Kiku is
11 years ago
[event] sitting at a pub, jotting down notes in his journal for future reference.
latest #195
11 years ago
starts slightly at the voice, looking up to him. "Ah... no, that's alright. I am just jotting down some things I learned recently.." he replies, pulling the journal closer to him a bit.
11 years ago
finishes his sentence in the book as quickly as he can before shutting it, shaking his head. "Just some personal ramblings, I'm afraid," he answers, giving him a suspicious look, but hesitantly taking the
11 years ago
beer. "Ah... thank you?"
11 years ago
shifts a bit in his seat, drinking warily. "Ah.. yes, I suppose they can be. I'd rather if strangers don't read mine," he answers, a little distracted by the curious accent and strange mannerisms.
11 years ago
blinks at him, hesitating still but giving in and shaking his hand. "...I'm Kiku... pleased to meet you," he replies, still up on his manners even if this guy was giving him an odd feeling.
11 years ago
flushes a bit at the compliment. "Ah... thank you.." he answers awkwardly in reply, not used to being complimented in bars... and wondering if that's why this man came over to chat. "I am from
11 years ago
Japan. Yourself..?"
11 years ago
laughs gently at the enthusiasm, though he's confused at Boston- he knew Bostonians were reputed to have odd accents, but somehow that's not what his sounded like. "Ah, thank you... my parents insisted I
11 years ago
learn it."
11 years ago
shifts away a bit more as Alfred gets even closer, feeling somewhat awkward as he sips his beer. "Uhm... moved here for school, and ended up liking it?" It was only a half truth, but strangers didn't need
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to know that.
11 years ago
fidgets a bit. "Ah just... sociology.." he offers the first thing that comes to mind. Truthfully he had gotten halfway through a general BA before having met his previous mentor. "What about you, what
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do you do?" he asks in an effort to steer the conversation away from himself.
11 years ago
hums a little. "Depends on the store, I suppose?"
11 years ago
chuckles a little at that, and the enthusiasm. "If you enjoy you're job, that's what matters then, right?"
Kiku is
11 years ago
starting to feel a little better around the guy... the beer helped. But mostly he figured he must just be an awkward conversationalist. "Ahh... well, I enjoy drawing, and studying animals.." he answers,
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smiling at him a little.
11 years ago
arches a brow at that and nods, smiling a little. "Animals are pretty interesting, yes..." he hesitates, though shifts to hide his journal away in his bag and pulling out a travel sketchpad. He
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liked to draw in the downtime on hunts. "Ah, if you'd like," he offers, holding out the book.
11 years ago
looks a bit embarrassed at the attention on his drawings, though he smiles a little. "That's still something, I'm sure you're not that terrible."
11 years ago
startles as Alfred suddenly grabs his hand, blushing more and pulling it back. "U-uh... yes, I've been drawing since I was young..." he answers, a little embarrassed.
11 years ago
huffs a bit at the laugh, but nods. "I've done a few little ones, nothing special though..."
11 years ago
shakes his head, flushing a bit. "No, I don't carry them with me," he hums.
11 years ago
blinks at this. Next time? "Ah.. sure, I'll keep that in mind." he hums.
11 years ago
flushes a bit at that, wondering if that was this strange man's way of asking for a date. "U-uh sorry... are you... asking me out..?" he asks hesitantly, not wanting to misread the air here.
11 years ago
blinks and startles a little at the excited and surprised reaction, now confused by this man. "O-oh I wasn't... t-that's not really what I meant..." He's
11 years ago
pretty flustered now... this guy was pretty cute, but that's not what he expected the answer to be like!
11 years ago
's eyes widen at the kiss and his face turns even more scarlet, tugging his hand back nervously. "I-I...uhm... I mean, I suppose that might be nice...?" he answers hesitantly.
11 years ago
shifts a bit awkwardly, shaking his hand. "Ah, I'm Kiku... pleased to meet you as well..'
11 years ago
nods. "Hmm, that would be good," he agrees. "Perhaps if you'd like, we could draw them?" he suggests.
11 years ago
tilts his head a bit. "You just have to look, and draw what you see...?" he shrugs. "We don't have to."
11 years ago
smiles a little. "Alright, then we can do that..." He hoped it would make the date less awkward..
11 years ago
thanks him as he takes the paper, tucking it safely in his wallet with a faint blush. This was an unusual situation for him.
11 years ago
hesitates a little, glancing at his phone for the time before nodding. "Another drink sound nice, thank you," he smiles.
11 years ago
puts his sketchbook away in Alfred's absence, making sure none of his hunting stuff is visible before tucking his bag back under his feet. He smiles as Alfred comes back,
11 years ago
thanking him for the beer and shaking his head. "Admittedly not, I'm more of a passing traveller, I suppose."
11 years ago
hums softly. "A motel..." He didn't really make the funds for anything fancy.
11 years ago
blinks at that and flushes a bit, shaking his head. "No thank you, that's fine..." he only just met this guy, after all.. plus he had a small set up in his room to work on.
11 years ago
hums softly... well, that did sound better.. "Ah, thank you for the offer, I will think about it then," he smiles, sipping at his beer.
11 years ago
smiles a little and nods, relaxing back in his seat a little. "Yes, you could say that. I'm uh..." he pauses. What was it in this town again. "A fire-alarm inspector."
11 years ago
laughs a little and shrugs. "Check them and arrange for replacements if needed. It's not meant to be glamorous."
11 years ago
smiles and shrugs. Not like it was really his job anyways. Its alright,he hums. "What is it that you do?
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smiles back. "Oh, that seems like it'd be fun..."
11 years ago
hums softly, in agreement. "I can imagine... it's been a while since I was that young and felt that," he laughs a little. "It's nice you enjoy it though."
11 years ago
flushes a bit at the nudge, though it seems out of place with the question. "Uhh... well, I grew up in Japan and came here for school.... I liked drawing..?" Not really a lie, but then again he was
11 years ago
pretty bad at the lying thing.
11 years ago
shakes his head, shrugging a little. "No, I left them in Japan unfortunately."
11 years ago
hums... yes, he missed home and he definitely wanted to check out some of the monsters in Japan... but he just smiles. "Not to often, really. There's so much more here."
Kiku gives
11 years ago
him a little smile. "Mhm..." he agrees, sipping his beer. Some of his enjoyment of the field had definitely dropped since he had lost his mentor.
11 years ago
hesitates a little, though he shakes his head. "Uhm... not unless you want to leave.."
11 years ago
flushes a bit at that grin... yeah, he was a little smitten. "I could say the same for you..." he answers with a soft smile, sipping his beer to avoid embarrassing himself further.
11 years ago
looks a little impressed. "Oh, you own the shop? That's impressive," he smiles. He hums though. "I'm just 27," he answers, looking up to him. "Yourself? You seem younger for a shop owner," he smiles.
11 years ago
hums at this, smiling. "Still impressive, though I am sad to hear that. It's nice he trusted you with it though," he smiles, ordering them another round of beers.
11 years ago
blinks as Alfred moves closer, though he stays where he is, blush deepening at the line. "N-no uh I just... t-thought it might be nic....?" he stumbles over his words, a little flustered with that grin.
11 years ago
flushes still, hiding it in finishing off his last beer before the waitress brings over the new round. "I am glad you think so. You're rather interesting yourself," he smiles.
11 years ago
shifts a little in his seat with the grin, nodding. "So uh... when did you want to go... out... and draw..?" he asks, still a little too nervous to straight up call it a date yet.
11 years ago
blinks at that, flushing even redder but wiggling his fingers playfully and shifts a little closer. "Friday sounds good. Should I come pick you up..?"
11 years ago
smiles a little and nods. "Oh, good then," he hums, sipping his beer again and feeling a little awkward with Alfred holding his hand but liking the touch.
11 years ago
flushes red at the gentle touches, falling into silence himself, more at a lack of words to say than anything. He watches Alfred's thumb slide over his knuckles, glancing
11 years ago
up to his face and trying to read his expression, unsure of what the other was doing.
Kiku is
11 years ago
further confused by the lack of expression, though he remains just as embarrassed. He does like the company too but flirting in a bar had never been his
11 years ago
strong point. "Is there uh... is there something interesting about my hands...?" he asks, breaking the silence after a moment.
11 years ago
blinks back at this, face going much redder. "O-oh uh... I-I suppose it is..." he answers, though really it did seem weird still. And putting it that way, well... that didn't help the blush.
11 years ago
hums. "I-I don't mind, it's just... different..." he answers hesitantly, though taking his hand back out of embarrassment and finishing off his drink instead.
11 years ago
huffs at that, shaking his head. "I-I do not..! I'm just... not used to this, alright?"
11 years ago
knits his brow a bit at that. "Not exactly..." He mostly went to pubs while working, and those tended to have a crowd not quite suitable for him.
11 years ago
hums at him and shrugs, still embarrassed to know Alfred finds him handsome.
11 years ago
had no idea he was a scientific study, of course. He did however realize that the alcohol had started to kick in. "Do you often get approached yourself...?" he asks curiously, assuming it must be a yes.
11 years ago
laughs a little at that, and nods. "You do come across as a little different," he offers, though really that wasn't such a bad thing.
11 years ago
flushes a bit again at that, hesitating a moment. "...I am not sure I could say," he answers honestly. "You just... seem rather interesting..." And hot. Incredibly hot.
11 years ago
laughs a little awkwardly, blushing still and nodding. "Though... you're not exactly dark," he points out, looking up to his bright blue eyes and golden hair.
11 years ago
nods again, smiling at him. "You don't need the dark part..." He preferred this.
11 years ago
flushes a little at the touch, shifting in his seat uncertainly. "D-do you.. do you want to go on a walk, or something...?" he asks.
11 years ago
nods as well, a little embarrassed he had actually asked, but gathering his bag and standing up, feeling the dizziness of a buzz wash over him as he does so.
11 years ago
blinks as Alfred pays, flushing a bit more. "Thank you," he murmurs, taking his hand despite the embarrassment. There was a walking path near here he knew, so he started to lead them towards that.
11 years ago
swings with him, a little embarrassed and glad the path seemed to be mostly empty at this time of night. "The Notel Motel, a few streets over," he answers. "We could
11 years ago
probably walk there instead of getting a cab after.." he says, not realizing he said we.
11 years ago
smiles up at him, nodding and falling into quiet again. It takes a few moments for the blush to set in as he realizes what he said... and how easily Alfred agreed.
11 years ago
blinks, looking up to the moon and nodding. "It does," he agrees softly. "Is it full tonight...?"
11 years ago
smiles and relaxes a little at that. So many crazies came out on the full moon, so he was glad he wasn't drunk to deal with them. "It is. So bright tonight, and no clouds to obstruct it either..."
11 years ago
flushes still, squeezing his hand and walking a little closer as they go. "Almost as bright as your eyes..." he mumbles shyly, regretting the cheesiness the moment he says it.
11 years ago
fidgets a bit as they stop, flushing red. "S-sorry I mean they're just, they're really blue, and so bright I don't think I've seen anything like it before.." he rambles, though the little kiss
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cuts off his train of thought.
Kiku is
11 years ago
about to reply, but instead he gasps as Alfred kisses him in the lips, face turning bright red despite how he gives in to it easily.
11 years ago
gasps gently as he pulls back, catching himself from having melted a little at the sweetness. "I-I uhm.. I could say the same for you.." he replies softly, licking his lips timidly.
11 years ago
hums in surprise again, bringing his hands up to brace against Alfred's chest timidly, melting a little into the kiss. He looks a little dazed as he pulls back, hesitating but nodding. Wasn't there
11 years ago
a reason he had said this was a bad idea...? "That would be lovely.." he smiles shyly, squeezing his hand a little again.
11 years ago
flushes a little at the nudge but smiles up at him, wondering if this guy was even for real. He turns them down the path he was sure lead them back to the motel, in a bit of a pleasant daze from the
11 years ago
kisses still.
11 years ago
wasn't quite drunk enough for that, just a bit tipsy is all. Eventually they make it back to the motel, Kiku letting go of his hand in favour of rooting around in his backpack for his key.
11 years ago
pauses a little. "Ah... it's a bit a bit of a mess, I'm sorry..." he apologizes, before pushing the door open to his room. The room was neat enough, but the corner with a desk was covered in newspaper
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clippings and library books about local hauntings and other supernatural things.
11 years ago
locks the door behind them by habit, tossing his keys and bag to the side before sitting down next to Alfred on the bed. "Ah.. if you say so..." he smiles a little, unsure what to do next.
11 years ago
flushes a bit, facing him as well and playing idly with the edge of his sleeve. "Uh, yes... if you still want to...?" he smiles hopefully, though really all he's thinking about is kissing him again.
11 years ago
hums in surprise, it was almost like Alfred was a mind reader. He kisses him back a little more confidently this time, though still flushing. "O-oh good..." he murmurs, before leaning up
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again to steal another, slightly more insistent kiss.
11 years ago
enjoys the kiss, finding himself chasing his lips a bit as Alfred suddenly pulls away, blinking a bit at that. "O-oh uh... right... if you'd like.." he answers, cheeks red as he nudges his nose.
11 years ago
hums as he's caught in another kiss, melting a little at the sweetness and regretting when he pulls away again. "Y-yeah... see you friday.." he smiles, awkwardly patting Alfred's hand. "Have a safe trip home.."
11 years ago
hums a little at the kiss, nodding and letting him pull away. "I won't forget I promise~" he replies, standing to see him out the door at least.
11 years ago
waves a little, smiling at him though he still felt a little disappointed, and maybe a little ashamed of how he acted now. "Have a good night," he smiles.
11 years ago
would likely appreciate the thought once he found out... but right now he was drunk and in the mood and Alfred was leaving. : (
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