11 years ago
[revenance] Making my Jaime pony... trying to decide if broken horn in pony maker is a good idea or a horrible one.
latest #9
Sugar and Booze
11 years ago
...that's probably a better alternative to missing hoof, actually
11 years ago
that's what I was thinking, as soon as I saw that option.
corrielle shares
11 years ago
Well that was more fun than it had any right to be.
Sugar and Booze
11 years ago
Tip: when you hit up the eyes, there's a check box for eyelashes under it. That'll turn the eyelashes off.
Sugar and Booze
11 years ago
Pony!Jaime looks like a cocky bastard. :-Db
corrielle shares
11 years ago
That does look better doesn't it... so weird that a few simple lines can so drastically change something from reading as feminine to more masculine.
11 years ago
He does? OH GOOD. My work here is done. :-D
Sugar and Booze
11 years ago
It's actually a style thing within MLP - the guys tend to have different head and body shapes than girls, and none of the guys have eyelashes.
11 years ago
Huh.. I hadn't noticed that in the few episodes I've seen, but I see why it's a really easy way to communicate gender.
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