11 years ago
do i go to wawa and get something to eat or do i not eat anything because i'm trying to lose weight.... (annoyed)
latest #22
11 years ago
that fruit's not going to be good at 10 pm
......wawa.... are you in PA??
11 years ago
nah, but that part of jersey that pretends its PA
i'm south of philly, so i was like whaaat hey
oh shit i'm from pa and iforgot wawa isn't a thing for most people
11 years ago
i don't know how people work without wawa
11 years ago
like where do you go for your 4 am sandwiches and pumpkin coffee??
idk man when i didn't have wawa i lived in nyc so
11 years ago
nyc doesn't count
11 years ago
you can get anything anytime
fucking shit what am i supposed to do at 2 AM?
11 years ago
my friend lives in brooklyn and taunts me by knowing a place that serves perogi and beer 24/7
11 years ago
and sitting here in the suburbs like "well damn everywhere closed at 5 pm" :||
ugh i wanna move back to brooklyn so bad ugh tell your friend i'm also jealous
11 years ago
i have returned with buffalo chicken and i am pleased with this choice
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