Obama might be forced to invoke the 14th amendment to reopen govt and pay the bills, which the Repubs are waiting for in order to try to impeach him. Good luck with that, assholes.
I've been tweeting all evening. I may not live in the US anymore, but Seattle is my home town and it really breaks my heart that so many Americans are so deathly afraid of better healthcare that they'd
sabotage/hijack the government in order to subvert what's been signed into law.
it's really not even so many Americans tbh. It's a few congressmen.
It's really disheartening.
And at this point.... ugh... I am losing so much faith in the us government
Yeah, a select few, holding a gun to the head of the government and trying to extort concessions. Who needs Al Quaida, right? When you have US politicians actively seeking to destroy America from within
it's not that I'm not worried, more that at this point I'm so freaking USED to the government being in a state of about to let all hell break loose
rather than submit to....gasp more people getting decent healthcare. I want to laugh, but I fear I will cry.
the only plus here is that the general public opinion is not amused by these antics.
Bush insisted we invade Iraq to make a point about terrorism, WMD and not negotiating with extremists, and yet now we're expected to roll over while the GOP dangles the entire country over the fiscal cliff
because it's pissed a law got legally and constitutionally passed after 42 attempts to repeal it? Get the fuck over it, and let this country heal, GOP.
I'm all for fiscal conservatism, but this is fanatical self-destruction due to hate....or something, I don't even fucking know at this point.
Maybe I can't understand because I live in a country with universal healthcare and paid not one cent in maternity costs for my child. I see no downside. I can have insurance if I want but I won't go bankrupt
if I opt out. Why all the heebie jeebies guys? Most civilized countries have some kind of national healthcare to ensure a general standard of living. I sadly must come to the conclusion that most
conservatives are anti-charity, anti-equal rights or liberties, and out for themselves, screw everyone else.
that's a pretty obvious conclusion tbh
I'msure there are some decent conservatives out there. Sadly, they are not speaking up and out about this sorry state of affairs that the GOP planned and orchestrated themselves. And yes, there is video proof.