Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Responses disabled for others than plurk poster
latest #1074
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Hmm.. Howard's song is oddly nice to listen to. haha
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Got my fon back like finally after 3 weeks instead of 2.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Well. Gotta find an alternative I guess.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Stay tough, girl.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Key in PBS while browsing an album named "69 Porn Stars Demonstrating the Power of Makeup" . XD
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
After thunderstorm, internet is lag.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
I'd always thought I was a left-brain person, for I'm right-handed. After reading this, I find myself more a right-brain person. Bo organized
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Planned to watch Thor. But hor.... the cinema here....plus it's holiday, gotta be crowded, me no gusta.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
没有算天的时候,时间过得特别快。开始算天等待15日的到来时,时间特慢。 还有12天呵。。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
真是的,据说老师得在frog里有所贡献,感觉是跟以前qmt相关于是兴致勃勃地去摸摸看。。哪里知道。。。。。。。。虽说quiz builder什么的还可以。 可是灰常不user-friendly, 你的media只有image 和video可以选,很sienz咧, 害我要去偷人家的flash也不行。。。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
这就是butterfly effect 呵。。。https://www.facebook.com...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
美剧的更新总让人摸不着头绪。。。。 偶尔是一个星期一集,有时又两集,有时虾米拢咪有,一两个星期又回来。有一个更奇怪,一季里爽爽做了十多集,然后就消失几个月,万圣节回来一集,然后又几个月,==
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
不确定华文中学是怎么样的。。。忘了。。。但印象中毕业典礼只是华乐还是school band 偶尔演奏酱,因为实在是很多奖要颁。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
上次的1Malaysia中学,因为非级任,所以还ok, 只是负责当催场类要一直确定学生排列的顺序是对的。印象中也是有人表演silat, 然后有有点lame的合唱团。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
2或3个节目nia. 现在这个小学的,居然节目有31左右,刷了第二天还是有24个。。。walau,....这么多zomok 喔。。。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Saw Wan Yuan posted this, interesting --> cocoafab.com/man-sues-wi...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
The husband is quite entao and charming.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
本来就不特别喜好kitty, 突然看见mcD 又再送kitty然后想到一些人会疯狂地枪就有点=.=". 咦,那个黑炭酱的还蛮特别的。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Was searching for "room-for-rent" ads on the net, manazai came across this ad which made me =.="' --> www.adaharga.com/index.p...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Seriously? You can't even spell iPhone correctly...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Omg the heat is killing me. Gotta find a place to spend the weekends which is cold with minimum expense.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Finally done with my class eh Frog activation. I don't think bringing them to the lab and ask them to activate it themselves is a good idea.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
They might be tablet or smartphone literate, it doesn't make them the Y2 kids computer literate as well. I wonder if 1/3 of them have the chance to get their hands on computer.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Plus the ramdom computer-generated ids and passwords do not follow a pattern and hard to memorize. I activated their acc and changed all the password to abcd1234. XD
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
整形的新闻是假的啊。。。 www.snopes.com/media/not...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
昨晚把frog老师得贡献的东东搞掂了。不懂明天的会议可以skip没有。 XD
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
我后悔了,早知道明天装不懂然后慢慢摸。。明天岂不是那些veteran的一直呱呱叫然后我嘛烦死? 虽然直接给鱼是不对的,可是如果教钓鱼我会过劳死。。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Eder's Game 不错看..Thor 还没看。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
今天在半小时内被问了1)Kamu bukan orang Bahau? 2) U Chinese atau Japan?
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
第一位应该是没有看过我,这是第一次跟她买面包。 第二位。。hmm..你有看过驾motor又会讲国语的Japanese吗?
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
没有life么? 虽然说若在家乡,在下也是挺宅的。。。 只是在这里。。。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
难得它能走,我只好尽可能key in, 即使有些许便意都忍下了。 XD
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Well, well, well. I'm gonna give you another 3 minutes. If you remain static, I shall leave and do my number 2. XP
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
貌似是采用纯文字的bbs, 从很久一直都很受欢迎,感觉现在还是。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
在marvel版,看了没有阿飘的日本都市传说——『我睡了』很刺激,是台湾网友翻译的。现在追着『G縣廚』, 樓主翻譯中,據說故事很長。雖然翻譯文筆很亂,但可看出大意。有其他網友認領接力翻譯,劇情很雷,感覺後續有驚喜?!
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
话说这篇真的跟Obama没有关系。。。正港的manboy经典代表呵。。。。 --> mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appm...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
剛發現upsr的小證書真的是很可笑,如此正式的東東你要用國語就用國語啦,可以不要一半國語一半英文嗎?很kei lei guai..
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
看到fibi桑po的common sense, 想起前一阵子看到的
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Loki's British accent is super sexy!
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
正在看着这个,虽说是恐怖漫画,但同时又很有喜感。 tieba.baidu.com
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
啊啊。link 出错。 是这个--》 tieba.baidu.com/p/241236...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
繼續系列2--> 追逐時間
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
收到风,外国不爽中国在网络媒体四处散播他们的东东,好像要采取行动之类,正在告着百度和qvod。 怪不得之前之前tom365突然server down几天然后欧美相关全数不见掉,现在也是没有欧美相关。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
I would kill for good sitcoms. Rumour has it that CBS is gonna have "How I Met Your Dad". I hope you're good enuff.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
True -->
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Interesting --> www.upworthy.com/2-peopl...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
When it comes to this popular culture, I'm a complete freak. I'm definitely a minority who thinks it's not only overpriced, but also overrated.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Perhaps it has nothing to do with the culture itself, I'm simply not genetically engineered for it.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Unable to type Chinese and lazy to restart the laptop.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
It's surrounded by witchcraft, Frankenstein, necrophilia etc... yet to be discovered.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Nolan Gould plays as a-bit dumb Luke in Modern Family, but he is a real-life genius who has an IQ of 150 and graduated high school at the age of 13. Cool
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
[分享] 日本怪談(?):便利商店
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
说好的11月30日才关网站呢? 想说好呗前几次正常时段试的时候都是转到一半胎死腹中,完全没有进到,今天就早点.Manazai 连log in 都不行, "JRun closed connection."
看到这熟悉的字眼,你们是用joomla的吗? 算了。 我可没那么多青春和你耗。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
噢噢噢太好了。。。。。 飘板的总列表~~都是经典被推的 ~~https://docs.google.com/...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
偶然重遇这个post, 哈哈。。还是和第一次看的时候一样好笑~ www.click-me.com.tw/arti...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
(xmas1) (xmas2) (xmas3) (xmas4) (xmas5) (xmas6) (xmas7) (xmas8) (xmas9) (xmas10) (xmas11) (xmas12) (xmas13) (xmas14) (xmas15)
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Check ur email --> www.haveibeenpwned.com/
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
瓜老母去新加坡玩所以我只好当个两天的全职小贩,然后今天又要帮她跑腿,首先是去bandar baru买100 plus, 俺滴motor只能载一箱,结果今天去了两趟加上太阳特别毒,整个人都干了。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
然后去了crocs 的warehouse sale, 其实是买3双扣RM30, 俺只要买两双,还在斟酌要买几号(不确定俺老母穿几号),突然一对马来夫妇前来搭讪,他们只要买一双,看见我手上有两双,就想说凑一凑,结果皆大欢喜~~ =]
唯一遗憾买回来后发现我妈现在穿那双好像是大一号的。 ==
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Came across with a Lowyat-post titled "Lets tak salary v4". Get a general picture about the salary range in private sector.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Some are making the audience drooling over their salaries while some are apparently underpaid.
A few threads seem to be trolling?
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
For tax payers --> www.imoney.my/articles/t...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
不是有點,而是灰常,那個範圍實在是太廣了。 不懂該往哪兒下手。
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
In dilemma. Feel darn reluctant to attend Sat's thingy. It's something 70% I might not be into if I get it.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
1. Out of ma comfort zone
2. High allowance
3. Pro and world recognized cert
4. Training provided
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
1. Will be stationed in KL, KK or Kuching only.
2. Almost zero prior knowledge in this area
3. I question my spatial intelligence
4. I question my listening skill
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
5. Will be facing screen all the time
6. etc
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Most teachers in my school are damn rich. After taking her maternity leave, Teacher K took 3-month unpaid leave. Then, Teacher W took unpaid leave after suffering from severe morning sickness.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Now, the SPBT teacher planned to take unpaid leave as well.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
After spending my Christmas day at school with Teacher A to put all books in sets, I escaped back to Penang. I felt like a skilled worker doing all those chores, a very skilled worker to put those books in sets
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
For the record, I can only do my job when instructions are given clearly.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
When I asked GPK HEM what I should do, she asked me to consult SPBT teacher. When I asked the latter, she asked me to consult GPK.WTF.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
The problems arise from the admins and SPBT teacher. The formers didn't assist SPBT teacher by assigning more helpers while the latter just waited without taking much initiative.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
I tried to follow the new SPBT system built by u a few years back, but you can only give ambiguous orders which is not entirely your fault.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
I'm sorry to say that I've no choice but to break or mess up ur system. Ur intention was good with strict regulations and so. However, in a long run, it doesn't work, it simply doesn't.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
It might work, with u working yourself to the bone. And your hard work doesn't get u much appreciation and help from the others.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
If you still insist, don't u complain.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Decision made: EPF it is.
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
LOL. Psychology 相关www.bestcomputersciences...
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
I ain't an artistic kind so I google resources all the time. Ready and free resources are plenty but I'm too choosy. (facepalm)
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
Oumuamua says
11 years ago
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I know no one ever wants to take over this assistant SPBT thingy, especially not with this pile of loose ends left by the head of SPBT before her maternity leave.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
When u get the same "post" as I do, I could tell you wanna do ur job too. But babe, whining "So fan ar. They kept asking me for books etc." too often won't help the situation la.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
That's something I need to learn from kh. She always can manage this kinda of chaos with her charm.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I can only work with my not-so-proactive way by replying "Yalor yalor", then tell you my plan of keeping those pieces aside and deal with the big chunks first.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Without getting rid of this large amount of books, you can only look into the BOSS room and wanna burn them all.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Finding those "去年老师欠的书" is like finding a needle in haystack.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Hope you get my point and next week we can clear all these shits together.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I can foresee how this crap is gonna improve my problem-solving skill, which is said to be the thing the school doesn't teach.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I thought of a quote which I like a lot.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's darn true and I would like to add, same goes to the virtues we possess.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Perhaps I'm too sensitive or the other way round, you're too insensitive.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
资深老师A: Ei~几时要出四年级的书?(教师教学用)【两位penolong 在谈spbt很乱的东东】
采取行动: Ignore.(假假没听到)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
内心os: 现在是怎样!??????
回复:咦。。?喔。。。 剪掉就好了。(默默拿剪刀)【B没有进一步行动之意。】(剪-->还给B)
吐槽: 你明明应该是一个很有效率很知道自己在干吗的老师你现在酱小的事你也要来告诉我你到底是要怎样?!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
等了好久啊我的戲, 希望可以一個一個pou tao. TBBT駕到! Yeah~~
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
To those who wish to buy affordable houses --> www.pr1ma.my/
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
今日不積極之目標:休息休息休息slack slack slack。 Gotta clear my freaking mind off you-know-what. Clear some of the space in c drive.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
呼~每回的碎碎念的post真的是慢慢越來越碎碎念的那種whinning. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Is it the typical women whine more? XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
關於SPBT: 那個頭,若不是很想回覆工作相關之訊息/sms,就不要問了。別把熱臉貼去冷屁股。We're doing u a favour. But you don't appreciate it and you put your matter with the admins right upon us.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Fine then, we will do what we can do and you're gonna kaki zhap those loose ends when you're back.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
下星期之目标:1. 出六年级的科学数学科学amali(Monday)
2. Monday - Drag those buku keselamatan & KBSR Y4 texbooks into boss room.
3. Tue - 出那些“去年老师欠我书” pieces. For those 无对证之欠书,just give them and record.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
oh. don't forget 3H's textbooks for teachers.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Enuff for the mutterings.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
人为什么会懒,然后还不知进取,买懒物来辅助惰性。 一直在试着那个今天到的这个
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
真正的理由:放在床上那我就可以躺在床上上网看戏。 XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Andrew Lincoln looks so gay with his beard off. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Snapes and Watson are also in it. hahaha. Interesting to see them looking so differently.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And Mr Bean too.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Penang island is a small and enclosed region so you know you won't get lost. You drive along unfamiliar roads but you always see buildings and houses along the way. (except Batu Ferringhi and Balik Pulau?)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and some mountains mayb.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So when I tried to explore the surrounded towns nearby here. It's frightening.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It felt like the road has led you to Holland. ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
You suppose this is the way but as you ride along, you see only trees and you start to wonder if you're in the middle of nowhere.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Pedalaman. Duh.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm comfy with my motorbike so please let me go back to Penang.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Truth to be told, I like my school. Working environment and colleagues are just fine, even the superiors are good people.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's just...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
If I were to be away from my hometown, at least the pay got to be worth it. XD Like those went to Singapore or abroad.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Or I should learn from dragon bro.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Adapt in such short time and socialize like social butterfy
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
This week is honey week. Tmr is the national public holiday which clashes with the N9 Sultan's birthday. So Tue, Wed and Fri no school. ~~~
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Name her Shelly instead. I'm sure it's a girl's name.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Well, I totally dig it. The accent, the humour, the interaction. Totally....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'll pray for you...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
其实很想去芙蓉瓜雪找ah chey和ah looi 玩,可是。。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后开学后房东老太太大概很无聊,无法在我去上课开我的门。现在居然越来越大胆。 第一次,乘我在后院洗衣时去开我的房门。奈何我房门开起来西北大声
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
今天则是乘我上大号的时候,hello, 厕所就在门旁边ok...
声音显示应该是先去开另位老师的房门,过后再开我的。害我上大号上一半忍不住嘀咕what the hell.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
虽然假期时俺老母说离学校酱近等等原因,要我表搬。 也许她主要担心我搬了一个人住会危险之类的。 话说纵观硬设设施和离校距离来说,这里真的是无懈可击。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
搬家的话需要花上一笔钱,加上违反吸引力法则,心里矛盾不已。 XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
May the Force be with me. Lead me to the right path. Like send me back to Penang or maybe some1 let me rent a furnished house for RM 200-250. that kinda thing. XP
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
May the Force be with you too, my friends.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And also. May the Force be with my family.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
另外一个招牌写着槟城福建面,walau你的汤是那么清是怎样,然后RM4料比我家的RM 2.70 还少。。。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
炒果条来说,RM4, 只放了蛤,没有那个好像葱的菜,没有虾,也没有那个红红的忘了叫什么,有蛋吗?好像没有? 没有锅气。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后你们的伊面清汤叻沙(即咖喱面) 就是同样汤底,然后面不同pattern, 料就是那些酿料。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后tomyam 啊啊啊啊。。那天想说算了,可能华人的都这种pattern. 于是乎去马莱伦的。啊老板你是搞错还是我没讲清楚? 我要里面放maggie的,你就煮即食面给我,又咸到半死,然后加料算我酱贵。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
有一样槟城没有(或许有我不晓得) 但是很好吃的就是萌生面。。啊不,是焖生面。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Saw a fella asking Q on a FB group called e-gTukar Pertukaran Guru Suka Sama Suka
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Berapa ramai guru opsyen TESL (B.Inggeris) di sekolah anda mengajar sekarang?
1. Terlebih
2. Kurang
3. Cukup-cukup
Nyatakan daerah anda mengajar.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
He didn't mention it's for primary or secondary school.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Anyway, most people that replied, I think they are from secondary schools. Most said their schools are lack of BI teachers and schools asked science or arts majored teachers to teach English.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I walk. I snap. I blog.: [2014年梦想]献给儿童一个乐园
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
也许不是很习惯看动漫吧。阿日本动漫怎么都这样? 做一半没有结局就整个呈现...状态。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
20 minutes ago I was waken up by the old landlady. Of course I wasn't pleased. I did something not honourable when she asked me to call some butcher. It wasn't the first time I did it and I know it won't b last
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
*the last
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Living outside taught me a lesson - Don't be nice or kind or people take advantage of u.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
True story.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Like many people, I do believe there are many kind souls in the world. Yet, when you encounter malicious souls, playing kind is certainly not the option.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The daughter has been testing the water. My housemate is certainly out of the picture when she explicitly told her she will not fetch her anymore using her car etc.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Routinely buying bread and occasionally buy milk powder are fine to me. But that's it. The other things, just so you know, I also know how to 装傻 mia.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I know if I give in further, then your daughter think I'm weak-minded and easy to be manipulated.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
About u, still under observation. I couldn't really tell if you're ok or you camouflage under your old age.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's exhausting to constantly being skeptical about human nature. So I've been avoiding social contact with u two all this while.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Just.. stay away from me and we're cool.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
刚刚去洗碗,看见房东阿婆站在窗外窥探,窗已呈现接近90度状态这样。 =,=
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
可惜房东阿婆你不晓得丫。道高一尺,魔高一丈 ( 误—— )
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
我立马把窗帘乔了乔,并用double side tape 粘了粘。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
不是我不肯,我出去的时候,你忘了吩咐。现在你又要我去买。如果我有想出去走走兜风的mood,是没问题啦。可是我不想出去,我已经表示明天才买。东西又不急用,你就是要blah一堆我听不懂的潮州话,也很歹势,我很冷血。 对于你的固执我没有迎合纵容的意思。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
刚才是纯粹不想出去所以还好。记得去年有一次放学回来很累很pek chek 了,我真的是很想falanza。很佩服有耐性的人,不管他们的对象是小孩,还是老人,还是蛮不讲理的人。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
说到这个,发现其实我们(我跟我的兄弟姐妹)也总是会对父母这样,要他们买什么还是做什么,也是得立刻。果然只有至亲可以容忍我们的任性啊。 (内牛满面)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
其实还是很幸运啦,身边较close 的盆友人都很好,一直遇到的都是善良或者无害的人。。。。偶尔来些居心不良的人,我都会发挥“闪功”,闪得远远的,如果闪不到,就脸色不是很好摆明对着你我没有话讲这样。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
想说,晚餐得吃得清淡点,随便点,少点,健康点。 心里却一直想着那些重口味的东东...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Always want things we can't have.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
When I was in Penang 24/7. how I yearned to be out of the island.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
When I officially out of it, how I wish I will stay in it 24/7.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Not sure if it's the place.. not too ulu, hardly a city, if I was in KL I guess it would be same feeling even though it's so "city"
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
*m officially
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!! So freaking real... themetapicture.com/ultra...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
For my dragon friends who believe in fengshui etc
【龙】988苏民峰师傅 马年12生肖运程
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
As a rabbit tail dragon head baby, I kua both lol.
Actually rabbit lai. Esther and Fobi also rabbit
【兔】988苏民峰师傅 马年12生肖运程
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
er.. Sifu, Y U No Talk About $$$?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oh.. gremlin it is. No wonder they look so familiar
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
ahahha. some of these are really hilarious
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
1. 丟三落四,落在某地方了(問題是是哪裡是哪裡啊啊啊啊)
2. 被人偷了。。(這人要么很窮,要么暗地裡暗算我,如果是後者我會“祝福”你。。。XD)
3. 學生把整疊書不懂擺到哪裡了。。(那究竟是哪裡啊啊啊啊啊啊)
4. 某人/學生把整疊書拿去recycle了。。。啊啊啊啊
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Laugh die me ....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
我一直以为,我喜欢看的很有魅力的叔叔是CSI New York的。。。哪里知道,原来是NCIS New York. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说级任老师得每天去点名, 将缺席者的名字和理由写在小小张的纸上,然后交给书记。 某班的级任训练8岁的小级长这么做,然后今天我晨读的时候,某家长过来说A缺席,因为生病这样。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
晨读后,我问小班长,你写谁缺席了吗? 那个A的sebab你写sakit蛤。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Freaked out when my phone couldn't be turned out
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Went black for hours
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Was doing some tests on the net.
1. https://apps.facebook.co... (开朗积极的万能脑哇哈哈哈)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
2. https://apps.facebook.co... (相当男人的大脑75%。。我就只知道我是一个困在女孩儿身体的男孩儿[误])
3. https://apps.facebook.co... (左脑发达的人75%。。俺乃右撇子也,果然没错)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
On my way from KL to Seremban, was stuck in a bus which had broken air condition for one and a half hour. =,=
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Before I left this place, the weather was cloudy and the temperature was like 19 degree Celsius.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
But now...super sunny and shinny day. and I bet the temperature has been up for at least 10 degrees Celsius.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Totally not my cup of tea.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
shared by friend. Sounds interesting -->
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
致几位特会暗恋人的妹子/盆友 --》 暗恋是一门课_《Hello,特雷西》_微漫画-新...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
瞥见伪娘。。然后僧侣居然也玩cosplay? XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
已开始不听音乐的日子里,这首歌,重拾自己对中文音乐的感动。 奇怪,反而觉得翻唱比原唱好听很多,虽然貌似听这首歌之前仅仅听过原唱一回。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Is insomnia contagious?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The one good thing about YES broadband is, it makes u an early sleeper.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It sucked and lagged and it was able to make you feel like not hanging on the net
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
很火的前半周。。。 天气已经够热了,那些c ginna 让人更加火冒三丈。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Thanks both of my ah gongs and all the ang gongs/buddha popi. =]
It must be the blessing in disguise. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
好像怀孕酱,一直想吃tom yam. 昨天去了马来挡买了,赞!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说,月经和遗精都在同一课。 讲完后,俺突然想到,就跟学生说,你们要保持金三角的干净啊。要不然细菌滋生etc, 然后问你在学校一整天回家后记得要换什么?某男生回答,换卫生棉啊? 全班爆笑。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Overspent. ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
在搞了许多废废的网站后,教育部又有新花样,据说要整合全部资料喔。。。system 一片空白等着几十k的级任去key in, n多学生的资料。 几天去开会回来的老师给briefing, 结果被激动的veteran 老师shoot. 真可怜,又不是她的错你shoot 她zomok?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
相信新一代的人们不会再鼓励人当老师,或者说“当老师好哇!" 之类的东东。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The older generation was either being oblivious, or they forgot to tell us, if you plan to be a teacher/civil servant, you've gotta prepare to deal with their shits.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm so freaking tired after spending God-knows-how- long time to key in those shits. Haven't written lesson plans. XP
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
but it's time to hit the hay. ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So true. 很忙很忙。。很累很累。。。被那些不自爱的c ginna 弄到很pek chek 很pek chek. 但还是把这sipek长的文章读完。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Shila's name has been mentioned again recently. It's undeniable that she is a great singer and I've only listened a few songs of hers. but frankly speaking, she doesn't have a much distinguishable voice
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
好像Yuna,Zee Avi..有一种自己的调调。可能是因为比较非主流?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
还好俺key in得快,虽然知道的时候有点迟了,而且是在有补课的weekday, 很累。暂且不论有咪有key错,好佳在于网站瘫痪前都key in完毕。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说这个星期真的是忙盲茫。。。。。。 最讨厌这种安排方法,一年才那4天cuti peristiwa, 有必要在2月就用完一半吗?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
没啥开whatsapp, 群组里蹦那么多未读的东东,俺也跟不上进度。 XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
As an impatient person, I find it harder to hold my temper these days. Blame the weather, blame the encountered spoilts. Some say, "生气是因为自己的修养不够“, not entirely applicable in this case though.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I admit that I don't have this kinda 修养。 Seriously, I dunno how to talk some sense into some kiddo who is only 8/10/11 years old and happens to be lazybones
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and they has irresponsible/busy parents who couldn't care less about their child's education or character.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
认真的话你就输了。 这句话时不时会跑来敲我的脑袋,提醒自己。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I really shouldn't browse this group so often. hmmm.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
One rule doesn't apply to all. You know how differently people behave.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
First thing in the morning, gotta constantly remind myself. Both inner and outer peace are equally important. Practice "seckill"
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
不懂是不是信念这种东东太恐怖了。 话说教师工会的fb group开学至今有许多不是很正面的消息。 然后今天俺同事就中了。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
那死妖怪家长是存有报复心态的,以前她被这位同事的妈妈炒鱿鱼。 (同事妈妈开幼儿园)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
虽然没教过那班,可是我大概知道那个小肥仔懒惰不做功课。 这次事件是偷同学的书,然后很厉害的用marker pen把同学的名字毁尸灭迹。 可惜天网恢恢。 书是跟code的,很明显不是他的书。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
貌似是被鞭一下而已, 感觉老师也没打很大力啊。 总觉得全校老师都没有比我鞭大力吧。。。。 我火一上来就是咻咻声。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这个家长就昨天跟另一个老师complain, 然后居然还诋毁我同事,说她全家都很低贱,说我同事以前常常去勾佬,害到妈妈要打电话求她回来。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
哇塞这究竟是虾米新新时代画风? 而且内容太深看不太懂。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
自从kp 误把“Let Her Go" 当成 Frozen 的“Let It Go" 介绍给我后,我一直听到这首歌。 听听下也不错听~~
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's back. It opened my mind, let me realize that there is one creative way to get rid of a body. Stash the pieces of it in a fridge, make fine cuisine out of it and invite your cop friends to dine it.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Such classy move.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
那个白毛居然继任?hmm. 这个老不死,敛了人民的财富,居然还活那么长。。。 和螺丝麻+娜祭一样。有时忍不住想,天理何在啊。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Another coursemate have made up her mind to quit while my colleague thought of leaving too coz the previous incident with the parent.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Woke up Thursday morning to find out lappie ain't be turned on. Tried the push-power-buttton-for-30s thingy still ain't working.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Went to get the lower right 4-8 wisdom tooth extracted. At first it should be normal extraction, in the end it hd become surgical procedure
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The dentist cracked the tooth into pieces and trimmed my bone. After removed the tooth, found a cyst-like substance and removed it as well. gone thru some scrapping so now face is swollen
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
the swelling spread to chin ytd. please recover to ur normal state as soon as possible.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Don't have to buy a new laptop yeah~~ Bro's laptop is gonna be given to me. OHohohoo. Save money. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Clerk counted tunggakkan wrongly. Now they're gonna take back those shiny ching ching. fml.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Freaking RM 3200++ wtfwtfwtf.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Was surprised with the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Never thought of this could happen.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I thought this time I could escape this route. But I was wrong. With this pang of guilt, I realize I'm obliged somehow.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Till demolition do us part. Or perhaps before demolition, chingchangs come rolling over.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Google Map says it takes 5h22m to complete the 484km journey. I guess it means with 200km/h speed.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
This is adorable........ https://www.facebook.com...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Off to Malacca for 5 days for Program Transformasi Minda. 1st batch of the year.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Spent half a day to prepares a few exercises and notes-like lesson plans for the substitute teacher who is gonna replace me for the coming week.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Me: I won't be here nex week
Teachers: Where're u going?
Me: off for vacation in some hotel. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Gotta rush ma LINUS when I'm back
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Finally finished the 5-day PTM course...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说在冰柜里存放了手工皂,因为放外边的话那皂会一直“流汗”。 大概放了挺久的,刚才房东老太太拿着那皂问我是不是坏了要拿去丢掉这样
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
她一脸惊恐的模样,问我这不能吃吗。。我说是啊不是拿来吃的。 然后那一瞬间我突然想起,这老太太有偷吃房客东西的习惯。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oh. I need more alone-time and rest/sleep time like seriously.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
突然跑去漫画店,manazai 漫画店倒了。附近好像也没有漫画店了。=。=
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
手机里显示的emoticon有时会和sent后显示出来的的不同。 ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
ahahhaha.... I didn't know. XDXD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Had a brief conversation with next-door neighbour. Guan lai landlady eh daughter told her that we, the tenants curi makan their biscuits. 囧
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
做贼的喊抓贼。 听了没觉得生气,反而觉得很好笑。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
might be useful someday..别怪我说的太迟,我也是刚才才知道的,赶紧收藏吧! - The ... or probably not. Not housewifey material
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
laugh die me
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后在不确定是 星期日或星期一的凌晨,潜入校园,jaga应该是在睡觉。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
What a week with the turun padanh
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
*padang thingy
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Actually I don't mind. Just send someone who qualifies please. I like last year's inspector who used to be an Eng Teacher for 20 years. Not this one who didn't even watch the lesson properly. XP
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
最近喜欢的一篇。。。[分享] 日本怪談:二手品
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
喊你把 还蛮独特的,第二季主角们的心理对战很刺激,呈现手法很classy, 对话很深奥(很多不懂的词句),每一场crime scene都很有艺术美感(撇开血腥恐怖角度不谈)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
星期五是运动会彩排,校长说是教师节所以1年级-6年级都要准备茶会。 彩排后开始茶会,各班班主任得驻守自己的班到放学。 WTF。。。这是儿童节吧///
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And all the class teachers have to do the heavy lifting.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Was hardworking and productive when the internet was down for two days...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oh, my weekly dosage...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's true that one of the best teacher's day present is red pen. I do appreciate those received but I really don't know how to deal with some of them. XDXD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
These dogs were trained to wait. ahahahahha.
The Sausage Thief !! Elmo Staffy / The Greedy Chihua...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I like the tattooed girl eh voice especially when she said, "Wait.". But not so likey her laughing voice
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
TBBT 等渐渐走向finale, Y,Y 得等到明年了....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
新updated 的windows 8.1 的lock screen 真的是sipekc丑
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Seriously. It's not 手提电脑 like laptop. It's netbook! which is already suck even it's a well-known brand like hp, let alone Malaysia chap brand.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And it's certainly another ugly stunt pulled by the garbamen, ,either trying to dispose of left-over netbooks or to make money out of this seem-to-be generous act. Thanks, but no thanks.
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
貌似看见一台爱疯。RM6/7元水费拖到RM70++,电费也欠到不懂多少钱,还有landline电话已经被cut的房东女儿,居然拿爱疯。 Okay fine, I'm being judjy. 可是她妈欠我RM23还没还我咧。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Once again, I'm impressed by the writer/writers. The view is gruesome undoubtedly.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I used to be a vivid reader. (facepalm)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
有时候真的很kaypo。话说某天看到某人在facebookliked了某色情page, 于是乎手痒跑去report page.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
FB 办事效率不俗,貌似一星期内/或者几天就回复说已经审核了内容,可是并未发现我所report的nudity and pornography, 并给意见若要report, report by post会比较有效。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
渐渐淡忘此事,前一阵子突然收到FB email, 说是重新review该page, 并将之移除了。很好
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
刚刚又看到一个,居然有8万粉丝。手痒又report了。 真的是很kaypo...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
kp jin gao 潜水。FB memang bomid updates. Here also hardly wu shadows.
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Just for fun or maybe it can solve your puzzle eh
Let's 求签
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Okay, now I'm pondering what 求签called in English.... hmmm
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
虽说最近已转为潜水状态但。。。。How Much Time Have You Wasted on Facebook?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oh... can't wait..
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
OMGOMGOMGOMG This is the most terrifying story I've ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOOSEBUMPSSSSSSSS....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
A few pounds lighter after donating blood. (錯覺)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I wonder if this is the God's plan to control population, a perfect plan without killing.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I guess it's more. Much more. It has far long existed but has been suppressed over the decades.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I knew it! It goes BOM BOM BOM in a row within 24 hours.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Terus bo appetite ki coming back here.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Must be the temperature that eating up my soul.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Need distractions...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Is writing some report card comments. They are long but I don't think I can keep this writing mode for a long time. I probably will write 学习态度佳,再接再厉 this kinda cliche to save time in the future.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
busy die. Ytd was only able to finish half of the comments. The marks are yet to be filled in. Please give me confirmed science marks tmr.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Yet, gonna set the report cards aside first, other tasks to be accomplished.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
My Malay language sucks
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Writing report card comment in Malay proves that getting A for it in SPM gave me a false sense of my-Malay-is-good feeling
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Thanks to google. My writing mode is still like what my colleague that sits next to me said last year, "你在写作文啊?”. Anyhow, google does help, abit copy here abit copy there abit.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It is still very time consuming though.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
especially when it comes to someone who is so ineffective like me (obviously always easily been distracted by some devilish non-work related internet porns thingies and some soaps.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Mind-blown This is amazing!This is amazing!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
一如往常地逛着飘版,每回看到日本怪谈,即使upvotes不高也会点进去看看。当我快速扫描某页时,题目是- [分享] 日本怪談:母親的便條紙。 结果俺看成“母亲的大便纸”。囧
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Second attempt to watch Maleficent has failed.Less thn 4 means they won't play it at all.The only other movie I wanna watch is How to Train a Dragon 2.but only available in 3D, which I don't think it's worth it
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
You'd better hauled your ass back here asap and pay your frigging bills. If the powet gt cut next month you'd be sorry.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Wrong move. Shouldn't have clicked into this kwong hwa yit poh. ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Windows 8 is kinda pain in the ass right now,. After latest windows update, it made a mess on my audio device and apps store. Now I've gotta troubleshoot and try to solve it. wtf
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Woke up at 4 something in the morning. Such ungodly hour.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
那位USM的帅哥怎么变了? 以前就有注意过,非常man-boy的阳光型男孩。貌似不少人问他是否整容了。 hmm. 现在确实看起来脸没那么自然。。比较喜欢之前的你啊。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
These female cyborgs do give me the chills
These Human Robots Will Haunt Your Nightmares
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Definitely a city girl. I thought I would have grown accustomed to this place as I live here longer. So wrong. Food alone is an issue.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Hochai it's at least a small town, if it's a kampung I will be like the narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper".
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这一点真的是很吐血,明明才那么5节,单单作业就有三本,加上抄写,再加上簿子4本。 根本就来不及 //fml。 连panitia都开口说不要那本作业,校长还死死要买,为了赚那么一点钱.wtf.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
转来了一位学生,作业和我们一样多,但簿子只有2本。我们spelling & dictation加起来已经有三十多次了,她的才一半,有无需做book1和MS.怪不得可以教酱快。不管了,把其他elective和晨读 都偷来用。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
管的班整天要complain这个那个,分享那些芝麻绿豆的日常琐事。我说呀,你们真的是sipek 罗嗦。 今天就又在要碎碎念,请你们明天不是上课的时间才讲
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
還蠻有畫面感於是乎有毛骨悚然一下。但聽著一半時我就有點=o=, 天氣醬熱zomok會有阿飄的?那遇飄時段是中午咧,儲藏間也都上鎖估計阿飄是飄在外面的。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
尤其最近看了這些。 XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
美国还真的是修很大。。。Esther Honig
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I don't really into 3D because I know better one is yet to be commercialized.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Today's my housemate last night staying under the same roof. She took an offer from a relative and decided to travel between Seremban and her school to tutor a kid.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Today we had dinner together, took a little stroll and had some conversation.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Looking back past a year and a half, most of the time we didn't even see each other on daily (except weekends) basis, even under the same roof. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The times we had dinner together. I guess not more than 10 times. I almost never jio her coz I know she is saving and always has fruits or bread as dinner.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I guess she assumed me always tabao so she did the same, bo jio. XP
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Recent daily dosage: Horror stories.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
除了一年級生,另外一位3年級生也遇到了阿飄姐,4次。 據說形容的和一年級生的一模一樣。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
明明是一個好post, chi peng 一出現整個直接違和了==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
俺 :(試探性)有沒有人看過那個傳說中在倉庫附近的阿飄? 小屁孩們 :沒有咧,裡面都只是舊書桌椅之類的東東。 俺 :如果有誰看到,介紹給我認識蛤。。。 小屁孩們 : ??? 俺 :我要跟那位阿飄當朋友,若你沒有交功課,我就拜託阿飄姐去 找你......看你還敢不敢不交。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
說是要去買魚來拜神。 我騙說我只有RM20。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm still surprised that it took me so long to see through the nature of the landlady and her daughter. Landlady took slightly longer time, probably becoz she's more experienced and better at acting.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I can see where the daughter gets her lying habit from. If it was the-two-years-ago me, I probably would have bought the whole I-thought-you-overslept saying.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Gotta resist the temptations. 2 or 3 meals a day is the typical routine so just tabao something cheap (still more expensive than Penang. T,T) so that the monthly f&b expenses are within the range.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Why can't I like most of the girls who sometimes only eat 1 meal a day or some fruit/ bread for meals? This could save up a whole lots.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Well, maybe it's because there is about 40% male inside of me. Look at the amount of food I consume per meal. Look at my room. Look at my working desk. Look at my wardrobe.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The Raya holiday, ain't sure if I should be back. 3 days to be in Penang nia. and the travelling, oh the traveling time, and the jam.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
've missed so many great movies. No movies, just wait , patiently shaln't you?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Found the local library a few months back and was thrilled to think that finally some place to hang out with no charge. can bring laptop and stay in air-con room.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So wrong. So friggin' wrong. How can I expect it to be like our state library? with cozy chairs and freezing temperature.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I can deal with the chairs, not the temperature though. It's even hotter than my room. Not even curtains available. Poor librarians. And the daily visitors are within 10, sometimes it's within 5.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
le not-motivated me. le slacking me. le unproductive me.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
le know-that-I-need-to-prepare-next-week-lessons-prior-so-that-i-won't-be-burnt-out-or-unprepared-yet-not-feel-like-touching-any-work-related-thingies me
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Why on earth am I not efficient? Why do I always bong this bong that till it takes up so much time?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
le forever-sitting-in-front-of-my-lappie-watching-series-or-reading-horror-stories-or-surfing-nets me.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Damn you procrastination!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Such a hoarder. haiz
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
看到黃色。 但其實整個所謂顏色的意義只是華人編造出來,實際上米有這回事,沒有科學根據,saja玩玩。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
包租婆女儿的夺命连环calls. == Ignore.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So the next table is sat by a group of teachers.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's funny to see that teachers still tend to talk abt students and work and edu system even out of work. I'm no exception.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Couldn't stand the odd stench inside the house so I went out to an "old town" style cafe. Then got out of there coz of the heat.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and also gotta pee
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Ytd morning when I woke up and wanted to get my first leak of the day, I heard the landlady called out "Laosu..laosu..."
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She was on the floor when I found her. My heart skipped a beat and actually thought if she might die.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She's been in her room most of the time for the past few days. Old people normally don't get much sleep so I figured she's unwell, most probably because of constipation.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I didn't ask. I've grown much colder than last year recently. And I know I should keep my nose out of her or her daughter or anything related to both of them.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
At first I thought she fell when she was on her way to the loo. When I helped her up, she wasn't cry out for pain or anything.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I certainly didn't know how to handle this kind of situation, so I helped her to her bed after she told me to. I asked if she needs to go to the hospital she said nope.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It was an awkward moment when I discovered her on the floor. Her lower part of the body was covered with a blanket stained with faeces. She wasn't wearing any pants.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
In fact, she was still leaking a bit of diluted feaces when I gt her up. I could feel that she needed her dignity so I didn't mention anything.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I asked again if she's okay and if she needed to go to the hospital or anything and she said bosu and nope.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The most awkward part was, I was in dilemma and not sure if I should clean her up. I need to head to school and she didn't seem want me to.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I called her daughter and asked her to come back at once. Passed the phone to her mom and they conversed in Teow Chew, like they always do.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
While I was preparing myself to school, I was shocked to see her to get up from her bed and cleaned herself. I only helped her to wear her pants.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It turns out that she wanted to sit on the 尿盆 then accidentally sat on the floor pulak.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She couldn't control the discharge because she used something-I-dunno-what-it-is-called to help with the bowel movement. ][
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's a right call not help her to clean up. Blanket, pillow, floor. Her daughter ought to do it. Or else she will take advantage and thought I'm a part-time maid or what.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
At first the daughter didn't plan to come back, she said her mom said bosu. and I was like wtf she is freaking old and you should get her checked.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She came back and I didn't meet her. Next-door neighbour said the daughter came back early in the morning and asked her mom to borrow money from the neighbour across the lane.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
That neighbour is a nice uncle who has "given" them money for many times d.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Anyway, he learnt that all his kindness which was supposed to help the old lady has gone right into the daughter's pocket.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So he switched his way by giving food such as rice, only that he found out that some food ha gave has been thrown or given to someone else. Ya. The old lady is picky, real picky.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I used to be so 客气 and I no longer 客气。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
This morning the landlady knocked on my door and wanted to borrow RM 10. I gave her after asking a few questions.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She was already out of money last Thu before her daughter came back on the weekend. I intended to ask the daughter to pay me back and what she did was purposely talking on the phone loudly,
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
even Mrs. Leong(next door neighbour) could hear it.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The daughter asked her friend/relative if she/he could lend her 30 bucks for her momcoz she herself had money which only enough for her to get back KL.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She blamed her mom for not informing her beforehand.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So today when the mother wanted to borrow 10 bucks I was like didn't your precious daughter give you ytd when she was back?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She's like oh the daughter didn't have much money with her pun.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I texted the daughter and ask her to bring enough money for her mom coz she mentioned that she's coming today.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
within 3 minutes, the house phone was ringing.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
First attempt, second attempt, it goes on I guess rhere were 4 or five attempts.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Normally the landlady gets the phone in 3 call attempts. It takes time for her to walk from her bedroom to the kitchen.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Then I'm abit worried and I checked her windows, was relieved to hear her breathing.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
after the house phone, my phone started buzzing. I ignored the calls. Then the house phone again, I cannot tahan the noise so I picked up the phone.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I told her her mom was sleeping. and she asked if her mom wanted to buy anything, i said I duuno I just lend her rm10
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The daughter called back at noon and talked to her mom. After a while, I heard knocking. From the strength and the rhythm I knew the knocker wasn't in good mood. Without waiting for me to open the door
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
the door knob was turned.. And the landlady handed me RM10 and mumbled something like her daughter asked her to give me eh. Her expression wasn't pleased, probably annoyed by me.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I don't particular close with any old people but I always know the social expression- 敬老尊贤。but when it comes to you, it doesn't work this way, especially when I know you're more cunning that you look like
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And also another harm-sap uncle they said
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
After this incident, I decided that when I get old till hard to move around I'm gonna get euthanasia.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Qvod 啊qvod...为虾米啊~~~
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Walau eh. 很多都被和谐化了呀。。。不然就是地区版权。。。看来又要重回BT 时代了
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
qvod挂了,只好看漫画。 终于第一回看伊藤润二的作品。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
虽说九把刀很有名,也听过他的演讲。但实际上只看过《楼下的房客》在线阅读版。那些年 的内容基本上在演讲时他都讲到7788了。瞥见新电影《等一个人咖啡》
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说主角女的看过,男的不懂虾米狼。 但配角阿不思和老板娘很有看头的模样,於是乎翻了在线版的看完,不错。storyline其实并不新鲜,但剧情里的配角们为故事润色不少。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Always has made-up story to scam people's money. This time saying her pulse has left on her friend's car and needs to loan RM 30.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Fine, want a loan,No prb.I took the opportunity to ask her to write the rental receipt, and another proof to state that I've loaned her RM 54 altogether including the previous time when her mom borrowed RM 24.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Then she cincai wrote. borrow RM 54 with a signature. I asked her to include the name and the ic. Then she wrote at the back of borrow. Wrong jor I said, it should be at the front so I asked her to rewrite
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
居然恼羞成怒, said dowan borrow liao so mafan will give me back my money by borrowing from some1 else. I said fine. you better fucking give me back
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
so she went to to talk to the new neighbour etc then give me back my money. God knows what she told the new neighbour this friggin' habitual liar.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Anyway, just leave me alone. FYI, I ain't easy prey like you thought.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Last Thursday worked as a full-day babysitter for a field trip to Kidzania. Those male students sipek sia sui.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
LOL at pulse. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
受一首接一首的karaoke 轰炸,没有半首是老师唱的。大家吃完静静地坐着等某个英勇的人带头先走。真是的,今天补习到5点,明天开会到5点,后天补习到5点。下回我还是不去了。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Mood goes down as the internet does.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Dunno should call it bizarre or fucked up. Modem has been acting up for weeks. Before it went down completely, the internet started to be not working.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Called 100 for a few times, talked to at least 9 customer service representatives. Still couldn't figure out what went wrong in the middle.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
They said my streamyx acc is still linked to my penang phone line and the relocation last year was not successful. Yet I've been using the internet for over a year.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and the line here is not linked to any streamyx acc. =益=
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Prob is not resolved so I have to apply for a new phone line coz the landlady's daughter wouldn't pay the bill and the line has been suspended.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
After the line is installed, I would have to apply for relocation, then wait. Then call 100 again to send the tech guy for modem replacement.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Damn TM net. Suck to the max
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Not sure if it's called pathetic or thrifty. Highly rely on the internet as the main and probably the only source of entertainment. So it crushes me bits by bits when it's no working.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm an addict undoubtedly.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Gonna leave KFC in a few minutes. The internet speed is really awesome by the way.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
moe has blocked FB so even I seize a few chances to surf the internet at school, still it's so restricted. sigh
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
YooHoo~~ Internet is back, like finally! Just found out the technical team works on weekends too.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Over the past few weeks, I've spoken to more than 10 reps via 100. Most of the time I was frustrated, I raised my voice to one rep. I know it wasn't her fault in the first place, but TM messed it up.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So I asked her, it's not your fault but it's your company's so can you fix it, right now?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Now I understand how challenging it is to be a customer service.Have to deal with frustrated customers constantly,clean up people's mess and sometime being yelled to even it is clearly not her/his fault
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Gosh..The heat...>皿<
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Made my heart itch so much to resist the urge to laugh when the landlady daughter talked on phone beside ma windows, again, telling her friend that 不用踩他她/, 他/她会有报应的,你怎样对待人家,人家就会怎样对待你。etc and 什么他/她骗人,他/她以后就会怎样怎样
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Not sure if there is any remakes or spin-offs. no wonder they say less ori movie these days.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Never been to raja uda eh. Will definitely go this one. Oh I miss Chinese pattern eh tomyam so muchiee...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
没有福建面(我的福建面啊啊)、laksa(虽然很少吃laksa)、淋面、卤面、槟城式的curry mee有猪血的那种、teng lang的tomyam浓浓的、那个放醋的面线糊、我家隔壁的lala、红豆搅、椰子搅还有好多好多
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
继续吐槽:然后zomok云吞面=mee kicap, 放的是酿料?几乎全部面食汤类都是放酿料,连那个经济饭aka杂饭都会有酿料,你们不会sienz吗你们不会sienz吗?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
对了,还有粿汁、batu lanchang的鱼饼面、batu lanchang炸木薯还是sweet potato一粒一粒烧烧sipek好吃的、我家夜市那里卖panji 又好吃的mille crepe和nasi ulam、煎饺子、ambra酸梅、豆蔻水、keatpoh、
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
以前在usm的小贩中心后来业主收回了的的宫保辣面、aman damai的 teh ais、bakti便宜的juice。。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
hmmm.... Am I the only one has doubt abt the sresults? What is the average height of ASEAN women and men? Check this nice infographics to know if you measure up.What is the average height of ASEAN women and men? C...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
How come US eh zabo averagely so short geh?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
重看這張cert的感想是,雖然非正式的cert, 可是可以做得有standard一點嗎?你到底是要用國語還是英文?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Holographic phone....cool
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
加埋昨天余下没改的(不包括补习相关),一共15叠~简直破晒记录。。。 加上留堂几位没做功课的小屁孩,多多少少剥削了我改簿子的时间和速度。结果改不完。搬了两叠回家,还有1+2(补习)在办公桌上。 残念。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
You've got some talent, cat --> Mulder opening doors
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm not a fucking atm machine!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's easy to predict that the daughter would be back last weekend for the money collected from the latest tenant.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
When the knocking came along, I frowned right away. I hate this annoying intruding sound, from them, always.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The old wrinkled mom, standing before the door, holding a bunch of keys, said that she couldn't open one of the doors.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Expressionless, I took the keys. Then, she mumbled something, asking if I've RM 10, it turned out that she's worried the cab driver didn't have any changes.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
My first OS was, WTF didn't you just get hell lots money from the tenant? When I learnt that she did have the money, I asked her to pay using her RM 50 note instead
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
My OS on the way to open those doors, wtf you came all the way from KL and you didn't even have RM10 to pay the cab fare are you 15 years ol?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE (mark the sarcasm) on Thursday, the mom again knocked on my door and asked me to loan her RM10.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She always picks the wrong moment pressing my button. Wed onward is the increasing of my exhaustion level, Thu is the worst.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I sort of snapped and I questioned her. Why didn't you keep the rental we give you? Don't give them all to your daughter. Just keep those money. Do you understand me?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Sheer waste of my time. It wasn't the first time I preached. It was like talking to a brick wall
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I still lend her anyway. but what is loaned must be and will be returned. I will see to it.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I know she hasn't been feeling well, for she stayed in her room most of the time. I'm heartless bitch so I couldn't care less and I didn't even ask.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Tue when I was back earlier I bumped into her friend. She came to visit her. and she talked to me for a while
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Let's call her A
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
A received a call from the daughter, asking her to check on her mom. And asked her for advice abt her mom's condition
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
A was pretty straightforward. She asked the daughter to take her mom to KL so that the daughter herself can take care of her.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The daughter told her it's okay for her mom to stay in Bahau, because the teacher (Me) can help. OS:WTF!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And A said the teacher has no obligation to help you, she ain't even your relative and neither do I.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The daughter just bought some adult diapers for her mom and she expects A or me or the new tenant or whoever that comes long can help her mom to change the diapers wtf
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And the mom said she does't want to go to KL because she's worried that I'm be afraid to stay alone in the house.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oh come on, stop fabricating the stories you two! Like mom, like daughter.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The truth is, I'm more afraid if you and your daughter are in the house. Stop knocking on my door and leave me alone.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Sometimes, I do think. Stop whining and get the hell of this place! I will, just not now, after spending on the telephone line. I can hardly save these days.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
还记得很久以前,看戏还是用那种两个洞的带子,用汽车造型东东rewind的年代。那时才刚买hamna不久,周末总会和家人去那里过夜。然后那时在追看“台湾灵异事件“ 这出戏,睡不着,总是觉得外边好像有虾米东东,然后凌晨12++ 爬起来看这个片子,我那时肖了吧。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
小时候印象最深刻的恐怖影像是chucky, 那时好像有梦游几次。 在老家小时候我们三个睡的房间旁面是有个四方形的东东,连着屋顶,要稍微爬上去,没有门,只是放了铁丝网防止野猫之类的,晚上望进去就是无止境的黑暗这样,大概从一开始被chucky吓,到现在还蛮免疫的这样。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
About one month to go.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Anticipate September, it says the new season of TBBT and MF, followed by short school holiday.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Like multimedia stuff so I'm happy to explore FROG VLE. Anyway, the functions available are somehow limited.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Seriously, asking the teachers to design their dashboard? No one can assess except themselves. What's the point then? Always bo use brain eh..
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Sipek lazy so I always steal people's stuff and put them in the site and do some editing. Some of the students luan luan wrote things on the wall or even quarreled...XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
身为一个looi bin的人,我真的很想考这个试,然后拿钱啊啊啊。。zomok native speakers programme 的话就没有消息很不公平这样。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
太久没看鬼片了,我是眯着眼睛看,突然出现的画面刺激太大了。。。。。世界の怖い夜 真夏の震える恐怖40連発!! 2014(1/4)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
該死的。看到有人share自家做的番薯蛋,好想吃batu lanchang food court的番薯蛋和木薯蛋,尤其剛炸上來的時候,燒燒的真的很好吃。。。(流口水狀)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
種子比較強大,所以下載比我下的種子快多了。。但是第一部戲貌似有點問題,一直卡。 下別出看看。連戲劇太laoya, 沒更新.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
在FB看見有人shared的QuizDoo - Result
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
錯了no5和7。那個看過的字, syntax居然錯掉真是的。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
那時在humanity school拿的paper雖然考得不怎麼樣,但覺得那時拿的grammar 相關有讓我的腦在grammar方面開竅了些。 grammar awareness突然ting一下通了,很paiseh地說grammar剛進大學時還是很爛一下的。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
visual vocab 只拿6/10啊。(汗顏)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
原來這個符號- &有名字,我一直以為就叫“and" ..XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Erhmm. some1 should definitely take this XDXD QuizDoo - Question 1
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Internet down again. Some restoration work going on they say. What an ungodly time they've picked
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Never get comfy to use the internet in the public.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
since Thu arr.... It's always a waste of money when the internet is down. My addiction kicks in on daily basis, force me go to some cafe, hence the money gone. XDXD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So I was so frustrated over the internet down time recurrence so I googled for compensation streamyx down sort of things. It turns out WE CAN INDEED ASK FOR COMPENSATION! Not much but I definitely gonna call
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
They sent text saying the technical team is trying to.. blah blah blah. And I know for sure they've taken 2 days off since ytd. No sign of them at all these two days.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Gotta blah blah blah before lappie battery eventually dies out. [
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Room is always messy as usual bt I'm procrastinating.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
gosh the void without the internet. It's killing me and I found myself staring into this void gosh what's wrong with me.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
That lost-ness after busying for whole week and suddenly the emptiness. fml
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
沒有網絡期間想的東東: 難道我能pei lou的東東,就只能是補習嗎?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
綜合各觀點,他應該是一個心機很重的人。so far他對我還算ok, 可能我是唯一的外地人,如果他對我怎樣很不好看吧。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
例子:校長平常很少在學校,都在kopitiam 跟街坊和家長喝茶
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
去年某老師剛來就申請轉校,因為嫁到檳城去。然後突然某天校長在週會後,對所有老師說她申請調去檳城。我還以為哇醬好的校長有sokong, 原來其實是沒有。。。。你沒有sokong就算了,zomok要演戲哦
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
這名督學人很好的樣子,太太我也很喜歡,感覺是很善良會被人欺負的那種。如果她來我也很高興。可是據某老師說,校長跑去跟人家太太說我們的學校的老師有political issues很難搞之類的
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
walau eh,我們非常風平浪靜,相處融洽。最近幾乎每天都有老師自己做烘焙這個那個大家一起吃咧。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
當你想邀請人時,拜託可以有誠意一點嗎? 請柬不是很重要,而且灰常浪費紙,重點是你問的方式。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
用FB rsvp這種撒網式的方法讓我覺得,你是想順便賺紅包錢還是怎樣?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
所以我最後選擇ignored. XDXD。然後過了幾個月後,她用FB msg問。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
雖然只是fb msg,但親自問還是比較有誠意。身為鍵盤人,我是可以接受的。。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
剛才不小心瞥到coursemate,shan 分享的quote, 突然覺得好奇於是stalk了profile一下。好像工作或者生活之類的也很辛苦啊? 都關於什麼hard time, best yet to come之類的東東
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
工作後大概還在適應期,大家都辛苦了。等我們都從菜鳥變老鳥後會比較輕鬆唄~~ Aza aza fighting!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
突然在某人的post看見chi peng的like還是會mou gu dong....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
One tiny upside of living in the suburb is, sometimes you get amazed by the bird species available here. .
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
What I remember seeing in Penang are those big fat pigeons which are almost everywhere in the island, carry god-knows-what virus which I believe they themselves have been infected
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
because of their slow response every time I nearly hit them
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and those black crows, waiting around my high school canteen, seize every chance they get to eat our leftovers.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and then..maybe some swallows, only appear at dusk, reared and manipulated by man for their saliva.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and there is one kind of bird which is quite common but I never knew its name.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
In suburb, I've seen humming birds several times, some yellow birds, some blue birds, some weird birds with long legs,
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
an alternate species of pigeon, smaller size, diff features but same slow response
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
another alternate species of crow, again smaller size, same black feathers, travel in small folock looking for fruits, with red eyes, which I immediately relate it with witchcraft
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's true. Most of them don't feel sorry.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Recently I use another way to deal with rude kids, I ignore them, I looked past them, I don't reply them.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So far I think it's better than scolding.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I don't completely ignore them thou. if they ask something I reply coldly, with distance.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It took some time for them to realize that I'm mad at them.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
If they show improvement upon their behaviour and attitude, I return to my normal self
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Saw some1 sharing photos of their pet sugar glider, reminding me of how I wanted to keep a couple of pet rabbits
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
then reminding me again how I felt not wanting any pets at all coz thinking of the time and energy and love needed to take care of them. The worst part would be the time when you're losing it
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
or see it suffering from illness.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I've been off from newspaper for such a long time, away from the negativity. I always believe that if it's important enuff, people will talk abt it or share it on fb
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I didn't completely aware of the ISIS thingy, no one shared or talked abt it, at least not in Malaysia.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
It's heart wrenching to briefly skim thru some of its information.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and wonder how come karma hasn't done its job.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
how powerless we are, when terrorists attack, be it military-based or political-based.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I recall a scene btw littlefinger and cersei
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Littlefinger pointed out that "Knowledge is power" with elaboration. The statement stirred cersei's wrath righaway.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
so she demonstrated hers with brute force. She said "Power is power."
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
hmmm... it's unnerving to know it's true somehow.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
One thing I love abt GOT is it tells the ugly truths. When justice meets with injustice, justice often lose. It's a brutal world. Many good people were killed, and your heart is shredded into pieces, again
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and again.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
why.. you asked. Those are your favourite characters, those were with integrity, loyalty and other virtues. Why them..why not those evils?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Yet, you hold up your hope for a few that who are still living. You want to see when the justice is served.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Guess I'm neither a optimist nor a pessimist. Merely a realist I suppose
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Fuiyoohh...Will definitely look into it. Have been wanting to watch some night live thingies just not sure which to choose...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
韩国漫画家的诡异漫画还挺好的--》 韓國短篇詭異漫畫《奇怪的箱子》,這天,我收到一個...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
上个星期传下来说太有空的官员将抽样到全国检查pbs, 然后突然间学校我们那些veterans很惊慌,年轻的都很淡定。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说pbs在今年大概年中的时候又再换pattern, 把之前band的东西全数换掉!其实有简化到,可是讲到不清不楚。感觉比较像把表面功夫简化,实际上如果他来时他也也许会质问说,你如何assess学生,标准的换汤不换药
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后excel的要print, 名单又要写。。总之是用一堆纸。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
俺不惊慌,也不淡定。其实是很火,脑子想如果nazir来我好想shoot 对方(误——) , 很多时候我也是自己想象爽。实际情况反而会很俗辣。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
不然就装傻,转个弯来shoot moe.....
吾:oh...betulkah. saya tak tau ni. Kerana dulu macam tu, kemudian tiba-tiba tukar..tidak jelas langsung. Kami semua guru pun sangat keliru.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
吾:Saya sangka ia sudah dipermudahkan macam ni, jadi saya pun ikut saja.. XDXD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
要多练习,其实我觉得在现实中要泼辣点,当然情面要留,可是有些东西还是不要太畏首畏尾,不要随便被bully。 这是要学的东东。so far 遇到的人都ok,除了房东女儿。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后俺觉得他很racist的moe魔头突然有讲有upsr. 没有取消。。真的是6K.kaki kong kaki song
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后 你要买是没有问题,我说这几样可能中敏感货或抛重。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
lol. when pekchekness strikes, even the smallest matter would take a toll on you so easily. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I know many people dream of moving to suburb or rural areas, spending their life planting flowers and veges, surrounded by beautiful nature.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I couldn't help thinking, what about the mosquitoes that haunt you every night? for places like 法宝山。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and when you need something so urgently you would have to drive 2-3 hours to the nearest town etc. XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm getting more forgetful these days. Left another umbrella in Penang after left one in KL.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
A warning it is, shows that I've been letting my guard down and hence the forgetfulness.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
英文高班应该是众多科目里最难出的一科吧。。。。不像有些可以一part一part scan. 而且需要的图片超多的,若大部分都是打字的多好呀。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
而且为了符合syllabus, 翻了n多书,死死要出相关的,偏偏Y4身为最新的kssr学校根本就没啥书,真是要我的命。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
本来就很多工,却偏偏还要纠结排版,排版is a bitch 啊....死死要排到美美才甘愿你是有自虐倾向吗兄弟?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说教师工会这个fb group除了可获得某些资讯外,也是不少老师发牢骚解压的地方。但最近出现了几个trolls, 存心来trolling..搞得有些人看不过眼开启了骂战。。。那。。。。trollers这种人物,乡民们千万别认真啊。认真的话你就输了。。。XDXDXD 也许有些并非trolls而是没有common sense的人,全都归纳同一类呗。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Slept at nearly 5 and woke up at 9...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Sleeping routine is getting bizarre
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The landlady might not be able to pull it through tonight.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm probably heartless coz I don't feel sad or anything at all.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
As I stood at the door and listened expressionlessly to the jibber-jabber of the daughter, I had this OS are you practicing the pity play again?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
she asked if we (another tenant who's sleeping) will be afraid if her mom, and I thought she said afraid of ghost ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
then I realized she probably looked for company tonight. Sorry ah zeh, I need to work tmr and we basically don't have annual leave.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And I have zero experience in handling this
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
then she blah-blah-blah, saying hamid 外面的人都不知道,其实这些年我承受很多。。。etc
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And she gt a bit 暗示,hoping we will help her take care of her mom or hamid. Maybe I TTM. but anyway, you're the last person I wanna have anything to do with
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Seriously this hour liao you still wanna 耍心机?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I don't deal with the whole situation wisely. What does the social norm in this case? I wonder.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I'm not a selfless person so yes, I do avoid helping those who I think that are not worth helping.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Enuff said I suppose.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The landlady seems much better today. I should have thought it thru when the daughter said the landlady might have 回光返照 last night. Apparently she exaggerated the whole thing
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Now thinking back with the deets. hmmm. She has been weak because she had 便秘, then she used the thing that put into anus mia, so she lao sai banyak sampai bo lat.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She should be able to live for a long long time....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Suddenly gonna set Year5 Eng paper
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
such a short notice
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Today's the last day of gao long yah... I hope everything has been shun shun li li for the past 10 days. It's the second year I won't be able to help out at stall.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Seems like a good site for experimenting. Anyway, I'm more an eater, not a cooker.
The Food Lab: Make Your Own Just-Add-Hot-Water Instant Noodles (a...
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
On my way back home, talked to two neighbours and they gave me some heads-up about the daughter. Quote - 她那个人啊,城府很深的...- unquote.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Auntie used eh Chinese word is better than mine!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She is worried that I might be deceived by the wicked one.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
coz I 入世未深。。XDXD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Thanks to both aunties.... Most people here are good people. am grateful to have these people around
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这个星期有幸的吃到了学生分享的面包,其中一位还是平常给我骂因为常神游功课乱来, XD
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
3 out of 4 的班其实虽然懒虫常被俺骂,但和他们相处还是蛮愉快的。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
5年级这孽缘,年头年中还觉得自己比起去年class control有比较好,年尾那些死样子有时让我很想掐死她们。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
得研究那个art of deduction之类的东东呗。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Went to school at 6.45a.m., went back to room at 6.30 p.m. Not because of diligence.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Tmr gonna go back to my room at 6.30p.m. aneh as well, probably the same for the whole damn week.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
he best way to avoid the wicked one. She's up to something. I'm gonna show her that 牛仔俺很忙, just leave me alone!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
瞥見某part time page 裡的徵聘留言,內容如下
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
My agent is looking for ON JOB girl to work.... serious girl needed.
Payment method by cash. Payment base on work more and get more.
Working time is flexible
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Average payment RM20k+ per month.
Interested canditate can pm me tru my fb...i will reply u ASAP.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然後有人就問 :什么工作的
然後原po回答: On job
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
讓我也不禁疑惑,蝦米是on job? goggled了一下,只找到on job training 好像沒有關係,難道所謂的job是blow job? =,=
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Saw some1 shared abt the case of Junko Furuto again. It's always heart-wrenching to read or skim thru the horrifying details, even thought I've read it before.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Ended up reading more of those terrifying murder cases
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
貓 (轉載2CH鬼故事 - 巴哈姆特
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Had been singing the catchy pop song, 'All About That Bass" since before the previous school holiday. Discovered this version of cover...interesting All About That [Upright] Bass - Jazz Meghan Trainor ...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这个也收怪談新耳袋 百物語 百一話~百十話(中文字幕)注:年尾去查看鸡皮疙瘩剧场2有得下载没有。那红衣女(是人不是鬼) 又来了,果然人比较可怕啊。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
突然想起。。其实之前有个骚扰者,是我妈的顾客,目测是中年男子,可能接近40,我不是很会看岁数。虽然次数不频密,但没有耐性的我有几次beh tong很大声的在我妈档口大骂。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
后来觉得我妈说得也对,他原本精神就有问题,我酱紫可能会让他突然ki siao, 就像每次戏里讲的那个trigger。大声骂的我大概是仗着是自己地头,还有家人什么的才那么大胆吧。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
后来就来马口工作啦,然后忘了是几时放假回去时,我妈说那人貌似自杀身亡了,忘了是跳楼还是跳海。我没问详情。其实我有点松了一口气,然后就没有感觉。我不晓得这种反应符合不符合所谓的social conventions,但这就是我真实的感受。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Every time when I had to deal with the daughter, I constantly fought with my conscience. I couldn't tell if I should help or how I should respond.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
But now I'm pretty clear. Sometimes before you decide to help, make sure that you "can" and "are able to" help.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And when it's obvious people have been trying to take advantage of you, it's your responsibility to block them.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
If you give in, they probably get even worse and demand more.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
They never learn the lesson and you bear certain responsibility of it. It's you who gives them the notion that it's okay to exploit people.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Anyway, I'm more a yes-person in general so for this case, I avoid her. Out of sight , out of mind. And she won't think that I'm a free person.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
话说本来Walking Dead不是很想看下去,但新season的第一集有吸引到我咧。 整体很不错
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
突然看见九把刀劈腿的新闻,内容讲什么上摩铁,我看着那个词自己觉得应该是类似轻快铁的交通工具,原来是motel. ==
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Never really get used to easting western food but the pics seem yummilicious!
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
关于AHS, 还以为编剧会没有梗了,想不到有此梗。那个演Siamese Twins的还蛮会演的,感觉就是两个人嘛。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
hmmm....最近一直想吐槽没有淘宝经验的菜鸟们。 他们的思维真的很猎奇,至少在我的观点是如此。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
代运/代购的os, 钱真的是不好赚啊。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
第一回用空运运敏感货中custom inspection, 我也懂代运那里除了催和台面下解决,其实海关那里他们是没有办法控制的。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
所以当customer service 的回复是中custom inpection时,我也就坦然接受了。可是俺的菜鸟朋友觉得要催代运货物才会动,这。。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
只要对方不嫌烦,教对方淘宝我们都okay的。只是很多细节都要注意,我们这些老鸟都是经过多次的trials and errors,有时是用钱买回来的经验啊。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
关于双11, 想试试看可是爆仓所存在的风险让俺有些怯步。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
在槟城的冰友们可以看这个--》 淘宝网双11来了,游戏就能抢红包,快来试手气
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
最近汇率卡在1.8多,印象中充值不曾1.9多。。 2点多是我还没开始自己淘宝之前的盛况呗。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
So on Thursday, I went to the office to sign off , it's late afternoon and here sat the HM. He casually asked me to join the graduation trip held on 22nd n 23rd.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
People are realist don't they. The last year graduation trip's destination is Singapore and they had no problem to have teachers join in.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And this year with the destination Taiping, many rejected etc. '
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The HM said I can get off in Taiping and head back to Penang. I was like I'm not familiar with the area so I dunno where to take the bus.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I didn't exactly answered no but I believe my reply spoke for itself.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
No effing way I'm gonna say yes.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Last year's mid-year trip I was in, this year as well.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Don't exploit me this way, I don't have much weekends spent with my family and friends.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
No especially after I found out how much money they can make off the trips.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
美其名is for students to have field trips, the money earned thru the trips has gone down right into the HM's pocket and he had the nerve not to go the mid-year trip after putting his name in the list.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
MOE has this rule starting this year, stating that every field trip requires at least one male teacher in one bus. We have only one male teacher, not including the HM.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I've been hearing criticisms from my fellow colleagues about how bad the students' discipline is if compared to other schools.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I guess it's freaking true.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And they said because of the HM.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
During the mid-year trip to Kidzania, even the employees couldn't stand them.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I particularly felt irritated during the sports day and the Children's Day celebration.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Well, the admins certainly bear some responsibilities when they didn't install canopies or umbrellas for both days. The kids couldn't stand the heat is an understatement.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The situation was out of hand, from my point of view. I couldn't help but scolding those students who left the court even when the performance was still ongoing. '
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
What really irritated me was, almost none of the teachers actually do anything about it. They seemed to be pretty numb about what's going on
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I felt like an idiot trying to herd the students back to the flock.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
and the hard truth was, the effort was indeed to no avail.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
With only a few teachers busting their assess, it was no way to stop hundred students from wandering off.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
This happened during the Children’s Day celebration. I can't refute a statement from a veteran that, we in fact cannot stop it because of the discipline of the students.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
She one of those that did nothing. I couldn't help imagining maybe they were like me when they first got here, astounded by how the students react during such days. Perhaps they tried, like I did.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
then they stopped trying. Such a sheer waste of time, energy and emotions.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I dunno which to blame, the HM or the whole culture involved every single member of the school.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Lesson learnt. What I'm gonna do next year is...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Neither could I turn a blind eye nor stop myself from bursting out. Then I should switch my attention to something else.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Or even perhaps, I will have turned when the time comes, like the rest.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I was filled with mixed emotions last Friday, hochai I'm a forgetful person which I didn't let them linger much long time.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
about a few hours nia
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
As I'm writing this down, mainly because it's a bin for my endless yet uninspiring ranting and gibberish.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Mayhap a year or years from now, I look back and get to see it from different perspectives.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
*linger for a long time.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Bahau is a small town with rare surnames.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
好像bong shen jee 我个人觉得还蛮韩风的
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Got those damn overall results set.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
2. write report cards. (frowny face)
3. Find the telekom paper and recalculate how much I should pay and go to the center on Monday and call 100 to get some of it waived
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
0. Grab breakfast
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I mean NOW. Stop hovering your cursor here and there.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
看了这个想起以前实习时,看到有个男童鞋喂猫/逗猫(忘记是哪个),然后fibi就说酱紫的男孩子一定不会家暴这样(something like that,她说得比较文绉绉我忘了那句子到底是怎样了)
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
现在比较起来,房东女儿的level是不是很高的那种。 原来我同事也有level比较高的那种厉害角色。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
赞成sh的观点, both.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后根本double standard我很鸭梨。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
当众人都heng喝starbucks或者到特色cafe喝特调时,俺这个逆主流在周末都跑去买kopi 冰。据说是跟着海南式的调法,瞬间我变成了坐在koptiam的auntie uncle.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
1. 她丢某女童鞋的书
2. 她讽刺某女童鞋书都包不好以后嫁不出去
3. 她大骂家协的儿子,措辞不当,用了“你不要以为你是家协的儿子。。。”
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
其实大部分的时候,我只想赶快收完/reject不能过关的,让他们自己快点去弄好来, 没什么注意她说什么。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
直接说校长的不是。 这。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
1. double standard
2. 固执到,我们给意见,副校长给意见,全部都不接受,死硬觉得自己的最好。
3. 一直帮学生补书包书,一直觉得说他们或家长不会。不会就教啊,不会就educate啊,有些趋势不行的可是不是每个啊,能教几个就几个。要不然你就不用酱严啊,简直是自讨苦吃。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
20 days to go.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后毕业后很久的某天,可能是facebook在旁边gai siao, 在加上很多mutual friends, 可能他以为我也是理华的,不懂zomok add了俺。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后某天突然瞥见那位帅哥的在facebook 的脸这么跟以前在usm的不一样。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
今天瞥见他po的selfie, 再看到某comment. 突然精神起来。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Love it wh6en justice is s\erved
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
spilt water on keyboard now it's acting55 up\
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
These\ articles\ are\ well\ written
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
hat\ it\ when\ spac\ keep\ eatin\ u\ the\ letters
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Note to self: Keep ur composure for the coming week n try not to lose it like previous times. Screw it, not worth punishing urself or others for shitty rules like these.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
clicking the keyboard thru google pinyin is not awesome
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
一脸indifference就对了。I don't give a fuck这样。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
有位年轻的大我两年的老师,其实我很欣赏她的class management skill, 可是几个老师提醒俺这人得提防,然后有举例这样,,是有心机的种类。。。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
关于spbt阿头,恰恰好是那位老师的好朋友。貌似阿头也是不简单,姑且不谈她如何不简单。但我好想吐槽spbt, 搞到我们两位表示鸭梨很大。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
1. 不可以用现成书套
2. 包书纸破了不可以用costape粘,得重新包过
3. 不可以两层
4. 有时包书纸是去年的,不是很干净也reject
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
拆和拉到我falanza, 遇到破很大的我就发飙了
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后真的是double standard, 我是有时发飙骂。她是看对象,如果你是她朋友的孩子,有钱人的孩子,和长得好看的孩子,好像都没有事?
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
然后那位明明不是她的错,她全部书都有重新包过,是上一位用iron根本不能拆所以才两层你又骂? 真的是为她叫屈。。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
The\ play'-/long of commenters\ has made the story sounds legible and has caused a panic WTF is going on in Pinal county, Arizona?? : nosleep
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
can't wait....5days to go
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Think\ of\ the\ song\ again....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
guru\ guru\ engkaulah\ seekor\ lembu....
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
like\ the\ gossips\ but\ hate\ the\ conflicts. What\ an\ irony...
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
things\ have5\ been\ going on these\ days.\ From\ office\ to\ house.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Made a little brat\ I\ met in pudu sentral\ cry ytd. 哼。睬你都傻。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I was\ waiting for my bus. And\5Malay\ kids\ were\ playing around there.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
This Malay boy chanted something and\ walked\ towards an area\ beside me where another two Malay boys were playing. .
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
And\ I\ realised\ what\ he chanted\ was\ not some song or poem. He \said\ '-/'-/ "XX macam pondan"over and over\ again
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I glared\ at\ \him. Waiting for him to\ stop. He \suddenly marched towards\ the kid (XX)\ and\ kicked\ him.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I shouted "Oi!" And scolded him. He mumbled\ something and\ cried.==""
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
wtf. you're the bully stop\ acting as\ if\ you're the victim
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
I shot him a fierce look and ignored him.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
For\ some\ unknown\ reasons the\ number\ 6\ keep\ appearing\ in\ my\ life
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这是恶搞版的还是。。。? 【@與歐洲有關的一切/台灣微博精選】
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
电话掉地上n次了都没有事,想不到今日跌到点上, 荧幕裂了,裂了我想说没关系应该还可以吧,mana tau touch screen上半段直接malfunction.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
可能他讨厌这首歌? XD 魔音 Waking up our puppy to his favorite song "let it go"
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
以后买laptop相关果然要买extended warranty.
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
这次换了- touch pad, keyboard 和motherboard。 话说这机种我从我弟那里接手还不到半年啊。
Oumuamua says
10 years ago
那天yong sin看到我按电话的方式忍不住说你可以不要酱大力吗? 简直一语惊醒俺。。。。我真的是超级粗鲁。对电脑亦是如此。。
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Mine -->
Oumuamua shares
10 years ago
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
这几天最红的新闻莫过于老师自残(但我会认为她是以家长的角度)和 cari 的贪吃大王。
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
本人觉得今日最好笑的是 --》 『其实我忍住大便回家大,为什么说我贪公司厕所纸呢?我如果再公司大便,公司要多付水费,厕所纸肯定是要花了,现在我拿回家大便,还帮公司省水费,公司没有奖励我还要怪我?』
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Saw my Nov bill and I'm beh syok. How dare you touched my phone and called 103. Although it's merely RM0.60 being charged in total, line is line.
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
I texted the daughter and she claimed that she never used my phone blah blah blah. So you're saying that I was in Bahau on 29th Nov, during the school holiday? Do you think that I'm an idiot?
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
But I regretted after a short while, it's a sheer waste of time reasoning with someone like her. Totally not worth my time.
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
And you will never be able to reason with 中二. Enuff said.
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Clutter, clutter, clutter=clutters sigh
Oumuamua shares
9 years ago
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
很久以前算过了,提醒下自己。 How Much Time Have You Wasted on Facebook?
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
I think it's longer than that though
Oumuamua says
9 years ago
Since Oct 14, 2007
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