10 years ago
[Event]hasn't been quite himself lately. He's also having a hard time remembering most of his days.
latest #83
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow at the man she spots. Odd time of the night to be at the docks, that one.
10 years ago
is hunched over, tense and what looks as if he's in pain. He shudders violently trying to win the mental battle that was currently occurring in his head.
10 years ago
lights up a cigarette, that one will take a while, and approaches him carefully. "Hm... sir?" She coughs and tries to keep her voice raspy, hair under the hat as she clings to her coat. "You alright?"
10 years ago
is panting and only when he hears the foreign voice does he realise he's not alone. He curses under his breath. "Y-y-you should get out of hear!" He wheezes in pain. "Go as far away as you can."
10 years ago
blinks. "God help this one... What is going on?" She leans in, a hand moving to her gun as she tries reaching over a hand at him. "C'mon, if you're a demon, I'm really not in the mood..."
10 years ago
slams his fist against the dock.
10 years ago
"That's...gott...that's what I'm trying to stop from go!!"
10 years ago
sighs. She leaves the convento and it comes back to haunt her. Taking a drag, she sits down next to him and puts a hand on his forehead, hissing quickly a prayer to exorcise the demon, loud enough for it to_
10 years ago
10 years ago
's eyes flash red then blue again and he's biting his lip hard it's a wonder he hasn't drawn any blood. It looks like for a moment the demon was winning regardless of the prayers but then it all stops
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and he sags onto the dock breathing heavily and exhausted.
10 years ago
catches him in her arms, frowning and brushing some sweat away from his brow. "Amen..." She finishes, waiting for him to come back to his senses. "Sir?"
10 years ago
moves his hand to grasp her shoulder as he glances up at her exhaustedly. "What don't you understand from get out of here?" He looked relieved that the struggle was over but not pleased that she
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didn't listen.
10 years ago
shrugs, holding her cig in her teeth. "You're welcome... And I'm busy here. Maybe." She hesitated, looking away. "How are you feeling?"
10 years ago
has settled his breathing. "Much better...for now." He let's go of her stepping back as he pushes his hair back from his face. "Are you a religious worker?"
10 years ago
crosses her arms. "Just... a religious person. Was one, long time ago." Before her and her dear brother... oh, well. She crosses her arms, back to smoking now. "Are you a hunter?"
10 years ago
nods. "Is it that obvious?"
10 years ago
smiles. "For we who know, yes."She laughs softly, then offers a hand. "Joana, hunter too."
10 years ago
takes her hand shaking it firmly. "Ludwig. Thank you for the help."
10 years ago
shakes her head. "Anytime..." She pauses, taking a drag as she offers him her cigarette. "Calms down. Say, what brings you here?"
10 years ago
shakes his head at the cigarette. "Lots of Supernatural activity. That's why my brother and I came over."
10 years ago
nods. "Ah, sim... My brother would be around too, had I not lost track of him. Say, taking one more for the team?"
10 years ago
quirks a brow. "You mean with this demon?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's.. nevermind, it's a bad joke." She pauses, then scratches a number on a loose paper. "My brother looks just like me, but a man. If you... see him, maybe." She hands him the paper.
10 years ago
takes the paper and his eyes widen. "I know this man..."
10 years ago
pauses. "You.. do?" She raises one eyebrow at him, then considers. "Well... Toninho did say he knew some other hunters here and there. Huh."
10 years ago
bods again as he studies the picture more. " couldn't be more than six years ago. He knows my brother."
10 years ago
smiles weakly. "Ah... Then perhaps you've seen him.. Well, if you ever do, point me the way." She isn't worried about that idiot, of course, but it's always better to check.
10 years ago
gives her a sympathetic smile. "I haven't seen him recently. But I wish you luck in finding him."
10 years ago
nods softly. "I appreciate it then, Ludwig." She smiles a bit more back, adjusting her hat. "I'll keep trying. Your brother is...?"
10 years ago
nods at that, that's all you could do. "Gilbert. Do you know him?"
10 years ago
shakes her head. "I'm afraid not... Might've heard the name, but I don't remember. My brother had many friends." She smiles next, looking down. "Do you have too much trouble with possessions?"
10 years ago
looks weary. "Nein...this is the first time." He was surprised he was fine for this long. "I have a feeling it's because we thought we had killed it seven years ago..."
10 years ago
nods. "Hm... always gotta double check. They don't really die too, sometimes." She sighs, closing her eyes. "But you can prevent possession. My brother, at least, should be safe from that."
10 years ago
frowns crossing his arms. "I'm sure we would have if circumstances had been different." He didn't need to be lectured by another hunter especially in his current position. He didn't want this and
10 years ago
would have avoided it if it had been possible at the time.
Gabriel will
10 years ago
answer if he asks how kindly enough. She stays silent, smoking her cigarette.
10 years ago
asks about getting rid of the possession? He's probably tried it.
10 years ago
looks up at him. "A tattoo works, if you're not the picky kind about it..." She hums, looking up at him. "Would probably cover your whole back -- it's how they come in. But works."
10 years ago
sighs. "It came in through my wounds...after I was practically left to die. I feel like getting a tattoo is a little late right now."
10 years ago
pauses, raising one eyebrow. "I know something of healing, if you need... Always good to have our side with as many people standing as possible." She smiles, tossing the butt of her cig away.
10 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "How strong is your healing?" He was quit beat up but he'd take any form of healing if it helped a little bit.
10 years ago
hums. "Good enough." Or so her deal made it. Nothing no one needed to know... Well, there was the nursing stuff she learned in Angola but-- that too should be classified. "But I need my stuff, I don't carry_
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a medical bag around."
10 years ago
becomes weary again. "I need to know what you're going to do before I agree to anything..."
10 years ago
chuckles. "Bandages and a couple prayers? Unless you're expecting a magical touch but... I can't quite do that. Now, if you want it, come after me." She hums, playing with her own coat. "And medicine... if you
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don't need stitches that's it. I hope you don't, those hurt."
10 years ago
decides it's better to go with her than naught. "I have three sets of stitches already...I better not need more." He's following her. His body looks like a train wreck.
10 years ago
moves close to support him a bit, guiding him down to her place, a single rented room in a simple motel near the main road. "Hmm, God help you."
10 years ago
glances around uncomfortable....then again he's been fixed up in worse places. "I guess I should undress?"
10 years ago
waves a hand. "Just where you're hurt... Ah, I'm sorry about the room. It's cheap and they dont ask names." She hums, going to fetch her medical aid kit.
10 years ago
flinches as he pulls off his shirt showing not only the array of scars but the still red stitches an many more deep gashes. "Is this a start?"
10 years ago
sighs. "A bad one." She hums, grabbing a spare cross and placing it on his neck as she had him sit down on the bed. She had everything ready, practise from doing the same to her brother, and snaps her gloves_
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on. "What even got you this bad?" She is a bit surprised at some wounds.
10 years ago
hisses when the cross starts to burn his chest he pulls it off quickly. "Maybe let's avoid the crosses. This demon isn't brother destroyed every last piece of it seven years ago but here
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it is."
10 years ago
raises one eyebrow. "There's a tough one..." She sighs, sitting behind him as she begins to put some homemade cream on his back that smells like mint and rosemary, humming a prayer.
10 years ago
sighs at the feel of the cool creams. He hopes this helps. He grows quiet.
10 years ago
places her palms on his back before she begins drawing some sigils on his back with the cream, some wards to expel the demon.
10 years ago
's body tenses and it seems as if he's losing control. The demon is fighting him for dominance and he lets out a gasp of pain as he hunches over. His body looking as if he were physically exerting
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himself. "Ah...g-gott...I should go..." He clenches his teeth.
10 years ago
smiles. "Got you." She hums, grabbing him by the arm as she continues her chants, waiting for the demon. "Come out and play..." She leers, redrawing the chants.
10 years ago
gives her an incredulous look. "A-re you crazy?! Ahhh!! Fuck..." His eyes are changing from red to blue and it's hard to tell who's going to win.
10 years ago
knows the way to help this man is bringing the demon out, unless their lives are tied. She hums at the changes, keeping the ritual to clean Ludwig, decided to ban this demon.
10 years ago
loses and it's the demon that's looking up at her a smirk on his face. "You are very stupid to bring me out, woman."
10 years ago
smirks a bit at him. "Say, do I get your name?" She leans back a bit, playing with the cross on her neck. "I mean, you really overstepped your boundaries there, mister..."
10 years ago
snorts. "Give me your brother and I might consider telling you my name." He smirks eyeing her up. "Although, whether you do or don't I can still have fun with you."
10 years ago
twists her lip in disgust. "Try me." She shakes her head. "I don't even have a brother... Come on, I'll have to make you leave my friend's lovely body by force if you won't be kind."
10 years ago
doesn't look at all scared. "You don't want to have fun with it? It is very lovely and I'm willing to show you a good time before I kill you."
10 years ago
laughs dryly. "I'd rather do it with an octopus." She glares, licking her upper lip before she begins. "Exorcisamus te..."
10 years ago
gets up and grabs her by her neck lightly crushing her wind pipes. "Now, now. You really think I'm that stupid to let you finish." His eyes roam her body. "It's a shame such a beautiful body went to
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waste on you."
10 years ago
coughs, hands wet with the cream and some infusion of holy water moving to his wrists as she continues with a sore voice, glaring at him in response as she continues.
10 years ago
hisses when he feels the burn of the holy water. He squeezes her neck one last time before the pain is a little to unbearable. "I'll give you points for being resourceful. But your incantation is
10 years ago
Hardly enough to dispose of me."
10 years ago
grabs her gun once he lets go, pointing at him. "Oh? A stronger demon... at least you're not immune to holy water." She smiles, putting some distance between them.
10 years ago
doesn't looked miffed at all. "Shoot, and the boy gets the real damage...." He pauses eyeing her. "Then again, his life probably means nothing to you. Either way, no lose for me." He smirks.
10 years ago
groans, keeping the gun between them as she begins the exorcism prayer again, reaching over for the cross on her own neck. If only she could bring him closer to her, make the demon stand over the rug, then_
10 years ago
he'd certainly be caught in the trap. Few things could escape Solomon's seal.
10 years ago
's eyes flash dangerously. There was definitely an uneasiness that came over him at the incantation. "You won't be able to dispel me with such a week prayer...I said I'm no mere demon." He hissed
10 years ago
backing towards the door to exit.
10 years ago
licks her lips, hands shaking. "Oh, then come get me to make me stop again, amor." She groans, praying she didn't forget to lock the door as she recites faster.
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