanks to my personal Sebastian I think if will be.' ((That's the name of the seagull in the little mermaid, right?))
10 years ago
((scuttle. sebastian was the crab))
10 years ago
smiles softly at him, though laughing at the name. "I'm a little more high class than a seagull, but thanks," he hums, leaning in to kiss him. "Do you need me to bring you anything..?" he
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offers, unsure if the other felt well enough to move.
10 years ago
Responds to the kiss, chasing after his lips afterwards. 'Unless you can offer me an arm or a leg,' he jokes, hand sliding into his hair and running through the strands. 'Your company is more than enough.'
10 years ago
hums softly, as if actually considering it. "Those would take so long to regrow," he pouts. Not to mention Shaliza would kill him. "But I can stay here, oui," he smiles, settling down next to him and leaning
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into the touch. "Just don't pass out on me, alright?"
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Relaxes into his hold, nodding slightly. 'Let me atleast close my eyes for a wee while... And maybe, ya should call Eliza.' Not that Francis would know who she is.
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hums, rubbing his back. "...I suppose... but who's that?" he asks with a tilt of his head, trying to remember if he knew an Eliza.
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nuzzles into the other, eyes shutting. He sighs softly, nodding towards the bush behind them. There is a trouser leg poking out. 'No.1 on speed dial,' he explains.
10 years ago
smiels a little at the nuzzling, admiring how adorable Gregory looked when he was docile like this. He hums, looking over in the direction and nodding. "Will do," he replies, gently pulling away to go
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grab the phone and dial the number.
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groans with the loss of contact, curling up in himself slightly. 'Ta...'
10 years ago
keeps his eye on Gregory as he waits for this Eliza to pick up, humming softly in concern.
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hums a little into the phone. "I am going to say no, cherie," he answers as he looks over at Greg. "I assume this is miss Eliza I am speaking to?"
Scotland is
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struggling to stay awake, although he has somewhat managed so far.
10 years ago
((*I am going to say not so good,))
10 years ago
steps over to sit beside Greg again, patting his shoulder. He makes a face, a little offended she thought he was the one that did something. "I'm not some movie villain, calling to threaten you, calm down," he
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huffs. "He does need you to come and probably bring him something to eat as well."
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smiles a little, at least he could tell that she cared for him. "He's alright, but he's lost blood from a stab wound." He goes on to explain where they are, hoping the description was enough.
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hums softly in agreement, murmuring a farewell before he hangs up. He turns back to Gregory, rubbing his back a bit. "Still with me? She'll be here soon, and she seems lovely."
10 years ago
Had been listening to the whole conversation. He somewhat nods, pressing into the affectionate touches. 'She's the best.'
10 years ago
smiles to see Greg's still awake, nodding. "Is she also a little mermaid?" he hums curiously.
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Nods, 'A siren. She's gorgeous.' He soon moves a hand over Francis' lap, to ensure he stays close.
10 years ago
hums happily a the hand on him, leaning in to pepper a few kisses down Greg's jaw. "A siren? Mm, I don't think I've had the pleasure of meting one of those before..."
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Smiles with the sweet kiss was, enjoying the sweet affection in the action. 'You're in for a surprise then. She's far more impressive than tall tales make Siren's out to be.'
10 years ago
arches a brow in surprise at that. "Is that possible?" he asks, hand wandering up Greg's shirt a little. If he kept him distracted, then he could kep him awake, right?
Scotland is
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being kept somewhat awake by the attention, 'Perhaps only she can.' Gregory has a lot of respect, time and love for Elizaveta. He arches away from the heat of Francis' touch, already feeling hot.
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hums, trailing more kisses and nibbling at his ear. "Do you love her?" he asks curiously, noticing the movement and cooling his touch a bit.
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Flushes with the question, breath catching at the teeth. 'She's someone in couldn't imagine life without.'
10 years ago
Sits up when he hears the voice, hissing as a hand comes up
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To his head. He leans forward, trying to deal with the light headedness. 'Elizaveta...' He replies, sounding a little more than green around the gills. He wasn't in a good way at all.
10 years ago
grins at his answer, taking that as a yes. He hums when he notices the water gurgling though, sitting up a bit to watch, and eyes widening at the sight. Gregory certainly hadn't been wrong.... He
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stays quiet though, merely smiling at Eliza in greeting and letting them deal.
10 years ago
Nods, arm going around Elizaveta's waist. He hides his face in Elizaveta's shoulder, nodding at the question. He didn't feel overly hungry but he knew he had to eat. 'I'm sorry.'
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pauses a little as Eliza looks up at him, but smiles back to her with a nod of his head to acknowledge the silent thank you. He pulls away a little to let them have a moment.
10 years ago
blinks at he's address, hesitant, but nodding. "Okay.." he agrees, standing to help. He wasn't about to tell two sea-faring creatures that he couldn't swim and had a fear of the water, of course.
10 years ago
Wraps his arms loosely around Francis, attempting to help. Although it looks like he might barf on Francis' shirt at any
10 years ago
10 years ago
helps lift him, keeping an eye on him. "You don't look so good..." he points out helpfully, really hoping he didn't end up with puke on his chest, since his shirt still sat discarded on the bank.
10 years ago
Holds whatever was threatening to come back up down, hiding his face in Francis neck as they make their way to the water.
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smiles a little at that, kissing the side of his head before they reach the water.
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Presses into the touch briefly before nodding. He goes to find his meal, disappearing under the surface.
10 years ago
smiles as he lets Greg go, though backing up back out of the water and trying to shake the water from his pants. He blinks up at her though, leaning out to take her hand. "Of course hun, I'd hate to leave a
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friend in need," he hums.
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hums softly. "Eating those that you could make friends of will do that," he laughs.
10 years ago
arches a brow at that. "So you have a criteria...?"
Scotland is
10 years ago
quietly eating away, the only sign of such a discarded liver floating to the surface.
10 years ago
makes a face when he spots the liver, sure to look away. He arches a brow at Eliza's criteria though. "So you're a right proper siren then. It's a pleasure to meet you miss," he smiles, making
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mental note not to follow ladies into the woods around here.
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hums, refraining from backing away from her. "That tends to be what happens when you seduce men into the dark, I'm afraid."
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lughs a little nervously, shaking his head. "No, definitely not... that stuff should be reserved for in private," he answers, glancing back out at the water in hopes Gregory would return and break up the
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conversation soon.
10 years ago
freezes up a bit at the nuzzling, though flushing a bit at her affections... she was totally hot, but he was definitely wary of her now. He stays where he is, appreciating being away from the water.
10 years ago
Comes up to grab the liver, planning to bury it under the river bed. He flashes Elizaveta a bit of teeth, a grin of sorts. He seems a little better, if sluggish.
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hums, taking a seat on the grassy part of the shore and watching, smiling at seeing Greg pop out. He felt a little out of place here, but he didn't feel like leaving just yet.
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Seems keen to tend to his wounded pride in the water for a wee while, giving the two a chance to talk.
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laughs a little at that, nodding. "I could tell, pride is nothing I'm unfamiliar with," he hums. He hesitates with the question before morphing to let his feathers grow out a bit from his hair and
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arms. "Phoenix. It's why the wound itself was healed already," he grins, sitting up a bit straighter.
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hums, watching her fingers warily, but allowing it. "Quite opposite," he agrees with a laugh, and grinning at the way she puts it. "Mm, we had a good night of steam in the park~"
10 years ago
laughs too, grinning at her. "Got your eyes on a little fun with him then, do you~?" he teases. "I think the outside part might have been my bad influence," he grins.
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