two but the second one is just for buffer between my head and the headboard.
I sleep with only one or two under my head (i have a really nice pillow that is super awesome) but I used to sleep with a lot more
but i still have several on my bed because i feel more comfortable in a pile
plus a big stuffed dog and a very old teddy bear
i had 1 body pillow and 2 pillows but then i came back from college and i had another of the same set and then i have the memory foam pillow i scored when i went off on a racist employee at bath and body
or bed bath and beyond...
3 now but i used to have like 6
i only sleep with one + two stuffed animals, but i keep two on the bed in case i roll over to the other side...
five: two soft pillows and three firm
i was waiting to see if anyone would make a pillow queen joke lmfao
I sleep with two under my head because if I don't it feels like I'm not using a pillow.
i was going to be like, you can be pillow king, pillow queen, pillow prince, pillow princess...
2 under my head, with two beside me, and a stuffie.
1 normal pillow, 1 body pillow, a shitton of stuffed anials
and no the body pillow doesn't have an anime man on it (sadly)
ngl i did a double take when kim said queen of pillows and i was like "WAIT A MINUTE"
one but i have another in my bed
but i have pretty firm/fluffy pillows
i have a fluffy body pillow and two pillows on top of it.......
my body pillow also does not have a half naked anime husbando on it u_u
im surprised at the variety in answers i got here hahaha
my brother stole them all and then the house ate all the pillows

so i have 1 really thin one. but i have 2 smaller blankets to put under that 1 pillow.
if I'm on my back I use two or so but if I roll onto my front I pull the top one down and only use one
I have seven on my bed but I probably only use three or four to actually sleep on
in winter i usually use two because i wind up liking to hold something while i sleep but when its warm i just do that with my blankets
yeah in the summer i knock a lot of mine off the bed but in the winter i basically have a nest
if i don't have at least 3, i don't sleep well haha
i need at least one to sleep on and one to hold or else i can't sleep.
aside from liking to sleep on super soft things ... i think i have so many because i roll around like a wild creature during the night ... so there's always a pillow waiting for me akljjwefj
I sleep with one or none, depending on how my neck feels, and two stuffed animals :>
im just a pillow hoarder...
i used to have 8 but memory foam pillows aren't quite the same to roll around in. i have one for my neck but the second one just chills in my closet
i've thought of getting a memory foam one...
they're nice but you don't need as many as we have in this house haha
basically once upon a december i scored 2 free pillows because really racist employee at the store from the manager, then my complaint made it to regional so i got 2 more from regional
and they messed up our original order twice so they gave us 2 more for free for just screwing up our order
and that was on top of the 2 we bought
YEAH haha, everyone in the fam has 2 now
the girl i sublet from over the summer left behind some furniture including her memory foam pillow :3
3 but mostly 2; 1 is just a sacrifice because it always ends up sliding down the back of the bed
two at my head, i lay another pillow in the crook between the two i actually sleep on, one long pillow to my left and another to my first since i move too much . . .