So I was made aware that share and invite friends button on the layouts are kind of messed up. This is an easy fix but it will take time since I will have to apply it to all layouts.
I won't have time to correct them all at once, but I will steadily fix them. I will update about 10 or so layouts each day starting from the most recent layout.
: ahh finally.. you aware this.. I was gave a comment under one of your recent layout. Seeing your announce like this is very great thing!! Thanks lot!
Tiny FYI though, the curved corners on this one didn't work for me (latest Firefox) until I edited the CSS to add border-radius in addition to the prefixed border-radisues.
Hello, the backgrounds of some of layouts are missing now, including "leaf", "passion" and "London". Hope there's a possibility you can read this reply and fix the problem. Thanks a lot