Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
update: I still live. my sith warrior is level 20. my trooper is level 13. Tay Hawke has reached act 3. I'm over halfway through a full Star Wars rewatch.
latest #43
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
(this is basically been what I've been doing with my time)
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
MEEeep! thump
11 years ago
Hey you. Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. ;-)
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and i am reminded that while i do not like the prequels AS MUCH as the original trilogy, i actually do like them. fuq da h8rs
11 years ago
hehe, I admit I've only seen the first prequel myself.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
the first is the worst, imo
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i mean, it doesn't hurt that i have new appreciation for them after the Film Nerd 2.0 articles from a couple years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
basically a film critic who writes for a website started showing his older son classic sci-fi (mostly) and writing about his responses. With his little brother making some appearances.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and he showed them the Star Wars series for the first time a couple years ago, when they were 6 and 4 years old respectively.
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and it just. reduces me to TEARS towards the end. 'cause like. these boys get SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN IT.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
plus they'd seen the clone wars cartoon so they knew who anakin was and loved him but didn't know he was darth vader?
11 years ago
Aw, yeah. Kids are great like that.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and he showed them the films "out of order" but in a way that makes the EMOTIONAL journey better imo. eps IV and V, then the prequels, then VI.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
so like. return of the jedi had SUPER HIGH STAKES.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and basically yeah I'm on a star wars kick atm
11 years ago
Oh, that's an interesting way of going about it! I should try that sometime.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i'm doing it atm! almost done with attack of the clones, revenge of the sith and return of the jedi next! probably not until tomorrow tho, it's late.
11 years ago
And it works?
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
but i love it. it's like, once you learn who vader is, you have a 3-film flashback to see how he got there.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and how easily luke could go down a similar path
11 years ago
Oh cool!
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and how he didn't start out bad, and personally how (I think) the old ways of the jedi failed him.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and so not only do you say "luke could go down that path" but yoda, who is like ALL THAT'S LEFT of that jedi way that failed anakin so hard, has told luke that if he leaves dagobah, he'll destroy everything
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
that the rebellion's fighting for
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
so then you get to return of the jedi, and anakin gets his redemption, luke doesn't go darkside, and a NEW WAY of being a jedi is born, and HOLY CRAPOLA that's emotionally way more satisfying, I think.
11 years ago
Ohh, so basically, Lucas really just screwed up the order in which he showed his movies.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
haha, well, i mean, i don't think actually RELEASING them in this order would've worked out.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
but if you can sit down over a few days or a few weeks and watch them like this? hell yes.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i should link you to the film nerd 2.0 articles, they're really fabulous
11 years ago
Well yeah.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
(also if you don't come away from them with a renewed enthusiasm about star wars, i will eat my hat. one of the fuzzy ones.)
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
Yeah, I've actually thought that when I finally have kids I'm going to show them the movies in that order just to see how it works. It's either that or pretend the prequels never happened.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i think the prequels are worth it, though they're not as good.
11 years ago
Well, yeah. Could be worse. Could be the EU!
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
noooo, don't diss my Star Wars soft spot!
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
granted, it's been years since i read anything new from the EU, but that was my adolesence.
11 years ago
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