It might actually be more fun to get canons I don't know yet/know well but hit me with anything
/post plurk forgets about it I'm the worst its me.
UH lets go in reverse order haha
Loveless, I want to redo Natsuo and Youji with Jas sometime, if you can call it redoing since oh my god.
Also there was a very sort period where I sort of wanted to cosplay Seimei but that was was I was 17 and stickish and was like "maybe if I grow..taller" and then I didn't.
Smile Precure /google engage
my first reaction is to say the green one because green
and honestly yeah she looks my type (maybe blue-chan though? I should google names)
Oh my god Joker looks fabulous
seimei A you would be a really good seimei
(also yeee zero boys woo)
I could have a shortlist of cosplays which are like "boys who (may or may not have) set themselves on fire" but it would just be him and OkuRin honestly
But Yes Smile Precure, Reika, Nao or this Joker guy
so many characters but I don't honestly know
sdfecesadfkase fiery boys
how many tanemura series do you know
"boys who (may or may not have) set themselves on fire" new typecast, huh?
Ahhhhhhhhh if my face was entirely different I'd say Vetinari if only because he reminds me of Mephy but less..well ridiculous
garbagebug Oh god I chose well (also sadsada glad u liked the answers)
SillyOctopus is there even anyone else that fits that other than like. DragonBall Goku.
diamonbe I know like one other I've forgotten its name though, Jas help me out.
...I'm..sure if I think hard enough about it I can find some more characters who set themselves on fire 8D;;;
pearlahiko I said if my face was entirely different 8|!!!!!!
(does Jonathan count lol)
no you need to do this thing
oh god no but what no. Matt no scream
( that a banchou otome game or something???)
(God he does count. Scott almost counts but then Stiles stopped him so...)
Matt no I'm not even going to the Discworld con because I suck
/that was meant to be gentlemen's alliance but my hand slipped a lot
we were just talking about how to smuggle you in
oh god what time of yeah is it though
you can do igorina and be my ethcort for everyone'th thafety
ha I was gonna say what about the summer con BUT WELP
HA /onedirectionlaughtrack
tbh if you go on the waiting list you'll probably get in
you can come and stay and i will bake cake while you're all con
we'll see when my student loan comes in
diamonbe I lied I know GA and Fullmoon)
(tell me who you'd be /flutters eyelashes)
well you can sign up, go on the waiting list and then you don't have to pay until you get in
but even if you do there's no obligation when you sign up
I'm not 100% on Gentleman's Alliance because its been a while and my brain can't recall everyone (and google is confusing) but possibly Maguri or one of the Togu twins /laughs heartily)
oh no... you'd be a really gr8 Maguri...
maybe I'll discworld then
you'd be a great everyone
oh god this plurk was a dreadful idea
an uh for Full Moon, Takuto if he put more clothes on.
that's not how you spell wonderful
(a GA group has been like.... one of my dream cosplaTAKUTO
y groups since i was a tiny weeb
i want to meroko and matt to be izumi
important to my young kokoro
I'm sure there's artbook illustrations where Takuto has more clothes riiiiiiight 8D
yess i have the artbook sooo
be a discworld see gil says so too
density is important to the science baking anime
science baking anime what
no i cant be all the discworld
who would you be from Clannad 'w'
it started out with a meme, how did it end up like this, it was only a meme it was only a meme
okay Clannad lemme go google it
Oh god theres a lot of characters, Jas is there like a particular image you want me to randomly choose from
(/notes down "party cats" and "boys on fire" as possible cosplay bingos)
you'd be an adorable meroko robyn but also tears. tears
i want to do all the tanemuras
I'll be the old man on the far left Jas.
but not Red Apron Guy looks pretty hilarious. or Blue Apron Lady
Im not sure about the front row everyone looks really cute
maybe purple girl front and centre
shoujo tears, inconsistant heights, if main lady says main guys name more than three times on one page
FFF blue apron lady is the one who's boyfriend got turned into a cat
"but not" should just read "but" im not sure what happened there
shacho will you cosplay human greebo
remember that bit where he eats a vampire
in.....................witches abroad????
Yeah I was a little horrified
it's two things you're great at
But no look at him if I can't pull off Vetinari I can't pull of Greebo unless I do like LadyGreebo or something
we can give you swarthy scar makeup
he is a cat. he is the ultimate party cat
FMA will take me a moment and I dont know Fushigi Yuugi so it'll be a stab in the dark
oh god google no, sorry but can you past me a group pic to work from
for Fushigi yuugi that is

these are all the magic people
gods on the left, then priestesses, then the warriors
going from the left, top row 4, 5 and 6 all look pretty damn cool
(also my angel princess nuriko)
and second row, number 4 dude in blue looks suitably shounene
oh wait is he a twin again or does dude next to him just have the same hair
he is the original blonde incest twin
(i wanna be the psycho twin)
you'd also be a row 4 5 and 6
(btw was it you that picked Kamui from gintama on your cosplay meme?)
Don't want to break it to you but nethier of them are blonde
Like pulls people limb from limb
they're blonde in the mango
Him and Kaguras race are very like the Fanalis, super strong and stuff
Ohhhhh Okay so they are blonde incest twins
a personality until he gets a girlfriend
(also Kamui's voice actor also voices Kōmei Ren)
okay I'm bed this plurk became a monster feel free to continue i'll look at it in the morning /screams
smooooooooooooooch u sleep well
we're going to be in docklands around 3 tomorrow if you want to meet up?
I might be depending on variables I'll try and text at a reasonable time to say what the hell im doing
okaaaaaay night! smooch u