11 years ago
[Event] sat at the table in a corner of the teacher's lounge with her laptop, correcting and grading papers in her sparetime.
latest #28
11 years ago
had a wide smile as she leaned against the other's back as a fun way to tease the other, " Busy aren't we, Miss Beilschmidt?" She liked to greet her fellow coworker in fun ways.
11 years ago
tensed up immediately, hearing the voice so close by her. Apparently she had been too occupied to notice her proximity, and that wasn't a comforting realisation. "Yes, quite." She managed through clenched _
11 years ago
teeth, not taking her eyes off the screen.
11 years ago
smiled more before standing up right, " I was going to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me later but I'll take that as a no right?"
11 years ago
sighed quietly and rubbed her temple lightly with two fingers. "I'm sorry," she gave the other teacher a small smile, "But you couldn't have asked a bit differently? .. Sure we can."
11 years ago
shrugs, " Did you forget that it was your birthday as well? Lyou usualy don't stress out like this
11 years ago
11 years ago
shook her head lightly, and took her fingers off the keyboard as she turned to give her her full attention. "I'm not stressing, I'm working. I don't take my work lightly." She exhaled and cast her eyes _
11 years ago
down. "As for that, I don't see how it matters."
11 years ago
pouts at the other, " Means I get to treat you to something nice, ja?"
11 years ago
was honestly surprised she bothered to, but didn't want to start something. She already knew Köhler wasn't easy to shake off, anyway. "Fine.. If you insist. Lunch later, then?"
10 years ago
liked being persistent and nice to her fellow co-workers. It was rare for anyone in their faculty to be around her age.
10 years ago
" I'll wait until you're done then~" She hummed, pulling up a seat across from the other and feeding the lizard that was in her lab coat pocket.
10 years ago
gave a curt nod, and turned back in her seat towards the computer. She had nearly become immersed in her work again when she heard the odd tiny sounds she couldn't identify until she looked up at Dorthe. _
10 years ago
Eyeing the small reptile for a moment, she cocked a brow and glanced up to the her, her tone a little uncertain as she asked, ".. Why do you keep a lizard in your pocket?"
10 years ago
smiles widely as she looked up, " It wanted some fresh air so I took it outside the lab. It's not poisonous...I think." She shrugged in a joking manner as if she had forgotten the species.
10 years ago
lifted her head slightly, as if she would understand what she was explaining better from this angle. ".. Ah." She nodded in understanding once, then glanced back down at the screen. "I imagine it would be _
10 years ago
poisonous, or it's no use to your lab." She never was good at detecting jokes.
10 years ago
petted the lizard would seemed pleased after being fed, " Well, I'll be in deep trouble if I carried too many poisonous specimens. This one is for show during my classes."
10 years ago
studied the little creature over the top of the laptop. "Do you.. show them why it's not poisonous, then?"
10 years ago
nods as she let the animal sit on the spot that had sun on it, " Ja and also describe the features it would have if it was poisonous."
10 years ago
| "That makes sense." She said, then returned her attention to the documents displayed on her screen.
10 years ago
hums, " Its funny when the students who aren't paying attention think its poisonous though."
10 years ago
nodded slightly, humming in acknowledgment, though after a few seconds she glanced to her again a bit impatiently. "Would you mind being quiet while I get this done? I'll work quicker that way." After a small _
10 years ago
pause, she quickly added, "I don't mean to be rude, it's just how it is."
10 years ago
shrugs and started watching her lizard instead. She didn't mind as she was understanding.
10 years ago
muttered a low 'thank you', and finally focused entirely on the work in front of her.
10 years ago
shrugs as she waited patiently...well as patient as a Dane could be.
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