awful UK chat show with lots of chavs and DNA testing ... Worse than Rikki or Jerry Springer
glad to see the state and Iceland have no lock on scum and scuymy shows
it really is a terrible show, makes you despair a little doesn't it.
it does *hastens to add* its not my normal viewing
(( will utube it later ontoday ))
yes Tyche, I believe you.....
good idea
made Jerry Springer and his filith a lot of money
do they get paid to go on that show?
((( I have to utube this )))
15 min of fame people will debase every shred of diginity they have
I cant think of anybody on telly I despise more than Jeremy Kyle. He is rotten.
yeah that's when it stops being funny and starts being quite horrible really. I'm not sure Jerry Springer is in the same league - that seems
just google his picture looks like a decent fellow
Jeremy Kyle is an arsehole of world championship standard. I'd love for that self-righteous wank to be caught with a crack whore
Max the US Jerry Springer was caught paying a hooker with a check it only made him bigger
that was when he was mayor of Cincinnati or wherever, right? Kyle would be a different case altogether
I got see some utube of this guy
knowing Jeremy Kyle he's capitalise on any caught in the act stuff. In fact I hope he's not reading this and getting ideas
something involving a DNA paternity test would have just the right level of irony
watching it on utube now hard to understand (( accents))s but not nearly as bad as jerry Springer
Springer's show doesn't pretend to be serious - Kyle is deadly serious
and there's something extra seedy about Jeremy Kyle's. Maybe it's got something to do with us being brits and it being british
maybe it hits too close to home
(( He is Rush Limbaugh on TV )) has a strong appeal to a lot
yeah this the thing - Jermy Kyle thinks he is saving the planet. he actually thinks he is helping. At least Jerry Springer takes
the piss out of himself and his show a bit
he makes me want to punch the television