10 years ago
oh is everyone doing identity stuff? i can join in...
latest #15
10 years ago
i'm hella nonbinary!
10 years ago
more specifically i guess my gender is really fluid and nebulous, there are bits of "male" and much smaller bits of "female" but most of it fits solidly in the other category
10 years ago
(i put on my official rp info that my pronouns are they/them but i also use ey/em, ae/aem and he/him, i like having multiple names, multiple pronouns, etc etc)
10 years ago
& i guess on the subject of names, theo is short for theorem, as in math theorems, i'm a mathematician and math is really important to me!! but i also use lem and fen as names
10 years ago
orientation-wise who the heck even knows. i'm like 95% sure i'm ace-spectrum of some sort, POSSIBLY the full ace but possible not idek its complicated
10 years ago
romantically i may be aromantic-spectrum or i may not? another ???? you may notice a theme here
10 years ago
as far as what groups of people i'm into, for whatever definition of "into" is relevant, i'm more or less pan. really queer, regardless
10 years ago
ohhh wait is this identify thing for coming out day, damn, i hate coming out day u__u
10 years ago
oh well
space ass
10 years ago
oh no i kind of didnt realize it was for coming out day until now either...oop.s...
space ass
10 years ago
i definitely feel the ???? too though, this stuff is so complicated sometimes 8(
10 years ago
yeah..... i guess where i am is that i know my sexual/romantic feelings are not.... "normal"? as in they feel distinctly different from sexual & romantic ppl, even queer ones
10 years ago
and yet i dont fit entirely in an ace or aro box either (or even feel good calling myself demi/grey ace) and i have yet to figure out the details
space ass
10 years ago
yeah i know what you mean about not fitting in the box...for sexual orientation i Know i am ace, but romance??? its...really confusing haha....
space ass
10 years ago
i used to get crushes on people but i just ??? ? ?? ? ?
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