11 years ago
[event] has ended up falling asleep on a bench by the river, a book settled on his knee face down. He had been waiting for someone to approach him, in hopes of luring them further down stream and into the water
latest #61
Francis is
11 years ago
watching him from a tree in bird form, sensing the energy but unable to tell what he was from his hiding spot.
11 years ago
starts to tilt to one side, catching himself at the last moment with a start. He looks around, hands going to the book first of all. And then his wallet and phone. He only relaxes when he discovers it all there
11 years ago
. He isn't quite aware of the eyes on him yet, but he soon would be.
11 years ago
twitters a little laugh at the sight flying down to the ground and quickly switching to human behind the tree before anyone can see. He then makes his way casually over to the bench, taking a seat elegantly.
Scotland is
11 years ago
rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he first senses the immense source of heat approaching him. He looks over when the other takes a sheet, eyes trailing the length o his body before settling on his face._
11 years ago
_The faint flush on his face lets Francis know he likes why he sees.... 'To what do I owe the pleasure?' He turns to face him, keen on not letting him go anytime soon....
11 years ago
hums, watching the way this stranger eyed him up like that, and definitely taking note of the flush with a grin. "I felt like sitting, and how better to do so than to share a bench with a fellow
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handsome man?" he lies, though eyeing him up. Alright, maybe it wasn't a complete lie.
11 years ago
Goes a bit darker with the compliment, clearing his throat. 'Then you've probably found the best bench for a wee while.' He focuses in what he can't see, trying to suss the other out. He can remember coming_
11 years ago
Across similar creatures before... But they have always been in captivity. He can't quite place what the other is. 'You must like playing with fire though.' Afterall, he was by the river. This was his territory
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles charmingly at the response, though he was trying to read him as well... something wet, that much he was sure of. "Mm pourquoi? Have I unknowingly sat next to someone dangerous~?" he teases, reaching
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out to trail a finger down his arm, a hint of the heat he was capable of being left behind. "I think I can handle myself though~"
11 years ago
Shifts his arm slightly, trying to edge away from the heat. 'You have no idea, ~~precious~~.' He smirks, his own eyes flickering to his merman state before turning back.
11 years ago
grins a little, more interested when he sees that flicker rather than intimidated. "Oh dear, what a pickle then. You hair says fire, but your eyes say water," he answers, leaning in a little closer.
11 years ago
Laughs at that, 'Very true. My hair would suit you better, would it not?' He sits back on the bench, smirking at the other. 'I rather like the contradiction, myself.'
11 years ago
grins, and nods in agreement. "I like it on you, it ctainly makes your mystery much more intriguing," he hums, running a hand through his own hair. "No thank you though, I rather enjoy my hair as is~"
11 years ago
Reaches over, fingers trailing over some of his hair. 'I like it on you an' all. It suits you.'
11 years ago
hums, allowing him to do so. "Hmm, merci. I like the red on you, as well." He smiles, shifting a little closer. "So... small town mermaid...?" he asks softly, grinning a little. It was
11 years ago
his first guess that would make sense, all things considered.
11 years ago
Hums at the question, an arm going over the back of the bench as he shifts closer. 'I am not your typical merman,' he replies, 'I'm of the Scottish variety.'
11 years ago
grins as the other shifts closer too, tilting his head. "Oh? Do explain, now you have me curious~"
11 years ago
Leans in, a small smile on his lips. 'Well, at times I'm hung like a horse,' he starts, winking for the other's benefit. 'I have quite a few forms.'
11 years ago
arches a brow at this, grin growing. "Hmm, you sure do know how to peak a man's interest, don't you," he laughs, hand sliding down Gregory's thigh teasingly. "Like what~?" he asks, curious
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about his forms. Obviously there was human, and mermaid, but elsewise...?
11 years ago
Smirks with the extra attention. This person was such a flirt, both with danger and people. 'I can change into merhorse and a horse as well.' He shrugs, a playful smile on his lips. He was generous downstairs_
11 years ago
Due to the horse in him though. 'The latter was definitely more of a trap for the past though.'
11 years ago
laughs a bit at that, grinning. "Literally hung like a horse, in that case," he chuckles, sliding his hand up. "That would be interesting to see," he hums, though he nods in agreement. "I could
11 years ago
see that. It wasn't always lust that led them into the waters with you then."
11 years ago
Nods, shifting into his touch despite being in public. His cheeks are burning red. 'Greed a and the desire to break me as a horse also sealed their date.' The longest he had let someone ride him was 3 months._
11 years ago
The man died a long and painful death once they finally neared water. 'My back becomes adhesive.'
Francis is
11 years ago
pleased when he shifts into the touch, giving his thigh a firm squeeze near the hip. "Hmm, remind me not to ride you then," he laughs teasingly, meaning the inuendo. "I could see that you would be
11 years ago
beautiful in all forms though. You look like you would, at least."
11 years ago
Hums, 'I would use the world beautiful for yourself... I'm more handsome, or rugged.' He leans in, 'You could always ride me while I'm on my back, you know.'
11 years ago
laughs at this, grinning as he leaned in and traced gentle fingers down his chin. "Hm, would you like me to~?" he teases, fingers inching closer to his crotch despite being in public. "You are pretty
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handsome, I'll give you that~"
11 years ago
Smirks, 'I think the real question is, 'Are you wanting to?'' He doesn't wait for an answer, kissing him.
11 years ago
grins, about to answer when suddenly Gregory's lips are upon his own. He doesn't argue though, making a pleased noise as he kisses him back eagerly, finally moving to palm at his bulge gently.
11 years ago
Can feel the heat radiating off of the other so much more distinctly now, groaning with the hand on his bulge and the sensation of being blanketed in waves of heat. He nips at Francis' bottom lip, trying to get
11 years ago
Him to open his mouth.
11 years ago
hums softly at the nip, nipping him back teasingly before parting his lips. He continues to stroke him through his pants, shifting closer with a soft sound.
11 years ago
Snakes his tongue into Francis' mouth, luring his tongue to tangle with his. A hand goes to Francis' hair as he shifts into the hand on his bulge, flushing at how quick he was hardening with the touch. He pulls
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Back when it becomes overwhelming, eyes lidded. 'Want to go somewhere a bit more private?'
11 years ago
moans softly as Gregory invades his mouth, appreciating how quickly he grew beneath his fingers. He grins slightly as Greg pulls back, nodding and pulling his hand back. "That might be a better plan," he
11 years ago
agrees, glancing around. "My house?"
11 years ago
Shakes his head, 'Probably too far... I know somewhere near by.' He gets up, adjusting his clothes to hide his problem. 'Follow me.'
11 years ago
licks his lips, nodding and standing with him. "Mm, good then, lead the way~" he grins.
11 years ago
Leads the way towards a bridge. It seems to get quieter and quieter until they're under it, shielded from the gaze of the public.
11 years ago
follows him leisurely, looking around and pleased at the lack of people. He's a little wary of the location, but remedies that by pressing himself back against the underside of the bridge and pulling Gregory
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against him with a grin.
11 years ago
Smirks back, hands slipping under his shirt. He moves to catch his lips in a heated embrace, pushing him up and pressing him against the wall.
11 years ago
groans and presses into the touch, returning the heated kiss. He wrapshis leg around him to keep him close, burying a hand in his hair as he nips at his tongue.
11 years ago
groans in approval, grinding his hips into Francis'. He pushes up his shirt, exposing him to the cold air as thumbs rub his nipples.
11 years ago
moans and rolls his hips back against his, gasping softly as the cooled air hit him and arches into the touch. He breaks the kiss in favour of tugging Greg's head back and training little nips and kisses down
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his neck.
11 years ago
Tilts his head for the attention, groaning at the light nips. He grinds himself against Francis, hands grabbing and groping as they slip under his trousers for a grope
11 years ago
gasps and bucks against him with grope, moaning against his skin. He bites and sucks on his skin, leaving a mark on him as he grinds against him.
11 years ago
11 years ago
Groans low in his throat, breath stuttering as he settles into a good rhythm. His hands soon fall to Francis hips to guide him down back into the ground.
11 years ago
pants gently, moving with him to lay on the ground and sliding his hands down to start to slide off Gregory's pants. He slips a hand in to stroke him, humming softly in pleasure... he really was hung well.
11 years ago
Takes off his jumper, using it to cushion Francis' head. He leans down to kiss him, groaning as Francis grasps him.
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