11 years ago
[event] is currently at work, busying about on the floor. He works at a Sushi restaurant, aiding customers in making their orders from the conveyor belt. It's fairly quiet at the moment, meaning Gregory is_
latest #63
11 years ago
Cleaning table tops and making the shop presentable.
11 years ago
had heard rumours about a few things and has come into the sushi shop to inquire in guise of a customer.
Scotland is
11 years ago
humming along to the radio as he cleans, although it all comes to a stop when the door tingles announcing Ludwig's presence. He turns, customer service smile on, and greets him. 'Welcome to Yo!Sushi, is it_
11 years ago
just yourself today sir?'
11 years ago
glances at him and gives him a small smile. "Ja, I'm the only one."
11 years ago
Nods, looking around. 'Well, you have your pick today sir. Why don't you take a seat and I will bring a menu and some green tea over.'
11 years ago
finds it interesting that this man was working in a sushi restaurant but doesn't comment on it as he takes a seat at the back of the place.
Scotland is
11 years ago
soon back over with a cup of green tea and a menu. 'Is this your first time with us, sir?'
11 years ago
glances up at him and nods. "Actually, I've never tried sushi if you can believe it or not. What would you recommend?"
11 years ago
opens the menu and leans over to help, grinning. 'It's actually not that surprising....' He points out a few different types of sushi, suggesting some lighter flavours to start off with.
11 years ago
hums as he glances over them. "Which one is your favourite?" He asks curiously.
11 years ago
smiles, pointing to one of the plainer looking items on the menu. 'Inari sushi, named because they look like a foxes ears. It's rice, bundled into a small tofu pocket and then deep fried. It's quite sweet.'
11 years ago
let's his eyes run over the name a few times. "I'll get that one then."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow as he stands up straight again. 'Is that all today for you, sir?' he asks, hiding the bafflement in his voice. That would hardly fill the man up.
11 years ago
was not here to eat. "Ja, for now. Is it alright if I keep the menu with me."
11 years ago
Nods, 'Of course. You can just press the button at the side of the table when you need attention. Your order should appear on the conveyor belt soon.'
11 years ago
holds his gaze. "Actually, I was wondering if you could join me for a few questions as long as it's not too busy...of course. It's nothing personal I can assure."
11 years ago
Looks around before shrugging, managing a more genuine smile. 'It'll keep me entertained for a while, why not?' He sits opposite him, getting comfortable. 'So let me guess, a good reporter?'
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "You could say that. I investigate strange happenings in cities and towns." He half lies. "For example, right now, I've heard rumours that at a certain time at night it has been
11 years ago
reported that people have heard melodic singing from a certain area of the forest. Have you heard anything about this?"
11 years ago
Nods, 'Aye. The auld biddies are always gossiping about that to there grand kids. But that's all it is, right? Auld wives' tales.'
11 years ago
hums nodding it lightly. "Even when there's been missing kids from this forest every year?"
11 years ago
Doesn't really appreciate all the questions, although he doesn't let it show. 'What do you think it could be then?'
11 years ago
shrugs, of course, he had an idea but he didn't want to say anything. "That's why I'm asking around. To figure that out."
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'I usually keep go myself. Work here to earn enough to get by and then go hole to read a book.' He gives him a sympathetic smile. 'Wish I could help.'
11 years ago
sighs. "No, that's fine. It was help enough."
11 years ago
((So many typos ;; ))
11 years ago
Spots his order on the conveyor belt, smiling. He gets it down for him, placing it in front of the man. 'Are you sure you don't want anything else?' He asks, starting to get up.
11 years ago
glances at it and shakes his head. "This will be good." He doubted he'd be able to afford to much else.
11 years ago
Nods, smiling politely. 'If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.' Only when he turns does he frown. Another hunter... Huh?
11 years ago
was a hunter but he wasn't targeting Gregory or Elizaveta. It was something else.
11 years ago
Texts Elizaveta when he is clear of the table, giving her a description and suggesting she comes down to check if it's the same guy or not. He glances back at the man every so often, keeping an eye on him.
11 years ago
tries the food taking his time with it and contemplating his next course of action.
11 years ago
Decides not to wait for her reply, confronting the man himself. He walks over, sitting opposite him with his arms crossed. 'Are you the hunter that's been sniffing around Elizaveta?'
11 years ago
frowns at the aggressive tone that was taken with him. "I did ask her questions, ja."
11 years ago
Knew it! His frown deepens. 'Why are you sniffing around here then?'
11 years ago
doesn't look any more pleased. "Exactly what I told you when I came in. I had questions that I wanted to ask you."
11 years ago
Scowls, 'Why me? Who are you after?'
11 years ago
doesn't look impressed. "That's what I'm trying to figure out."
11 years ago
Isn't very impressed by him either, 'And you thought I was a kiddy snatcher?'
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him an incredulous look. "Actually no, unless you only come out during October only then would I consider you a 'kiddy snatcher'."
11 years ago
Snorts, '... What only comes out in October? Now it really is sounding like an auld wife's tale.'
Ludwig was
11 years ago
irritated. "And you and Elizaveta are not? The rest of the world sees the both of you as folklore and nothing more."
Scotland has
11 years ago
to stop himself from raising his voice, 'Me and Elizaveta aren't exactly the same, so get your facts straight Mr.Hunter.' He leans forward, 'Does this mean you believe in monsters in the closet and under_
11 years ago
The bed too?'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
not at all perturbed by his aggression. "I never said you were the same. I just said you both are nothing more than folklore in the eyes of the public." His expression hardens. "What's it to you what I believe
11 years ago
in. I've seen a lot of stuff that most people couldn't even conjure up in their nightmares. If that means believing in monsters in the closet and under the bed then yes."
11 years ago
Scoffs, 'That's the problem with Hunter's. Because they'e seen a few things they believe in everything. Ever thought you might be chasing a pedophile instead of a monster?' He pauses, 'Probably not.'
Ludwig has
11 years ago
tensed at that. "What's the difference?"
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'A pedophile kills for his own jollies. Folklore tends to do it for a reason.'
11 years ago
's lip curves up at that. "I'd have to disagree with that. I've run into folklore who didn't have much of a reason."
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'Maybe they're just reasons you don't understand.'
11 years ago
bristles at that. Torturing a small child until they're begging for death....that's a very warped reason. "If we're going with that logic than the pedophiles also have a reason that we don't quite understand."
11 years ago
nods, 'But they're doing it to their own kind. There is something especially twisted about that.'
11 years ago
can't disagree with that. "I'm not trying to defend the human race. I'm trying to do my job. You clearly know nothing of what I'm looking for so don't worry about me."
10 years ago
Gets up, 'If I see you sniffing around Elizaveta's and mine's I'll be having words. Don't need hunters getting suspicious.'
10 years ago
is still frowning. "Ja, okay." That meant something suspicious.
10 years ago
kills less than Elizaveta, so he should not be too concerned. He has his customer service smile on when more customers enter, greeting them and guiding them to a table.
10 years ago
had not been concerned with Gregory. He finishes the small bit of food before paying and exiting. He didn't need to cause needless drama within the restaurant. He did make sure to leave a tip in
10 years ago
10 years ago
takes the tip with the intention it was given and uses it
10 years ago
to distract a crying child later on. Afterall, the tip isn't all that big on a piece of sushi.
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