11 years ago
is drunk and having a grand time.
latest #167
11 years ago
was with a large group of Germans and they were laughing and chatting loudly.
11 years ago
looks up from his conversation and spots her. His expression brightens and smile widens. "Elizaveta!" He calls her name. "Come join us!" He beckons her towards them.
11 years ago
isn't even embarrassed at the kiss. "Schatz, hallo." He's already pulling her in his arms and introducing her to his company.
11 years ago
has been drinking since nearly noon. They seem thrilled to meet her and are already passing her a beer they ordered. "Where were you heading too?"
11 years ago
hums as he comments on something said before giving her a proper response. "I always have more fun when you're around." He was quite drunk.
11 years ago
nuzzles the side of her face. "No water. Not now."
11 years ago
gives her a bit of space to drink her beer. "Nein, maybe later."
11 years ago
pokes her back but is glad when she doesn't press him forward. He has a few more drinks as the night goes on and is thrilled at how well Elizaveta has incorporated herself in the group. Soon, the
11 years ago
group begins to disperse until it's just them. None of them had wanted a super late night but they had gone for a while. He slips his hand in hers and gently tugs her back pressing a kiss to her
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temple. "They really liked you." He murmurs.
11 years ago
was decently drunk and the flush on his features was evidence enough. "Did you want to stay out or are you ready to go home?"
11 years ago
hums as he massages circles into the back of her hand with his thumb. "We can go grab beers from a convenience store and I can show you a nice place to drink and stargaze."
11 years ago
liked to do very relaxing things while drink. Sometimes he went hiking drunk. "Ja, come." He says as he tugs her to the nearest convenience store.
11 years ago
already has a six pack of eichbaum in his free hand. "This is good.
11 years ago
" He says placing it on the counter and pulling out some money to pay for it. "It's a brand from Bavaria." He explains randomly.
11 years ago
would not drop them. He'd be horrified that that had even crossed her mind. He tucks the box under his arm and throughout the entire exchange never once releases her. "Ja you could say that." He says
11 years ago
as again he's tugging her out the store and down a street. He's not walking completely straight but it's not to bad considering.
11 years ago
glances at her and winks. "That was the plan." He nearly runs into something but recovers quickly if not a little more flushed.
11 years ago
hates to admit it but he's thankful for the help and doesn't complain just readjusts the beer case. "Almost there." He smiles.
11 years ago
hates to admit it but he's thankful for the help and doesn't complain just readjusts the beer case. "Almost there." He smiles.
11 years ago
tilts his head from one side to another. "Not quite. I'm sure many people know of it." He takes a right deeper into the neighbourhood. Here there was barely any light pollution and they were nearing a
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods. "A small one. There's also a gazebo there."
11 years ago
hadn't thought about it that way. He had always come drunk. "You could have picnics but there are definitely better places." He explains as they begin the short trek up the hill.
11 years ago
stops walking completely. "You know what I've realised...I've never let you take me to do something that you like specifically."
11 years ago
's lips thin. "That may be the case but they were all things I thought you would like not what you do like." He brings them back to a walking pace. The gazebo is in sight.
11 years ago
helps her as he unceremoniously takes a seat on the gazebo and then gently places the case down. He pulls out two cans and passes one to Elizaveta.
11 years ago
opens his, takes a sip and then glances up at the stars as well.
11 years ago
smiles at that. He was glad she suggested something. "We can go to Europa Park." He murmurs back.
11 years ago
pokes her back. "Ja, okay. That's a deal."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "PDA?" He wasn't familiar with the term.
11 years ago
hadn't even noticed. "I'm much more relaxed drunk." He tries. It was the only explanation.
11 years ago
chuckles lightly as he grabs a second beer. "No worries. I'll always flush whether I want to or not."
11 years ago
should have predicted it. Her comment darkened his cheeks. "I honestly wasn't planning too." He says admittedly. He takes a bigger gulp of his beer.
11 years ago
was not a young boy. Not anymore anyway. He finishes his second beer. The stars weren't as impressive as when they were up on the mountain but they weren't bad at all.
11 years ago
will pace himself on this one. "Once this pack is done I'll call it a night." He didn't want to sleep here tonight.
11 years ago
hums. "But at least I'll vaguely remember spending the night under the stars with a beautiful woman."
11 years ago
smiles as he peers over the small roofing to continue admiring the stars. "Elizaveta...I'm unbearable when I have a hangover. Don't commit to something like that." He was ridiculously honest when
11 years ago
drunk. She could ask anything and he'd tell her.
11 years ago
snorts. "And now you know how both World Wars started." He jokes cynically.
11 years ago
kisses her back. "If I say thinking of you would you be satisfied with that answer?"
11 years ago
can't admittedly say he was thinking of her the entire day unfortunately. He did have to concentrate on work. "The day was busy with work and then I was invited out for a few beers."
11 years ago
smiles innocently and turns his face to kiss her properly. "I'm always thinking about you, Schatz."
11 years ago
hums. "They are. I'm proud of them." He says seriously before going for another beer. "You should drink more." He says offhandedly.
11 years ago
wraps an arm around her and sips at his beer. "We'll be fine." He assures her slurringly.
11 years ago
pauses really contemplating the question. "When you ask this... Do you mean out of all possible things anyone could ever do?"
11 years ago
hasn't quite taken it like that. "Hmmm..." He's drinking from his beer again. "That's a difficult you know what you want to do?"
11 years ago
blinks at the answer before it dawns on him fully. He really doesn't want to be mean but he can't stifle his laughter at such an answer.
11 years ago
is still laughing and trying to catch his breath. "I thought you were being serious when you asked me that." He wheezes.
11 years ago
nearly falls over but catches himself with his arm. "I can name a few who wouldn't want too." He's managed to contain his laughter to a degree.
11 years ago
has composed himself and is settling in against her again. "If we're going to go with those kind of goals. I wish I could have been a part of the Brother Grimm'a."
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, I think it would be fun or getting a chance to fly a Messerschmitt or Junker or Heinkel again. But...of course different circumstances."
11 years ago
kisses her back smiling. "Do you have any other?"
11 years ago
is glad she's happy. "I hope I'm one of the reasons your happy." He murmurs pressing a soft kiss to her lips again.
11 years ago
pulls back to kiss her forehead. "Gut."
He says simply.
11 years ago
places his beer down and pulls her onto his lap wrapping his arms around her waist. He rests his chin on her shoulder with a small hum.
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ja, for my queen."
11 years ago
smiles and kisses her neck lightly. "It makes me happy that I can make you feel like that even in a park, on a hill sitting in a gazebo."
11 years ago
flushes and pulls back a bit. "Should I stop drinking?" He asks almost afraid of the answer. There were still a few more beers left.
11 years ago
practically moans against her mouth when she does that and swallows the liquid passed to him. He doesn't pull away only kissing her harder as he shifts her so she's sitting sideways on his lap. It
11 years ago
gave him better access to her mouth.
11 years ago
thinks it had a lot to do with her soft lips and how she responded to him. The way her lips parted for him and how she tasted. "Hmmm, Elizaveta.."
11 years ago
flushes but laughs. "That's good to know." He says kissing her again.
11 years ago
nuzzles her face. "Ich liebe dich~" he iterates in German.
11 years ago
gently caresses her back. "Should we head back?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "I just don't want us to wake up the neighbourhood. Come." He scoops her up in his arms without advising her and also manages to grab the remaining beers (as well as the empty ones).
11 years ago
wants to carry her and likes too. Although, being drunk wasn't the best time to carry someone. "Let's go back to my place."
11 years ago
flushes but laugh. The way to his place went by without a hitch and he's soon getting them through the door barely remembering to close it behind him. He discards the box of full and empty beers but
11 years ago
Keep Elizaveta in his arms.
11 years ago
can remember that night clearly. It had been amusing. "I usually keep them close until I fall asleep but I've never been in a relationship and drunk."
11 years ago
hums closing his eyes for a moment enjoying the feel of her hand in his hair. He makes it up the stairs shouldering the door open and heading@straight for the bed. "Takes off your clothes."
11 years ago
's also pulling his clothes off having a bit more trouble than her.
11 years ago
flushes but is thankful. When he's bare he pulls her close and kisses her softly.
11 years ago
Let's her pull him and doesn't predict how close the bed is and unfortunately topples onto the bed on top of her. He flushes propping himself up staring down at her lovingly. "You're so beautiful."
11 years ago
flushes a little darker at the compliment. He rolls off of her and gently pulls her towards him essentially wrapping himself around her.
11 years ago
hums. "I prefer the term lover but ja we can use teddy bear as well."
11 years ago
can't argue with that. He rests his chin on the top of her head and closes his eyes. "Just stay in my arms..."
11 years ago
smiles at that too slowly drifting off. "Me too..." He manages to murmur before sleep took over.
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