11 years ago
[event] is on the trail of what he thinks is a vampire, creeping through the forest at night with infra-red goggles on.
latest #44
11 years ago
spotted the man while was collecting some mood flowers in full bloom. He decided to trail after him out of curiosity.
Kiku is
11 years ago
pretty terribly sensitive to every little sound in his minor terror, getting goosebumps when he feels like he's being followed, and looking around quickly.
11 years ago
paused and pressed against a tree, he wasn't using any magic right now to follow him. He was just interested really.
11 years ago
looks around a moment, shaking it off and continuing on his path through the woods. It was rumours and missing people's reports he was working on, so he wasn't 100% on if he was going ot find anything.
11 years ago
slipped through the plants silently as he watched. Humans could be so odd. He decided to have some fun with this one though as he moved closer and reached for a vine. He poured his magic into it, telling it to
11 years ago
wrap around the man's ankle
Kiku is
11 years ago
pretty on edge, watching his own footsteps to avoid stepping on anything noisy, and so he doesn't notice the vine slithering towards him at first. He can't help but yelp as it winds
11 years ago
around his leg though, trying to kick it off in a panic and falling over as he does so.
11 years ago
snickered a bit at that before he changed form. He looked like a small child as he moved closer still keeping quiet
11 years ago
11 years ago
doesn't notice him sneaking up,focused on pushing off the vine from his ankle and taking a deep sigh of relief, hoping whatever he had been hunting hadn't heard him...
11 years ago
moved ahead of him a bit watching still before he started making noise, stepping on a twig and letting it crack.
11 years ago
can feel an icy jolt run through his spine and he freezes momentarily at the sound, before scrambling to his feet and pulling his pistol from his belt. "Who's there??"
11 years ago
smiled to himself briefly as he took a few more steps and worked up tears, he fully intended to play the part of a lost child. It happened often enough in these woods.
11 years ago
gets himself oriented the right way, pistol pointed... until he notices this small, crying child. He lowers his gun carefully, still cautious but also not wanting to scare him. "...are you alright..?"
11 years ago
pretends not to notice him right away as he sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, trying to hide his tears. He looked up and blinked a few times shaking his head quickly.
11 years ago
hesitantly tucks his gun back in it's holster, stepping forward and kneeling in front of him. "Are you hurt? Lost?" he asks, glancing around to check if anything was spying on them.
11 years ago
nods at his second question as he got the tears under control. "I was just playing... then it got dark."
11 years ago
reaches out to pat his shoulder sympathetically. "I can help you then," he offers, standing again and offering his hand. "If you would like, I can take you home to your parents?"
11 years ago
hesitated as he looked at his hand then back up at him. He slowly reached out and took it, pulling himself up as he nodded. "What are those?" he pointed at his goggles, looking confused.
11 years ago
smiles reassuringly as the kid takes his hand, blinking before realizing what he was talking about. "Ah..? These help me to see at night," he answers, free hand coming up to touch
11 years ago
them. "I know they look a little scary, but they make it safer!"
11 years ago
stares but nods a bit, he let him lead the way as he used his magic to coax the forest to change, plants springing up where they hadn't been and completely hiding the whole trail.
11 years ago
leads him back through the way he came, though he gets more and more hesitant as the trail starts to disappear. He looks around in confusion, swearing this had been the way that he had come...
11 years ago
kept hold of his hand as he continued to pour enough magic into the forest so it would change on it's own, trees filling in gaps and so on.
11 years ago
doesn't want to appear stupid when he's trying to lead a kid home, so he just changes routes when the forest looks too thick ahead to have ever been a path. He's getting rather creeped
11 years ago
out and confused though, constantly thinking he sees movement out the corner of his eye even though nothing's moving when he looks.
11 years ago
glanced up at him curiously looking a bit amused for a moment. "Are you sure you know where you're going?"
11 years ago
frowns a little at that, looking around as he walks. "...of course I am. It's just a bit up this way..." he insists, missing the kid's amusement in his determination to get out.
11 years ago
smiled a bit at that as he nodded, "the forest doesn't like you."
11 years ago
blinks, looking down at the kid. " why would you say a thing like that?"
11 years ago
looked up at him as he still held his hand. "Because you're lost."
11 years ago
hums at that. "That doesn't mean the forest doesn't like me, it simply means the path was a little less clear than I expected..."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he stared up at him, he was openly smiling now. "What were you looking for?"
Kiku is
11 years ago
getting a little creeped out by this kid, though he refused to let it show. "I was just hunting, that's all."
11 years ago
watched him closely, "hunting what?"
11 years ago
furrows his brow slightly. "Deer," he lies.
11 years ago
looks skeptical or much as a little kid can. "At night?"
11 years ago
hesitates a little but nods. "...of course."
11 years ago
raised a brow as he watched him, "why?"
10 years ago
hums. "...they're sleeping now, it's easier to catch them unaware." It was probably obvious to Arthur that Kiku knew nothing of regular hunting.
10 years ago
stared at him, "you're lying." He tugged on his hand a bit, "what are you really hunting?"
10 years ago
furrows his brow a little, looking down at him. "....why do you think I'm lying?"
10 years ago
watched him curiously as he let go of his hand. "Cause I know you're not hunting deer. Just like you know I'm not a normal kid."
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