10 years ago
[Event]walks out of class and pulls out phone, hesitating before texting Søren. [Hey, that Hans Christian Andersen class is in two days.]
latest #430
10 years ago
groaned as he lifted his head off a table in the library and checked the text. He was instantly awake when he read it and smiled. [Seriously?! I'll totally be there. This'll be awesome!]
10 years ago
starts heading to the library to drop off some books. [I can't promise it will be the most interesting class. He could make anything dull and boring.]
10 years ago
yawned and rubbed his eyes. [I will never fall asleep if it involves HCA. Even if he just talks about his life. I really love HCA....]
10 years ago
steps inside and drops the books in the return bin before heading to the literature section. [You even make up nicknames for him? Ah, you must be a fangirl.]
10 years ago
rolls his eyes. [It's just his initials. Not much of a fangirl.] He checked his watch and sighed, starting to pack up. He wanted food.
10 years ago
smirks faintly at her phone. [Being a fangirl is nothing to be ashamed about.]
10 years ago
chuckled. [It is when ye're a grown man whose goin' into the medical world. But I'm not ashamed. I grew up with his stories, and I admire him more than my far.]
10 years ago
picks a book off a shelf and heads to the check out desk. [Well if you go into pediatrics it might actually be useful.]
10 years ago
walked with his bag on his back, smiling a bit. [That'd be a great idea. I might work with them once I graduate, it depends on if I have the marks to get to the real tough stuff.] He yawned again and almost
10 years ago
walked into her, but managed to stop just in time.
10 years ago
glances at his text and doesn't notice him right away as she steps away from the desk and nearly runs into him. "Oh... hello."
10 years ago
smirks a bit. "Hej. Long time no see..." He stepped back to give them some space. "Tak for the warnin', seriously. It kinda made my day."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I figured you'd want to know."
10 years ago
nods a little. "Ja..." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "So what're ye up to?"
10 years ago
puts her book in her bag. "Just picking up my next book for another class."
10 years ago
hums. "Well... do ye have some time now? We could go out for lunch or somethin'. Get off school grounds."
10 years ago
blinks at him and shrugs. "I guess I could, I don't have anything planned right now."
10 years ago
smiles. "Awesome. Where do ye wanna go? Or should I pick? I know a great place that makes awesome homemade soups. A nice treat compared to some of the food here."
10 years ago
starts walking out of the library. "That sounds good. I don't know of too many places around here."
10 years ago
walked beside her, glad she didn't seem to mind. "I've mostly been told by people. But I have checked this place out, and it's awesome. Do ye wanna drop anythin' off in yer room, or just go now?"
10 years ago
shakes her head. "I've just got some books and my place is on the other side of campus."
10 years ago
nodded as he headed towards the place. "Awesome. I'm starvin'." He was glad to get out of school, even if he'd worry later about studying.
10 years ago
thought he seemed so careless, it was weird thinking of him as one to spend all his time studying. "You should probably eat more small meals then so you aren't starving."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I have snacks now and then, and sneak food into classes. I do try my best... it just isn't good enough."
10 years ago
eyes him. "It sure doesn't look like you are going starving." She realizes that she's kept her eye on him a little more than usual and she quickly looks away.
10 years ago
glanced at her and smiled. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult. Either way I should start eatin' better and actually have proper meals." He thought the way she acted was a little cute.
10 years ago
stares at a few buildings as they pass them. "That's always a good goal to stride for."
10 years ago
sighs. "Ja. It'd be nice to have home cooked meals. I can't just keep goin' to this place though, sadly..."
10 years ago
"Do you live on campus? I know some of the dorms have kitchens you only share with a few other people."
10 years ago
nods. "Ja, I do. But I don't have a kitchen. I just have a basic bedroom, bathroom, and a tiny room for all my study things. Some times I try to get to others rooms though, ones who have kitchesn."
10 years ago
glances back at him. "Maybe you could try getting one next semester? I like having mine, it's pretty convenient."
10 years ago
smiles. "Ja, that's a thought. I'd enjoy cookin' my own stuff. I just wish I knew how to cook well. I was never taught, and I'm a bit too busy to read up recipies..."
10 years ago
shrugs. "It's not that hard to make some of the basic stuff."
10 years ago
hums as he opened the door of the restaurant for her. "I can make spaghetti. That's 'bout all."
10 years ago
steps inside with a small nod. "That's better than nothing."
10 years ago
asked for a seat for two and the waitress brought them to a window seat. He glanced through the menu, really wanting soup...
10 years ago
glances over the menu and occasionally looks outside. She figured she'd get some soup since he had recommended it.
10 years ago
decided on that too, going with a heavy and warm soup. He gave his order once the waitress returned, eager to eat.
10 years ago
places her order as well and reaches into her bag to pull out a book.
10 years ago
watched her as she did that. "Ye gonna catch up on some work, or read up for the next class?"
10 years ago
blinks at him before putting the book back away. She wasn't used to eating with other people. "I'm going to read it when I get back later."
10 years ago
smiles and shakes his head. "I wouldn't be offended if ye wanted to read. I'd never discourage anyone from wantin' to get ahead of their class."
10 years ago
shakes her head. "No, I should just focus on this right now."
10 years ago
nods at that. "Whatever 'this' is, afterall. It'll take them a bit to make the food. So what do ye wanna talk 'bout?"
10 years ago
shrugs and glances out the window, watching a few people walk by. "'This' is lunch."
10 years ago
smirked a bit as he glanced outside as well. "Ja, that's true. Just lunch."
10 years ago
turns to watch him instead.
10 years ago
continued to watch the people outside, watching how they interacted with each other. He found it interesting...
10 years ago
"Was there anything you wanted to talk about?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Not really. Just thought it'd be nice to eat, and then I bumped into ye. Seemed like a good idea to invite ye."
10 years ago
nods slowly and looks back out the window.
10 years ago
crossed his arms lightly on the table. "Do ye miss home?"
10 years ago
glances at him and shrugs. "Every once in a while. But I need to focus on school right now so I try not to think about it."
10 years ago
nods a little. "Ja, me too I guess."
10 years ago
tilts her head a little. "Do you go back often?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. It's a shame, but it's also a blessin'."
10 years ago
watches him for a bit before drinking some water. She had remembered how fondly he had told her about it before.
10 years ago
did love living in the country... just not really with his family.
10 years ago
figured that was probably the situation.
10 years ago
smiled when the food came, licking his lips. "This'll be delicious. Fresh veggies, meat, everythin'."
10 years ago
lets her soup cool a bit before starting to eat.
10 years ago
blew on his lightly each time he took a spoonful. He hummed happily, hoping she liked this place as much as he did.
10 years ago
thought it was pretty good. She hadn't had really good soup in a while, she usually just made herself canned soup to save time.
10 years ago
thought a meal like this was needed once in a while, just to escape school life and worries, even for just a few moments.
10 years ago
tried to make nice meals but usually ended up too busy or tired from studying.
10 years ago
hummed a little. "What if we made meals for each other? Not like a date or anythin', but small study groups. One could study while the other cooked, then studied after."
10 years ago
glances at him and raises an eyebrow. "Trying to get a free meal out of me?"
10 years ago
blinks before shaking his head. "Nej, nej! I'd learn to cook too. Nothin' too fancy, but I'm sure I can learn how to cook some traditional Scandinavian meals... it'd be good I think. Then neither of us would
10 years ago
be alone."
10 years ago
brings a hand up to her face to hide a brief smile. "I was joking. I could probably show you how to cook a few dishes if you would want."
10 years ago
chuckled to that as he ate a bit more. "I'd... I'd like that. It'd be nice to know there's someone to chat with occasionally for non-homework related things."
10 years ago
nods and eats some more soup. "I wouldn't mind that."
10 years ago
smiled as he stired his soup. "M'glad... really..." It was something that would really brighten his spirits.
10 years ago
shrugs. "It'll save me some cooking so it's really no trouble."
10 years ago
nods. "I'll pay for my ingredients too, so ye don't have to worry 'bout that. We'll have awesome dinner study parties... I can't wait." He finished off his soup as well as his water.
10 years ago
hides another smile. "And it'll keep you from starving hopefully." She finishes her own meal. "You were right, this was pretty good soup."
10 years ago
nodded, glad that she was happy with it. "This can be our treat once a month. Just to escape the busy life of school. " He pulled out his wallet as he asked the waitress for the bill.
10 years ago
nods slowly as she reaches for her own wallet as well. "I will look forward to it."
10 years ago
hums and nods as he paid his half. He'd generally want to pay for both, but figured that'd seem too much like a date.
10 years ago
pays her half. She didn't mind paying and wouldn't have let him pay for her.
10 years ago
got up once they were done and headed out, holding the door open for her. "I guess it's back to school now, eh?"
10 years ago
steps outside, nodding a small thanks and heading back towards the campus. "I guess so. Back to studying."
10 years ago
walked beside her and nodded. "Ja. Can never study too much, eh?" He liked her company.
10 years ago
sighs a little under her breath. "I guess not." She liked his company as well and was starting to feel comfortable around him. "Though if anyone does, it's you. Are you constantly studying or something?"
10 years ago
nods. "Not that I like it, but I need to. The more I study the more confident I feel. I guess it helps myself mentally more so than anythin' else."
10 years ago
shrugs. "Well I guess if it works for you. I don't know that I could spend that much time studying."
10 years ago
chuckles. "I don't seem to burn out, which amazes me. Besides, as much as I'd enjoy a social life, I don't fit in."
10 years ago
tilts her head. "Really? You seem to be very social, why wouldn't you fit in?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "I guess it's 'cause I don't socialise a lot, so if or when I get out I just go to the extreme."
10 years ago
blinks at him, a slight expression of disbelief on her face. "Did you socialize a lot when you were an undergrad?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. I was focused on my marks. If I hadn't, I'd not be where I am today." He didn't feel like he missed out really, but he didn't mind the party life.
10 years ago
had trouble seeing him as the type to stay home and study. She just figured anyone who was bold enough to talk to strangers would obviously be an annoying, party happy person. "Hmm."
10 years ago
just really liked to talk to people who talked to him. He sighed as he stopped walking, needing to head another direction to get to his room. "So... I'll see ye again, ja?"
10 years ago
blinks up at him before shrugging. "You'll be in class for the... HCA lesson, ja?"
10 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja. I made sure to keep that time open from studyin'. I'll be there right before it starts. I promise~"
10 years ago
nods and gives a small wave. "You don't have to promise me anything."
10 years ago
shrugs as he waved back. "Regardless. I'll be waitin' for ye~" He watched her a bit before leaving for his room. He wanted to nap a bit before studying.
10 years ago
watches him for a bit as well before turning to head to her own place to study.
10 years ago
got to his room and dropped his book on the floor before crashing onto his bed. He hadn't felt this good in a while. He had a full stomach and just felt warm.
10 years ago
gets to her room and tries to read a book for class but keeps getting distracted.
10 years ago
couldn't even seem to fall asleep to nap. He pulled out a book to study, but he wasn't able to concentrate on it...
10 years ago
tries to focus but eventually gives up and packs her book into her bag before heading out to take a walk.
10 years ago
gave up and got out of his room, heading outside to have fresh air. He wasn't used to this...
10 years ago
starts walking through campus, watching a few other people walk by as she makes her way towards a garden.
10 years ago
took out his phone to text Gjertrud, but decided against it since he didn't want to seem desperete. He sighed and just wandered around the grounds, wondering if he'd meet anyone new.
10 years ago
sits on a bench next to the garden, enjoying the smell of the flowers. She liked to come here to help herself relax and hoped she'd be able to focus. A buzzing comes from her bag and she quickly reaches for-
10 years ago
her phone and checks it, sighing in annoyance when she sees it was just a text from her roommate. She puts the phone back and pulls out the book. For some reason she had hoped it would have been a text from-
10 years ago
10 years ago
sighed and gave in. He pulled out his phone and texted her. [Hey... ye... are ye busy? Or are ye studyin'?]
10 years ago
sighs again and grabs her phone, annoyed. She blinks at the message in surprise. [So I can only be busy or studying?]
10 years ago
smirks a bit. [Nej... I was just curious. I'll text ye later.]
10 years ago
frowns to herself. [I'm not busy or studying. You can text me now.]
10 years ago
smiled a little at that. [Awesome... I just couldn't study. Or rest. Not sure why. Just overall unable to concentrate.]
10 years ago
stares at her phone for a bit. [So... what did you want to text me about?]
10 years ago
frowns a little as he had no reason to. [... I have no reason. I just wanted to. Sorry...]
10 years ago
makes a small laughing noise under her breath. She thought it was kind of cute that he thought of texting her when he couldn't focus. [No reason to apologize, I don't mind. It just seemed like there was-
10 years ago
something specific.]
10 years ago
bit his lip a bit. [... Do you wanna hang out some more? Unless you have other plans tonight. I just figure... maybe we can talk about HCA?]
10 years ago
stares at her phone for a bit before replying. [Sure, I guess I could but don't you have studying?]
10 years ago
wiggled a bit at her response. [I can afford a night of not studyin'. Or I could idle study with ye...]
10 years ago
[So when do you want to meet up and where?]
10 years ago
hummed/ [How 'bout now? And... I don't know. Outside? It's a nice night. We can maybe see the stars tonight.]
10 years ago
glances around. [Meet me at the garden next to the physics building.]
10 years ago
smiled and put his phone away as he walked towards the area. He knew even if he brought his books he wouldn't study, not with her around.
10 years ago
puts her phone away and sits back on the bench, looking at the sky and watching as a few stars started to appear.
10 years ago
showed up not long after, smiling a bit. "Ye sure were here quick. Were ye waitin' long?"
10 years ago
glances at him. "No, I was here when you texted me."
10 years ago
blinks a little and nods before sitting beside her. "I can't blame ye. It's a great night. Not cold, no bugs, and no clouds. What else would make it perfect? Besides the Northern Lights, that is."
10 years ago
watches him for a bit before looking back to the sky. "Maybe a little bit of snow would be nice. Just enough to dust the ground."
10 years ago
smiles. "Ja. I love snow. So much fun, and perfect 'cause to keep warm it's best to cuddle with someone."
10 years ago
..."Or wearing warm clothes or sitting around a fire or staying indoors."
10 years ago
chuckles. "Ja... that too. But I'd prefer cuddlin'. Body heat is the best kind of heat. But that's just me.
10 years ago
10 years ago
glances at him from the corner of her eye. "I'm sure you have plenty of people to cuddle."
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Nah. Ye're pretty much the only one I've talked to her. Other is a squarehead who's got his mind full with law, and the other is a teacher. And reminds me of myself, so that's kinda not a an
10 years ago
10 years ago
tilts her head. "An option for what?"
10 years ago
smirks. "Cuddlin' with a teacher. M'not like that. I wanna keep my public and private life as far apart as possible."
10 years ago
stares. "But... I would be an option?"
10 years ago
froze for a moment. "Well... to be honest, ja. Ye would be." He figured it was better to be honest than to try and lie his way out of this.
10 years ago
didn't know how to react to that. She didn't like the way he put it but she was flattered. She watches him for a bit before looking back at the sky, glad it was dark out.
10 years ago
didn't mean to be so forward and awkward about it. "Sorry... A little outta my place to say such a thing, eh?" He laughed it off and looked to the sky. "What a great view of the night."
10 years ago
shrugs and follows his lead, staring at the sky. "Ja... This is beautiful."
Søren was
10 years ago
glad she didn't seem too creeped out by what he said. "Have... have ye ever wished on a shootin' star?"
10 years ago
kind of liked the idea of cuddling with him. "I guess when I was little. I haven't recently."
10 years ago
nods a little. He'd never pass up a cuddle buddy. "I guess that's good... at least ye're hopeful when ye're young. As long as reality isn't cruel, ye'd have no reason to doubt yer wish or dreams..."
10 years ago
"What about you? Have you ever wished on a star?"
10 years ago
smiled faintly. "Way too many to even count."
10 years ago
glances at him. "Did you see a falling star just then?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. I've kinda given up. Ye can't wish for things in life. The only way ye're gonna get somethin', is if ye work yer heart and soul into it..."
10 years ago
shrugs. "That doesn't mean you can't wish for something. Wishing alone won't do anything but it will give you more determination."
10 years ago
hums. "I wish to be a great doctor." He looked to her after with a smile. "How's that?"
10 years ago
blinks at him before nodding. "I guess that will work."
10 years ago
nods. "S'the only hope I have now. Which is why I'm always studyin'. I need to do good, so I can start my life..."
10 years ago
frowns faintly. "I'm sure you can do it. You seem very dedicated and passionate about it."
10 years ago
wiggles a bit. "M'glad ye think so. I really wanna do my best. No one's had faith in me, so I've had to live off my own determination."
10 years ago
glances at him. "You know what you want to do and you have a plan on how to do it. That's already better than most other students here."
10 years ago
sighs. "Ja... I guess. It's still hard to know what I have to go through though. Or what I had to go through."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
10 years ago
nods a little as he kept his eyes on the sky. He didn't know what else to say.
10 years ago
"It's getting a little colder outside."
10 years ago
frowns a little and nods. "Ja... I guess we better get inside."
10 years ago
...sighs under her breath. "I guess so. It's still nice here, though."
10 years ago
kept staring at the sky before slowly putting his arm around her.
10 years ago
freezes but doesn't move away, glad he picked up on the hint eventually.
10 years ago
just wasn't sure if his mind was wandering or if she wanted it. He was glad she didn't move away, and in fact shifted closer to her to hold her against his side.
10 years ago
leans into him a little. "Hm, maybe we can sit out here a bit longer."
10 years ago
smiles. "Ja. I didn't wanna go in anyways. Not yet..." He tightened his hold on her a little, though was still gentle.
10 years ago
hums faintly. "Me neither." She barely holds back a smile, enjoying the closeness.
10 years ago
found this somewhat foreign, but overall needed. He was silent after, not wanting to ruin the moment. It was too nice to pass up.
10 years ago
wasn't used to it but she figured that Soren was. It was nice, though and she liked it more than she thought she would.
10 years ago
leaned his head on hers a bit, his eyes still focused on the sky.
10 years ago
blinks in surprise but smiles, bringing a hand up to cover it.
10 years ago
glanced down to her and smirked. "Are ye smilin'?"
10 years ago
elbows him gently and lowers her hand, a faint smile still on her face.
10 years ago
chuckles quietly. "I like it... makes me think m'not oversteppin' yer boundaries."
10 years ago
glances at him. "Of course you aren't. If you had, trust me, you would have known right away."
10 years ago
smiles. "Good. The worst thing I'd wanna do is make ye uncomfortable."
10 years ago
hides another smile. "I will let you know if that happens."
10 years ago
nods. "Please do..." He let out a long sigh, not getting cold yet.
10 years ago
hadn't gotten cold yet, either though his arm was keeping her warm.
10 years ago
sighed quietly. "It's gonna be cold in my room when I get back."
10 years ago
glances at him. "Do you not have heating?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "Not anythin' decent. I have to put it up all the way and it takes hours to heat up a tiny side of the room."
10 years ago
tilts her head. "Maybe you should talk with someone in the dorm staff about it."
10 years ago
nods. "Ja, I've been meanin' too. Just too busy with school and what not."
10 years ago
sighs faintly. "You should probably tell them before it gets any colder. You can't just spend winter cuddling to keep warm."
10 years ago
shrugs a bit. "I might not need to... I might find a cuddle buddy before it gets too cold."
10 years ago
"Even though you are supposedly too busy to ask dorm staff about the heating?"
10 years ago
hums. "Well, a cuddle buddy would be warmer. It'd mean I'd not have to talk to the dorm staffin' people. And two people would be happy instead of one, right?"
10 years ago
pinches at his side. "But you and your cuddle buddy would both be warmer with working heating."
10 years ago
jumped a bit at that and rubbed his side. "True... But then I can't use the excuse that all I need is a cuddle buddy."
10 years ago
sighs. "Well I certainly wouldn't be your cuddle buddy if you don't have any heating."
10 years ago
frowned instantly at that. "I see..."
10 years ago
blinks at him, a little surprised that he looked so upset over it. "So are you going to do something about it, then?"
10 years ago
"If it means ye'd be my cuddle buddy, I'd go talk to 'em right now."
10 years ago
sighs under her breath. "Then I suppose I will have to agree to that to keep you from freezing this winter."
10 years ago
chuckles quietly as he rubbed the side of her arm. "Ye don't have to agree to anythin'. It's fine, I'll just talk to 'em tomorrow and get proper heatin'."
10 years ago
blinks at him. "I know I don't have to agree but I am anyways."
10 years ago
looks back to her. "So... ye'd actually wanna be my cuddle buddy?"
10 years ago
shrugs and looks away, not wanting to admit it outright.
10 years ago
took the silence as acceptance. "My place or yers?"
10 years ago
glances back at him quickly. "Just cuddling... But my roommate's out a lot...."
10 years ago
nodded. "Ye have my word it'll be nothin' more than cuddlin'... and if ye're not comfortable at yer place, we can go to mine. But it's a bit messy..."
10 years ago
"My place is... cluttered." She kept it immaculate but her roommate was always complaining about the amount of books she kept around.
10 years ago
shrugged. "We can go to my place then... but we should decide soon. M'actually gettin' cold... either way, we'll have to go to someone's first for clothes."
10 years ago
starts to stand up. "My place has heat. But I don't know that I'd have a sweater that you could wear on your way back."
10 years ago
stands up with her. "Let's just go to yer place. I can handle the cold to get back to my room."
10 years ago
frowns faintly. "Are you sure?"
10 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja. I'll just run if I have to. But even if it's icy out I'll be fine. I'm used to it..."
10 years ago
sighs quietly but starts walking towards her dorm. "Fine, but if you get frostbite, it's not my fault."
10 years ago
shrugs as he started following her. "I know how to treat it, so I'd be fine. Don't worry 'bout me~"
10 years ago
"Hmm, maybe you'd get extra credit in a class for successfully treating it." She leads the way to a building and holds open a door for him.
10 years ago
chuckled and walked in. "If ye say so. Or I'd just be a practice subject for other students to see where I went wrong."
10 years ago
steps in behind him and heads for a hallway. "Well if you aren't going to be able to do it properly, I don't know that I could let you go out in the cold."
10 years ago
laughed quietly. "I'll be fine, don't worry 'bout me. I'll manage..." He looked around as he walked with her.
10 years ago
pulls out a key and starts to open a door. "Like I said, it won't be my fault either way."
10 years ago
nodded as he waited. "I won't hold ye accountable, don't worry. It's my own risk for what'll happen. I'll still consider ye a friend~"
10 years ago
sighs dramatically. "So I would be demoted from cuddle buddy." She walks inside and sets her bag down. The walls were covered in bookcases and piles of books were strewn neatly around the room.
10 years ago
blinked and flailed. "A-ah, if ye'd want I'd still be yer cuddle buddy..." He blinked some more and looked around. "Woah."
10 years ago
follows his gaze and looks at the books. "Ja.... A little cluttered..."
10 years ago
smiles and shakes his head as he went to go look at the spines of the books. "Nej. This is awesome. My place is a mess. This place is just full of knowledge."
10 years ago
walks over to a small kitchen area and shrugs. "I like it... my roommate does not appreciate it as much. You like coffee, ja?"
10 years ago
ran his finger down some of the books. "Mm? Oh, ja. I do."
10 years ago
starts to make some coffee. "You can borrow a few if you'd like."
10 years ago
hummed. "I'd only be interested in the children's book ones... and maybe a few Nordic stories."
10 years ago
walks over and glances over a few stacks. "I don't remember where I put the children's books..."
10 years ago
shrugged as he took his hand of the books and looked to her. "It's okay, I don't need them now. It's just awesome to see so many books here... have ye read 'em all?"
10 years ago
shakes her head. "The piles over there I haven't read yet. But I've read most of the other books."
10 years ago
nodded and chuckled after. "That's impressive. I wish I could have read this much. I'd probably be acin' classes without issue."
10 years ago
"There aren't many medical books in here." She heads back to the kitchen area and starts finishing up the coffee.
10 years ago
followed her to the kitchen. "Either way. I'd still be better off..." He smiled at the smell of the fresh coffee.
10 years ago
pours two cups of coffee. "Hmm, it's only been useful to me in my literature classes."
10 years ago
thanked her for the coffee and sipped it. "I like this environment. It just feels nice... bein' surrounded by books. S'nice."
10 years ago
nods slowly. "'S why I brought all of them." She watches him for a bit before sipping at her own coffee.
10 years ago
walked around a little, checking out the rest of the apartment. "This place is nice. I could get used to it."
10 years ago
watches him over the edge of her cup. "You aren't moving in."
10 years ago
smirks and nods. "Ja, I know. But it's still nice to see another persons place..."
10 years ago
shrugs and walks over to him. "You've obviously never visited one of the frat dorms."
10 years ago
hums. "I don't get out much. I'm either in the library, or in my room. Sleepin' and studyin'... that's it."
10 years ago
blinks at him before sipping at her coffee again. "You need to get out more." Not that she was any different...
10 years ago
sighs. "I would. But... m'just paranoid 'bout school." He sipped more coffee. "This is good. And it's nice and warm."
10 years ago
moves a few books off the couch. "Ye can go out every once in a while and still do well in school."
10 years ago
nods a bit. "I guess that's why I'm here, isn't it?" He smiled and walked over to the couch, helping her move some books before taking a seat."
10 years ago
takes a seat next to him. "I mean, more than just this even."
10 years ago
sighs. "I know I can... but I don't feel comfortable. It's terrible, once I'm out I regret it 'cause I feel like I should be spendin' my time studyin'."
10 years ago
stares at the ceiling. "Hm... maybe try planning times to go out? If your grades slip, you can cut the time."
10 years ago
smiles. "Ja... that's a good idea. But ye realise I'd be spendin' all that time with ye, ja?"
10 years ago
turns to blink at him. "...Really? I'm sure there's plenty of other people on campus to socialize with."
10 years ago
shrugs. "There might be, but no one in my field has the same mentality as me. I like to talk and have fun, and talk 'bout stories. They're pretty much only into medical games and keepin' to themselves."
10 years ago
"I keep to myself and usually only read books, I'm not any different from that."
10 years ago
nods. "Ja, but ye talk to me. I've never hit it off so well with someone before..."
10 years ago
blinks at him before looking away and sipping at her coffee, hiding her embarrassment.
10 years ago
sips a little more of his coffee. "Besides, I wanna get to know ye a bit more..."
10 years ago
coughs faintly to cover up the fact that she nearly choked on her coffee.
10 years ago
frowns as he looked to her. "Sorry... am I talkin' too much?"
10 years ago
shakes her head. "No. I just... I've never had anyone say that to me before."
10 years ago
smiles a little. "Ah... I'm just bein' honest..."
10 years ago
blinks at him before slowly leaning on him.
10 years ago
smiled more as she did that and allowed her to. He had a little bit more coffee before putting his arm around her again.
10 years ago
tries to act casual and finishes her own coffee.
10 years ago
hums quietly. "Ye can kick me out whenever ye want... I don't know when yer classes are tomorrow. I have one 'round noon."
10 years ago
shrugs. "It's my slow day tomorrow."
10 years ago
smiles as he looked to her. "So we can have a late night then. Awesome."
10 years ago
glances up at him and nods. "Yes, we can."
10 years ago
finishes off his coffee and put the cup on the table. "And I'm energised now. Got any good stories to tell me?"
10 years ago
blinks at him before setting her cup down as well. "I'm not very good at telling stories..."
10 years ago
shrugs. "Well, ye can practice with me. I don't mind, I love hearin' stories either way."
10 years ago
fidgets. "I can go find a book to read to you."
10 years ago
chuckles. "If ye want... it'd be kinda nice."
10 years ago
hesitates before standing up and looking through a stack of books.
10 years ago
smiles a little. "Tak... I feel like I'm askin' a lot of ye..."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I'm just not used to reading out loud."
10 years ago
hums quietly. "Well, I can read the next story for ye. That way it's more fair."
10 years ago
finally finds the book she was looking for and pulls the fairy tale anthology out. "Hm, but you like talking so it's not quite fair."
10 years ago
smirks. "How 'bout I read the next three stories then?" He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her as she found the book.
10 years ago
glances over her shoulder at him. "Hmm, maybe. We'll see."
10 years ago
realised he was staring at her for a bit longer than normal and quickly looked away. "... I can cook ye dinner tomorrow too or somethin' to make up for it?"
10 years ago
....smirks for a brief second and stands up slowly. "I suppose that will have to do." She walks over to him, taking her time.
10 years ago
glances back to her. "... Unless ye have somethin' else in mind that I can do to repay ye?"
10 years ago
shakes her head. "No, that would be fine. I wouldn't have to cook tomorrow so that's nice." She sits back down next to him.
10 years ago
smiles a little. "Tell me what ye want then. Doesn't have to be tonight, but text me tomorrow and I'll make sure to get all the ingredients." He hesitantly put his arm around her again, getting close and comy.
10 years ago
nestles into him and brushes some of her hair back behind her ear before opening the book. "I don't know what you can make. Surprise me."
10 years ago
chuckles as he looked over the pages. "That might be dangerous. What if I make somethin' that ye can't stand?"
10 years ago
"I still won't have to cook." She moves so that her back was to him and he'd have to look over her shoulder to see the book. "You shouldn't read as I'm telling you the story, you'll get ahead of me."
10 years ago
pouts at that but nods. He put his arm around her waist to keep them close before closing his eyes. "I'll just listen to ye then. Get lost in the story."
10 years ago
glances at him and hesitates before focusing and starting to read the story.
10 years ago
leans his head back on the couch as he listened to her. He liked listening to her voice, finding it almost soothing in a way.
10 years ago
didn't really like reading out loud but she does her best, trying to focus on the story rather than how much she liked the feel of his arm around her.
10 years ago
smiles as he listened to her, getting easily lost in the story. "Ye have a great narratin' voice." He glances shyly over to her. "Just sayin'."
10 years ago
blinks in surprise. "I do not think so. I used to read to my little sister but that was a very long time ago."
10 years ago
shrugs and closes his eyes again. "I guess from not talkin' so much ye save yer voice for what really matters..."
10 years ago
...hides a smile behind her hand. "And reading stories is of vital importance."
10 years ago
smirks. "It is. Stories are like dreams. Ye can just escape and be someone else for a day..."
10 years ago
hesitates before leaning up to kiss his cheek lightly.
10 years ago
blinks his eyes open before looking at her, a blush quickly forming on his cheeks. He was surpised, as well as confused.
10 years ago
just wanted to see what it would be like and how he would react. She blinks and moves away, though, a little surprised herself. "Ah, I'm sorry."
10 years ago
smiles and shook his head, tightening his arm around her. "Nej, don't be... It felt nice."
10 years ago
watches him closely before relaxing again and turning her attention back to the book, her face the lightest shade of red.
10 years ago
took a slow deep breath before relaxing his hold on her a bit, though still kept it there. He couldn't fully focus on the story now, just her voice and what she had done. It made his night.
10 years ago
felt a bit embarrassed about it and wondered if she had been too forward. She wasn't used to holding back when she wanted to do something. When she finishes the story, she takes a deep breath.
10 years ago
pulls her closer before leaning down to peck her cheek lightly. "Ye're a good reader..."
10 years ago
freezes at the peck. "I... thanks." She hadn't expected that at all.
10 years ago
thought she deserved it for the good job she did. "Want me to read a few stories now? I won't keep my back to ye, so ye can read along if ye want."
10 years ago
blinks at him before passing him the book. "Ah... sure. I won't read along though."
10 years ago
nods as he took the book and found a story he recognised. "I'll try not to bore ye." He started reading, making different voices for the different characters.
10 years ago
leans against him as he reads, enjoying the voices but pretending as if she didn't even notice he was making them.
10 years ago
didn't take long to finish one story and glances over to her. "Want me to read another?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "If you want to."
10 years ago
nods and found another to read. He really got into any story easily...
10 years ago
watches his face as he reads. She thought it was nice how invested he was getting into the story.
10 years ago
always believed stories were an escape, and he couldn't get over how much fun he had with them. He never told stories out loud either, but it was fun.
10 years ago
keeps watching him, smiling faintly. She'd never really met anyone who enjoyed reading this much.
10 years ago
just misses talking like this. He did it for a bit, but that was quickly changed. He wanted to relive those moments.
10 years ago
hesitates before sliding an arm around him and looking at the book as he reads.
10 years ago
smiles wildly and didn't skip a beat, though his heart might have. He was really enjoying this, and felt comfortable around her.
10 years ago
can't help but smile as she listens to him and reads along.
10 years ago
finished that story not too long after and smiled shyly up to her. "How was that?"
10 years ago
hums under her breath. "I really think you would make a great pediatrician..."
10 years ago
chuckles quietly as he closed the book for the moment. "Tak... I'll... I'll consider it. It would be nice to brighten up their days, and make 'em laugh... It can really make a difference."
10 years ago
cuddles into him. "You did really well with the reading."
10 years ago
blushes and put his arm around her. "Tak, again. I think it's important that kids are inspired, motivated... or just have an overall positive life..."
10 years ago
reaches up to hold his hand, nodding slowly. "Ja..."
10 years ago
smiles and took her hand lightly in his. "I want everyone to have a positive life... and I'd do almost anythin' to make that happen." He rubs his thumb on the back of her hand, looking down at them.
10 years ago
squeezes his hand lightly, watching their hands as well. "That's very admirable... No wonder you are so driven with your studies."
10 years ago
chuckles quietly. "I had a terrible childhood, so I want to do right for all I can... I work better with kids anyways. So... I guess m'doin' this for them."
10 years ago
frowns faintly. "All the more reason I think you would do well with them."
10 years ago
smiles a bit and tightens his hold on her hand. "Tak... m'glad ye think so... I can at least get along with kids better than adults."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I'm sure you could get along with adults, too."
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. I don't seem to understand 'em as well. I can act professionally, but I can't get along with 'em. S'a reason I was glad to get to know ye so quickly. This hasn't really happened before."
10 years ago
"You were so forward it was difficult not to get to know you quickly."
10 years ago
frowns a bit. "Sorry... it normall drives people off, but I can't seem to help it. I don't have the best social skills, so I guess... since ye didn't push me away, I stuck to ye."
10 years ago
hesitates. "You don't need to apologize. I'm glad you did...."
10 years ago
nods faintly as he pulled his hand from hers and rested both of his on the book. "Me too... m'glad to have a friend I can talk to 'bout anythin' so quickly."
10 years ago
lets his hand go a little reluctantly. She moves a bit away from him to give him some space. "J-ja... it's nice to talk with you."
10 years ago
looks to her. "Are ye okay? Cold? Or tired?"
10 years ago
blinks at him. "No. I just... You are okay with this, ja?"
10 years ago
blinks in return before smiling. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
10 years ago
shows a rare moment of awkwardness as she looks away. "Ah, sorry. You pulled your hand away and I thought..."
10 years ago
smiles a bit more and looks down at his hands. "I guess I just don't know what this is. I just planned to come here and keep warm, but... readin' the stories made me happy." He smiles a bit more before
10 years ago
looking at her. "I think I should leave soon."
10 years ago
"Well... what do you want this to be?"
10 years ago
fidgets with his hands over the book. "... Something I can depend on to keep me sane? As well as keep me from thinking too much, or over thinking?"
10 years ago
watches him closely before nodding. "It can be that. If you ever need a break from studying, you can talk with me, I guess."
10 years ago
chuckles quietly and shakes his head. "I need 24/7 supervision. I'm too much for someone I've just met to take care of. The last thing I'd want is to be a burden to ye, especially when ye have yer own worries."
10 years ago
...stands and picks up the empty cups. "I didn't say I'd supervise you, I'd just be there if you need me."
10 years ago
nods a little and kept his eyes down. "I know. Which is why, if anythin', we should just be cuddle buddies... if that." He sighs quietly and sunk more into the couch. "It'd be a hassle to get involved with me."
10 years ago
nearly drops the cups. "That... That is a terrible way to think. I'm sure it wouldn't be a hassle."
10 years ago
slowly got up and put the book on the table, a faint smile on his lips. "It's okay. I told ye, I don't get along well with adults. As long as I keep to my studies, I'll get out of here and deal with kids."
10 years ago
returns to her stoic expression and walks over to the kitchen with the cups. "I had thought that we were getting along well."
10 years ago
nods as he followed her. "Ja... but for how long? I don't want to get any more attatched to ye than I already am. And I just..." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not good at this."
10 years ago
turns to glance at him, staying stoic. "If you want to go, just do it. If you want something without attachment, go find it."
10 years ago
frowns as he looked at her. "So..." He bit his lip a little and nods before heading to the door, not knowing what else to do or say.
10 years ago
sets the cups down on the counter and stares at them. "I..." She takes a breath before looking back at him. She liked him and really wished she could say something but she didn't want to get hurt if he really-
10 years ago
didn't want to be attached or like her back.
10 years ago
liked her too, but was worried she would only like him in the sense of cuddle buddies. He wasn't good with figuring out how to say things to people, especially those he cared about.
10 years ago
didn't want to be just cuddle buddies. If anything, she assumed that was what he wanted. She starts to clean the mugs, listening for the door. It was difficult for her to express herself and she felt hurt that-
10 years ago
she had expressed herself and he had acted strangely in return.
10 years ago
ends up just standing by the door, not wanting to leave. He was trying to go over things in his head, but it didn't seem to work out well. He sighs and walks back over to her. "Look, m'sorry..."
10 years ago
pretends to ignore him as she washes the cups furiously.
10 years ago
fidgets quietly. "I've never really had someone I kinda liked before. So I just don't know what to say in situations like this."
10 years ago
sighs. "Well saying you don't want attachment is not a good start."
10 years ago
nods faintly. "Ja, I know... but... thing is, I do want it. But I don't know how to go about it."
10 years ago
sets the cup down and turns towards him. "Just be honest. I... I like you."
10 years ago
stops fidgeting as he watched her. "Seriously...?" He couldn't help but step closer and hug her, nuzzling into the side of her head.
10 years ago
blinks at the hug before slowly patting his back. "Ja."
10 years ago
"No one's really given me affection before, so I don't know how to react, but..." He hugged her tighter. "I wanna be with ye. Ye make me happy."
10 years ago
slowly wraps her arms around him to hug him back properly. "Are you sure?"
10 years ago
chuckles and nods. "M'positive. Do ye think I'd really wanna take anyone out to a restaurant, then be unable to focus on school work later on? All I could think 'bout was ye."
10 years ago
rests her head against his shoulder to hide the tiny smile on her face. "You kept emphasizing that it wasn't a date... I couldn't focus, either."
10 years ago
hums. "I just didn't wanna seem to forward... Most people don't wanna hook up that quickly."
10 years ago
sighs under her breath. "Ja... but you probably shouldn't express interest and then try to take it back."
10 years ago
pouts as he pulled away a bit. "Sorry... I felt like I might have been too forward... I thought ye just wanted to be buddies, that's it. I assumed ye had a boyfriend or girlfriend or somethin' already."
10 years ago
shakes her head. "I would have told you a lot sooner or you could have asked."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I thought it's rude to ask... besides, I wouldn't wanna hit on someone who's already in a relationship.."
10 years ago
"But you are okay being a cuddle buddy with someone who is in a relationship?"
10 years ago
nods. "Ja, 'cause that can purely be a platonic thing. I'd not cross the boundaries of someone in a relationship, 'cause I'm not that kinda person."
10 years ago
sighs faintly. "Well I would not cuddle someone other than the person I was dating."
10 years ago
smiles and nuzzled her more. "Does that mean I get cuddles tonight and a warm bed to sleep in?"
10 years ago
hums under her breath. "If we are in a relationship, ja."
10 years ago
smiled and finally let go of her. "Then we're in a relationship. Awesome~"
10 years ago
smiles faintly at him before bringing a hand up to cover it.
10 years ago
took her hand in his, wanting to see the smile. "Ye have a really nice smile, Gjertrud..."
10 years ago
blinks but smiles at him, her eyes glancing away the only sign of shyness. "Thank, I suppose."
10 years ago
brought her hand up and kisses it lightly. "M'glad I'll be able to see it regularly." He let go of her hand after, still smiling.
10 years ago
looks back at him. "Why are you so sure I'll be smiling regularly?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "Even if ye aren't, I'll still see 'em. And I like it when people smile, 'cause it makes me happy. So I'll do what I can to keep ye happy..."
10 years ago
reaches up to pinch at his cheek gently. "I can be happy and not smile."
10 years ago
made a face at that, but kept smiling. "Well, I'll just try harder to make ye smile then! But... as long as ye're happy, I'll be happy too."
10 years ago
nods slowly. "I am happy. And I'm pretty sure I will be happy a lot more from now on."
10 years ago
wiggles at that before hugging her again. "Awesome... me too. I know I will be. Ye'll definitely help me by just keepin' me sane."
10 years ago
hugs him in return. "Hm, you still owe me dinner tomorrow."
10 years ago
chuckles and nods. "Ja, I know. I'll make the best spaghetti ye've ever had. ... Maybe." He pulled back after and tilted his head. "As for now, should we sleep?"
10 years ago
"I wouldn't be opposed to helping with dinner." She takes a step back. "Ja, we probably should. I assume you want to stay the night?"
10 years ago
shrugs, figuring dinner could wait until tomorrow. "Ja, if ye don't mind. I mean, I can go back, but I can also be yer warm cuddle buddy tonight~"
10 years ago
"Hm, I guess the alternative would be you freezing in your own place." She sighs jokingly. "Fine, you can stay over."
10 years ago
smiles widely and nods. "Awesome. This'll be the best sleep I've ever had I bet~" He went to look for her room after, enjoying the idea of getting warm.
10 years ago
walks over to her door and opens it. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, I need to take care of a few things first." Her room was small and cramped, a few books and a bed covered with blankets and pillows.
10 years ago
smiles and nods as he walked in. "Tak... and take yer time." He flopped onto the bed, enjoying the comfort of it.
10 years ago
nods and steps out, grabbing some pajamas from a wardrobe on her way. She heads to the bathroom to change before turning the lights out and stepping back into her room.
10 years ago
had taken off his shirt by the time she got back, just to get more comfortable. He smirked when she came back and made space for her on the bed. "Come on, m'gettin' goosebumps."
10 years ago
shuts the door behind her and rolls her eyes. "If you are cold, put on a shirt." She walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge.
10 years ago
shrugs and watched her. "It's more comfortable to sleep without one. I find 'em too restrictin'."
10 years ago
lays down and pulls some sheets over herself. "I guess so, but they still are pretty good at keeping people warm."
10 years ago
pulls the sheets over himself after. "Ja... that's true." He smirks and looks to her. "Especially when there's cuddlin' involved."
10 years ago
turns over to face him. "So you still want to cuddle?"
10 years ago
nods. "Why wouldn't I? Cuddlin' was my highlight, and it's nice and comfortin'..."
10 years ago
blinks at him before moving slowly next to him.
10 years ago
smiles and wraps his arms around her. "There. Now everythin'll be alright..."
10 years ago
slides a hand around him. "Of course."
10 years ago
rests his forehead lightly on hers. "Are ye happy... with this decision?"
10 years ago
smiles faintly. "Ja, I am." She rubs her forehead lightly against his.
10 years ago
smiles and held her tightly as he closed his eyes. "Awesome... truly awesome."
10 years ago
hums under her breath. "I really like you. And I really like this."
10 years ago
kisses her forehead. "I really like ye too... and I want to get used to this."
10 years ago
rubs his back lightly. "I think I'd like that, too."
10 years ago
smiles wider. "I hope ye like it. 'Cause I'm dedicated to make this work... well, school comes first, but... ja." He couldn't help but lightly draw images on her back.
10 years ago
nods slowly. "Of course. I don't want to keep you from school."
10 years ago
hums. "We'll figure out a nice balance... it'll be fine."
10 years ago
moves her hand to toy with a lock of his hair. "We can help each other study or keep each other from studying too much."
10 years ago
smiles and leans into her touch a bit. "J... ja. I'll help ye not study too much..."
10 years ago
furrows her brows a little. "I wasn't really talking about me."
10 years ago
chuckles quietly. "I figured... I know I over do it..." He lightly stroked her hair. "But not anymore. Not with ye."
10 years ago
shivers a little and reaches up to hold his hand. "You can still do well if you aren't constantly studying."
10 years ago
interlocked their fingers. "I know. I know I'll do better with ye around though..." He was glad to have found someone to trust in.
10 years ago
cuddles closer to him. "Good. Now get some sleep."
10 years ago
smirks and nods, loosening his hold on her hand but not pulling away. "Right, right... Godnat, Gjertrud."
10 years ago
rests her arm around him. "Godnat, Søren..."
10 years ago
found this comforting, and exactly what he needed. He yawned once before falling asleep, the comfiest he's ever been.
10 years ago
smiles faintly when he falls asleep and closes her own eyes, falling asleep.
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