11 years ago
[Event] is going out to research what the fuck is stealing children...and maybe look for more hunters as well.
latest #70
Gabriel is
10 years ago
recharging her gun, just having gotten into town with still no traces of advance in her search. She spots the white hair, and mutters a soft curse.
10 years ago
[xD Poor Gil,]
Gilbert is
10 years ago
nosing around, trying to collect information. He's found nothing. But he's more and more sure this has to be some type of pagan god. Why else would it only come out in October?
10 years ago
tugs on her hoodie and cap a little more, keeping her gun in hand as she approaches the man. It looked like a demon, and she wasn't taking wild chances.
10 years ago
shudders hard, that weird feeling when people are staring at him, that he gets. He turns, and pauses when he spots her. His hand immediately goes to the handle of a knife, and he smiles. At least she's cute?_
10 years ago
_"Hey..." Was that...wait. Was that a gun? His expression changes, and he pulls the knife. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"
10 years ago
quickly has her gun pointed at him, raising one eyebrow. "Protecting my innocence, chap." She replies mockingly, the cross pendant on her neck now shining softly as some light hits the silver. "And you,_
10 years ago
pointing the gun at me?" She pauses, humming. "I've yet to see another demon with red eyes, you know..."
10 years ago
stares at her. "I'm not...I'm...that's..." He doesn't know what to say. "Racist!" Did that apply to this? Maybe? "Ablinos are not demons, you asshole." Well, judging by the cross and the knowledge, he'd found_
10 years ago
_another hunter at least. :/
10 years ago
pockets her gun, crossing her arms. "It's not racist! Albinos usually have normal eyes at least..." She huffs, pausing and looking at him up and down. Well, at least he was cute. "You pulled a knife..."
Gilbert is
10 years ago
still gripping his knife. "It's a genetic condition, normal is relative." Jerk. He huffed right back, still suspicious. "I pulled a knife, because you had a gun. I still left you at an advantage, so quit_
10 years ago
_complaining." He was not putting that shit back., no. Nu uh. "So...hunter?"
10 years ago
pockets her gun, raising both arms at him. What a short-tempered one. "Hunter. Name's Joana. And you? Or are you simply albino?" She smiles a bit, lowering her arms to cross them over her own chest.
10 years ago
scowls. "Hunter. Gilbert." He eyes her, but slips the knife away.
10 years ago
nods. "Alright, Gilbert. What are you doing here then?"
Gilbert wonders
10 years ago
why he's the one being investigated. "My job. What are you doing here?"
10 years ago
huffs. "My job." She replies, hissing. "You wouldn't poke on it. Because it's my job, not yours... And it involves this part." She lights up a cigarette, nervous.
Gilbert gives
10 years ago
her a weird look. "I'm hunting whatever the hell is stealing all the kids. What are you hunting?"
10 years ago
sighs. "My brother. Although hunting is not quite the word." She replies, raising one eyebrow. "Need help?"
Gilbert feels
10 years ago
kind of guilty. He often went missing, causing West to be in her position. "Ja, actually. I'm not usually one to ask, but this seems to be bigger than me and my bruder can handle alone."
10 years ago
pauses, placing a hand on her hips before she just approaches him again. "Alright... depending on what it is, I can help. What's going on?"
10 years ago
sighs. "Kids missing. Only happens in October, we found a few graves dug up as well, the corpses half eaten. I figure it's a pagan god, but I'm not quite sure."
10 years ago
bites her lower lip. Well, kids were a weakness of hers. "Half eaten...? Never yet heard of it." She hums, tapping her lips. "But I'll help you, and then we see if you can help me with my brother. Do you have_
10 years ago
a lead? Some clue?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Just what I've told you. My brother is doing more research, but I don't think he'd gotten all that far. He thinks it could be a sort of demon, though." He watched the other curiously. "What's_
10 years ago
_the deal with your brother?"
10 years ago
sighs. "The deal is that I've lost him... Toni went right off the map, so before the idiot becomes vampire food, I'm after my little bro." She explains with a straight face, nodding at him. "Well, pressing_
10 years ago
matters first, my brother can defend himself, those children not..."
10 years ago
hums. "Well, maybe we'll find one while looking for the other. You guys should try a cellphone, it works wonders." He grins at her a little, thoughts shifting to West.
10 years ago
blinks and stares dryly at him. "Ah, of course... Works wonders indeed at the bottom of a lake." She hisses, nodding a bit. Tonio and his dumb, stupid mermaids...
10 years ago
snorts at that. "I take it that was your brother's fault, huh?"
10 years ago
can't help but smile. "Wild guess, hm? Yes... it was just him." She shakes her head, groaning. "Alright, but.. the children. Let's start with that."
10 years ago
nods. Right, the kids. "So any ideas?"
10 years ago
pauses, tapping her lips. "Well, if it's stealing children.. Down this lane there's a park, with all children's stuff, we can start by there. See if we find blood, any weird car..."
10 years ago
doesn't think supernatural beings would use a car, but it might be something. "Sounds good to me. Lead the way~"
10 years ago
wasn't thinking of only supernatural beings. But she pulls her gun out and untucks her cross, keeping the golden and very noticeable thing between her breasts as she walks. "After me, then, boy."
10 years ago
snorts at that, pulling out a dagger. "Boy? I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."
10 years ago
pauses. "I'm not giving you my age." She sighs, tilting her nose up as she keeps walking. "But so be it."
10 years ago
cackles. "That's a woman thing, huh? I don't get it, what does any of that matter?"
10 years ago
pauses. "That's a thing. Period. Don't 'woman' me." She groans, walking onwards. Ok maybe she had an 'I'm too old' complex. Nothing to do with the children she raised.
10 years ago
rolls her eyes. "If you say so."
10 years ago
10 years ago
keeps walking, eyes slightly narrowed as she walks on, fetching another cigarette from her pocket and trying to balance lighter, cig and pistol.
Gilbert is
10 years ago
trying not to laugh at her. "Here, let me." He takes the lighter from her hand, leaning a little closer to light the cig for her. "Better? Geez, your lungs must be shit, how do you manage to run from these_
10 years ago
10 years ago
frowns at him and pouts. "My lungs are fine, obrigada..." She rubs her temples, nodding at him in thanks and blowing some smoke on his face. "Want one?"
10 years ago
wrinkles his nose a little at the smoke. He didn't do it often... "Nah, I'm good for now. Danke, though."
10 years ago
smiles at her small revenge, humming. "Nada..." She shrugs, smoking and feeling more quiet and relaxed now. "There's the park. I hope you've got a good nose."
Gilbert wishes
10 years ago
his brother was here, he was a little better at this part. "Good enough."
10 years ago
hums and looks around the park, tossing Gilbert a bottle of salt. "You never know..." She smiles a bit. "Keep yourself safe."
10 years ago
catches it, inspecting the bottle. "Salt? As if I don't already have any." He pulls a gun, wiggling it a little. "Rock salt bullets. I'm no beginner, you know.."
10 years ago
hums. "There you go. But accept a fellow hunter's gift, will you?" She adds, looking around. "So... any specifics on what monster we're talking about?"
10 years ago
hums, before tucking it away. "No. I've told you all I know. If it's a Pagan god, we'll need an oak branch dipped in virgin blood though."
10 years ago
shakes her head. "Don't look at me for that." She adds, delicate as she could, looking around. "But oaks aren't hard to find."
10 years ago
siiiighs. "But virgins are."
10 years ago
blinks. "I was... betting on you."
10 years ago
snorts as he chokes on his laughter. He can't even form words, or really..walk, he'd doubled over with laughter.
10 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry... I forget I'm dealing with a mature, very oh-so-hardcore boy..."
10 years ago
grins at her, once he's collected himself. "Oh sweetheart. You have no idea."
10 years ago
crosses her arms and stares. "The way you speak of it, I'll try with your blood just in case."
10 years ago
leans a little close. "Or, you could just try your hand with me instead." No, he didn't have much luck with women, but he still thought she was cute.
10 years ago
flushes and frowns at him. "You... We'll find another blood." She huffs, quickly looking away like a scared cat, red up to her ears.
10 years ago
grins at that, proud he'd been able to get a reaction like that. "No problem, can't be too hard."
10 years ago
nods. "Ah, yes, then the quicker we move the better, no?" she hums, tapping his shoulder.
10 years ago
nods. "Jaaa, ja, let's go."
10 years ago
walks on around the houses nearby, humming as she thinks. "Can we use... blood from a pet? Dog?"
10 years ago
doesn't want to risk it not working. "Or we could break into a nunnery?"
10 years ago
blinks. "I.. know one, if we don't... do we have to kill them? For a pagan god?" She fidgets, crossing her arms.
10 years ago
shrugs. "No? Just prick a finger, right?"
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