Linus Lacombe says
10 years ago
sigh...back from the departmental potluck. Went very well. Makes me want back in again!!
latest #8
Linus Lacombe says
10 years ago
Of course my thesis advisor, always a dear man, told one of the current students that was there that my master's thesis was one of the best to have come out of the department!
Garnet Psaltery
10 years ago
Linus Lacombe says
10 years ago
Didn't expect that! He asked me why I never published it. No self confidence is why. But I appreciated greatly the compliment.
Linus Lacombe says
10 years ago
I did get enough of a fire lit under me to look into seeing what I can teach at the local (big) community college.
Garnet Psaltery
10 years ago
I'm so pleased for you :-)
Magda K
10 years ago
10 years ago
Good for you, darlin! So glad you went!
Simeon is
10 years ago
glad you went
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