10 years ago
Whoops. Xavier post.
latest #8
10 years ago
Trying to see if I can keep up with all these events aldkjflaskdjf
10 years ago
Not all of them, of course, but you know.
10 years ago
Anyway, so there's that. : P
10 years ago
Don't stress too much about keeping up with eeeeverything. Very, very few people manage that, I promise.
10 years ago
Yeah that's kind of how I'm rationalizing it salkdfjaslkdf
10 years ago
BUT THERE ARE SO MANY PLOTS SO OFTEN it's a little overwhelming orz
10 years ago
It used to be even crazier!
10 years ago
In... 2008, I think? Whenever the game was at its peak, it was just nonstop. I think the pace is picking up again, but it's still slower than it used to be.
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