I feel really uncomfortable about anons posting pics of me and it honestly made me really shitty
and it was a really bad pic of me too, being food deprived and almost delirious.
Don't even give them an ounce of thought. :|
CGL is a cesspool.
Otakon was such a bad con for me and it just made the memories of it worse for me
I've been posted up on CGL way back when and just learned to never go back into that space ever.
Usually I don't, but a friend posted a link of my pic and I was really curious and went on
yeahhh that was a bad idea
That's kinda what happened with me haha......
Also fuck them (the CGL person) with a rake for posting.
offers all the good feels :<
I can say with certainty that /cgl/ is the worst board I've ever been to. Don't take what those anons said about you to heart. They're the worst of the worst.
thanks guys. It really means a lot hearing that
I still have problems on ignoring what strangers have to say about me, but I'm still growing and I know I'll get it one day.
Well it's a fact.
Just move on with the night and not give them thought. That's letting them basically win because they only feed on putting others down and get pleasure esp knowing they made anyone
feel bad.
I mean there's a few good posts every once in a while, but 98% is just ... nope.
cgl is also not as important/popular/influential as it used to be, and yeah, cesspool.
those people will literally make shit up about you if they don't have enough drama.
They made shit up about several friends of ours on there and it was just fucking awful.