CJ_18 says
10 years ago
dont mess, dont mess with the best , coz the best dont mess.... dont fool, dont fool with the cool, coz the cool dont fool ... in blue team, we rule !
latest #18
掰噗~ says
10 years ago
凡事心存恭敬,而不藐視他人。~ 慧律法師 -摘自佛心慧語
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
counterbot: counterbot: ano yan ?
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
baipu: ??
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
hahaha ..sorry nman :-)
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
wra .. haha .. my ngpost nga d2 n ,, cge lng daw post peru dae nagre2spond sa plurk nila ,,watever
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
haha ,,d qman cla knows mrs.potter :-P
CJ_18 says
10 years ago
wag na ,,busy aq :-)
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