11 years ago
is cutting wood in the yard.
latest #130
Francis has
11 years ago
come to visit the German, though when his knocking goes unanswered, he decides just to enter the house. "Ludwig....?" he calls out softly, before hearing the sound of chopping wood. He grins,
11 years ago
realizing this would be a good chance for mischeif!
11 years ago
Had not heard the knocking or the call of his name considering how loud the chopping was. He pauses for a second to wipe the sweat from his brow before continuing.
11 years ago
sets down the wine he had brought and quietly sneaks upstairs. He knew exactly what his target was, having been wondering about the German's kinky side ever since their threesome,
11 years ago
and gossiping with Eliza. He checks the closet first, trying to see if there is a big ol box of kink hidden somewhere.
11 years ago
did in fact have a box of toys as well as a stash of 'porn' he hid on the top shelf of his closet in a black box. He had hidden it behind clothes hoping no one would look that extensively.
11 years ago
finds the box of toys first, gleefully pulling a bunch out to admire them, running his fingers over a collar thoughtfully as he wondered if Gregory would appreciate anything similar. He decides there must be
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more though, absentmindedly snapping the collar on to see how it felt as he snoops further, grinnign widely as he finds the box of porn.... before pausing as he opens it to find the real contents.
11 years ago
Finishes with the wood and goes to put the axe away before heading inside to wash his hands.
Francis is
11 years ago
snickering to himself as he pulls out the trashy romance novels from the box one by one, admiring the covers. He has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud as he looks through them, unable to read
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the German, but definitely able to tell these books must be raunchy as can be. He doesn't notice the lack of sound from the yard, but the sound of the door shutting startles him into dropping the
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books with a solid sounding thunk and cursing as he hurried to pick them up again.
11 years ago
freezes when he hears a think come from upstairs. He quickly dries his hands, grabs a bat and inches towards the stairs. "Gilbert?"
11 years ago
panics as he hears footsteps on the stairs, hurrying to shove everything haphazardly into the closet and shutting the door with a clink, as quietly as he can before attempting to sneak out the window,
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forgetting he was both on the second floor, and still wearing Ludwig's collar.
11 years ago
can hear a lot of shuffling. He makes a hazardous glance at the door and notices a wine bottle...a French wine bottle. His lip thins and he quietly makes his way upstairs opening the half closed door
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to spot the culprit...collared. His face turns a beat red and he knows what happened now. "Francis!! Gott, why do I always catch you doing something you shouldn't be!!" He looks very embarrassed.
11 years ago
freezes, one leg out the window but raising his hands in surrender and laughing nervously. "Maybe I'm secretly the God of mischeif? I didn't even do anything though!" he ventures, having forgotten about the
11 years ago
dead giveaway around his neck.
11 years ago
thinks that's a horrible excuse. When Francis doesn't admit to his true mischief Ludwig had to clear his throat to quell some embarrassment. He ends up pointing at the collar not wanting to utter the
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word for fear that the entire world would learn his dirty little secret.
11 years ago
blinks as he points, before his hand flies to his neck and he laughs, cheeks turning a little pink but otherwise not really ashamed. "....ah. Yes, well. Perhaps I maybe found a little something fun..." he
11 years ago
starts, pulling himself back into the room as he adjusts the collar. "What do you think? Am I dashing enough that you want to bend me over and fuck me hard~?" he teases.
11 years ago
gapes at the language his face very red. "That's inappropriate Francis..."
11 years ago
lughs at that, coming up to drape his arms over Lud's shoulders hoping to distract away from him finding out he'd found the romance novels too. "Mmm, that's not really an answer, tsk tsk."
11 years ago
stiffens. His eyes already scanning the entire room. "Where did you find it?"
11 years ago
pouts at him when he looks away. "Find what?"
11 years ago
's brows knit together. "The collar." He grunts unimpressive.
11 years ago
hesitates a little, before shrugig. "It was... out..?" he tries.
11 years ago
knows he's lying. He immediately turns to open his closet and can tell it's in a dissaray because he's anal enough to remember how everything goes all the time. His face turns an even darker red when he sees
11 years ago
what else the Frenchman got into. "........Francis...........why?" He was torn between hiding away and never coming out or dangling the man out the window.
11 years ago
starts to try and distract him away, but Ludwig gets the closet open too quickly. He backs away a little with a laugh, moving to take off the collar as he prepares to run, remembering
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the last time Germany punished him. "....because I was curious!" is his reply.
11 years ago
thinks that's a shit reply considering curiosity shouldn't take you to another's closet. Ludwig's gaze turns to the window and he made a decision at that moment. He lunges forward dropping the bat
11 years ago
and going straight for Francis. He may have died a little bit inside at his secret being discovered.
11 years ago
shrieks and nervously laughs as he tries to dodge away as Ludwig lunges at him, not sure what the larger blonde would do but feeling it wouldn't be good. "Y-you'll have a
11 years ago
threesome with me but you won't let me see your porn??" he protests as he tries to run out of the room.
11 years ago
manages to get between the door and Francis. "This was without permission! And what I enjoy in my private time is no one else's business." He was mostly flushing at the reminder of the threesome.
11 years ago
gasps and runs straight into his chest before stumbling backwards. "I'll let you see my collection to make up for it...~?" he offers, glancing around nervously. His exit was blocked and the
11 years ago
window has already been ruled out...
11 years ago
jumps forward after he collides with his chest and grabs him by his shirt collar. He pauses when he hears the other's proposition. "...wait, you'll willingly show me?"
11 years ago
's breath hitches and he moves to get away as Ludwig grabs him in panic, but pauses when Ludwig asks. ".....oui? You already saw a small sampling of it before, after all~" he reminds him. He was hardly
11 years ago
shy about his porn, after all.
11 years ago
isn't sure Francis collection can be any more embarrassing than his. He would have never shown anyone willingly. He has to really think about this, the urge to dangle the man out the window still
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there. He looks very conflicted.
11 years ago
's collection is certainly not just trachy romance novels! There is some good quality stuff in there, thank you very much! He squirms in Ludwig's grasp, trying to pry the man's fingers from his
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collar in case he still decides the punishment route.
11 years ago
has other stuff like a self made sex tape. He just occasionally preferred the trashy romance novels. His hold slowly relaxes until he's released the man.
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obviously hadn't had a chance to watch the tape. He steps back cautiously, looking at him curiously for a verbal confirmation.
11 years ago
's lips are still thin but he let's out a sigh . "Ja, fine...that sounds like a fair exchange."
11 years ago
grins happily, perking right back up. "Excellent~! Would you like to go now or later?" he asks, pleased to not be dangling out the window now.
11 years ago
shrugs as he goes to fix his closet. "Why did you come over? I'm assuming it wasn't to get into my porn."
11 years ago
hums, tapping his lip in thought. "I can't remember. I think I just came to visit," he smiles.
11 years ago
had everything fixed, re-emerges and closes the door. "Did you want some coffee or some of your wine in that case?"
11 years ago
grins and nods. "Oh, yes please," he answers, smoothing out the collar of his shirt a bit. "Whichever you prefer, of course~"
11 years ago
thinks he might need a bit of wine after that embarrassment. "Wine. Come. I'll get it ready. What kind did you bring?" He asks as he starts heading down the stairs.
Francis is
11 years ago
very happy with how things worked out. He hums and follows him downstairs. "French Merlot~"
11 years ago
is not happy at all and it's still quite apparent on his expression. He grabs the wine and heads into the kitchen, uncorking it and letting it air out a bit before pouring them both a glass. He passes
11 years ago
one to Francis. "I don't think I've spoken to you in quite some time now...besides work related things of course."
11 years ago
thanks him as he takes the glass from him, sipping at it daintily. "Mm... non, not since April Fools, I believe," he hums, counting on his fingers the months. " has definitely been a while."
11 years ago
wonders if the man likes to make him suffer. He sips at the wine as well unsure about the taste. "How are things with Greg?"
Francis likes
11 years ago
pranking him because he has such interesting reactions! "Mm, it's been good. He's asked me to help remodel his home, if you can believe it," he chuckles softly.
Ludwig will
11 years ago
somehow make his house Francis proof. He's sure he's capable. "I can't deny that you have good taste."
11 years ago
would like to see him try. "Well thank you cher~ Did you want me to redo your home as well?" he grins.
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would exhaust his resources he has a feeling. "I like the way my home looks." He says simply. "I don't see anything wrong with it."
11 years ago
wouldn't doubt that... he knew many sneaky ways in. "Aww, no fun~" he hums.
11 years ago
finishes off his wine cleaning he glass straight away. "I doubt in the roles were reverse you'd want me to remodel your place."
11 years ago
makes a face at that, sipping down the last of his glas as well. "Heavens no, I could see you messing with my house simply for revenge~" he teases.
11 years ago
's lip curves up at that. "I'm not that petty."
11 years ago
purses his lips at that. " tried to feed me England's rotting food."
11 years ago
gives him an innocent smile. "It could have been worse." He tries.
11 years ago
hums at him doubltfully, not looking pleased. "I would hate to see that."
11 years ago
thinks both World Wars were testament to that. He's grown up a bit. "Did you want more wine or are you fine?"
Francis is
11 years ago
trying not to think of that, considering that was entirely different from pranking. "..more wine would be nice, if you don't mind," he hums.
11 years ago
doesn't at all, it was Francis' wine after all. He pours him another cup. "Now about your porn and then about what you saw in my closet." He flushes. "You didn't come by a video did you?"
11 years ago
thanks him, sipping at the glass again. "Mm... I did see one, but I didn't have a chance to watch it or read what it was labelled with... care to tell me?" he grins hopefully.
11 years ago
flushes darker. "Nein...the fact you don't know eases my mind."
11 years ago
pouts at him. "Pleeeeeease~?"
11 years ago
looks away from him. "Stop. I'm not going to budge."
11 years ago
pouts still, setting his glass aside in favour of catching Ludwig's sleeve and giving him the cutest puppy dog look he could manage.
11 years ago
hated that he could so easily cave nowadays. "Why do you need to know?" He sighs in frustration at himself.
11 years ago
tries not to let a grin overtake his expression so easily. "I am as curious as a cat, and it's clawing at me now that I don't know what was on it~"
11 years ago
's lips thin. "You'll have to get permission from Elizaveta in that case."
He was sure that was clue enough.
11 years ago
perks up at this, grin growing. Oh gosh he could never say no to a film made with Eliza. "Mm I will then," he answers, whipping out his cell phone.
11 years ago
flushes darker. He thought he was going to at least wait until Ludwig was not there!
Francis thinks
11 years ago
the sooner the better, while the topic was fresh~! He's happy Ludwig isn't stopping him, dialing Eliza's number and waiting for me to pick up.
11 years ago
grins as he hears her voice. "Bonjour Elizaveta, my dear~ I have a question to ask you, if that's alright? It's about Ludwig," he grins, watching Ludwig.
11 years ago
runs his foot up Ludwig's leg, grinning at him teasingly. "He is, isn't he always~? Anyways, I went exploring today and stumbled across a curious tape at his house that I'm dying to know the contents
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of. However, he insisted that I had to ask your permission first," he hums, deciding to leave the nature of his discovery off the description.
11 years ago
hesitates slightly at the intial upset in her voice, but grin grows wider as she continues. Ahh, there was good Eliza. "I did! Oh he's got quite a selection, including some... interesting books..." he
11 years ago
grins, happy to continue as he loks up at Ludwig. Surely he could realize where this conversation was heading.
11 years ago
had really hoped that she wouldn't answer. That perhaps someone out there would be kind to his already unfortunate situation and give him one break but no. She did answer and both of them proceeded to chat as
11 years ago
if his suffering was fun and games. When they got into discussing the video that was the last straw he practically ripped the phone from Francis ear and hangs up. He was too embarrassed to even talk to her
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now. "Do you have to make this situation worse than it is." He laments keeping a hold of Francis' mobile.
11 years ago
startles as his phone is torn away like that, frozen a moment before he registers what happened and laughs. "Aww, didn't you know that me and Eliza gossip about this sort of thing often~?" he
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teases, scooting over to him and plucking his phone back. "She was jealous I found your porn stash first~" he grins.
11 years ago
's face is tomato red and he isn't even sure what to say. He's mostly opening his mouth and nothing is coming out.
11 years ago
grins at that, trailing his hand up Ludwig's jaw and gently closing his mouth again, kissing his cheek. "She seemed alright with me seeing the video, so I vote that we watch it~"
11 years ago
would prefer they didn't. "I vote we don't." He counters softly. "I think this has gone far enough."
11 years ago
pouts at him, giving another pleading look. "Pleeeeease~?" He was unaware Eliza had already warned against falling for such tricks.
11 years ago
crosses his arms uncomfortably. "I'd rather you didn't see her naked..."
11 years ago
laughs at this, wrapping an arm around Ludwig and patting his back. "Oh, no worries about that, mon amour. I've seen you both naked before~"
11 years ago
flushes, that was probably true. "...ja...I guess that is true." He was slowly caving.
11 years ago
's grin grows at the admittance. "Mhmm. So there's nothing to be embarrassed over~?" he concludes, smiling up at him cheekily.
11 years ago
has a lot to be embarrassed over. He turns around and trudges upstairs.
11 years ago
celebrates with an excited little fistpump behind Ludwig's back before hurrying to follow him back up.
11 years ago
is already in his closet digging through the box. His ears are even red. He finds it and passes it dejectedly to Francis.
Francis is
11 years ago
still grinning when he's handed the tape, though he falters upon seeing the look on Germany's face. He shifts a ltitle on his feet, excruciatingly curious to watch the tape, but... "....are you
11 years ago
really that not okay with me seeing this..?"
11 years ago
goes quiet nodding lightly. "I know I've been with you and Greg in bed...but..." His face heats up. "I get possessive her and I know I shouldn't...Gott." He rubs at his temples. "Ja, whatever...let's
11 years ago
just watch it."
Francis thinks
11 years ago
the look on his face is not fair. He was excited about it, but now he was feeling guilty instead! "...if you are that unwilling, there's no way I could force you to share," he sighs after a moments
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hesitation, holding the tape back up to him. "I can still show you my collection regardless?"
11 years ago
takes the tape gratefully. "I appreciate that..." He pauses again. " I will bring it with me....maybe I'll change my mind."
11 years ago
whimpers softly as the tape leaves his hands, deflating a little but nodding. "Mm, well personally I quite hope so, but that's up to you," he resigns. "Did you want to go now then?"
11 years ago
nods again. "Ja, let's get this over with now."
11 years ago
laughs a little at that, shaking his head though he turns to lead to other out.
11 years ago
follows him tape still in hand. He was genuinely curious what the other kept as porn.
11 years ago
hums softly, leading him home with some small talk in distraction. ((Time skip uwu)) He leads him into the house, checking first to see if Greg was home.
11 years ago
enters after him wondering why he's checking but can understand.
Francis was
11 years ago
going to tease Greg about it if he was, of course! He shrugs and leads Ludwig to his room though, pulling out a lockbox that looked sort of like a large tackle box, and a cardboard box full of magazines
11 years ago
and DVDs.
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