Letitbe0527 is
15 years ago
going to IUB this Fall
latest #8
Claire_Kuo says
15 years ago
Letitbe0527 says
15 years ago
cos I don't have the second choice, Sayonala OSU( crying)
Letitbe0527 says
15 years ago
you are the only friend of me here (plurk) what a lonly space( Crying)
15 years ago
go to the middlestern dance now ....
Claire_Kuo says
15 years ago
因為允之很沒心到現在還每來(偷抱怨) :'-(
Claire_Kuo says
15 years ago
Claire_Kuo says
15 years ago
things will be alright
Claire_Kuo says
15 years ago
although i also like osu :-(
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