11 years ago
has left a short but informative note at Alfred's door. He's waiting for him near the field of flowers. It was a good rendezvous.
latest #362
11 years ago
smiles up at him. "As I promised." He smiles lightly.
11 years ago
flushes abd hugs him back. “What did you get up too?“
Ludwig has
11 years ago
actually missed his smile even though they were separated for a short time. "I've never read any but that sounds interesting."
11 years ago
laughs. "I wouldn't call myself that but it's nice to know someone does."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No plans. Are you busy?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "I'm not very good at thinking of things to do with others. Was there anything I can treat you too?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow. If that's what he wants. "Ah, ja, if that's what you want." He smiles lightly.
11 years ago
has never really played it himself either. It wasn't popular in Germany. "I haven't either." He smiles amused. "But I'm sure it won't be too difficult."
11 years ago
is almost taken back by the reaction. He had almost thought he'd done something wrong. "Are we learning about the game or just playing catch?"
11 years ago
nods, that was what he thought. "Do you have the equipment or do we need to buy some?"
11 years ago
nods. "Let's go get them and play in that case."
11 years ago
nods. "I can help you experience everything you want."
11 years ago
notices this and wonders if perhaps Alfred hasn't made that many friends before him. He takes a glove from him that looks like it will fit before motioning for them to exit to go to the yard.
11 years ago
eases the ball into his gloved hand testing the glove out before stepping as far away from Alfred as he could go. He brings his arm back and throws the ball in a perfect arch towards Alfred.
11 years ago
takes a few steps froward and hazardously catches it in his glove. It was a little hard to get used too. He throws it back finding the others excitement endearing if anything.
11 years ago
catches it but nearly misses it. He notices this and instead of throwing the ball back he makes his way towards Alfred. "The way you're throwing the ball isn't quite right." His lip thins as he passes the ball
11 years ago
to him. "Hold the ball and pretend like you're going to throw it."
11 years ago
notices this. "Here, pass me the ball. You're holding it wrong."
11 years ago
places the ball in his hand and shows Alfred the way he's holding it and the way he pulls his arm back to throw it. "Do you see?" He asks as he eases the ball back into Alfred's hand.
11 years ago
studies it for a second and gently grabs his wrists fixing his hands position a bit more before releasing him. "Ja, okay. That should do it." He says as he heads back to his position waiting for the throw.
11 years ago
smiles at that and catches. "Much better!"
11 years ago
passes him the ball back.
11 years ago
catches the ball and glances at him. "Ja?" He calls back.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's a good idea. "That sounds good."
11 years ago
can't help it but he squeezes the hand lightly as he lets the other lead him.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
about it for a few seconds. "I could use one. Do you want me to make something small for us?"
Ludwig is
11 years ago
always amazed by that. He releases his hand and goes to see what he has.
11 years ago
slices a loaf of bread he found and sausage and makes small pieces of bread with sausage and cheese. He brings it to the table when he's finished with it. "Alright, done."
11 years ago
takes the lemonade gratefully. There is a small flush on his cheeks at the question but that's it. "It went well. We came to a compromise."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
glad about that too. He would have been hard pressed to kill her. He sips at the lemonade. "Ja, I agree."
11 years ago
nods. "I've been lucky." He says as he grabs a piece of bread. "Ever since I've met you...actually."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Possibly. There's is definitely something magical about you."
11 years ago
laughs lightly. "Your welcome."
11 years ago
glances at him not having realised he had zoned out. "Ah, really?" He didn't really believe it.
11 years ago
flushes lightly but shrugs it off. "It's nothing, really."
11 years ago
frowns. "You have trust me."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
11 years ago
hums. "I am curious." He does say.
11 years ago
wonders if he should stand too. "I'll let you know if I can't handle it."
11 years ago
does as he's instructed and at first he almost feels overwhelmed but he gets a hang of it and it's clear his fascination with everything he's seeing.
11 years ago
can't believe what he's saying but take is it all in in strides. It was fascinating and breathtaking. He'd never thought he'd ever see such a sight in his lifetime.
11 years ago
blinks as it takes him a while to orient himself. His cheeks are flushed and he looks a little dazed or out of it. "That's...that's something." He hums.
11 years ago
wouldn't be able to take anything more at the moment. "I'll let you know."
11 years ago
flushes at the kiss. "Thank you..."
11 years ago
drinks at his lemonade thinking over everything he had seen. "Do you live in that city?"
11 years ago
makes a sound of acknowledgment. "How interesting. Is your history as violent as ours?"
11 years ago
can't disagree with that. It's like that with individual people. They need to experience certain things first before they can figure out what they truly want in life. "Unfortunate but I'd be curious to hear
11 years ago
some history from your planet as long as it doesn't reveal anything important."
11 years ago
nods. "Of course. You sound surprised."
11 years ago
smiles lightly nodding. "It's a secret passion."
Ludwig likes
11 years ago
almost all those eras. "Let's start with Ancient and move from there."
11 years ago
hunches over the table so he can listen more intently. "Does your planet have many religious? Or do you not believe in anything?"
11 years ago
hopes that day happens soon for them religion has caused to many deaths. "Fascinating. You're a treasure chest of information."
11 years ago
smiles back at him. "I feel a little dumb in comparison."
11 years ago
has a sudden thought. "Alfred, how old are you?"
11 years ago
's eyes widen. Alfred was considerably older than him. "That explains certain things and leaves confused with others. What's your species lifespan?"
11 years ago
can't believe that. "You're fairly young for your species. But considerably older than me. I would have never guessed."
11 years ago
chuckles. "That you do."
11 years ago
grows quiet and nods lightly. "I just wish I could have gone for an education rather than be a hunter."
11 years ago
has never considered that. "You do realise we won't have a consistent schedule because of the nature of my work."
11 years ago
smiles gratefully. "Then I would like that."
11 years ago
'S lip quirks in a small smirk. "Even if you give me homework."
11 years ago
hums. "I'll be counting on it. In the meantime we should finish these snacks."
11 years ago
takes his time with the snacks. He's a little excited about the tutoring.
11 years ago
finishes his lemonade. He can't eat anymore.
11 years ago
had a few thoughts but first. "Is there anything I can teach you about?"
11 years ago
nods. "It's an exchange in that case. As for what we can do let's go out for a walk and then go out for dinner."
11 years ago
gets up as well and tidies the area making sure to wash the dishes before heading to the door.
11 years ago
nods. "There's a nice trail not to far off or we can stick to the town and see the sights. I know of a few places to see in town and then eat."
11 years ago
smiles and exits the house as he decides to converge both trail. Fifteen minutes inside the forest and fifteen in town. The trail is lonely with only them on it but it's peaceful.
11 years ago
glances at him. "I like to clear my mind in nice places. There is something peaceful about it."
11 years ago
smiles at him. "I appreciate that. It would have been nice to visit your planet and meet your family. I would have liked seeing the people who had raised you to be so interesting." They are now
11 years ago
getting closer to town.
11 years ago
grasps his hand not at all bothered by the contact. "Ja, really. Have you gone to the museum in town?"
11 years ago
should have known and nods. "On witchcraft."
11 years ago
smiles. "Let's. I'm curious to see how accurate it is or what approach they are taking." He's leading them over to it.
11 years ago
smiles as he opens the door for him fishing for his wallet in his back pocket to pay. "I'll get this one."
11 years ago
pays for two entry and nods. "Ja, you always treat me." He places his hand on the middle of Alfred's back gently leading him further into the museum.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he shouldn‘t think anything of it. When they get to the exhibit his expression becomes amused. “They seem to be taking it at a more historical approach.“
11 years ago
is glad they did it this way too. He's glancing around the exhibit reading the tablets of information before studying what they have up.
11 years ago
glances over at him and can't help but smile at how happy he seems to read everything he can get his hands on. It takes him a moment to year his gaze away to look up into the face of folkloric version
11 years ago
of a witch. The sad thing is he's actually come across some that looked like this and others that were completely normal.
11 years ago
glances back at him and nods. "These ones are usually the nastier ones. From my experiences but I've run into witches that look like any woman you'd see on the street who was just as nasty as well."
11 years ago
shakes his head from side to side. "It's more like as long as you're not out looking for the than you don't really have to worry about them."
11 years ago
nods. "Of course that doesn't stop some." He says as he strolls over to another section. He had a lot of scars from so many encounters.
11 years ago
smiles lightly at him. "Ja, are you getting hungry?"
11 years ago
laughs lightly. "That sounds like a good plan. Do you care where?"
11 years ago
offers him his hand. "I know a diner my brother likes. It has some good food as far as I'm aware."
11 years ago
thinks he can one day. "We can all have dinner one day." He assures as he guides him out of the museum and down the road to the dinner on the hill.
11 years ago
had essentially been raised by Gilbert, that was true. "He means everything to me." He says softly as he opens the door for Alfred. "I owe him a lot."
11 years ago
flushes at that even though it was the truth. He follows Alfred in and takes a seat opposite him. "Not always Alfred. Not all brothers."
11 years ago
as glad when they are brought a menu. "Not with Gilbert and I...I've come across brothers who despise each other. I wouldn't say what Gilbert and I have normal per say."
11 years ago
had never asked about his family. "Do you have a sister?"
11 years ago
scans the menu and decides on something quick. "Where you ever lonely?"
11 years ago
makes sure the order gets in before focusing his entire attention on Alfred. "Lucky. Seems like a good way to grow up."
11 years ago
hasn't really hid much from Alfred so there was no point now. "Ja, it wasn't easy...but that's in the past."
11 years ago
looks a little awkward. "I like to think I have." But there were still some things. The food is brought out to them and it smells good. He's glad for the distraction.
11 years ago
nods at that. "I made a promise." The only reason he wouldn't show up was if he was gravely injured or dead. He glances down at his food and starts on it.
11 years ago
doesn't need him to say more. Alfred has been a very good friend to him.
11 years ago
places down his fork and makes sure to chew and swallow his food before answering. "Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Math, History."
11 years ago
flushes lightly at the idea of being a scholar and Alfred's excitement. "If you need more help with adapting to human life I can try and help you there too."
11 years ago
nods, he finds it hard sometimes with the German way and any other way. There could be such distinct differences. "Even for me sometimes."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Of course. Did you want dessert?"
11 years ago
already knows what they should get. "What's your favourite flavour? Great milkshakes here."
11 years ago
laughs. "Chocolate is also my favourite." He says as he gets the attention of the waiter and orders two chocolate shakes.
11 years ago
laughs at the high five. "Have you ever tried German chocolates before?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Nutella is very popular in Germany but I was talking about Ritter Sport. It has so many different flavours. It's very good."
11 years ago
isn't too surprised. "I'll look around to see if I have some left. It's very good." At that moment the waiter comes by with the shakes and places it in front of them.
11 years ago
sucks on the straw humming. "Ja, I'll make sure you get too."
11 years ago
has to think about it. "No, he's not even remotely as serious as me. When we're hunting ja but he's much more relaxed."
11 years ago
isn't sure that's a good idea. It gets dangerous. "Some would say that at first meeting is we're polar opposites but we do have many things in common." He's working on his shake again.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Really? Why?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Ultimately it's out experiences that shape us as well and how we perceive the world. We're bound to be different."
11 years ago
won't deny him that. "It is very different." He agrees.
11 years ago
11 years ago
had finished his as well. "This is as far as I planned. You can take the reigns for plans for the rest of the night." He says as he gets up stretching a bit.
11 years ago
flushes lightly at that as he pulls his wallet out and pays for the meal. "I could...if that's what you want."
11 years ago
likes that idea. "A movie doesn't sound too bad. I'd like that."
11 years ago
places his hand back on the middle of Alfred's back as he guides them back the way they came.
11 years ago
has to think about it. "Lighthearted?"
11 years ago
thinks his life is to serious for anything that would mirror it. "I'm sure anything you put on I will like."
11 years ago
has never heard of the movie. "Ja, that sounds good." They make it back to Alfred's house without a hitch.
11 years ago
smiles lightly and picks up his pace until they are both standing at Alfred's door.
11 years ago
follows in after him. "As long as I stay awake throughout I'll be able to tell you." He's making fun of himself for falling asleep last time.
11 years ago
flushes at that. It seems odd that anyone should be able to carry him. "Hmm, I'm surprised I didn't wake up last time."
11 years ago
forgets that sometimes with the way Alfred acts. "I forget that you are. You can always wake me up too." He says as he takes a seat on the couch.
11 years ago
flushes because he was surprised at how peaceful he had slept with Alfred.
11 years ago
leans back against the couch. "It's something I can't quite help. I get embarrassed a little to easily."
11 years ago
wraps an arm around him to be more comfortable. "It suits me?" That seemed odd.
11 years ago
flushes darker. He was glad it was partly dark and the movie was on. "Danke Alfred...that means a lot."
11 years ago
thinks beside his brother Alfred is one of the people he cares the most about.
11 years ago
feels bad for the little robot. It reminded him of a small lonely puppy and that comparison broke his heart even more.
11 years ago
is quite absorbed in the film and is surprisingly not tired.
11 years ago
liked that there wasn't that much dialogue and the dialogue that the movie did have was very meaningful.
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
like it's more evident in his eyes how he feels about the movie rather than in his facial features. People had always told him that his eyes were quite literally a mirror to his soul.
11 years ago
pulls him closer turning a little towards him for the comfort.
11 years ago
flushes a bit clearing his throat. "It's cute..."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "The movie reminded me of you." There was just something about it that screamed Alfred and it could have been the blind optimism Wall-E had in almost every situation. Blind and yet seeing
11 years ago
the universe with such clear sight.
11 years ago
hums. "It was no problem at all. I enjoyed it."
11 years ago
flushes a dark red at the sweet kiss. It takes him a moment to react almost dazed by the fact that Alfred was kissing him before responding and gently kissing him back. He wasn't completely sure if this was
11 years ago
something that friends do but he liked it because it was everything he was unaccustomed of experiencing.
11 years ago
gently pulls Alfred onto his lap as he does take the opportunity and explores the crevices of his friends mouth. He cards a hand through Alfred's hair.
11 years ago
can't help but shiver himself at the light caresses as he continues to press forward with the kisses. His other hand gently running down his back curiously.
11 years ago
gasps against Alfred's mouth when he projects what the other is feeling to him. "Gott..." His breath stutters as he holds the man tighter against him. "Alfred..."
11 years ago
gently runs his hands under the other's shirt caressing the skin under it as he kissed him back enthusiastically.
11 years ago
's is still quite flushed as he turns his face to catch his breath and enjoy the kisses to his jaw. "Can I take off your shirt?" His hands are running up Alfred's back and over his naked shoulders.
11 years ago
grasps the hem of the shirt and pulls it up and over his head discarding it somewhere to their side as he takes in the sight of the other's naked skin. He gently caresses the skin on his stomach as
11 years ago
he steals another kiss.
11 years ago
smiles against his lips before pulling away to get rid of his shirt. He let's it fall beside Alfred's before he's shifting the other forward to press him down against the sofa's cushions.
11 years ago
flushes at the compliment and pulls away to study him before leaning down and trailing kisses down his neck. "Touch and explore." He hums against his skin.
11 years ago
nips lightly at the skin as he arches into the touches shivering at the way they made him feel. "That feels nice."
11 years ago
tenses for a second before relaxing again. He did have many. "'s a drawback in my line of work." He murmurs softly.
11 years ago
flushes at the comment. "Why...they're ugly."
11 years ago
laughs a little at the wink as he nuzzles against his nose before gently pressing a kiss to his lips. "If you want to see more just say the word." He murmurs against his lips.
11 years ago
gasps at the touches and especially when they longer over his nipples. He runs a hand down his stomach to work at his pants. "I can let you undress me if you want." He breathes. He was fine with
11 years ago
either or.
11 years ago
likes that idea. "Do you want me to sit back? How do you want me?"
11 years ago
flushes lightly at the attention but let's him take each article he wants at the pace he wants too. The cool air does cause him to shiver lightly as he watches Alfred's expressions.
11 years ago
had to shift so they would slide off his frame before smiling lightly at Alfred. "Why shy all of a sudden?" He understood it was just endearing.
11 years ago
"We don't have to do this."
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him another flushed smile as he's completely exposed. "It is..." He replies as he leans back down to kiss him softly.
11 years ago
caresses his cheek for a bit before he lets the hand trail down to work on Alfred's clothes. He manages to unbuckle his belt and unbutton the pants before he has to shift in his position breaking away from the
11 years ago
kiss to tug them down Alfred's legs underwear and everything.
11 years ago
meets his gaze. "Are you okay?" He asks unsure.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at him. "Of course...having a tail and antennas doesn't change anything." He smiles lightly as he leans down to press kissses along his collar. "How sensitive is your tail?"
11 years ago
hums trailing his lips down Alfred's chest. His hand gently caressing his tail curiously.
11 years ago
presses into the touch grazing his lips over both collarbones this time. "I've done this with another I hope you don't mind I'm taking it very slowly."
11 years ago
(( I meant "Never done this." xD ))
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