11 years ago
[Event]sits in the dining hall with a large stack of books next to her. She had one propped open in front of her while she ate, a pencil tucked behind her ear.
latest #195
11 years ago
went over to the table she was at and sat down, resting his head on the table with an apple in his hand.
11 years ago
doesn't notice him at first as she was fixated on her book. After a few moments she glances over at him. "..." She very slowly slides her books away from him.
11 years ago
heard that and turned his head a bit to watch her. "Sorry. Was I takin' up yer space?"
11 years ago
blinks at him and starts to put her books in a bag. "I was just finishing." There was still a plate full of food in front of her that looked completely untouched.
11 years ago
frowns as he lifted his head up. "Did I get too close to yer personal space? 'Cause I can move."
11 years ago
hesitates. "You don't have to... just don't get any food on my books."
11 years ago
smirks. "I only got an apple. And right now my head is killin' me, so there's no way I'll ruin yer books.
11 years ago
11 years ago
...looks back at her book, trying to ignore him now.
11 years ago
watched her as she studied, glancing at the books to see what she was studying.
11 years ago
had a few books on children's literature and a few anthologies of stories.
11 years ago
smiles a little as he sat up more and reached out for the children's lit book. He made sure his apple wasn't near them. "May I?"
11 years ago
glances up from her book and watches him. "Sure...?"
11 years ago
smiled more and took the book, going through it. He had a real soft spot for children's books, mainly because he loved the stories they contained.
11 years ago
keeps watching him as he flips through it, unable to focus on her own book now.
11 years ago
smiled and wiggled at some stories. He laughed quietly a few times as he scanned the stories, enjoying it more than his actual study books. At least for now.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow but tries to ignore him as she eats a bit of her food.
11 years ago
ended up forgetting to eat his apple and spent his time going through the book in detail, losing track of time.
11 years ago
finishes up her own food and starts to put her other books away.
11 years ago
blinks as he noticed her. "Ah, sorry... here ye go." He handed the book back to her, hoping he didn't seem too intruding. "I love children's books."
11 years ago
takes the book, tilting her head a little. "Are you a literature major?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. But I do like to read. I love the imagination in them. I study stuff with a lot of facts and fine points, so there's no imagination..."
11 years ago
puts the book away with the others. "Hm, literature involves plenty of facts and statistics as well."
11 years ago
smiles as he started to eat his apple. "Ja. But there's a lot more freedom... so I guess ye're studyin' literature? Must be fun."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes. "No, I'm studying physics, that's why I have all of these literature books."
11 years ago
smirks and nods. "Alright. I guess I deserved that one." He took another bite of his apple. "That must be fun... is it hard work? To do assignments, and that."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Just a lot of essays and papers."
11 years ago
nods a bit and finished off his apple as he got up to throw it out. "That seems fun, at least. Or at least easy..."
11 years ago
stands up, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "I wouldn't call it easy."
11 years ago
hums a little. "Do ye have class now...?"
11 years ago
shakes her head and starts to walk out of the hall.
11 years ago
frowns a bit before grabbing his bag and hopping over the table. "Hey, can I have yer name at least?"
11 years ago
turns back to look at him. "Ah, Gjertrud."
11 years ago
smiles. "If we meet up again some time, would ye wanna talk 'bout literature? I find it interestin', but can't do much. Or maybe we can study together... it's better than bein' alone."
11 years ago
blinks at him before shrugging. "I usually just study on my own. I guess I wouldn't mind that."
11 years ago
nods a little. "When's yer next break? We can meet up in the library or somethin'."
11 years ago
"I should be free after my next class. So, two hours from now."
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Alright. I'll be in the library waitin' for ye then. I'll go to the study sections, where we have individual rooms. Just come find me."
11 years ago
frowns faintly. "You don't have to wait for me, if you have something else to do, that's fine."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I just got studyin' and finishin' some assignments. By the time ye should up I should be able to relax more."
11 years ago
hesitates before nodding and starting to walk away again. "Fine, see you then."
11 years ago
smiles and waves to her before heading off to the library. "See ye there~"
11 years ago
watches him for a bit before heading to class, sitting in the back and pulling out her books.
11 years ago
got to the library and found a room for himself, pulling out the books he had and sprawled them on the table before starting to take notes.
11 years ago
takes careful notes during the class. When the lecture ends, she puts her things away and starts out, glancing over at the library before heading in that direction.
11 years ago
managed to pass out after an hour and a half of working. He had his arms on the table and his head face down in his notebook.
11 years ago
walks in to the library and heads to the study rooms, walking through the hallway. She glances into each room until she spots him, sighing faintly when she finds his room. With a small knock she opens the door.
11 years ago
shot up and looked to her, some calculations from his notes being smudged on his face. "Oh. Awesome. Ye came."
11 years ago
steps in and shuts the door behind her, glancing at the books to try to figure out what he studied. "Hm, I said that I would."
11 years ago
nods as he cleaned up his books to make ample room for her. "Ja, but some times people say things and never show up. Wouldn't be the first time." He yawned quietly at that. He had mostly medical books, but
11 years ago
also a few childrens folklore.
11 years ago
takes a seat and pulls out a few of her own books. "I didn't catch your name before..."
11 years ago
smiles and nods as he leaned on the table. "Ja, I was too excited. M'Søren. 4th year."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Excited about what?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Havin' a study partner. I some times study too long, forget to eat or lose track of time. To have someone else is also just better. Ye don't feel so alone, and can take breaks to talk and test each
11 years ago
other 'bout content. Really helps on tests~"
11 years ago
"...I don't think I can help much with your studies."
11 years ago
shrugs at that and stretched. "Ye don't need to know, really. I can write down some questions for ye to ask me as I work, then once I'm done ye read 'em out and I gotta answer them... it seems to work."
11 years ago
opens up a notebook and starts to work. "At the very least, I can help keep you awake." m
11 years ago
smiles. "I'll need that too... Maybe a coffee break after an hour to get more energy. I'll need it..." He looked back at his notes after and sighe.
11 years ago
glances over at him before returning to her books. "Coffee would probably help, too."
11 years ago
smiled as he flipped through some pages. "I can get us some then when ye want a break."
11 years ago
glances at him. "I didn't mean you have to get me any if you don't want to."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's not like it's an issue for me. It's cheap enough, and it'll give ye a bit of a rest from me. Apparently people don't like bein' in a room with me for long periods of time."
11 years ago
blinks at him, biting back a response. She didn't want to be too rude to him right after meeting him.
11 years ago
wrote down a bit before looking to her with a smile. "Or ye can come with me to stretch yer legs. S'not good to sit for long periods of time."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I wouldn't mind taking a walk."
11 years ago
hums. "That's good then." He got quiet after as he started focusing more on his work, writing down more calculations in his notebook.
11 years ago
works on an outline, occasionally glancing at him, surprised that he didn't constantly talk.
Søren was
11 years ago
surprisingly quiet once he got into his work. He constantly flipped through different books though, an some times had to take a moment to stop and think about what he was writing.
11 years ago
wasn't used to studying with other people so she was glad for the quiet.
11 years ago
felt more comfortable with someone around. He didn't know why, but he just felt better. He worked silently for an hour or so before putting his pen down and stretching. He tried not to yawn too loud.
11 years ago
preferred to work on her own but she wasn't too distracted by him. She glances over at him when he puts the pen down.
11 years ago
flopped down on his notes after. "I think my brains shuttin' down already..."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "You've been studin' for a while."
11 years ago
nods a bit. "I gotta get used to this though, or else I'll not be able to keep on top of all my classes..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "That's why you have to take breaks."
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "That's why m'glad ye agreed to come here. Normally I'd just hit my head on the table, rest a minute, then get back to work. It's nice to talk for once."
11 years ago
..."You have ink on your face."
11 years ago
blinks a little. "... Do I?" He rubbed his face with his sleeve, hoping to get it off or at least make it less noticeable.
11 years ago
nods and points to a spot to help him.
11 years ago
rubbed his face roughly to get it off. "Is that better...?" He didn't want to walk around with ink on his face.
11 years ago
nods. "Yeah, it's gone now."
11 years ago
smiles. "Tak. Most people would let me walk 'round like that." He yawned and looked at the time. "Wanna get a coffee?"
11 years ago
shrugs and puts a few of her books away. "Sure, sounds good to me."
11 years ago
got up and stretched enough to crack his back. "They should put hammocks up in here. Give people a chance to power nap." He walked out of the room and held the door open for her.
11 years ago
steps outside, nodding in thanks. "You could just study in your room if you really want to nap during your breaks.
11 years ago
11 years ago
shrugs. "I'll forget to take a break then... and I might sleep too like." He sighed as he walked to the cafe. "It's hard to balance sleep, work and food for me."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Even with your fourth year? I'm pretty used to balancing everything now. It's not that hard."
11 years ago
nods a little. "I take on a lot more than I should. I have all my classes needed for my Masters, but I take things on the side..."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "And you are studying medicine, right? You should probably only take classes you need."
11 years ago
sighed. "Ja. I wanna do my best, but... there's just so much I want to do. And some things I find relate to my work. So it's kinda hard to figure out what's best..."
11 years ago
"Focus on one thing at a time or you will get overwhelmed."
11 years ago
shrugs as he got to the cafe and ordered a coffee for them. "I know I should... but I just can't. Besides, I think I can handle it in a few weeks.. I won't had as many projects."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, but it's going to be really bad during finals."
11 years ago
pouts. "Don't remind me..." He paid for their coffees and handed one to hers. He went to the side to put sugar and a bit of milk into his.
11 years ago
takes her coffee, nodding a small thanks and holds it in her hands, waiting for it to cool. She doesn't bother with any milk or sugar.
11 years ago
couldn't help the sweet tooth he had. After he seemed to drown out all the bitterness with sugar he took a small sip and smiled. "Ahh. Perfect. This'll keep me goin' for another few hours."
11 years ago
liked sweets but she preferred drinking coffee black. Shes sips at her own, taking her time with it.
11 years ago
looked to her again. "Ye wanna walk around a bit, or head back to the room?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I could do either but if you need a longer break, I won't mind a walk."
11 years ago
started to walk then, not wanting to go back to the room for a while. "Tak for keepin' me company."
11 years ago
walks with him, sipping at her coffee. "It's not like I have much else to do until my next class."
11 years ago
nods and smiled. "Ja, but it means a lot to me..." He took another sip and looked to her. "So, where're ye from?"
11 years ago
glances at him. "I'm from Oslo."
11 years ago
perked up at that. "That must be so nice! What's it like there? I've never been. Always wanted to, though."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's nice enough, I guess."
11 years ago
hums. "The North part of Norway must be beautiful. Have ye been up North? Seen the mountains and all?"
11 years ago
nods. "I've seen quite a bit of it. It's nice... I miss it sometimes."
11 years ago
smiles. "If I ever go back home, I'd wanna visit Norway... spend a few months there and travel, even if I'm not that good at it."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "Where are you from?"
11 years ago
sipped his coffee quietly. "Denmark. Was born in Copenhagen, but mostly grew up in Roskilde."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Copenhagen is nice. I like Oslo better."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I liked the canals. My parents and I would visit Strøgert street a lot as well, which is an awesome shoppin' area with no cars. Good memories."
11 years ago
finishes off her coffee. "I've been to Copenhagen a few times but I've never visited Strøgert street. Maybe I will go see that next time."
11 years ago
looked to her. "I can show ye around. It's awesome. Tonnes of stuff there to enjoy. All from fresh baked stuff, to LEGO, to bars~ It's wonderful. Ye have no idea..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "If you'd really like to." She couldn't tell whether she liked him or found him annoying at this point. They had only met a few hours before and he was already offering to show her around places.
11 years ago
just liked being social~ He finished off his coffee and tossed out the cup. "I guess we should get back. I can study for a few more hours then I'll have to head back to my room."
11 years ago
didn't really like being social. "Alright. I have an hour before my next class."
11 years ago
smiled as he got back to the room quickly. "Awesome. Wanna swap numbers? So we can do this again? Ye don't have to, of course."
11 years ago
...sets her bag down. "Ye'd only contact me about studying, yeah?"
11 years ago
nods as he sat down. "If that's what ye want, then sure. I figured for general purposes, but I'll keep it strictly for studyin'."
11 years ago
sighs. "Fine, I guess we can exchange numbers then." She sits down and pulls out a book.
11 years ago
tore a corner of his notebook and wrote his down before sliding it over to her. "I won't bother ye for anythin' but studyin'. But if ye ever wanna talk to someone... ye can talk to me."
11 years ago
pulls out her cell phone and adds the number as 'Annoying idiot.' She sets it down before writing her own number on the sheet before passing it back to him.
11 years ago
wiggled as he waited, and took the number before putting it own in his phone simply as Gjertrud. "Perfect." He was happy and went back to focusing on his books.
11 years ago
wasn't good with names. Or at least that would be her excuse. She goes back to studying.
11 years ago
went silent again as he worke non-stop. He kept reading and flicking through pages, wanting to get as much done as he could before she had to leave.
11 years ago
notices he was working faster and figures that the coffee had kicked in. She works on her outline until it was getting close to her class. Sitting back with a small sigh, she starts to pack up.
11 years ago
noticed her start to pack up and smiling a little. "Time flies. I guess ye got class now, ja?"
11 years ago
nods, pulling her bag over her shoulder. "Yeah, I have a few minutes."
11 years ago
smiles. "I'ma study a bit more, or else I'd escort ye. Then again ye probably wouldn't like that..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I don't think a few more minutes of you would have upset me terribly." She starts to walk out.
11 years ago
watched before putting his pen down and got up, to follow her. "I can afford a few minutes break." He smiled as he watched and caught up to her.
11 years ago
stays blank faced. "Oh, no, I am terribly upset by you walking me to class."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ha ha. What class do ye have now? 'Nd how far is it?"
11 years ago
11 years ago
's Literature. It's just in the English building next door."
11 years ago
blinked at that. "... Do ye think I could sneak in and join ye?"
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You want to sneak into class?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Children's lit sounds fun. I'd love to learn 'bout it more..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I guess you could try, the teacher doesn't really pay much attention to who is there or not. People usually try to sneak out of class, though, not into class."
11 years ago
chuckled and quickly packed up everything. "I'll just be quite, unless somethin' really interests me... do ye cover any HCA stories?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Sometimes. We're supposed to start a new unit on his stories but I don't know that it will be this class."
11 years ago
smiled happily. "Maybe I'll come for that class too when it's around. I'd love to hear 'bout lectures..."
11 years ago
walks down the hall, out of the library. "Hm, I'll try to let you know when it starts, then."
11 years ago
wiggled a bit. "That'd be appreciated... but I still wanna come for this class."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Suit yourself but if you get in trouble, I had nothing to do with it." She walks to the English building and starts inside.
11 years ago
nods at that. "Ja ja. I never knew ye. I won't hold ye accountable. I just wanna be quiet and see what it's like... once I get in trouble, I'll leave."
11 years ago
nods and opens the door to the classroom and steps inside.
11 years ago
quietly followed here, peeking his head in first. "Where do ye normally sit?"
11 years ago
starts heading for the back row. "Over here."
11 years ago
followed her closely, smiling widely. "Do ye like this class?"
11 years ago
nods and sits in her usual spot. "It's just as good as any other, I suppose."
11 years ago
sat beside her and pulled out his notebook so he could write a bit more from what he remembered of his medical notes. "I'm sure this is more fun than my classes..."
11 years ago
glances at him. "Obviously."
11 years ago
glanced around at others in the class. "I wonder how different this class'll be compared to mine. Most of my teachers are borin', and monotone..."
11 years ago
"That's not much different from these really. Half the class will be asleep by the end."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ja, but I'm sure this subject matter is more interestin'. I deal with charts, graphs, forumals, and a lot of stuff. It's not that fun after a while."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I'm sure charts and graphs can be interesting."
11 years ago
smiles. "They can be. But if ye work on only those all class are tirin'.. I can't wait to be outta school and actually workin'."
11 years ago
flips through a few pages of notes. "And if you only worked on this, it would get tiring as well."
11 years ago
hums. "I guess ye're right. But there's so much imagination... I have tonnes of ideas, or, used to. I wanted to write kids books when I was younger."
11 years ago
"It's not about imagination, it's about analyzing the imagination of others."
11 years ago
smirks. "Well, imagination is involved still." He got quiet when the teacher came in and got comfortable.
11 years ago
grabs a pen from her bag and gets ready to take notes.
11 years ago
tried to focus on his work, but kept getting distracted by the simple talks of the teacher. He just thought this subject was cool...
11 years ago
would hope that if he was going to sneak into a class, he would at least pay attention to the teacher.
Søren was
11 years ago
very focused on the teacher. He stuck to every word.
11 years ago
takes careful notes, noticing a few of the other students start to fall asleep.
11 years ago
didn't see how people could sleep, though he didn't have to deal with this teacher or subject all the time.
11 years ago
didn't understand either. Even when she was bored with the class she managed to stay awake.
11 years ago
ended up writing a few notes in his margins about some facts. "This is so interestin'... and fun."
11 years ago
glances over at him and shrugs. "I guess this is one of the less bland lectures."
11 years ago
smiled and made sure to write down more from the teacher, a little sad as it was almost time to end. He wanted to come to another class.
11 years ago
figured he could probably sneak into more classes if he really wanted to.
11 years ago
would probably try to, and didn't need to wait for the other. He didn't want to make her feel responsible for him or anything after all.
11 years ago
wouldn't feel responsible for him. It was his idea to sneak in and she had nothing to do with it.
11 years ago
knew that, he just didn't want her to get in trouble or anything... once class was over he started to pack up.
11 years ago
starts packing up her own things. "So?"
11 years ago
glances to her. "Hmm? So what? The class was great."
10 years ago
slides her bag onto her shoulder. "Not too boring?"
10 years ago
shakes his head as he got his bag up on his back. "Nej. It was interestin'. I can see how it can be borin' though. But for me it was awesome..."
10 years ago
shrugs and starts making her way out. "Like I said, this was a relatively exciting lecture."
10 years ago
followed her out and chuckled. "I might drop in a few more times, then. Gives me a break from medical lingo."
10 years ago
"I don't see how going to another class is a break but that's your own business."
10 years ago
shrugs. "I don't get graded in it, and if anythin' I can sleep. It's kinda odd, but for me it works."
10 years ago
sighs under her breath. "You really should be sleeping in a bed and getting a full rest."
10 years ago
hums. "Ja, probably... but there's so much excitin' stuff in the world. I wanna experience it all." He sighed a bit and rubbed his eyes, feeling the strain from the day begin to set in.
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You can't experience it all if you are about to fall asleep."
10 years ago
nods a little. "Ja... I guess..." He smiled a bit to her. "Tak, for everythin' today. I'm probably gonna go sleep now though... I can get up early and finish off some stuff. Or review..."
10 years ago
nods slowly. "Alright." She starts to walk away. "See you around..."
10 years ago
waved a bit. "Farvel. I hope to hear from ye again~" He smiled and headed to his room, really hoping he'd get to hear from her again.
10 years ago
waves a little without turning back around. She hadn't minded spending time with him and might like spending time with him again.
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