11 years ago
[Event] has gone back to the field Alfred has shown him to clear his mind.
latest #259
11 years ago
glances up and smiles lightly at him. He looks a little beat up. "Ja, I was hoping you would be here." He says.
11 years ago
pushes a box over to him. "I was passing through town and saw this cake. I want you to have it." He ignores the question about his injuries. He was fine, he had just gone to visit the haunted house
11 years ago
with his brother.
11 years ago
flushes a bit at the enthusiasm. "It's for you. You don't have to share it. is ice cream so eating it soon is advisable."
11 years ago
had remembered he had said that. In the box there were two spoons. "That is true." He always preferred sharing anything with his brother rather than being alone.
11 years ago
takes the spoon and is glad for the lack of questions although he probably would have told Alfred if he were very curious. "My brother came back so I did."
11 years ago
sometimes wishes he doesn't at all. He tries some of the cake and is pleased when it turns out to be good. "We do~" he agrees. "How many hours do you need?"
11 years ago
hums and nods. How fascinating. "What was your planet like? Do you miss it?"
11 years ago
takes this in. "Will you ever go back? Do you have parents?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Why aren't you?" He was so used to being nosy he wasn't always sure if that was proper friend code.
11 years ago
makes an 'ahh' sound. "That makes what we're doing illegal. How unfortunate."
11 years ago
can understand that. "I don't think the human race is ready for that just yet." He muses. "That's all very interesting. It's unfortunate I'll never get to see the day we are ready."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. "What falls under your definition of good?"
11 years ago
wasn't much for dissecting. He found it distasteful. "You won't have to worry about me dissecting you or stealing anything."
11 years ago
glances up at the sky. "Let's hold it off for a while. Maybe on a special day."
11 years ago
is working on his half. He blinks and flushes. "There really isn't much to me...what do you want to know?"
11 years ago
has to pause and think. He's never been asked these questions genuinely. "I like to read and hike, I'm originally from Germany and I'm quite plain I like vanilla and chocolate."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Germany is great for the most part...however if you have my occupation it's very dangerous."
11 years ago
loses his smile. "They don't all make their homes in towns or even cities. It's the forests and mountains too that are infested with cruel entities." His voice has grown quiet and harsh. "They prey on
11 years ago
the innocent some even going so far as to have their fun with some kind of torture before they deal the final blow." A part of what he was saying related to him.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "My brother brought me over here when I was young." After Gilbert had saved him from a near death experience. The mere thought of that event was causing him to sweat and tense up.
11 years ago
had to pull himself away but he manages as he nods and swallows the lump that had formed. "...sorry..."
11 years ago
rubs a hand through his hair and gives Alfred a tired look. "This is one the nicest times I've had in a long time." He reassures and admits.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he doesn't have to worry too much. "My brother makes sure we enjoy ourselves too."
11 years ago
flushes but nods. "If it wasn't for him...I would be dead."
11 years ago
hums thinking about it. "We go for beer, Gilbert likes to go for joyrides and we both like to write."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ja, we drink quite a bit. We write about the creatures we come across."
11 years ago
thinks about it. "I'll bring it next time."
11 years ago
hadn't realises the implications of his words and flushes a dark red. "Did you think I wasn't?"
11 years ago
could see how he would come up with that. "It might happen but I will try to come back."
11 years ago
didn't think he had to worry with him. He had just been angry about the telepathy. "I guess you don't get to be that honest with anyone else, hmm?"
11 years ago
doesn't know the feeling that well. "That doesn't sound fun."
11 years ago
nods solemnly at that. "Humans react to humans badly too. I'd e scared to see them react to anything else."
11 years ago
gives him a weary smile. "Then again I've seen some very strange things. Things that technically shouldn't exist. You are more plausible then them."
11 years ago
laughs. "It was definitely something knew. Did you like my baked potato?"
11 years ago
gets up dusting his pants. "Ja, of course." He says as he limps forward. "What did you want to eat?"
11 years ago
tenses but then relaxes into the hold. "Alfred, I'm more than capable of walking myself." He hums.
11 years ago
hope a he won't floating him back to his hotel. He had walked all the way here on his own. "Danke.."
11 years ago
nods as he already goes to search around.
11 years ago
finds some fresh vegetables and meats. "I think I have an idea of what I will make." He says as he limps back to the island.
11 years ago
glances at him with a quirked brow. "Ja, I do. Have you not seen some with my physique?"
11 years ago
nods in agreement. "Well, if you're very can come and..." He wasn't sure what. "And examine?"
11 years ago
didn't mind. It may be because he grew up differently. "It doesn't make a difference to me."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
cutting vegetables and so he nods. "Ja, I mean I get enough exercise from my hunts but it's always good to keep exercising."
11 years ago
nods. "I'm twenty two. That was quick. Was it just my shoulders and back that fascinated you?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not at all." He places the vegetables in a bowl. "Alright, come get your better look." He says stepping back a bit.
11 years ago
takes hold of his shirt and pulls it off as he does what he's asked rolling his muscles and arching his back. "That's probably it."
11 years ago
flushes lightly at that statement. "A few years."
11 years ago
pulls his shirt back on and goes over to season the meat. He isn't sure what to say so he remains quiet.
11 years ago
wasn't sure he was embarrassed per say or what he was. "I'm fine." He reassures as he boils the broth he's just made and places sliced potatoes in their placing the bowl of vegetables to the side."
11 years ago
briefly glances over his shoulder at him as he gently eases the hand made meatballs into the boiling broth. "Hmm, that's a good question. There are some that I thought were difficult but now wouldn't be." He
11 years ago
mulls over. "I guess...there was this enchantress in Germany. She was very powerful and it was so easy for her to capture you under her spell."
11 years ago
smiles in amusement at the question. It was a valid one. "She was breathtaking. My brother and I had never seen a woman so beautiful in our lives."
Ludwig is
11 years ago
checking the potatoes and putting in the vegetables. "You are, I guess. I don't make it a point to meet nice ones."
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, you're not human."
11 years ago
places the spoon down. "Not at all. You're more human than most humans."
11 years ago
lids it and turns around to face him leaning on the counter beside the stove.
11 years ago
"Maybe to try so hard. Be yourself...minus the floating and antennas."
11 years ago
(( Don't try so hard*
11 years ago
flushes at the compliment. "Taste the food before you compliment the chef."
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "I'm not saying don't make more friends. If you trust them enough than by all means divulge your secrets." He glances at the cloak. "It should be ready in ten minutes.
11 years ago
doesn't have to contemplate this for very long. "I'd love a beer."
11 years ago
thanks him and checks on the soup stiring it for a little whole before lidding it again. "Almost done. Let's set the table together, ja?"
11 years ago
takes a sip of his beer before limping over to help but the cutlery and bowls.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It's really nothing. It's not that bad." He does however listen to Alfred...after he brings the pot of soup over and places it down on a cooling pad.
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Please, eat as much as you like."
11 years ago
can't help but laugh lightly at the way Alfred looks. "You look like you've died and gone to heaven and you haven't tried the food still."
11 years ago
's smile is still on his features he doesn't even bother to retaliate. "My grandfather."
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad that he seems to enjoy it. "I made quite a bit." He says as he serves himself.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a strange look. "Really?"
11 years ago
starts working away at his soup. He should be used to such odd things by now. "Alfred, question. Is this how you normally look or are you a different colour and have several eyes?"
11 years ago
finds this fascinating. "And here I thought you'd be completely different. That's interesting."
11 years ago
hums. "I guess to other species we look strange."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "Do you have a partner in that case?"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. " I meant before coming here but I can see how that would be difficult." It was the first time he had seen Alfred properly blush.
11 years ago
nods at that. "Nothing wrong with that."
11 years ago
finds it amusing. "Why does it embarrass you?"
11 years ago
smiles and shakes his head. "We all react differently to it. I can't wrong you for being embarrassed. I get like that too sometimes."
11 years ago
flushes and nods meekly. "I've never thought about it or had time to act on it."
11 years ago
can't help but flush darker. "Is it wrong that I feel like it shouldn't be something you throw away to anyone?"
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
a little awkward with this conversation and grows silent again face a dark red. It even reached his ears.
11 years ago
flushes darker and pinches the bridge of his nose as he scrunches his eyes clothes and then bringing all his concentration on the soup. "I'm naive."
Ludwig has
11 years ago
never had another man call him cute...even if this other man is an alien.
11 years ago
flushes darker and loses ability to respond altogether as he tries to register what just happened.
11 years ago
doesn't look at him but nods meekly.
11 years ago
concentrates on his second beer letting the conversation die for now. He needed to calm the heat in his face before he could say anything.
11 years ago
glance up at him. "I actually don't watch movies...not really."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "What movie did you have in mind?"
11 years ago
flushes again. It was a little too blunt. "Whatever you want." He clears his throat. "I'm not picky."
11 years ago
cleans up the kitchen and put the rest of the soup away before slowly limping towards the living room.
11 years ago
laughs at how excited he is and takes a seat and shifts getting comfortable. "What's the movie?"
11 years ago
glances at him incredulously. "Alfred....that's a movie about killing aliens?" Was this man for real?
11 years ago
laughs. "Right, of course. I should have known. Ja, let's watch it then."
Ludwig is
11 years ago
sure that Alfred will anyway. "It is an old movie, have a little pity on it."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Well, I'm glad we can entertain you." His attention turns back to the film.
11 years ago
becomes a little drowsy as the movie goes on. He really likes it but he hasn't had a good nights sleep in so long it's catching up to him. He's fighting a losing battle as he tries to keep from falling asleep.
11 years ago
doesn't protest too much as he complies his eyes falling shut right when he's comfortable against Alfred's lap. The contact was perfect.
11 years ago
sighs pleasantly at the petting but is out for the counting.
11 years ago
appreciates that he does. He'll feel embarrassed that he did.
11 years ago
would be impressed to know that Alfred had managed to pick him up. He really was exhausted if he briefly woke up mumbling something before passing out again.
11 years ago
during the night pulls Alfred closer to him and wraps him in his arms.
11 years ago
does eventually wake up and at first he doesn't quite register where he is but he knows that the body pressed against his own is definitely not Gilbert's. His eyes widen and he panics momentarily before he
11 years ago
remembers that he's still at Alfred's and he doesn't feel so bad. He pulls the blankets up trying to figure out what's wrapped around his thigh but it's still dark and hard to tell.
11 years ago
blinks glancing at him and finding it mildly amusing as he tries to stifle a laugh. It looked as if he wasn't going anywhere fast.
11 years ago
flushes dark at the sudden change in position and although Alfred is fast asleep Ludwig pats the man's head awkwardly as if unsure what else to do.
11 years ago
wasn't sure if he should answer or if Alfred was sleeping. "I could go look and see...unless you want to sleep some more?"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that means that Ludwig should get up and prepare the coffee. "I'll be back." He sighs as he gets out of bed to make his way to the kitchen.
11 years ago
had already started the coffee maker. His hair was messy and he looked half asleep still but the smell of coffee was waking him up. He hasn't noticed Alfred quite yet.
11 years ago
can't believe he fell asleep here. He hopes his brother doesn't worry about him. "Good morning." He replies a little more awake and amused with Alfred's look.
11 years ago
pours him a coffee having forgotten it was ready. "Do you take yours black?"
11 years ago
lets him work on it as he pours himself a cup and prepares it as well.
11 years ago
nods. "I have to ask some locals about missing men."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's pointing to that but we can't be sure." He sips at his coffee.
11 years ago
flushes but nods. "I don't see why not..."
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
how he got him to bed especially up those stairs. Then again...he'd seen him carry him before. "I should probably go soon. Gilbert will be worried."
11 years ago
flushes light and nods as he pats his back before heading off to go find his brother and wash up.
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