Here is the info for the 30 day sweater challenge: If you want to purchase the online course or book you can get a discount code through many people. Dragonfly knits podcast is having
A KAL or I can get you a code through my LYS, The discount is for 25% off the course ($99 after discount) or the book (around $20 after discount). will give you an
Additional coupon towards your yarn purchase AFTER you buy the book or course. Universal yarn is having a design contest but you have to purchase the book or course to be eligible to win. If you just join
You can either pick a pattern of your choice and KAL or you can use their FREE planning guide to create a sweater that is the perfect fit for you. All of the info is on the website but the one thing I had
Difficulty finding was where to buy and that link is it sounds very interesting though I am trying to decide if I want to purchase the class. The benefits of the class from what I can
Tell are that you get a mapped out plan on how to create a sweater in 30 days, daily email reminders, and videos that you can access anytime similar to craftsy. Anyway, there is all I know! What do you think?