5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Web Application - JonathanMaron
latest #18
Want good ranking in Google? Make your web site fast!
Concentrate on lowering time-to-firest-byte (TTFB)
Loseless: Remove unused information from PNG
Loseless: Increase compression level of PNG
CLI tool: OptiPPNG, PNGCrush, PNGOUT...
JPG CLI tool: JPGtran, JPGoptim...
Convert JPGs to Progressive - "Feels faster" to user
Image data is loaded in multiple passes.
Serve From Multiple Hostnames
Browsers download 2 and 6 resources in parallel.
WARNING: DNS lookups vs. number of sub-hosts.
Make as many resources as possible cacheable.
Browser's cache is alyways faster than downloading.
Distributed or "geo-aware" systems. - For example, Amazon Web Services Route 53.
LAZY developer do? 1. Use a Content Delivery Network. 2. Optimize his or her images.
Book: High Performance Web Sites, Even Faster Web Sites, Web Performance Daybook, Volume 2
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