11 years ago
[event] is hanging out at the local bar, giving the eye to other patrons. He was looking for a decent meal tonight.
latest #137
England is
11 years ago
in the bar enjoying a pint when he noticed the man. He didn't come in here often, maybe once in a blue moon. So to speak. He stared at him for a moment before going back to his beer.
11 years ago
Notices the man glancing at him and turns to the barman. He didn't recognise the man, which hopefully meant he wasn't local. Everyone noticed when a local went missing. He sends the man another beer through the
11 years ago
Barman, waiting to see how he would respond.
11 years ago
looked a bit confused when the bartender handed him another beer and briefly explained who it was from. He glanced at the glass then back to the man, raising a brow.
11 years ago
nods towards the man, flashing him a grin before making his way over. 'I've never seen you around here before.'
11 years ago
watched him approach and almost regretted looking at him now, he normally didn't bother people when he came here. "I don't come into town very often, thanks for the drink."
11 years ago
takes a seat without being invited to do so, pulling it closer to England's. 'You can thank me by keeping me company for a while, eh?' Now that he was closer, he could get a proper look at the man... and_
11 years ago
something was off about him. He smelled like damp moss... 'Can I get your name, mate?'
11 years ago
eyed him carefully as he picked up the fresh drink and took a sip. "I'm not sure I will be such good company." He felt comfortable around this man. "My name's Arthur, you are?"
11 years ago
(Uncomfortable? or Comfortable? Haha ;o; ))
11 years ago
(Oh sorry, uncomfortable ><;;-)
11 years ago
(Ah I dislike that face)
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'A fresh face always makes for interesting company.' He shifts closer, holding out a hand to shake as he pulls out his most genuine smile. 'It's Gregory.... looks like we're from the same side_
11 years ago
of the pond, huh? ))
11 years ago
11 years ago
glanced at the hand and only hesitated for a moment before he reached out to shake his hand. He raised a brow at that and smiled a bit. "Looks like it."
Scotland gives
11 years ago
him a hearty hand shake. He is quite sure by this point that they're talking about two things at once, at this point. 'What brings you all the way over... must have been a journey and a half for you?'_
11 years ago
sips his own whisky, unsure of just what the other was.
11 years ago
shifted in his seat as he nodded, "moved with friend. Can't say I don't miss it though, much greener back home. You?" He was slowly growing more curious about this guy, he didn't feel right, well not human_
11 years ago
11 years ago
hums, smiling more genuinely. 'I have to say, I do miss the greenery... and the water, back home.' He could definitely tell the other was of the forest... but what was he? He sips his whisky, 'At least a_
11 years ago
Scotsman can always find a whisky from back home though.'
11 years ago
chuckled a bit at that as he took another sip of his drink. "Like a fish to water huh?" he glanced over his shoulder at the bar and back to him. "So why are you in such need of company?"
11 years ago
looks over to see what he was looking at. The question throws him off a little, causing him to drag his attention back. 'Well... I don't want to perpetuate the drunk brooding Scot stereotype, do I now?'
England is
11 years ago
just not used to being around so many people for so long. He was normally finished his drink by now and gone. "No wouldn't want to do that, I wasn't doing much better though."
11 years ago
kind of wants to be keeping him around, although perhaps for different reasons than before now. He leans in, forearms resting on the table as he smirks slightly. 'Then I saved us both from turning into cliches_
11 years ago
, huh?' He toys with the glass in his hand, focusing his attention on the man. He really wanted to unrval the mystery.
11 years ago
11 years ago
had his own growing curiosity about him. He took another absent mind sip of his beer before setting the glass down, eyes going to Gregory's hand playing with his glass. "I suppose I should thank you for that
11 years ago
11 years ago
brings the glass to his lips, sipping his drink. He was almost finished, 'It's not a problem, Arthur.... so, do you stay locally?'
11 years ago
went back to focusing on his own drink, trying to hide the fact that he was quite distracted by him. "No, I live in a cabin outside of town."
Scotland was
11 years ago
already quite distracted with him, so he didn't quite cotton on to the other's distraction. He wasn't really surprised by his answer, smiling. Definitely something based in the forest then. 'I live down by_
11 years ago
11 years ago
hummed a bit thoughtfully at that and nodded, "ah.." he finished his own drink and ran his fingers over the glass, collecting the condensation. "Well then it's no wonder I haven't run into you yet."
11 years ago
considers that for a moment before pulling out his phone, 'Well, that probably means we won't run into eachother any time soon, right? I think you should give me your number and let me buy you another drink,_
11 years ago
considers that for a moment before pulling out his phone, 'Well, that probably means we won't run into eachother any time soon, right? I think you should give me your number and let me buy you another drink,_
11 years ago
no?' He grins cheekily, 'Us Brits have to meet up every so often, to keep in mind what sanity looks like.' He winks.
11 years ago
looked at his phone and laughed a bit as he leaned back from the bar. "I would give you my number, if I had a phone. Don't like the things to much."
11 years ago
almost pouts in disappointment, 'Well then you will definitely have to have another drink with me.'
11 years ago
tilted his head a bit, "and make you spend more money? I have a good bottle of whiskey at home. Save you the money."
11 years ago
hums, looking intrigued. '
11 years ago
'Is that an invitation?'
11 years ago
thought about that for a moment and shrugs, "it's an invitation to join me drinking some whiskey."
11 years ago
nods, 'I'll take that.' He finishes his drink, hopping off the stool and grabbing his jacket. 'I'll let you lead the way.'
11 years ago
got off his own stool and collected his coat, pulling it on. He pulled it on as he headed out the door. "Hope you like walking."
11 years ago
isn't about to say that he's not much of a fan. He'd much rather find a way to swim there... 'I have you as entertainment, I should cope.' He opens the door for the other.
11 years ago
grabbed his bags of goods which he'd stored by the door. He headed outside and nodded. "I can try and be good entertainment."
11 years ago
offers to carry some of the bags for him. 'Stocking up for the winter?' he jokes.
11 years ago
didn't want to make him carry anything, but he didn't turn down the offer either. "I don't like coming into town that often." He pointed out.
11 years ago
takes some of the heavier looking bags. 'I guess I'll have to come visit you then, otherwise people will start making up rumours about the mysterious englishman who lives in the woods.;
11 years ago
chuckled at that as he let him take the bags. "Oh mysterious? It's not like I steal children and eat them or anything."
11 years ago
laughs, 'I don't know that though.... Maybe you eat fully grown men instead.' He pretends to be scared, taking a step away. 'Children are too skinny though, you want a bloke or a woman,' he confides, confident_
11 years ago
it will be taken as a continuation of the earlier joke.
11 years ago
watched him curiously and laughed a bit as he shook his head. "I would prefer neither really. Not my cup of tea, so to speak." He was sure that was more than just joke, it was interesting.
11 years ago
smiles, 'What is your cup of tea then? Souls and people's dreams?'
11 years ago
shakes his head as he adjusted his hold on the bags he still had. He was taking the quick route home. "No, not really." He looked over at him again, "I wouldn't make a very subject for rumours."
11 years ago
smiles, 'Probably for the best... you seem to like to keep out of the way.' He follows the man faithfully, looking around occasionally. 'What about me? What rumours do you think would circulate around me?'
11 years ago
kept walking, glancing over at him as he thought about the question. "Lonely Scots man who lives by the river and drowns unsuspecting travelers..." He shrugged.
Scotland is
11 years ago
surprised by how accurate that is, although he tries to hide it. He laughs, 'I'm not that lonely. I have neighbours, a one-up on you.'
Scotland is
11 years ago
surprised by how accurate that is, although he tries to hide it. He laughs, 'I'm not that lonely. I have neighbours, a one-up on you.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that and grinned, "ah but I like being on my own out here. Can't say I don't like the odd bit of company though."
11 years ago
shrugs, holding back a smile as he says. 'Well I am sure you would be able to find company more often if you had a phone.'
11 years ago
pretended to look a bit offended at that and shook his head. "Oh no, couldn't do that. Wouldn't get service out here anyway."
Scotland has
11 years ago
to nod in agreement, looking around. 'I can believe that...' He briefly wonders just how much further away he lives, 'You'll have to visit me some time.'
11 years ago
takes another turn in the path when his cabin came into sight. It was small, but quaint looking. He had a well tended rose garden out front, climbing roses twisting up the cabin walls and over it with vines and
11 years ago
moss. "If I'm not boring I hope."
11 years ago
looks at it... it looked like a quaint English cottage. 'You kinda brought home with you, didn't you?' He looks impressed.
11 years ago
looked at his place and nodded, "I tried." He headed for the door and unlocked it, holding it open for him.
11 years ago
thanks him as he steps in, waiting for instructions on where to put it. His nose crinkles as he feels the magic in the air...
11 years ago
set the bags down in the small kitchen area, the kitchen and living room were at the front with the bedroom and bathroom at the back. He went to take the bags from him and put them away.
11 years ago
helps as much as he can, emptying the contents of the bags he has one by one onto the countertop. 'Do you often have visitors?'
11 years ago
shakes his head as he thanked him for the help, putting things away quickly. When it's done he got two glasses out and the promised bottle of whiskey. "No, you're probably one of the first in a long while."
11 years ago
thanks him for the glass, and seems to approve of the choice of whisky. He heads towards the livingroom though, on a quest for comfortable seating. ' I feel honoured then.'
11 years ago
brought the bottle with him as he followed him to the living room, picking the couch he sat down and set the bottle on the table. "My kind likes to keep within it's self."
11 years ago
Takes the opposite end of the couch looking around. 'I had it narrowed down to someone of the forest....' He shrugs a bit awkwardly, 'I'm gonna guess Fae, since you're alright to look at?'
Scotland has
11 years ago
the confidence to guess, especially since the man would struggle to hide it here. The place wreaked of magic.
11 years ago
took a sip of his own drink, frowning down the glass before he looked over at him. "I figured you'd realize. I put to much of myself into this place. Can't help it."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'It feels like a forest back home....' He looks around, 'Do you prefer your human form?'
11 years ago
laughed at that and shook his head, "no but I'll stay in it." He watched him as he took another sip of his drink, he was sure he knew what he was and he was a bit weary of it. "So I'm only 'alright' to look
11 years ago
11 years ago
Looks amused, glancing over the rim of the glass at the Fae. 'Well, I am sure you would be breathtaking in your otherworldly form.' He grins, 'Are you offended?' He was curious as to whether the man knew what_
11 years ago
He was and what he did.
11 years ago
took a sip of his glass and sighed softly as he shook his head. "No, means I fit in with the humans." He continued to watch him, holding his own glass in both hands now. "So you're either a kelpie or a merman."
11 years ago
Hums, 'The latter is closer. I'm an Each-uisge.' He smirks, something a bit darker in it. 'Regretting bringing me home yet?'
11 years ago
thought about that and shook his head, "no. Not regretting it yet," he took a sip of his drink, "besides no water around here. You're in my territory."
11 years ago
laughs at the retort, 'Should I be the one worrying then, Arthur?' He finishes his glass, moving to pour himself another.
11 years ago
finished his own and set his glass down. "Wouldn't bring out the good stuff if I was planning anything malicious. I am just enjoying the company."
11 years ago
Poured him another, grinning. 'I'll feel reassured for now then.'
11 years ago
smiled and thanked him as he picked his glass up again. "Should I be worried?"
11 years ago
Shakes his head, 'As you pointed out. We're nowhere near water.' He winks, 'Maybe you'll have to be more cautious if you ever visit me.'
11 years ago
hid a slight flush behind his glass as he took another sip. "I'll keep it in mind if I do visit you."
11 years ago
Misses the flush, sipping his own drink. 'Please do. This way you any say I didn't warn you.'
11 years ago
nodded and shifted to get more comfortable on the couch. "I'll just stay away from the water... or have to make you more interested in playing with me than eating me."
11 years ago
Looks amused, 'So you're more playful than spiteful?' He shifts closer, sitting back against the couch.
11 years ago
shrugs as he watched him. "A bit of both."
11 years ago
Hums, sipping his drink. He would rather catch him on the playful side, if he was being honest. 'So, ever met a Each-uisge before?'
11 years ago
took another sip of his own drink as he shift slightly closer. "Can't say I hhave. I'm kind of really curious."
11 years ago
smirks, 'Curiosity killed the cat.' He shifts closer, an arm going over the back of the couch. If he wasn't going to eat tonight, he might as well do something else. 'What do you know about us?'
11 years ago
grinned a bit at that, "good thing I'm not a cat." He took another sip of his drink shifting closer, looking him over. "Not much, like I said, never met one of you before."
11 years ago
Leans in to explain, a smirk on his lips. 'Well, you weren't far off when you guessed Kelpie or merman. We take a horse form like a kelpie, and we also have a merman and human form. All of which we use to lure\
11 years ago
People into our trap. Then we drag them down to the bottom of a body of water and eat everything but the liver.'
11 years ago
listened and only looked more curious at that, maybe he was to much like a cat for his own good. "Sounds pleasant. Why not the liver?"
11 years ago
Hums, considering it. 'Well, that's where all the toxins gather, right?'
11 years ago
nodded finishing his drink off and setting the glass down. "I guess that makes sense then."
11 years ago
puts his own glass down, leaning in to catch the other's lips in a kiss. 'I've never tasted a forest fae before.'
11 years ago
flushed darkly at the sudden kiss, he looked up at him and smiled a bit before he leaned in to kiss him again. "We're kind of picky."
11 years ago
smirks, tugging on his lip as he pulls back. He shifts closer, hand settling on his thigh. 'I'm glad I seem to have met your exacting standards.' He tugs him in by the chin, pressing his lips to Arthur's. His_
11 years ago
tongue runs over his lips, trying to coax them open.
11 years ago
moved closer without any complaint, his own hands finding their way to the other's chest. He parted his lips for him, he was a bit passed tipsy and a bit passed caring about being cautious at this point.
11 years ago
slips a hand underneath his shirt, thumb rubbing over his nipple as he presses him back into the couch. His tongue snakes in, exploring his mouth eagerly.
11 years ago
gasped softly into his mouth, arching into his touch. His own hands moved to pull at his shirt in response, his hands moved to pull at Gregory's shirt.
11 years ago
smirks against his lips before pulling back, letting him take his shirt off. 'You're so lucky you live so far away from water.'
11 years ago
paused to look up at him, dropping the shirt off to the side. "I'm sure you could get me there if you really wanted to."
11 years ago
laughs, 'I could... if I could be arsed.' He returns the favour, dropping Arthur's shirt off to the side. 'You don't seem too worried though.' He catches his lips in another kiss, hands exploring newly exposed_
11 years ago
11 years ago
looked thoughtful before he was being kissed again. His hands ran over his sides and along his back. He pulled back from the kiss, flushed. "To preoccupied to care," he shifted to wrap an arm around
11 years ago
his shoulders pulling him close and kissing him again.
11 years ago
teases his nipples again, hands slipping to his waist to tug him closer, almost in his lap. His kiss becomes rougher as he craves more, hands sliding up his torso to tease his nipples again.
11 years ago
shifted and moved to straddle his lap now his hands going to his hair and curling through the strands. He nipped at his lower lip, moaning softly against his lips.
11 years ago
shifts when hands go into his hair, tightening his grip on Arthur. It was something he tended to worry about, cautious incase there was any seaweed in there. He moans with the nip, biting on his lip.
11 years ago
wouldn't have minded if he had found any seaweed. He gasped as he rolled his hips down into Gregory's. "We can move to the bedroom."
11 years ago
Chuckles, nipping along his jaw. 'Or the shower,' he suggests, biting back a growl with the grind.
11 years ago
closed his eyes and held back another moan, "I bathe, don't have a shower." He curled his fingers through his hair again before running them down the back of his neck.
Scotland likes
11 years ago
that idea too, although he wants the other as soon as possible. His grip becomes bruising, growling into his neck. 'Alright, bed.' He tugs him closer, kissing him breathless.
11 years ago
would suggest it later, maybe. The kiss took his mind off the tightening grip the other hand on him and he nodded when he was able to get a breath. "Bed," he agreed as he moved to get off of him. He motioned
11 years ago
for him to follow with his finger and headed for the bedroom, glad it really was a small cabin and they didn't have far to go.
11 years ago
Catches him around the hips, arms wrapping around his waist as he kisses him on the lips. He eases back towards the bed, grinning as he lowers Arthur onto the bed.
11 years ago
kissed him back with his own look of excitement, one of his arms wrapping around his neck then other bracing himself on the bed as he's lowered onto it. "Haven't done this in a while..."
11 years ago
Looks pleased at the prospect, eyes brightening up. He presses a kiss down his chest. 'Don't worry, I'll look after you,' he reassures, although he looks as though he's ready to fuck the man right there and_
11 years ago
Then. His thumbs loop into his belt loops, tugging his trousers down.
11 years ago
smirked and lifted his hips up a bit for him, wanting more of his touch, god he felt just as impatient as the other looked. "I don't doubt that," he could smell the river on him now if he paid enough attention
11 years ago
to it, he kind of liked the smell mixed in with his own more earthy scents.
11 years ago
teases his navel, nipping and licking his way to his hip bones. He inhales softly, focusing on the other's earthy smell. He tosses the man's trousers to the side, teeth now tugging down his boxers.
11 years ago
groaned softly at the teasing torture, he shifted to sit up a bit, hands going to Gregory's hair, "I want to please you in anyway you want. I feel like I'm distracting you from a meal, should make up for that."
11 years ago
laughs, looking up at him with a twinkle in his eyes. 'It's a meal of sorts...' He moves up for a kiss, guiding Arthur's hands to his own belt. ((Private?))
11 years ago
((Sure I'll start it.))
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