11 years ago
[Event] is out buying incense.
latest #78
Mattie is
11 years ago
picking out scented candles to put around her home when she noticed the other.
11 years ago
picks up small package of incense sticks -the cones never work well enough- and pauses. It's like a cold draft in the room, and the second she spots Mattie, she just...stares. The woman is _
11 years ago
_obviously dead, her aura is a bleak wispy grey, and she wonders why the spirit for candles...?
11 years ago
didn't notice her staring as she looked over the candles, she picked out one reading the label.
Shaliza wonders
11 years ago
if she should say something. The spirit doesn't seem upset, or ready to cause harm. Maybe...well, she has been accumulating power, lately. Edging closer to her, she attempts to get the spirit's attention. "Hi."
11 years ago
blinks and looks up at her, holding onto the candle still. "Hello?"
11 years ago
smiles. "So...looking for candles, huh? Which one did you get?" She moves to brush against the spirit's hand, under guise of inspecting the candle closer. Hiding her surprise, she hums. Apparently...the spirit_
11 years ago
_was tangible.
11 years ago
looked overly confused as she glanced down at the hand brushing hers'. "Oh um... pumpkin spice?"
11 years ago
smiles at her, overly confused now. "Very festive."
11 years ago
nods as she stared at her, she was so confused by the woman's expression. "I'm sorry but can I help you?"
11 years ago
smiles sweetly at that. "Yes..yes you can. Are you aware of your..condition?"
11 years ago
looked even more confused now if that was even possible and shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about."
11 years ago
takes that as a no. "Your condition is that you are too cute for us not to be friends." Wow. Okay so uncharacteristic, but she couldn't say 'You're dead, and I need you for spells' now could she?
11 years ago
moved passed confusion and onto just plain startled by that. "Um... I don't even know you though?"
11 years ago
holds out a hand. "Shaliza."
11 years ago
looks at the hand and shifted the candle to her other one reaching out to lightly shake it. "I'm Mattie."
11 years ago
shakes her hand, maybe squeezing a little firmer than she should have...but it was like she wasn't even dead at all. "Nice to meet you."
11 years ago
didn't really feel her squeezing any harder than was normal. She nodded a bit, "ah nice to meet you as well."
11 years ago
shifts the boxes in her arms, and smiles sweetly at her. "So. Candle shopping, hm?"
11 years ago
looks down at the candle, she couldn't remember why she was buying it. She just knew she needed it. "Yes..." she wondered it it was weird to be buying a candle?
11 years ago
nods. "I see. I'm more of an incense girl myself." She motions to the boxes in her other hand.
11 years ago
looked at the boxes and nodded, "ah. I can't really remember why I needed this."
Shaliza thinks
11 years ago
the candles are an interesting point though. She feels as if it's important. "Hm, maybe you should get it for when you remember?"
11 years ago
looked at the candle and nodded, "probably." She bit her lower lip lightly in thought.
Shaliza is
11 years ago
watching her carefully. "Want to go for coffee or something?"
11 years ago
paused in her thoughts and looked over at her again. "Um... sure?"
11 years ago
-"Is everything okay?" She feels like she's scaring the spirit off. But to be fair, her people skills aren't what they used to be.
11 years ago
nods as she set the candle down on the shelf again, forgetting about it. "Yeah, everything is fine."
11 years ago
's gaze flickers to the candle. "You're sure?"
11 years ago
nods as she smiled at her. "Em hm."
11 years ago
nods. "Right. Coffee." Which was far from her beverage of choice, but many people found it a bit early for a bar.
11 years ago
smiled a bit at that and nodded, "shall we go then?"
11 years ago
nods. "Let me just buy these first." She heads to the counter, ringing through her incense sticks and oils.
11 years ago
waited by the door for her, not sure what to think of the whole meeting.
11 years ago
finishes up quickly. "Done~" She opens the door, leading Mattie down the street. "It's a very cute shop."
11 years ago
followed her quietly and nodded a bit, "ah it is."
11 years ago
hums. "Do you go there often?"
11 years ago
shakes her head as she tucked her hands in her pockets. "No, not often at all."
11 years ago
nods, turning a corner. "It's very nice. You can get a lot of interesting things there."
11 years ago
had to agree with her as she followed her. "Em hm, so what do you do, for a living I mean?"
11 years ago
hums. "You know, this and that. Work at the bar sometimes, sell at the farmer's market.."
11 years ago
nods as she listened to her. "So why are you interested in me?"
11 years ago
smiles "Some people are born with gifts. Some gifts lead people to others."
11 years ago
stared at her, she really didn't know what to make of this girl. "I see."
Shaliza is
11 years ago
trying to be..nice first. "I see auras. Have you heard of anything like that before?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, her fingers curling in her pockets. "No..."
11 years ago
hums "It's like...your energy. It tells me about people. Their moods, what kind of beings they are.."
11 years ago
blinked and shrugged as she looked away from her. "I see..."
11 years ago
watches her carefully. "Do you think I'm weird?"
11 years ago
glanced over at her and shakes her head smiling now. "No, not at all."
11 years ago
motions to a small cafe, holding the door open. "Well, we're here."
11 years ago
looked up at the place and blinked, "oh. It seems lovely."
Shaliza thinks
11 years ago
so too. It's small and cozy, only a few people sequestered in corners and in a circle of beanbags. "It is. Cheap, too. What do you want, it's on me."
11 years ago
followed her inside, frowning at the question. "Oh um... just a tea?"
11 years ago
hums. "That sounds good. What kind of tea?" She wants to see Mattie...drink or eat, or something. Couldn't she..not? Being dead and all.
11 years ago
blinked, "just normal? Orange pekoe?" she looked around for a free table area. "I'll get a seat?"
11 years ago
nods. "Alright, I'll be right back." She heads over, ordering tea for them both, and a few cookies.
11 years ago
found them a seat in the corner, she liked her back to a wall, it was just more comfortable that way.
11 years ago
heads back over to the seats, sliding her tea and cookies across to her. "I didn't know how you took it, so it's black." There were little sugar packets on the table anyhow.
11 years ago
glanced at the tea and nodded a thanks as she pulled the mug closer and wrapped her hands around it. "Thank you."
11 years ago
smiles at her "You're welcome." She's waiting patiently for the other to eat, drink...something. Anything.
Mattie is
11 years ago
enjoying the warmth of the cup in her hands as she stared at her. "Are you... okay?"
11 years ago
guesses she's being too obvious. "Tired, mostly., tell me about yourself~" She takes a sip of her own tea, munching on the cookie.
11 years ago
just continued to hold onto her mug as she listened. The question made her frown, "I don't know.."
Shaliza thinks
10 years ago
that sounds...accurate. "No? What do you like to do for fun?"
10 years ago
shrugs, "I enjoy baking." She didn't know what else to say about herself really.
10 years ago
perks up at that. "Me too! We should swap recipes some time."
10 years ago
smiles and nods now, "I wouldn't mind sharing."
Shaliza is
10 years ago
happy she's managed to perk up the other woman. "Great! What do you bake?"
10 years ago
shrugs a bit as she looked down at her tea. "Pie mostly."
10 years ago
hums. "pie pie? Because I bake...pies, but they aren't really pies."
10 years ago
stared at her, "what do you mean?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "Well I mean. It's food. Not...pie. Like there's aloo pie, but its really just like a patty, and macaroni pie, but some people call it a...casserole? What the hell is a casserole?"
10 years ago
laughed a bit at that as she shifted her hold on her cup. "Ohhh... Like meat pies and stuff? Not the dessert kinds of pies."
10 years ago
grins. "Yea...I mean there's no meat? I could add meat in the aloo pie if you wanted...but yea. Not dessert pies."
10 years ago
nods a bit and smiles, "makes sense."
10 years ago
nods. "So we should definitely compare, right? What's your favourite kind of pie?"
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