11 years ago
has had a growing suspicion of something being off since she crossed the border back into Germany. Not necessarily wrong, just... off. By the time she parks the car outside her house, the sensation has only _
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Liese sier
11 years ago
grown stronger and she more frustrated that she can't place it. After having hefted her bag out of the trunk and over her shoulder, she looks up at the house and draws a deep breath to calm herself. Surely, _
Liese sier
11 years ago
there's a perfectly logical reason to whatever this is.
11 years ago
was in the area, looking for his friend. He wanted to thank him for the visit a few nights ago, but he hadn't been able to find him...
Liese sier
11 years ago
locks her car and exchanges those keys for the house keys in her pocket. She walks up to her front door, only to have an obnoxiously loud bark greet her through the wood of it before she's even turned the key.
11 years ago
began walking down the driveway to see if he was at this house, but when he saw the woman he tilted his head. He watched her a moment longer before walking closer, wondering what she was doing.
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unlocks the door, and as soon as the 'click' is heard by the dogs inside the barking stops. Before she can open the door, though, she notices the sound of steps behind her and turns around, frowning in _
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confusion at the blonde man approaching. ".. Ja?"
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had his hands in his pocket as he walked up to her. "Hej. Are ye lost?" He was a bit surprised that her key seemed to work, but then again all German mechanics could be the same. Who knows.
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's frown only eased a little, though the confusion didn't leave. That accent was unmistakably Danish, not that she though that really explained much. "I would rather ask you that. You're on my property."
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chuckles and shakes his head. "Nej, miss. This is my friends house. I was just comin' to see if he was in." He tilted his head a bit, her eyes striking him. "Ye got really nice eyes."
11 years ago
's lips twitched into something that might've been an attempt at a smile, but really only looked reprimanding. "I'm sorry, mister, but you have the wrong house. Perhaps he's the neighbour--" His next comment _
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served to quickly colour her cheeks a deep red, and her posture stiffened as if in defense as she stuttered, "I-I'm sure you're in the wrong place, sir."
11 years ago
smiled at seeing her blush. "I know this area like the back of my hand." He hummed for a moment after. "Or, we can go in. I can show ye that this isn't yer house." If the German knew what he was doing he'd
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probably be scolded, but the easiest way to convince someone something wasn't theirs was to show them.
11 years ago
swallowed and tried her best to ignore how hot her face was. She pressed her lips into a thin line and put a hand protectively on the doorhandle. "I'm as familiar as can be with this place, sir, and this is _
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my house. If it wasn't I'd see it fine enough with my own eyes alone." She wasn't about to let some stranger into her house because he thought it best. For all she knew he could be a peculiar kind of thief.
11 years ago
smirked a bit and held his hands up in defence. "Alright, alright. Ye win." He put his hands in his pockets before slowly stepping away. He didn't actually plan on leaving, since he didn't want a stranger going
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into his friends house, but if she went in alone she'd figure it out.
11 years ago
stared at him for a short while, as if asking if he was really just going to stand there. Obviously she got her answer as he didn't move. She let out a small sigh and opened the door, at once being greeted by _
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the giddy pointer jumping out and around her feet, graciously followed by the slightly smaller weimaraner. In her happiness to see her dogs again, she almost forgot about the stranger entirely, and crouched _
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down to pet the dogs. "Hallo Frieda, Edel. Wie geht's mit meine Damen?"
11 years ago
waited outside, leaning against a tree. He knew at some point she'd be out again. He just had to wait... He just hoped he didn't have to wait too long, or else he'd go in.
11 years ago
spent a few minutes with the dogs, a small smile on her face as the oldest dog eventually came lumbering into the hallway. She got up and carried the bag under her arm and up into the bedroom, flicking on the _
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lights she needed as she went. Glancing out the window, she saw the stranger waiting still. Persistent. She let out a quiet breath through her teeth and returned downstairs, whistling for the dogs to join her _
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as she went outside to meet him again. "Now, do you believe me?"
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smirks as he watched her. "Ye're only lookin' at the obvious, not the details." He walked in the house and to the kitchen, grabbing himself a beer.
11 years ago
frowned as he passed by her, just short of stepping in front of him to forbid him entrance. However, he was stubborn, and if push came to shove she could always easily kick him out. Edel raised her hackles as _
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the man entered, though Liese hushed her and followed after. Upon seeing him simply making himself comfortable in her kitchen, she huffed indignantly and glared him, "'Details' being my alcohol? It's cheap _
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enough in Denmark for you to have little reason bumming it off people."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's still cheaper here. Besides, my friend owes me one." He sipped it then headed to the living room to look around.
11 years ago
looked after him warily, making sure he didn't steal anything, before turning to at least feed the hounds before she followed after him. As she stepped into the living room, the suspicious feeling from before _
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returned, though she her eyes were on him and nothing else.
11 years ago
looked to her. She did seem to know her way around the house, but he knew this was Ger's... "So, everythin' in here is how ye know it, eh?"
11 years ago
lifted her head to nod decedidely, but when she did so her eye caught sight of a rather large painted picture she knew, but had never placed in her home. She frowned, looking around and noticing more strange _
11 years ago
11 years ago
hummed as he picked up a picture from a shelf and brought it to her. "So logically, ye'd know these guys, ja?" It was a picture of Germany standing with his arms crossed as normal, an Prussia acting like an
11 years ago
11 years ago
knew the picture she'd placed there; one of her and her sister, a year after the unification. Her jaw tightened when he brought it over and she saw the picture in the frame was not what she expected.. and the _
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strange men carried an eery likeness she was not willing to admit. She crossed her arms defensively and shot him a fierce glare. "Is this some kind of prank?"
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shakes his head. "Like I said, this is my friends house. Wanna leave, now?"
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grew hot around the ears both out of embarrasment and anger. Insinuating that she would be convinced to leave her own house because some stranger misplaced objects in her house - and he'd probably broken in _
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too to do so - was ridiculous. "No," she said and turned on him, narrowing her eyes, "If you think you can just waltz in here, pop a beer and tell me to get out of my own house, you had best leave, Knilch."
11 years ago
put the frame down and sipped his beer. "Listen, my friend has lived here since beofre ye were born. I know this is his house. I've also known him longer than ye've been around.
11 years ago
frowned deeply, disliking the man's nonchalance and confident lies. However, as his words sunk in her expression eased into slow realisation and she took a step back, looking at him as if seeing him for the _
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first time. "You're a Nation," she stated, without a hint of question in her tone.
11 years ago
was a bit taken aback by that. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. "How would ye know?"
11 years ago
almost let out a bark of laughter in victory, but restrained herself to a small twisted smile. It felt good to be back in control of the situation. "You're not denying it." Though his accent was Danish, Dorthe_
11 years ago
had claim on Denmark since its beginning. She could see the likeness between the two. Did he represent one of the islands? "We are the only ones who'd talk to one looking the same age as if one is actually_
11 years ago
years older." She concluded, steeling her expression once again.
11 years ago
smirked faintly and sipped his beer. "I see." He went to sit down, hoping she'd do the same. "So. Who are ye the nation of? Or are ye a micronation?"
11 years ago
followed him to the couch, though she didn't feel like making herself comfortable around him just yet, and remained standing with her arms crossed at the other side. "I was about to ask you the same.. Germany _
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is my country. I thought it was obvious."
11 years ago
hummed as he sipped more beer. "Interestin'..." He crossed a leg over the other. "Sit, we got a lot to talk 'bout."
11 years ago
hesitated for a moment, then went to settle in the armchair across the coffee table from him. She let out a low whistle, calling the silver dog called Edel from the kitchen. The dog sat obediently by her_
11 years ago
owner, studying the visitor with pale eyes. "You think so? Who are you, then?"
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took another sip of beer and smiled. "Kongeriget Danmark." He knew what was coming, but he decided to let it be asked.
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recognised that, of course she recognised it, despite the Northern language. Dorthe waved the title around proudly enough. She frowned lightly, though didn't look completely thrown off course. After all, she _
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had experience in a country being shared between two personifications... "Yet I have never seen you before."
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shakes his head. "Somethin' happened, that's all that can be said. But now our countries have two nations leadin' em. Dorthe calls me her twin, 'cause that's what we basically are." He finished his beer and
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uncrossed his leg so he could lean forward. "This is Germany's house. My Germany. Ye guys came to our world. There will be things from home, like yer dogs... who are adorable, by the way. But other than that,
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it's the same. Ye still have yer responsibilities as a nation... it's kinda nice. If ye get sick, the country won't be as affected, 'cause the other Germany will pick up the slack. It means ye can relax."
11 years ago
listened to his every word, finding his explanation both reasonable and... entirely mad. Her brain was having a hard time sorting it all out, and she could feel a headache growing already. She brought a hand_
11 years ago
up to rub her forehead, while the other remained buried in the hound's fur. "... This is not what I would call a relaxing situation." She didn't want there to be another Germany; being parted into two was _
11 years ago
stressful enough.
11 years ago
smiles. "I know it's a lot to take in at once, but really... it's good. Ye're not as alone. And Lud's nice! He's great. A bit stubborn with a stick up his ass, but once ye get a few drinks in him he's good."
11 years ago
rested her head in her hand, glancing up at him. "Lud... His name is Ludwig? He is one of the men in the picture?" The stress was still building up, so she decided to keep to simple questions for now and clear_
11 years ago
things up slowly but steadily.
11 years ago
nods happily. "Ja! And the other is his bror, Prussia. Or Gilbert. I've not seen that idiot in ages, which is why I bug Lud a lot now. He's a typical German. Likes his cars, workin' out, and his dogs."
11 years ago
kept her eyes on him, petting the dog distractedly. Bror.. broer... Bruder. Ah. "Preussen--" His babbling about her supposed counterpart was entirely ignored in favour of his tidbit on Prussia. She sat _
11 years ago
upright, retrieving her hand from the dog and curling it into a fist as she stared at him. "Preussen is... gone?"
11 years ago
blinked and looked panicked for a minute, raising his hands up. "Oh, nej, nej! He's not gone. Or she. They're both around, just busy. A lot of nations have been busy, and it's hard to get a hold of 'em... but
11 years ago
ja. She's still 'round. Sorry if I scared ye."
11 years ago
felt the tension leave her body somewhat, though not completely. She spread her fingers, then curled them tightly, repeating the movement as she nodded slowly. "Right... I see. Gut." She exhaled through her _
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nose, moving her gaze to the floor. Edel seemed to recognise her distress and growled lowly, padding over to curl up by her feet. "Thank you for clearing that up." The fear that her sister might disappear _
11 years ago
never really left.
11 years ago
nods a bit and got up. "How 'bout this, ye relax for a bit and think things through, and I'll make ye some sweets. Ye gotta sweet tooth, right?"
11 years ago
took a moment to register what he'd said, and her shoulders slumped a little as she looked up at him, perplexed. "How'd you--" She paused, and sighed half-heartedly, "This Ludwig has one too, ja?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Anyone I'm around has one, and for good reason. Do ye have any favourite sweet in mind? I can make anythin'."
11 years ago
rose a brow at his confidence, honestly doubting his 'anything' was the same as her understanding of the word. Nevertheless, it was a kind offer and she felt slightly more comfortable now that she knew he was_
11 years ago
a nation too. "Franzbrötchen. Wait," she gently tilted her foot, making Edel take the hint and move so she could stand up, "Here, I'll help. You don't know the kitchen as well.. I hope." She lead the _
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way and opened the drawers and cabinets where the equipment would be, then went to find the ingredients needed.
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let her walk into the kitchen first. He figured he could have found everything, but thought also that her helping would take her mind off thinking too much. "This'll be fun~ " He washed his hands and dried them
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eager to get baking.
11 years ago
hummed something that sounded like agreement, though she wasn't sure just yet. "I have a recipe book, if you haven't heard of the pastry before, or you can follow my instructions." She suggested while placing _
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the equipment on the counters along with the ingredients, then went to wash and dry her hands too.
11 years ago
turned on the oven so it would preheat as they mixed everything up. "I've got a rough idea. But ye can talk me through it. S'more social than readin' a recipe." He knew how to make it, but he wanted her to be
11 years ago
more involved.
11 years ago
prefered reading instructions than relying on people, but she supposed he was like his twin-of-sorts. Though this way around, it was no problem for her. "Fine." She sorted the ingredients for the dough into _
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a small group for him to orient through, then took the butter over to the stove. "I'll melt this while you prepare the dough, then we coat it. Only a pinch of salt. Got it?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods as he started to mix the dry ingredients. "Got it~" He hummed as he worked, not liking the thought of a quiet work place. "So, do ye have any plans for tonight?"
11 years ago
dumped a sizable portion of the butter into a small pot and started heating it. She might like the pastries a bit sweeter than the original recipe. "Unpack, let the dogs get some air, clean the house, make_
11 years ago
dinner-- And I suppose I should sort out this Ludwig's things and return them." She sighed, glad she had arrived home early to sort all this mess into her schedule.
11 years ago
nods a little. "I'll help, if ye want me to. I understand if ye don't... but I could take one of yer dogs. I can clean too, and I can help ye pack up Lud's stuff. He doesn't use this house much, thankfully."
11 years ago
grimaced a little at his intrusive manners, even if he meant well. "Perhaps. Let's just get these done, hm." Now that she was slowly starting to accept who and what Ludwig was, she wasn't sure she wanted _
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another nation snooping about his possessions. It was odd feeling protective of a man she'd never met and hardly knew existed, but if they shared the same country... "I'll check with the neighbour on the _
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dogs. He should have exercised them as I told, but I want to make sure."
11 years ago
nods at that as he mixed the wet ingredients, then worked the dough. "Alright." He could tell she was feeling a little overwhelmed. "If ye want me to go, ye can tell me. I'm used to blunt responses from Nor."
11 years ago
was confused for a moment, thinking he meant to go ask the neighbour, then it clicked. Had she really come off like she wanted him out? She'd think that letting him go about her kitchen was the opposite, but_
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then her nature never really worked with her socially. She blushed lightly and shook her head, lowering the heat beneath the butter. "No, don't worry. I'm just not used to such.. helpful strangers."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I'm known to come off strong to people... but I just wanna help. I've met a lot of yer friends who were in the same position as ye." He started to section off the dough to make the treats.
11 years ago
thought on that now that he mentioned it. Of course she wouldn't be the only one in this situation, if she was to trust all of his previous explanation. "Japan did act strangely... I suppose she wanted to _
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keep it to herself." She wasn't sure she should feel a little hurt by that or not, even if their friendship might be fading now over the years. Shaking her head, she turned off the plate and moved the small_
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pot off it, then found a brush to start coating the dough.
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made sure the dough had designs on them, much like tradition. He wanted her to feel at home and welcomed. "I was thinkin', I could come back later and I'd treat ye to a few drinks. It calms Lud down."
11 years ago
smiled a little, seeing him cut it into the right slices to form the braid-like shape of it later on. Baking seldom failed to ease her mood. She brushed the butter out evenly, then put the brush in the sink _
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and moved to grab another bowl. "You can take a break now while I make the filling," she instructed, then quirked a brow at his suggestion. It was so familiar to the other Dane she nearly said yes at_
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once. ".. I'll think about it."
11 years ago
nods and went to wash his hands before sitting in a chair. He wasn't good at taking hints to leave people alone. "I'll pay, obviously. I know it doesn't always win Lud over, but... I dunno. It helps calm him,
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and I like to help people out as much as I can."
11 years ago
entertained the thought that he might be continuing on the compliment from earlier, though it was quickly ruled out by his own and more reasonable explanation. He seemed... safe. Oddly enough, given his twin's_
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frivolous nature. She quickly finished the filling of cinnamon and sugar, and spread it over the dough. "If things go by quickly, I might have time tonight."
11 years ago
smiled at that as he watched her carefully. "It'd be a bit fun. I'll make sure ye get home safe too... and don't worry, ye're safe. I promise not to make a move on ye. I know ye'd be a challenge anyways."
11 years ago
huffed a little chuckle as she worked the dough into the right shape. "I don't plan on getting drunk. I have things to do tomorrow." She had scheduled her week on the plane from Japan. Her hands fumbled_
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a little at his next comment, and she felt the warmth of a blush creeping up her neck. ".. Well, thank you, then." She was glad France wasn't here to see her now; she'd be having the time of her life.
11 years ago
chuckled more as he watched her. "It's amazin' how many nations worry 'bout that. But I'm harmless... I wouldn't want ye to get hurt anyways. Ye're nice."
11 years ago
wasn't sure whether he meant getting a hangover or being hit on in a vulnerable state, so she decided to keep her mouth shut. Despite the blush, she shot him an awkward but appreciative smile over her_
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shoulder. "Danke schön. I think these are ready to be baked, now."
11 years ago
jumped up and went to carefully put the sweets onto a tray before opening the oven and putting them in. He set the time and leaned against the counter, humming quietly. "At least we don't have to wait too long"
11 years ago
stepped aside and went to clean her hands off while he put the batch in. She then began to put the used equipment into the sink, and found a rag to wash the counter of flour. She muttered an idle confirmation_
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while she put on rubber gloves, and started on the dishes.
11 years ago
walked to her side after. "I can clean those, if ye want. I want ye to rest... I don't mind~" He wanted to do all he could to help her.
11 years ago
threw him a quick glance and shook her head, turning the swamp to the rough side. "No, it's fine. You are a guest, after all, and I don't mind either." She rather liked cleaning, and she prefered doing things_
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods at that and leaned against the counter a bit away from her. "Alright." He felt like he was being a bit of a burden, but he was just like that. He tapped his fingers on the counter, trying to keep from
11 years ago
talking so much.
11 years ago
saw his silence as an opportunity, deciding to steer the conversation in her favour now. "So this.. 'change', as you call it, how long ago did it happen? Are you sure it has happened to all nations?"
11 years ago
shurgs. "It happened quite a while ago. But I've been around a while. Some nations I've still not met... I dunno if everyone is here, yet. I've met yer Sve, Dan, Ice, Nor... heard 'bout yer Ned. They come and
11 years ago
go, so I guess they're all just busy. It's still a lot of responsibility everyone has."
11 years ago
nodded, taking a moment or two to put the nicknames to the nations. "I suppose you don't travel around much, either. Dorthe keeps to the North too. It is probably an international issue, then." She reached _
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into the water and pulled the plug, letting it drain as she put the gloves aside and wiped her hands.
11 years ago
shrugs. "I travel but not as much as I should probably. I visited Canada a few months ago, but I didn't see yers... then again, it's a large country." He hummed a little at that. "Dorthe might know more 'bout
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yer nations... Astrid doesn't get around much."
11 years ago
uttered a non-commital hum, and shrugged her shoulders as she stepped back to look at the pastries through the glass. "Canada is easy to overlook, especially if you're not even looking for her." She nodded at _
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that, "Sounds like them."
11 years ago
smiled. "Ja... I some times over look Mattie and I feel bad, but he's my nephew after all. Or, I consider him to be... kind of. He's more Nor's, but... still. I like havin' family."
11 years ago
put her hands on her hips, eyes on the batch though they flickered over to him for a moment. "Mattie, is it? Hm.. So the personal names are alike too, or have the ones mentioned just been coincidence?"
11 years ago
shrugged as he watched her. "I'd say coincidence, at least in some cases. I mean, Dorthe and I are kinda different. So is Berwald and Astrid."
11 years ago
gave a curt nod, her stern expression softening a little as the batch neared perfection. "How about.. personality? Does that vary? I don't know this Ludwig, but you don't seem too strange from the Denmark I_
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles and shakes his head. "Personality wise, it seems really similar. Dorthe and I get along great, 'cause we're like that. But I know my Ned and yers don't really get along. I think. I've not talked to her,
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but I don't see 'em together. I think ye'd get along with Lud... he's pretty harmless."
11 years ago
made a small grimace. She wasn't really sure she wanted to meet this Ludwig, but she supposed she would have to to sort things out at least. He might prefer to just remain seperate from each other outside_
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work... "And how does the goverment handle the change? Is the workload parted? Do we get different areas to deal with?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's up to ye two. I work up with the big wigs, but Dorthe tends to do odd jobs 'round the office. It's not chaotic, at least. And they like it. If one of ye are unreachable, chances are the other
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isn't, so they feel safer that there's always someone to get a hold of. I know Lud travels a bit, but he's also in the office when needed."
11 years ago
smiled when the little lamp signalling the timer turned off, and fetched the mittens hanging on a hook by the oven. "I will work it out with Ludwig, then." She said while getting the batch, then walked over_
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to the table and put it down. She moved to the window and unlatched it, pushing it out so the breeze would cool the pastries faster. "There are plates in the cabinet to your right."
11 years ago
smiled as the room was filled with the smell of freshly baked goods. "Mmm~" He turned to get the plates and put one down for the both of them, as well as a larger one for the goods to go on.
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scooted the larger one over to the tray, and lifted the paper beneath the pastries so they slid over and onto it. She then carried the empty tray back and stored it away. "Give them some minutes to cool. Uhm, _
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would you like something to drink?" Liese had almost forgotten how to host, though not entirely thankfully, from being the guest back in Japan for so long.
11 years ago
chuckles and shakes his head. "Ye don't need to treat me like a guest. I'm more of a burden. But a beer would be nice." He kept eying the pastries, licking his lips at that.
11 years ago
huffed lightly, being reminded that he'd simply taken one of her cans without asking earlier, though she wasn't about to turn the request down as she'd asked. She got him a Bitburger from the fridge, then went_
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to take a seat by the table. "There. It's fair for the ones you've promised me tonight, hm?"
11 years ago
thanked her for the drink and smiled as he sat down. "So ye're gonna take me up on the offer? That's great~" He took a few sips of the beer, happy she seemed to look a bit more comfortable.
11 years ago
crossed her arms on the table and shrugged her shoulders. "There's much left of the day. I have time to get everything I need to do done." She pulled one of the plates over and nudged one of the warm pastries_
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onto it. "And you have good taste in beer."
11 years ago
wiggled as he watched her. "Tak. I try to pride myself in beer..." He took a pastry himself, holding it with his fingers as he took a small nibble. He knew it was still rather hot, but he couldn't wait anymore.
11 years ago
watched him, and wondered briefly how she always ended up among such excitable people. At least they all managed to keep themselves entertained, so she didn't have to worry all too much about her lacking _
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social skills. ".. Wait." She could practically see the sweet coating stick to his fingers, and rose to fetch some napkins before she joined him again and put them beside the pastries.
11 years ago
smiled as he continued to nibble on it. "Tak. I never think of that... Astrid's normally the one who cleans up my messes anyways." He wiggled and continued to eat the pastry. "These're gooood."
11 years ago
knew how sticky Franzbrötchen were from experience, but she had to big of a sweet tooth to care all that much for once. That didn't mean she wouldn't take precautions, however. "She must be busy, then." She _
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commented lightly, and picked up her pastry and took a bite. She allowed herself a little pleased hum and nodded her agreement.
11 years ago
was glad she seemed to be more herself now. He continued to eat, hoping he'd not eat too many. He han't had these in a while, but they were so good... Once he was done he licked his fingers then used the napkin
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to clean off the rest of the stickyness.
11 years ago
looked out the window, contemplating how she would go about her day and put the more complicated challenges for the morrow. In short time she'd eaten a few pastries, and reached for a napkin while frowning _
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lightly at his .. cleaning method. She hummed thoughtfully, then pushed the chair out and got up. "I take it you are finished? I'll put these aside, then." Taking the plate over to the counters, she found _
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some elastic paper and stretched across, then stored it away in the fridge.
11 years ago
nods a little and thanked her. "When should I come pick ye up? I figure ye'll wanna be alone for a while, and not have an annoyin' Dane around."
11 years ago
grimaced faintly at his choice of words, not wanting to be rude. "It's simply easier like that, and you can spend your day as you like until 1900. Is that fine?" He also wouldn't have to waste his day by_
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sticking around for politness' sake.
11 years ago
smiled at that. "Sure." He found some paper and a pen and wrote down his number. "If anything' changes, or ye wanna cancel last minute, give me a text or call. Whichever ye're more comfortable with."
11 years ago
took the slip, looked over the number and nodded. "Danke. And... thank you for taking your time to explain, even if you were looking for Ludwig." She managed some kind of smile, then cleared her throat. "I'll_
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show you out."
11 years ago
shook his head as he walked towards the door with her. "I've done it before once or twice. And I'll find him eventually. But now I'm glad I didn't find him~"
11 years ago
kept her head bowed while he talked, feeling her cheeks heat up a little again. "Well.. I'm glad your time wasn't wasted then." Once in the hallway, she took her jacket down from a hook and shrugged it on, _
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opening the door after. "I'll be checking on the neighbour now. I'll see you at seven, then."
11 years ago
nods as he walked out and waved to her. "Ja. I'll be here, right on the dot." He continued walking before looking back. "Again, if ye have questions, I'm just a text away~"
11 years ago
followed him out, then stopped to lock the door. She looked back at him and waved feebly in return. "Good." She could only hope he would live up to that promise; she wasn't very fond of impreciseness. Liese _
11 years ago
thanked him again, then headed over to the neighbour once he was well on his way.
11 years ago
was never late for a beer date. He just hoped she'd be feeling well enough to go out later. He could only guess this would be tiring for her.
11 years ago
actually felt better when she had something productive to do, and the drinking would serve as the best kind of reward she knew at the end of the day.
11 years ago
returned to her doorstep right at seven and knocked on the door, hoping she was in now. He han't heard from her, an was a little bit worried.
11 years ago
had been occupied all day, and was happy to have it all done now. She made sure the dogs had food and water, and used minimum time to get herself ready. With short hair and not really a liking for make-up, _
11 years ago
she only set off time to shower and change before it turned seven. Just as it did, she was pleased to hear a knock on her door and opened soon after. "Hallo," she greeted while stepping outside double-checking_
11 years ago
that her wallet was in her coat pocket before she locked the door. "We're leaving, then?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja. Do ye got any place in mind, or shoul I pick?" He started walking down the driveway again, finding this already familiar.
11 years ago
followed beside him, humming thoughtfully. "Hm, I know all those around here, so it depends on what kind of place you would like to go."
11 years ago
chuckles and looks to her. "Ye pick. I'm treatin' ye tonight, so go wherever ye like~ I'm easy with anythin'."
11 years ago
considered that, and wouldn't want to burn his wallet so a good few were quickly ruled out. Then there were the ones with completely inappropriate enviroments, and those who dared sell mediocre beer. "Right_
11 years ago
then. This way." She tilted her head to the side and lead the way around a corner.
11 years ago
put his hands in his pockets and followed beside her. He was glad that she still felt comfortable here, but it was her country after all.
11 years ago
had gone through the day a little wary, though had almost found everything to be as perfectly normal as it used to be. If it hadn't been for him and the changes in her house, she wouldn't even have noticed a_
11 years ago
11 years ago
was glad he at least told her, just so she wasn't lead away. He couldn't help but hum as they walked.
11 years ago
pulled the collar of her coat up a bit against the nearly cold breeze. She watched the cars drive by as they went, while they began approaching the more crowded and public area of this side of the city.
11 years ago
loved being surrounded by people, and he was already liking where she was taking him. "And don't get cheap on me. I want ye to enjoy yerself, so if ye wanna get somethin' expensive, by all means. I want ye to
11 years ago
11 years ago
shrugged as they turned another corner, walking down a street lined with smaller shops. "The bars around here earn enough as it is, most do not really need to put their prices very high." She glanced to him _
11 years ago
with a little smile, "There's alcohol. Of course I'll enjoy myself."
11 years ago
smiles at seeing her smile. "Just have what ye want, seriously. I want ye to have fuuun~ And relax and all. It's my job."
11 years ago
hummed pleasantly as the sign of the bar she had pointed out for them appeared ahead. She raised a brow at him, "Is that an order?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja. Drink happily. Have fun. I'll join in~"
11 years ago
signed towards the entrance of the bar as they approached it. "I count on you for that." She opened the door and stepped inside, pausing to hold it open for him.
11 years ago
thanked her and walked in. He walked up to the counter and sat on a stool against the bar. He made sure to order two good beers to start them off with.
11 years ago
waited behind for a few seconds to hang her coat up, placing the valuables in it in her trouser pockets instead. Approaching the bar, she was glad to see he'd already ordered and sat on the stool beside him.
11 years ago
thought it was the least he could do. "So, was everythin' else pretty much the same?"
11 years ago
looked at the bartender, who seemed to recognise her by the smirk on his face, then glanced over her shoulder before she turned back to him. "Ja, most seems to be the same. Through the day, too. Only some _
11 years ago
minor details which I can get accustomed to. In time."
11 years ago
nods. "See? It's not bad. Just a few misplaced pictures... oh, ja, do ye have stuff for me to take to Lud?"
11 years ago
nodded to the bartender as he placed the drinks in front of them, then shook her head. "Not here. I found everything while cleaning earlier, I think."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Good..." He took a few sips from his drink. "Then ye can keep the house just as ye like it."
11 years ago
cracked the seal off and took a good swig, muttering appreciatively in German after. "They didn't have much quality beer in Japan," she explained. "That's what I plan, yes. I hope he won't be too against it."
11 years ago
hummed and nodded. "Ja, Japan's not the best place for beer... here or home is. It's just cheaper here.... but I still prefer Carlsberg. And I doubt he'll be against it."
11 years ago
sipped of her can while he talked, looking idly ahead into the mirror that dully reflected the crowd scattered around on tables behind them. "Mm, of course you would. It's not bad." Her shoulders fell _
11 years ago
slightly, relaxed by his reassurance. "That's good. I wouldn't like a fight."
11 years ago
smiles. "He doesn't fight really anymore. Unless someone insults him or his brother. I highly doubt ye two would go at it." He sipped more of his beer, enjoying the surroundings.
11 years ago
cringed a little inwardly, and took another swig before glancing off to the side. "I meant an argument. I'm aware we don't fight anymore. I wouldn't expect it of him, either."
11 years ago
shrugs as he watched her. "Even still. He doesn't get hot headed easily. Unlike me..." He finished his beer and ordered another, licking his lips as he looked around the bar again.
11 years ago
nodded slowly, only partly listening. She let go of the can and scratched her arm for a moment, before breaking out of it with a quiet huff. Tapping the counter with two fingers, she leant forward and got the_
11 years ago
bartender's attention. "Three more down here-- bitte."
11 years ago
blinks at that and frowned a bit. "What's wrong?" He thought it was a sudden jump from where his mind was
11 years ago
shook her head, and shot him a crooked smile. "Nothing. You brought me here to have fun, remember? If you are going to offer paying for a German's drinks, you should be prepared."
11 years ago
chuckled quietly. "I am. I just wanna make sure ye're okay." He sipped his new beer and continued to keep an eye on her.
11 years ago
had simply gotten onto a train of thought she didn't want to continue on, as it would ruin her night. She smiled gratefully to the bartender, and cradled the first mug in her hands. "Now I am."
11 years ago
smiled at that and continued to drink happily then. "After a few of these we can have some stronger stuff. What do ye say?"
11 years ago
gladly nodded her consent, and took a good sip of the mug in her hands. It really had been much too long.
11 years ago
finished his second beer and hummed before ordering one more. After this he'd start getting stronger stuff. "So... I wonder how different ye are from Lud."
11 years ago
went onto the second mug, keeping her focus on just getting the first couple of drinks down already. It was a bit freeing that she wouldn't have to worry about the cost too much, either. "Hm..? We don't sound
11 years ago
too different from what you have told me."
11 years ago
nods. "Well, what're ye into? He likes mechanics, paperwork, drinkin'..."
11 years ago
felt her cheeks colour a little, and not from the drinking just yet. "Ah, well... That sounds familiar, except for the first one. I like cars and jets, but it's not my hobby... Does he fix his own cars?" She_
11 years ago
looked over at him curiously. The whole concept of two personifications of one country so alike was puzzling to her.
11 years ago
nods. "Ja. He's got a garage where he works on 'em. Prussia seems to enjoy 'em more though." He was just glad she was warming up to him.
11 years ago
had to spend a few moments adjusting the name Prussia to the man she had seen in the picture earlier. She rubbed her forehead, then took another swig. "My Preussen likes bikes. Motorbikes. Other than that, no."
11 years ago
smiles. "Really? Does she look good?" He didn't mean to make it sound offensive or anything, he just said it without thinking.
11 years ago
gave him an incredulous look, simply staring at him for a few seconds before she sighed in defeat. "She is not your standard beauty.. but she makes it look good, ja." She admitted that much, but still looked _
11 years ago
him skeptically. "Why?"
11 years ago
blinked and smiled as he sipped a bit. "I'm tryin' to make a mental image compared to my Prussia... he's more so concerned with bein' dirty than lookin' good." He finished his drink and decided to wait for her
11 years ago
before getting the stronger drinks.
11 years ago
started on the last mug by now, just barely beginning to feel the pleasant effects of good beer. "I didn't mean it like that. She doesn't care to look good, but she does."
11 years ago
sighed quietly. "Neat. S'good to know there's a lot of good lookin' nations 'round..."
11 years ago
quirked a brow at that, quickly downing the last mug with a quiet little sigh before responding. "Are you looking? There's always humans."
11 years ago
frowned as he looked at her glass. "I've sworn off humans since the 19th century. Even before that I wasn't that into 'em..."
11 years ago
thought it was odd seeing him like that when all she'd seen earlier had been smiles, even when uncalled for. She blinked, and shrugged idly. "I know some nations don't go for them, which is understandable."_
11 years ago
She blushed lightly and glanced away. "Still, nations rarely look bad..."
11 years ago
hadn't meant for it to slip, but it was a soft spot for him. Soon again he was smiling again and nodded. "Ja. I've not seen an ugly nation before... I've seen some beautiful ones. I guess it depends what ye
11 years ago
look for in a person."
11 years ago
didn't comment on the change and let it pass. They were here to have fun, and she honestly didn't want to touch into anything on someone she didn't really know. "I guess," she said, wanting to steer off the _
11 years ago
subject, "So, you were talking about strong drinks."
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "I'm up for anythin'. As long as it's not vodka. What's yer favourite strong drink?"
11 years ago
couldn't possibly choose a favourite, but she did come up with something. "I assume you know the Turbojäger? They are sure to have Jägermeister here."
11 years ago
smiled widely at that. "Ja! That sounds great. I'm in the mood to get hyped up." He ordered one for each of them to start with.
11 years ago
smiled a little in return, and pushed the used mugs towards one of the bartenders to show she wouldn't have a refill of those.
11 years ago
took hold of the shot once it was there and waited for her to grab it. "Together, on the count of three..." He smiled and looked at her before slooowly counting down.
11 years ago
nodded to the bartender and gripped the glass, casting a glance at him as he started counting. As soon as 'three' was said she downed the shot rapidly, smiling warmly at the taste.
11 years ago
downed it the same time she did an licked his lips happily. "Ahh... This is a fun night." He ordered two more for the each of them. He was warming up to her quickly.
11 years ago
hummed pleasantly, glad he was enjoying himself. She seldom got along so well with someone new this quickly. "I'll count now," she said with a small smile, and followed up. She drank just as swiftly this time.
11 years ago
was glad she seemed to be having fun, and accepted him easily. He waited her to finish counting and downed the drink again, wiggling at the taste.
11 years ago
went onto the third shot with him, and counted down again. After she put the glass down on the counter, she threw a glance at him. "How many of these are we going for?"
11 years ago
licked his lips again and smiled. "Ahhh~ I dunno. How many do ye want? I can go for a while. But I wouldn't wanna deprive this bar of the supplies."
11 years ago
could easily handle a deal more, but the shots were only entertaining for so long. "Hm, five... seven more in a row? For each of us."
11 years ago
nods as he ordered them the moment she finished suggesting it. "We can maybe go to somethin' else after... or call it a night. We'll see how we feel."
11 years ago
hummed a little to herself as the shots were ordered and drummed her fingers lightly on the counter, quite happy now. "I don't want to get completely drunk, just a little buzzed."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I don't mind. I like havin' fun. It'll be easier to get home too if we're just buzzed..." He took hold of one drink and waited for her before counting down and downing it.
11 years ago
nodded to that, with a light smile on her lips. "Exactly, and I want to be fully functionable tomorrow." Seeing him grip his glass, she did the same and drank hers quickly once he ended the countdown, then _
11 years ago
started counting for the next.
10 years ago
licked his lips as he got the next shot. "If ye're anythin' like Ludwig, ye will be." Once she counted down he downed the shot and sighed after it. He missed good times like this.
10 years ago
arched a brow at that tidbit, but couldn't help but chuckle amusedly. "Lucky for him, then. And me." She felt herself growing more comfortable with the existence of this Ludwig by his description, though it _
10 years ago
would probably still be awkward meeting him.
10 years ago
hums as he looked to her. "What do ye wanna order next? Or do ye wanna let the alcohol sit for a bit?"
10 years ago
laughed lightly and poked his arm. "We've only had two of those seven. You're not losing count already, are you?" She turned back to the bartender and asked him to line the next five up in a row. "Let's finish_
10 years ago
the rest, then let it sit."
10 years ago
smiles. "Of course m'not. I just thought I'd ask the lady to see where her limit was. Now, let's do this." He grabbed the next shot and took a deep breath before counting and downing it.
10 years ago
snorted at the thought that her limit was anywhere near being reached, though still felt her cheeks heat a little at being called a lady, even as a joke. "After you," she hummed as he counted down, and took _
10 years ago
shot before going onto the next.
10 years ago
laughed a little after. "Ahhh~ How fun~" He took hold of the next few and counted down quickly before downing them, seeing if she could keep up.
10 years ago
lagged behind only after the sixth one, needing a few more moments to make sure she didn't choke as he went onto the seventh and last. When she put the last one down, her cheeks were finally a light _
10 years ago
red from the drinks and she let out a chuckle. "You're good competition, I'll give you that."
10 years ago
hums as he looked to her. "Would ye think any less of a Dane? Come on, my people help keep yer people in business with alcohol alone..." He slumped onto the counter a bit, glad for something sturdy.
10 years ago
gave him an amused look, just short from laughing, though she managed to keep it at bay in favour of a reply. "That is hardly arguable, actually."
10 years ago
smiled widely to her. "Ye ready to call it a night? If we keep this up, we'll be hungover tomorrow. Maybe."
10 years ago
glanced at her watch, and expelled a slightly disappointed sigh. "I suppose we have to. It would be wise." She moved to get her wallet, then paused and remembered his offer. Calling the bartender over, she_
10 years ago
told who'd pay him and waited.
10 years ago
chuckled when he saw her wallet. "Silly..." He paid for him and thanked the bartender, reassuring they would get home safe as he neither were driving. He got up, swaying a bit. "Ahh~ I like this."
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