11 years ago
[event] had decided to visit Gregory, but when he got there he decided to just leave the tin of tea he'd brought as a thanks on the man's door step. He wasn't sure he wanted to take his chances.
latest #141
11 years ago
Knocks it over on his way out, eyebrows furrowing as he picks it up. Who was this from?
11 years ago
had left a note on it just explaining he'd thought he'd enjoy some tea. He got it imported from home.
11 years ago
Seems pleased with it, going back into the house to put it away. He would have to make sure to visit England to thank him.
11 years ago
would have actually knocked if he wasn't so unsure of the other. He was just overly cautious maybe.
Scotland is
11 years ago
guessing he might have scared off the other.
11 years ago
wasn't scared off at all... he'd just had a chance to actually think.
Scotland is
11 years ago
going to assume he has until told otherwise. He's soon heading back out, heading to work.
11 years ago
would probably drop by later on.
11 years ago
Returns back from work, letting himself in and starting the kettle. He would try the tea Arthur had given him.
11 years ago
came by later on knocking on his door. Nothing gained if nothing ventured he supposed.
11 years ago
Answers the door with a smile, expecting someone else. He looks surprised when he sees Arthur, although his smile soon widens. 'Ta for the tea... Just out the kettle on, wanna come in?'
11 years ago
nodded and smiled at him in return. "You're welcome and I would love to join you for a cup if you don't mind
11 years ago
11 years ago
Opens the door wider, stepping aside to let Arthur in. 'The kitchen is the door at the end.' Out the window you can see that the garden leads into the river.
11 years ago
stepped inside and followed his directions. hh
11 years ago
He noticed how close they were to the river.
11 years ago
Follows him in, pulling out a plate and setting out some shortbread. There is a table to one side with two seats. He clears it of papers and other junk, pulling a chair out for Arthur. 'Milk and sugar, right?'
11 years ago
He asks, placing the plate on the table.
11 years ago
thanked him as he took a seat and nodded, "ah yes. Thank you Gregory." He glanced out the window again more interested in the garden. "You have a nice place."
11 years ago
Grins, 'It's nothing like you're place, but I was more interested in access to the river.' He places a pot on the table, adding a sugar bowl and milk jug.
11 years ago
smiles a bit at that as he nodded, "I wonder why that is?" he joked idly as he looked back over at him.
11 years ago
Grins, returning with two mugs. He winks as he sits, 'Easy access.'
11 years ago
shifted to take one of the mugs from him with a thanks, "as long as I get to stay on dry land, then I will admire it for it's beauty."
11 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'You don't even like swimming?'
11 years ago
made the tea slowly and shrugged a bit, "in small ponds maybe?" He liked swimming in small doses.
11 years ago
Scrunches up his nose, 'Still water mostly then?' He makes his own once England is done, 'Do you what to see the Garden once you're done?'
11 years ago
took a sip of his tea and smiled at him a bit, "sure. I would love to see the garden."
11 years ago
Nods, sipping his own tea. He reaches over for a piece of shortbread, looking pleased. 'It's not up to much though.'
11 years ago
picked up one of the pieces of shortbread and sipped at his tea. "I can brighten it a bit if you want?"
11 years ago
Looks surprised at the offer, 'I can't make ya do that... It would need a lot of sprucing.'
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he took a bite of the shortbread. "I don't mind at all, I enjoy doing things like that."
11 years ago
Chuckles, 'I guess the neighbours would appreciate it.'
11 years ago
laughed a bit in response as he glanced outside again. "Might take me a few days, but I don't mind."
11 years ago
Smirks, 'I'm sure I can find a way to make it worth your while.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that, "oh? well I'm not good for much aside from looking after plants. You don't need to do anything to make it worth my while."
11 years ago
Frowns at that, 'You shouldn't out yourself down like that.'
11 years ago
shrugs as he sipped his tea, "I'm hardly putting myself down. I wouldn't really have it any other way. I am what I am." he pointed out.
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'I'm just saying. You're alright company and a damn good shag.' He finishes his shortbread, soon reaching for another.
11 years ago
almost choked on his shortbread at that, flushing with the comment. He swallowed a mouthful of tea and looked over at him. "Well I am glad I impressed, means I wont be in for a drowning any time soon then."
11 years ago
Grins when the other flushes. 'I guess not... You don't have much met on your bones anyway.'
11 years ago
rolled his eyes a bit at that as he finished his tea. "You wouldn't like the taste of fae anyway, not very good."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'Not so sure about that. If you all taste of tea...' He finishes his own cup, moving to out of their mugs in the sink. 'Want to go have a look now?'
11 years ago
let him take the mug. He got up and looked out the window. "I don't think I taste like tea," he smiled at that but nodded. "Oh sure."
11 years ago
Tugs him close as nears, stealing a cheeky kiss and a taste. 'Nope, you definitely taste of tea, Arthur.' He lets him go, heading out to the backgarden. Tall trees line the perimeter to give him the privacy he_
11 years ago
And Elizaveta needed.
11 years ago
flushed at the kiss, he absently licked his lips as he followed him outside. "So your neighbour? Is she like you as well?"
11 years ago
Looks surprised, he hadn't mentioned her. 'Close enough. She's a better hunter than I am though.'
11 years ago
had taken a guess, he'd looked around a bit earlier and he had noticed the other house, it had more of a feminine charm than Gregory's did. "Ah I am sure you're a pretty a good hunter."
11 years ago
Hums, glancing over to her house. 'She's gorgeous and a charmer. Blokes are putty in her hands.' He shrugs, leading him down the length of the garden. 'What do you think?'
11 years ago
followed him along the path and looked over the garden. "It's a good thing I'm not interested in women then." He focused on the garden now, "I think it's decent already. Just needs some brightening."
11 years ago
Nods, looking around it himself. 'And you'd be willing to do that?'
11 years ago
thought about it and nodded in agreement. "Yeah of course, I'd enjoy it."
11 years ago
Grins, patting him on the shoulder. 'Braw. I'll pay you in cups of tea and personal *favours.*' He winks.
11 years ago
flushed and shook his head a bit, "you hardly need to do that. I feel like I should be giving you the personal favours."
11 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'Why is that?'
11 years ago
shrugs as he stooped to look at a fern, running his fingers over it. "Haven't held such a long conversation with someone in a while, it's nice."
Scotland is
11 years ago
rather surprised by the answer, his heart going out to Arthur. 'Well, if ya had a phone you could call me whenever you wanted.'
11 years ago
chuckled a bit at that as he looked up from the plant. "Fae and technology have never really gotten along."
11 years ago
Rolls his eyes, 'It's not like it didn't take me a while to get to grips with things like the internet.' He crouches down beside him, looking at the fern. 'And these guys adapted to survive in cities
11 years ago
11 years ago
glanced over at him then back down at the plant. "There's a reason I stay out of the city as much as possible." He looked over at the other plants as he considered.
11 years ago
Reaches over to run his fingers over the leaves. 'You had a point there....'
11 years ago
11 years ago
watched him and nodded, he reached out and lightly touched the plant, it didn't need much, bit it's leaves reached out as it seemed to perk up a bit more. "To much metal."
11 years ago
Watches it perk up, 'In the soil?'
11 years ago
blinks and shakes his head, "no in the city." He looked over the garden again, "your garden is actually pretty healthy."
11 years ago
Looks around, 'I don't do much to it... He mainly cuts the grass and weeds once or twice a year.... But I do spend a wee bit of time out here.'
11 years ago
nodded, "well if you tell me what you want I can do it for you."
11 years ago
Looks around, 'Well, maybe a wee bit of colour? What do you think it needs?'
11 years ago
nodded as he looked over the garden again. "Colour, blues maybe, I can tie it into the water more."
Scotland likes
11 years ago
the sound of that... 'Sounds good... maybe a bit of yellow too, to keep it fresh.'
11 years ago
nods, "I'm thinking perennials and some annuals as well. Maybe some berry bushes."
11 years ago
Nods, as though he understands all that. One thing he is picking up on though is... 'You're a bit of a nester, aren't you?'
11 years ago
paused and looked up at him again, "what?"
11 years ago
Shakes his head, keeping the thought to himself. It doesn't matter.'
11 years ago
frowned a bit at that before he looked away and back over the garden. "I should get going."
11 years ago
looks over, before nodding. 'Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?' he asks.
11 years ago
looked up at the sky then back at him and paused. "I wouldn't mind, but don't want to impose."
11 years ago
shakes his head. 'i want you to stay.' He looks up too, curious as to what Arthur is looking at.
England was
11 years ago
just looking at how bright out it was or more how close to dusk. He nodded a bit as he tucked his hands into his trouser pockets. "I'd be happy to stay then."
11 years ago
slips an arm through one of Englands, tugging him into the house. 'We can order in. I imagine you don't do it very often.'
11 years ago
didn't have much of a choice but to follow him, though he wasn't going to complain about that. "Order in? you mean take out food?"
11 years ago
Nods, 'Yeah. Or do take out places deliver to the middle of nowhere nowadays?'
11 years ago
had to think about that, "we could probably convince them to."
11 years ago
Laughs, 'probably. They would expect a hefty tip though. How does Chinese food sound?'
11 years ago
waved a hand at that, "I can cover a tip, just give me some leaves and they'll never know." He smiled at that, "Chinese sounds good."
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'I should be fine tonight. I don't live that far out. You though, if you order in, you must have to make leaves into money quite often.' He picks up his mobile, finding the local chinese in the
11 years ago
_phonebook and calling them up. He puts the kettle on again, 'What do you want?'
11 years ago
took a seat as he shrugged, "I don't really order in." He smiled a bit at him though as he leaned back in his seat. "Surprise me, I'm not that picky."
11 years ago
orders various items for them to pick at and soon hangs up. He busies himself with making another two cups of tea, nodding towards the livingroom. 'I can get the fire started, if you want.'
11 years ago
watched him quietly as he ordered and made the tea. "Oh I can get it started if you want. I'm not doing anything."
11 years ago
smiles. 'That would be great actually. 'I'll grab some blankets then.'
11 years ago
nods as he headed into the living room, he took his time getting the fire ready and started, he was a bit of a perfectionist sometimes.
Scotland is
11 years ago
soon following him into the livingroom, blankets under one arm and a tray of tea and biscuits in hand. There was two arm chairs by the fire, with a small side table between them. He places the tray on the _
11 years ago
Table before taking a seat, watching Arthur start the fire.
11 years ago
barely noticed him come in as he focused on getting it going. When it was a good size he got up and turned to look over at him. "You have a nice place by the way."
10 years ago
looks around, a bit surprised at the comment. 'I suppose it has that lived in feel going for it.'
10 years ago
nodded a bit as he moved to take a seat in the other chair. "It's cozy."
10 years ago
Offers him a blanket, smiling. 'Well, thanks.'
10 years ago
takes it with a bit of a smile of his own. "No problem."
10 years ago
Settles in to watch the fire, cup of tea in his hands. 'My bathroom isn't as classy as yours though.'
10 years ago
picked up his own cup of tea as he curled up on the chair under the blanket with it. "I am sure it's got it's own charm."
10 years ago
Hums, 'If white and green tile is a charm, then I suppose. It's clean, atleast.' He sighs happily before taking a sip of tea. 'Is your tea alright?'
10 years ago
took a sip of his tea and smiled a bit as he looked over at him. "It's great, thank you."
10 years ago
Smiles, 'Braw...' He sinks into his chair, sipping his tea and watching the fire. He was enjoying the peaceful
10 years ago
Company wh
10 years ago
*while try waited or the Chinese to arrive.
10 years ago
closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth and the tea. It was nice. "So what's your favourite passed time?"
10 years ago
blinks, 'Apart from chomping on people?' He hums in thought, 'I like to read... Used to try to write. How about yourself?'
10 years ago
looked over at him as he sipped at his tea. "You stopped writing? I knit... crochet... that kind of thing."
10 years ago
holds back a laugh, for some reason he isn't surprised. 'Yeah... Human's have it down pat, why challenge them?#
10 years ago
shifted a bit in his seat, he didn't find it all that amusing. "Ah..."
10 years ago
shrugs, 'Plus... no one understands Ulster Scots nowadays.' He had started writing quite a long time ago... He looks down at his blanket, 'Do you knit blankets too?'
10 years ago
smiles at that though as he watched him, "oh yes I do knit blankets."
10 years ago
Shakes his head in disbelief. 'Doubt I would have the patience for that.'
10 years ago
shrugged as he took another sip of his tea. "Well I have a lot of time alone."
10 years ago
nods, 'And no TV. Lots of spare time on your hands.' He hears the doorbell go, going to fetch their food before disappearing into the kitchen to prepare it.
10 years ago
shifted to get up to help him but decided against it, the other would have asked if he'd wanted the help.
10 years ago
wouldn't have minded the help, but he didn't want to drag Arthur away from the heat. He returns with a tray full of different take-out containers and two plates, putting it on the side table. He takes a seat,_
10 years ago
handing Arthur a plate and letting him dig in first while he gets comfy.
10 years ago
thanked him as he took the plate and slowly dished up a bit of food for himself. "Thank you for dinner."
10 years ago
shakes his head, 'Least I can do.'
10 years ago
settled back into his chair with his plate. "I haven't done anything yet."
10 years ago
'Not that you know of.'
10 years ago
blinked and stared at him a bit confused. "What do you mean?"
10 years ago
Smiles, 'Just sticking around and enjoying my company is enough.'
10 years ago
returned the smile at that as he took a few bites of the food. "Well it's nice to be able to talk to someone."
10 years ago
Digs in himself, looking pleased with his choices.
10 years ago
focused on his food then, it was good.
10 years ago
Finishes with a content side, putting the plate to the side as he stretches. 'We could watch a film if ya want? Is that a novelty for you?'
10 years ago
finished his own food slowly and added his plate to Gregory's. He looked over at the question and blinked. "Yeah... it is."
10 years ago
Hums, 'Then you haven't seen all that many....' He thinks through his collection, trying to find something fairly nature-y. 'I have Fern Gully, which is about fairies... Wanna try that?'
10 years ago
raised a brow at that as he curled up under the blanket more. "You can pick your favourite if you want."
10 years ago
Hums before nodding, 'I'll settle for somewhere in between.' He picks Brave on, moving the food and plates to the coffee table. 'You'll probably see the tv better from the couch...' It was facing it after all.
10 years ago
watched him for a bit before he suggested moving and he blinked. "Oh right," he got up and moved to the couch bringing the blanket with him.
10 years ago
Doesn't bother fetching his own blanket, stealing half of Arthur's as he settles on the couch beside him with the remote. An arm goes over the back of the ouch as he starts the film.
10 years ago
didn't object to that as he glanced over at him and shifted closer so sharing the blanket wouldn't be so awkward.
10 years ago
Let's the arm settle over Arthur's shoulder, pulling him closer.
England is
10 years ago
pretty easily distracted by the film as he settled in against him to watch it.
10 years ago
Lets him enjoy the film, taking quiet pleasure in the quiet moment between them both.
England was
10 years ago
enjoying it, both the film and the company.
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