10 years ago
name a canon and i'll tell you who i'd play from it!
latest #14
10 years ago
this might be a bit tricky if you dont know what canons i know but feel free to throw names at me even if you're not sure!! i love this meme it's one of my favorite memes
space ass
10 years ago
OK i'm gonna throw a couple canons at you and hope at least one sticks
space ass
10 years ago
a:tla, ghibli movies, any fire emblems, homestuck, game of thrones, uhh...dangan ronpa games?? this is tough
10 years ago
OH BOY OK i can answer all but one of these!!
10 years ago
for a:tla i HAVE played sokka at jarjammed and it was hella fun i miss playing him sometimes, but i also rly want to play azula
10 years ago
from hs i've played kanaya, aradia, and a troll au rose but i also would have been into playing nepeta if i hadnt burned out so majorly from homestuck
10 years ago
game of thrones uhhhhhh cersei maybe?? OH WAIT NO, BRIENNE, BRIENNE ALL THE WAY i played her at jj and came so close to apping her to changed
10 years ago
havent played any fire emblem :-( from dr possibly sakura or naegi? mmmmaybe ishimaru, i don't know sdr2s enough to pick but my gut says ibuki or twogami.
10 years ago
as for ghibli hrmmmmm thats tough. lady eboshi from princess mononoke? or howl, YEAH ACTUALLY it would be hella fun to play howl OuO
space ass
10 years ago
space ass
10 years ago
i agree on a bunch of them, namely brienne, howl, azula, sokka...all of them.....
10 years ago
brienne is soooo much fun to play she's the biggest sweetheart, tbh i didn't app her to changed because i was afraid it would be rly sad and i didnt want that for her but...
10 years ago
i think i have a better idea of how she'd fit in the game now and i could probably pull it off. still not planning on playing her but it's, who knows, something in the back of my mind
space ass
10 years ago
yeah i know what you mean! she would certainly be an interesting character to have in the game. who knows what will happen
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