10 years ago
[Event]had fought long and hard with the demon. He wasn't sure how long he had but he hoped it was enough for what Elizaveta had in store. He had the phone out and had dialled her number.
latest #338
10 years ago
is a little out of breath. "Ja, where are you?" He didn't want to waste time.
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starts in that direction. "I'll see you soon." He says before hanging up and trying to get there as quickly as possible.
10 years ago
spots her at the docks and quickly makes his way towards her a little on edge. "Elizaveta...I'm here." He's glancing around curiously.
10 years ago
flushes at the command to take of his clothes but he does listen. He starts eating the strange plant. When the gills begin to form he cringes but other than that he doesn't show further discomfort. He
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pulls off his clothes and gently runs his hands over his new formed gills. How strange. "I'm ready."
10 years ago
is not afraid of her. He jumps into the water swimming over to her and wrapping an arm around her waist. He gently runs his free hand down her tail admiringly. "Let's go. "
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is amazed with the feeling of being able to breath under water. His conscious was accustomed to needing to hold his breath so it was a nice change. His grip tightens on her and he's more focused on
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admiring her than the things necessarily around him but he does look around now and then admiring the sight and feel.
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knows that he can't help her much when it comes to swimming and so only remains still holding on tightly. The soothing sound isn't entirely heard but it was the thought that counted.
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smiles at that and runs his fingers down her spine. He owed her a lot already.
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subconsciously closes his eyes when it gets dark and when they come out of the darkness he marvels at the sight. He'd definitely have to write about it if he survived this.
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comes out of the water feeling a little guilty he couldn't help her. "I'm good." He replies as he helps her a bit in her exhaustion.
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would prefer not being nude when meeting someone new. He goes over and puts one on. He's glancing around curiously at the place. "Who are we meeting?"
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's brows knit together contemplatively. "Royalty...I'll make sure to show my respect."
10 years ago
eyes them up as he stays close to Elizaveta. He was out of sorts in how to act here.
10 years ago
| There was something about the high ceiling room and the whiteness of the place that screamed a type of luxury that Ludwig wasn't even close to being familiar with, not even through history
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books. His gaze immediately falls on the figure on the throne and he's amazed at how beautiful she is much in the same way as Elizaveta. He doesn't say anything but rather waits till he knows when
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to greet which he assumed was after they were acknowledged. It didn't make it less awkward.
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had had enough sense to mimic her but with more of a bow. The gesture didn't suit him very well but at least he had tried.
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only acknowledges them then. She stands and gives them a tiny hint of a curtsey before she comes down the stairs towards them. It's clear from the click of her shoes on the marble that she's fully human for the
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moment. "A mermaid and a hunter- a rare pair indeed," she says conversationally.
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flushes as well...was it really that obvious. He remains quiet and let's Elizaveta do all the talking. He concentrates on not letting the demon resurface.
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just smiles. She is being quietly polite to them, as was her way. She'd hadn't had many guests- only the occasional sea-dwelling person come to present their children. She looks to Eliza for the moment,
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directing her attention to her. "Your race hasn't had much luck with human men.... I'm surprised to see you've gone to so much trouble for him..." She turns her eyes to Ludwig at that though. "And you. What is
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it wrong with you?" She could sense something not quite human in him, but wouldn't pry further than she had to.
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watches the exchange before meeting her gaze when he's spoken too. "I've been possessed by a demon..." He says getting straight to the point. There was no reason to beat around the bush.
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nods and she considers the two of them. After a moment, as though she'd read her mind, "I do remember you." She smiles. "You were the little angelfish. A cute pink dress you picked." After a moment, she calls a
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page boy over. "I'll give you a gift, for paying your respects. Follow him." Really she needed to be alone with this human to work out his issues.
10 years ago
becomes a little more nervous as Elizaveta is asked to leave. He doesn't say anything of course rather remaining quiet until spoken too. He also felt mildly uncomfortable in the robe preferring a set
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of pants better.
10 years ago
can feel his nerves and gives him a little smile. "Come with me, hunter. I'll take care of your demon problem." She hums softly. "I ask a price, for things like this. But I shall have to peak into your soul to
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see how difficult the demon will be before I make a request." She glances over at him. "I'll give you a chance to step back, if my price is too high."Though in the case of demons, she wonders if there is
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price too high.
10 years ago
did want to know what the price is...there were a few things he'd say no too and lose himself to the demon than sacrifice but it all depended in what. "Does it feel invasive when you look into my
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Cerise gives
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a wry sort of smile. "Looking into, no," she says. "You can't feel it at all." She pauses and lets him into a smaller chamber room off the side of the main room. It's clearly a room she uses to work spells for
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guests. There's a large raised dais with a bed there. Symbols- some so ancient humans had never seen them- decorate the walls. "When I pry the demon off of it, however," she pauses and gives him an apologetic
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smile. "There will be....discomfort."
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sighs he had figured as much. "It can't be helped."
Cerise gives
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him a little smile. "For what it's worth, I'll heal the injuries of your body. To make sure you don't die with extraction." Demons could ride a body that was technically dead that they held together with their
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power, so it was necessary. "Lay on the bed now. I have to change."
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nods as he eyes the bed before laying on it. This would be worth it.
10 years ago
moves behind a curtain and when she comes out her magnificent dress has been replace with a more utilitarian long sleeved button up shirt. Her legs have been replaced with a mass of blue black tentacles. She
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comes to his side. "LEt's get started now shall we?" she asks, a tentacle, sliding onto his chest.
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eyes them curiously before shivering at how it feels when it slides over his chest. "Let me know what the price is before you do anything permanent...please."
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nods and smiles, though now her eyes are completely blue, no whites. There's a slit of black in the center. "Of course," she says. She puts one hand gently on his forehead. The tentacle pushes down, and she
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sends a tendril into his soul, though all he'll feel is a slight pressure on his chest.
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subconsciously holds his breath, closing his eyes as he waits for the verdict. As she wanders into his soul what she sees is a pure soul that is polluted with so much black. A force that emits quite a
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bit of power it's a wonder e hasn't been killed off to only become a vessel.
Cerise is
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rather shocked by how polluted his soul is at this point, and she says as much. "You're powerful. Weaker souls would be gone already--" but her voice cuts off suddenly as she identifies this demon and she jerks
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back, her calm gentle human face becoming for a moment monstrous and she hisses.
10 years ago
opens his eyes gasping a bit in pain when even the demon seems to recognize who she is. He struggles for a moment trying to keep control but it's taking a toll on him because the demon is fighting
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tooth and nail.
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sees that the demon is trying to wrestle control from him, but she is quick to move, knowing that she has the upper hand just now. This was her domain, crafted specifically to amplify her powers. Chains come
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out and wrap around his wrists and ankles- all of them with ancient symbols carved in made for quelling power. She puts a hand to his chest and sends a shock through him- it hurts but the demon is stunned for
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a few more minutes at least.
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let's out a gasp of pain but is glad for the chains and the slight moment of reprieve. "What's your price...before I can't agree to it." There's an almost desperate look to him because he knows he's
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losing the battle.
Cerise has
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a fierce expression on her face, triumph and a mix of hatred and haughtiness. "A pint of blood," No more than a donation might be, "And I get to keep the demon." She sends a page boy running to get a vessel
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to house it. "This demon has killed more than human children." Implying that this was a long standing debt she planned to exact from him.
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furrows his brows as he arches up in pain. "Take the blood..." He gasps. "I only know of the kids...what else?"
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nods and she puts a hand on his forehead, holding his head down. "More than human children," she says, putting emphasis on human now. "He's destroyed my..." she doesn't continue though, knowing he must get it
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now. "I'll heal you first. Quick but fierce sort of burning sensation. Then I'll pry it out." At this, one of her golems has returned with a broken puppet. It's not a dead or dying human, but with a bit of
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magic it looks that way. With her powers, she could force it into this vessel.
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muscles tense and relax as he tries to keep from losing control. The demon had gotten even made enemies in far off places. He pants closing his eyes. "I don't think I can get any readier."
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nods and grins, a horrible sort of grin that most humans would never see. It's good his eyes are closed. "Close your mouth tight so you don't bite your tongue off." Several tentacles are on his chest now, and
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then the burning starts as she corrects anything and everything broken, even healing the flesh that Elizabeta had torn from him.
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's expression contorts into one of pain but he doesn't move or make a sound as the burning persists. In it's wake his sore body starts to feel a little better but he's still hurting.
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takes a breath, and now she says, "And I start now." This time the pressure isn't all there is. She's pushed several tentacles into him- though it's not affecting his body in any noticeable way. She is reaching
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straight into his soul and she grabs the demon with her tentacles and she's prying it free from him. As expected, it's not a very pleasant process.
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can't keep his mouth shut as he cries out in pain, withering and pulling at his restraints as she begins to rip the demon from him. Tears are streaming down his face as he closes his eyes shut trying
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hard to help her in pulling it out. The demon, of course, isn't to pleased and puts up quite a fight as it thrashes in her hold trying to claw back around Ludwig's soul wanting to remain in this
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vessel than deal with an old enemy that he'd much rather avoid. "He's mine!!" It hisses at Cerise but it looks like a losing battle. Ludwig, on the other hand is on the precipice of consciousness as
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he notices things fade in and out of black.
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hisses back at the creature as she finally after several minutes of thrashing and fighting with it, pulls it out. "And you're mine," she hisses back at it as she carries the thrashing demonic black cloud to
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force it into the doll. Once there it'd have no powers to draw on. Demons fed on human souls to fuel their magic.... and he'd find no soul in this toy. The chains on Ludwig loosen and fall away as she busies
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herself sealing the demon in its new prison.
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sags against the bed panting and finding everything around him very blurry and a little surreal. The demon, due to the fact that it can't properly function without a vessel latches onto the doll. Upon
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realizing that it's just that it lets out a loud an horrific scream as it lurches forward to try to harm Cerise only to realise that it's no longer a threat because it can't summon it's power. "I will
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destroy you!!" Of course that was more of an empty threat and the lack of soul begins to drain the demons strength as it practically crumbles to the floor in a heaving mess.
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grins in an almost feral way at his threat, but as it crumbles to the floor, realizing it can't leave the doll for the seals she's placed on it. She summons several golems. "Take
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it to a holding room, one with demon suppression, that's a goo dear." When she turns toward Ludwig again, her face is human and incredibly chipper and happy. She'd have her revenge yet. She comes over to him
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to mop the tears from his face and cheeks. stroking the hair back from his face.
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had managed to catch his breath. "I...I think I need to sleep this off.." He gets out before passing out.
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smiles gently down at him and she nods, letting him pass out. While he's out, she takes a pint of his blood, as agreed, and she uses magic to transport him to a lush guest room, satin sheets and curtains around
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the bed. He'd wake up in luxury for delivering to her a great and hated enemy. Soon after Eliza is sent up to him to watch over him while he slept.
10 years ago
wakes up a long time after. He blinks awake an at firs everything that had occurred he thought was just a hopeful dream. However, when he realises his surroundings and the person beside him his heart
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swells in relief, happiness and peace. He shifts pulling Elizaveta closer and kissing the top of her head. He couldn't remember feeling so free and happy ever since the demon took over.
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smiles at her. "Ja, very much awake. How long were you here by my side for?"
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kisses her a little more deeply in his enthusiasm at being liberated. "I think she was looking for that demon for a long time."
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is in a very good mood. "It fought tooth in nail to stay but she managed to rip it out of me and capture it in a doll. It couldn't find a soul, crumbled and was taken away...I passed out afterwards
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it was to much pain."
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rolls on top of her settling in between her legs as he kisses her several more times deeply and passionately. "Thank you." He murmurs against her lips. "I can't even express how thankful I am."
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chuckles as he enjoys the kisses. "All she wanted was a pint of blood...I hardly feel like that's an adequate price."
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hopes that's the case. "He deserves everything coming to him." He kisses her lips a little more gently.
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smiles and peppers her face with kisses. "If it wasn't for you she might not have been able too."
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can't disagree with that. He rolls back onto his back basking in the peacefulness...he just felt so good. He takes in a deep breath as if it's his first one. "Thank you anyway." He says again.
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pulls her tighter against him. "I feel better an I think it has a lot to do with having a lot of my injuries healed."
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hums and kisses the top of her head settling down a bit. "Is there any way I can repay you?"
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thinks that may be a good idea. "I doubt I will but not a bad idea." The only reason he was possesses was because he got to a point that he couldn't fight back.
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chuckles. "Ja, it would. Do you need to get back to your bar?"
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interest catches at that. "I would like to look around. It's not every day I can see something like this."
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isn't surprised. "Of course not...humans don't have good history with humans."
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gets up and nods stretching a bit before fixing his robe and hair to look at least a little presentable. "Where do you recommend first?"
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finds that interesting. "Does that mean your place of birth is bear here?" He's already heading out of the room and making his way down one of the large hallways.
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follows her finding it hard to imagine a child Elizaveta. "What is this place called by the way?"
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nods. "It's very hard to believe considering what Plato wrote about the infamous lost city." He replies. "Was she once human or always from the sea?"
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almost gapes as he starts to wander the area studying and gazing at everything. There were so many things that should have been destroyed and lost forever. "This is...amazing.."
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could stay here or hours. "Do you know the history for some of these items?"
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takes the book. "I'm assuming they don't have it in German?" He smiles lightly. The English was fine. He heads to an item and reads the description before heading to another.
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smiles as he leans forward and kisses the top of her head before heading towards several other artifacts wanting to make the most of this.
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wonders how long they can stay. He was sure if he didn't have to eat or drink he'd stay forever. She might have to pull him away.
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wonders if he could come back. He goes from room to room fascinated.
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will definitely do that. "I'll have to do that. We should probably go..."
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nods lightly. "Ja, that would be wise." He hoped his brother was around.
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managed to ask his question and was much more at ease with her than from his first time. There is a bit of chatting before they are heading to properly leave.
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waves them off, inviting the 'Angelfish and her Hunter' to come back again. When you've lived as long as her, evocative words made people easier to remember than names. She sends page boys to see them to the
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10 years ago
recognizes the area they had come into and as he was passing a hallway he notices something out of place. "Ah..wait, Duchesse."
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pauses and looks back, smiling in her polite serene way.
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frowns. "What is the meaning of this?" He asks motioning to his younger self.
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blinks and looks down. "It makes them look more human," she says. "It's better than stealing real humans, don't you think." She pats the boy's head and he smiles at her. "He has a good look for suits."
10 years ago
flushes a bit. It was odd seeing himself so young. "I see..." He's pulling off his robe and folding it a little self conscious that he's nude before eating the plant and feeling the gills grow back.
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"You were cute, when you were young," She says before she disappears back down the hallway.
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flushes a dark red. "My brother likes to remind me...lets go..."
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slips in after her and wraps a secure arm around her waist. He nods at her to signal he's ready.
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had to keep his eyes closed this time because of lack of goggles. He was fine with that seeing as he'd already seen so much. When he resurfaces he pulls himself back up on the dock and offers his hand
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to Elizaveta unsure if she was resurfacing or staying in the water.
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takes it gratefully and eats it. None of the plants he'd been given ha been particularly tasteful. He's quick to find his clothes and pull them on as well. "Why did you decide to live with humans?" He
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asks out of the blue.
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flushes lightly and can't help but stare for a little bit before pulling his gaze away. He clears his throat a bit. "I see..." He knew he had seen her naked many times but it always seemed different
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when someone was half dressed.
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smiles lightly. "There are some interesting things." He agrees. "But there is a lot of danger that comes with modern conveniences."
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knows they don't look immaculate but he didn't care so much. "Can I take you out for dinner?"
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smiles at this. "Do you have a preference in food?"
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glances down at her and wraps an arm around her as he begins to lead her to town.
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flushes at that. "It was hard to tell..." He spots a quaint little restaurant and makes sure to open the door for her before entering afterwards. Upon entering they were immediately seated in a far
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in a far corner at a table for two. The menus being left behind.
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squeezes it gently. "Better this way?"
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flushes a bit at was probably a long time since he's been like that if ever he can really remember. "I have good reason to be right now." He replies.
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hadn't quite noticed. Then again, he was generally a very tense person. "Do you know what you want to eat?"
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smiles lightly. "Let's order than." He flags down the waiter and waits for Elizaveta to order before he orders himself.
10 years ago
| The only indication that he could feel her foot run up his calf was the flush that spread across his cheeks. He extends his leg closer to her.
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shifts a little in his seat. A part of him wanted to tell her this was inappropriate in a public setting but there weren't that many people on the restaurant and it felt nice.
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flushes a little darker as he shifts in his seat again. He clears his throat out of embarrassment. "I'll continue helping my brother. We work well together and it's really all I know."
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is trying to quell his flush. "You're very distracting." He exhales. "Do you do this to all your dates?" He makes sure to say this so only they can hear.
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flushes darker at the question alone. "I can tell you're enjoying yourself." As he says the food is brought out and he has to turn away so they don't notice how red he is. He didn't need to be
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embarrassed more than he already was.
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let's out a sigh. He thanks the waiter and waits for her before starting on his food.
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does enjoy his food. He occasionally glances up at her watching her fondly.
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smiles. "I'm glad you like it." He knew it wasn't anything special but he couldn't afford more than this unfortunately.
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's lip curves up. "I'm not picky. I like both. Surprise me."
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flushes a bit at the reminder. "I didn't tell him anything you wouldn't want me too." He replies truthfully.
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can't always tell with Gilbert. "Ja...probably."
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smiles lightly. "Very odd."
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brings her hand to his lips kissing it lightly. "Ja, I like that it doesn't matter. As it shouldn't."
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flushes a bit. "It's a beautiful tail." He agrees.
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frowns. "Why?"
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's frown deepens. "A sex toy...Elizaveta why would you want to be one?"
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feels a little relieved that he didn't want to be. "They aren't worth it. It's very beautiful."
10 years ago
chuckles. "Is that so? That's good to know."
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smiles at her. "I may have caught on."
10 years ago
laughs. "I think it might be a little late. Don't you think?" He grasps her hand a little better. "Want dessert or are you ready to leave?"
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flushes. "I could also just message my brother...but realistically it shouldn't take me long."
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flags the waiter for the check and pays for the meal. "I'll go talk to my brother and I'll meet you at your place, ja?"
10 years ago
walks her to the door before leaning down to kiss her goodbye. "I shouldn't be more than an hour. I'll see you soon."
10 years ago
, as he had promised, was back within the hour. Gilbert hadn't been there so he left a written message and a text message. He was flush when he arrived at Elizaveta's door. He knocks on the door
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preferring it over the doorbell.
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nearly gapes at the sight that meets him at the door. He's so mesmerized by the way she looks he's more than happy when she leads him in. "I was only gone forty minutes? Are we going somewhere?" He
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exhales huskily. Her look alone riling him up. He makes sure the door is closed behind him before he's pulling her closer by her waist.
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nuzzles the side of her neck gently moving her curls to one side. "I haven't gotten half way in your house and I know I won't want to go to much further." He breathes against her neck. "You smell
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really good..."
10 years ago
wraps his arms around her and runs his hands down her stomach. "You look beautiful regardless..." He murmurs planting simple kisses under her ear and along that curve.
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smiles against her skin. "I like that idea..." His hands wander down her thighs and then back up her thighs. "Are there more surprises upstairs?"
10 years ago
lets her turn in his arms and kisses her back gently guiding her towards the bedroom. "How patient do I need to be to see them?"
10 years ago
understands why people follow the singing. It was very beautiful. There is a moment of slight bafflement before he's taking the steps by two an turning into the room. If this was the decision she was
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Talking about than he certainly made it quick.
10 years ago
's flush deepens at the sight of all the possibilities. So this is what she meant. He swallows as he gazes at everything. "Handcuffs...and a hot tub? Gott..."
10 years ago
can't help but laugh lightly but out embarrassment. "But...I owe you. Although, I couldn't ask for more...are you sure?"
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flushes a deep red. "Can...can we try several things?" He wasn't sure why he was embarrassed all of a sudden.
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slowly makes his way over to the bed stopping to take of his shoes (which he probably should have taken off at the door) and crawling over to her and kissing her deeply.
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presses for a few more kisses. "Handcuffs and chocolate syrup?" He asks but knows that she'll agree. This entire evening was her surprise for him.
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smiles against her lips. "No worries there." He hums as he pushes her dress higher up her thighs. "I want your clothes off...but I want you to take them off for me." He liked a show especially when
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she was dressed so nicely.
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takes in the sight as his eyes longer on her exposed side following the fingers as they push her dress off her shoulders and down her stomach. The pink pasties cause him to inwardly groan as he goes
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to pull off his shirt. "You really did think of everything." He moans as he shuffles forward before sitting on his hunches to trail a hand down her neck, chest, breasts and stomach letting a few
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fingers dip under the waistband of her lacy under wear to tug on it lightly as he pulls her forward for a kiss biting her bottom lip an also tugging that.
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smiles against her lips as he deepens it snaking an arm around her waist to press her hard against him. He then lays her down properly on the bed freeing his arm and running them both up her arms as
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he pins them above her head. He'd get to the handcuffs in just a second.
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gently rocks his hips against hers before getting a hold of the handcuffs and cuffing her to her own bed making his hands free again.
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pulls back to admire he look of disarray. " you ever not look good." He groans as he reaches for the chocolate syrup holding it in his hand testingly. "Let me taste you with chocolate."
10 years ago
smiles at that as he opens the chocolate and gently squeezes a trail going from each breast down her stomach and back up again. "You paint a fine portrait." He hums as he leans down letting his tongue
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trail over the chocolate on her breast.
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