Gilbert has
11 years ago
crawled through Eliza's window, curled up on her couch. He may be hiding.
latest #82
11 years ago
[normal plot~]
Gilbert has
11 years ago
cocooned himself in blankets, too out of it to realise she's even there.
11 years ago
blinks, and glances over at her. "Oh...don't tell-" He stops to sneeze a handful of times. "West." Ugh, he's pretty sure he has a fever.
11 years ago
whines softly. "Hiding." He nose is stuffed, and he sounds more than a little ridiculous.
11 years ago
huffs softly. "Cause...West told me to take medicine like...two weeks ago. But I didn't, and I'm more sick, and he'll get know." He does his best impression of West's stern/disappointed face.
11 years ago
whines at that. "S'gross though." For once he's speaking quietly, but only because his throat burns and his voice is all scratchy v.v
11 years ago
sighs softly at her touch. "Nein. S'poison."
11 years ago
watches her go, not even bothering to huff about the medicine. Apparently he could still get a few kisses out of Eliza. Even if they didn't mean anything. That did more for his spirits than the medicine would.
11 years ago
shuts his eyes for a moment when he sees the medicine. Eugh. Fine...for Eliza...and to not see West's disappointed face. He sat up a little to take the medicine from her, staring at it as if the bottle _
11 years ago
_contained poison.
11 years ago
shuts his eyes tight, plugs his nose, and drinks the syrup down quick. He immediately makes a face, reaching for the water Eliza has in her hand.
11 years ago
drains about half the water bottle, before sneezing and spraying...well, some of it out. Not on her at least. "Fuck...sorry."
11 years ago
sets the bottle aside, and flops back down onto the couch. "I feel like shiiiiit"
11 years ago
shifts against the touch. "You won't tell West, right?"
11 years ago
sighs happily, and erupts into a coughing fit. Shitfuck.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Idunno." Hmm "Can I watch you play video games?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No. Hey. I have a fever, right?" He was freezing his ass off, so it sounded about right.
11 years ago
huffs. Well shit, West was going to absolutely kill him. "Fuck. It'll go away."
11 years ago
nods. He curls up in her lap, figuring he's feeling like shit enough that he can get away with it.
11 years ago
cuddles against her stomach. "Elizaaaa"
11 years ago
grins a little at that, muffling a cough. "Nothing."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
her his best puppydog eyes "When I'm sick?"
11 years ago
puffs his cheeks a little at that. "Horrible." He blinks, scrunching his nose, and squirms out of her lap in time to have another sneezing fit. Ughh
11 years ago
coughs lightly when it's over, and flops back onto her lap. "Do you have kleenex?"
11 years ago
shuffles away from her again while he blows his nose. Ugh, he's stuffed up and runny at the same time, how is that possible?
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
her a look. "Are you enjoying this?"
11 years ago
sighs softly. "I don't like being sick..."
Gilbert is
11 years ago
kind of happy with the way she's fussing over him. Honestly if he wasn't so caught up in his misery over being sick, he'd milk it. Instead he just curls against her, trying not to cough. It hurts like a bitch_
11 years ago
_when he does.
11 years ago
whines at her. "M'not a dog..."
Gilbert likes
11 years ago
the petting, despite his grumbles. "S'nice."
11 years ago
turns a little to stick out his tongue at her. "Still feel like shit though."
11 years ago
puffs them slightly. "Easier said than done..."
11 years ago
would lick her finger, if he wasn't sick. "I can too!"
11 years ago
...has no idea how. "Well I took the medicine. You just have to-" He pauses to cough, wincing as the pain lances his throat. Ugh. "Wait and see."
11 years ago
nods, squirming a little as he goes into another sneezing fit.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
probably enjoying it more than he should. He's happy for West and Eliza, but he does miss her a whole lot. Miss the way they used to be. "Kill me."
10 years ago
huffs at that. "Roddy, cause you never beat me."
10 years ago
pokes her side. "It's not!" He sneezes twice, and grumbles under his breath.
10 years ago
scowls. "I'll cough on you." The threat is obviously empty though, by the way he curls against her.
10 years ago
sighs at the touches, stifling a few coughs. "Kay.." He shuts his eyes, and even though he feels drained, and disgusting, all he can think of is his stuffy nose, his headache, and how shitty he feels.
10 years ago
eventually nods off, breath evening out as he falls still. He's probably too exhausted to move around in his sleep like he usually does.
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