hides under her dragon hood, her face and arms unseen under the red cloak
latest #16 walks 1n l1ke the n1ght and stares at the huddled red f1gure wassup... ?
totally hiding playing DS inside the cloak
hears the sounds of buttons being clicked repeatedly and crunches down beside her "wanna play together... ?"
pokes her limbs outside of the cloak L3TS DO TH1S TH3N.
puts his hands up wa1t... 1 d1dn't br1ng my console... th1s 1s happen1ng too fast...
1 wasn't prepared okay...!
1'm runn1ng r1ght now... do you see me?
1 th1nk you should... 1ts very majes1tc... };9
oops... sorry doll, you're just so rad1cal... 1 forgot... }:x
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