Murder Break
11 years ago
latest #30
Murder Break
11 years ago
and i found out on the site last night and i was like 'oh shit i don't have a fucking photo id'
Murder Break
11 years ago
SO NOW we had to wake up early(which we did--and then we fell back asleep but) and go to city hall(turns out social services is in another building) to get my birth certificate
Murder Break
11 years ago
SO FAR SO GOOD we've got the birth certificate after much fucking up on my part until the lady said 'just bring your dad in'
Murder Break
11 years ago
she looked at my name, the name i wrote on the form, and my dad's id, took my payment, and gave me my birth certificate without looking at any of the other bills and shit he brought
Murder Break
11 years ago
(she then had 'male' put on my birth certificate and she has to print me up a new one lol)
Murder Break
11 years ago
BUT BESIDES THAT we're alright. going to the dmv next, but my dad wanted to go to the hospital first for some reason.
Murder Break
11 years ago
after that they will, hopefully, let me have a photo id, and then i'll be able to take the test tomorrow once i get a money order.
Murder Break
11 years ago
DID I MENTION that i was told what time 'class started' but never what day?? so i had prep classes to go to AND WAS NOT INFORMED WHEN THEY WERE. fortunately they weren't paid for. . . .
Murder Break
11 years ago
but hopefully everything'll be fine. i mean everyone tells me how smart i am so i'd like to think i'll have something going for me? i should pass??
Murder Break
11 years ago
i'm worried more about the math and essay portion than anything else on the test. . . .
Murder Break
11 years ago
in less academic news, i'm three episodes from being caught up with wtnv!
Murder Break
11 years ago
next i think i'll read/play dangan ronpa. . .or snk.
Murder Break
11 years ago
aand now i need to use my phone as a gps to take us to the dmv. o/ i'll be back then probably because i hear it's a long boring line.
Murder Break
11 years ago
man i hope i am on the right goddamn line
Murder Break
11 years ago
fortunately it's not ab terrifyingly long line
Murder Break
11 years ago
i should take pictures of people for artistic reference--there's a cute couple with their baby here!
wow, so many things happened
and yes take pic
11 years ago
welcome back ^.^ /
11 years ago
11 years ago
Yay school troubles >_<
Murder Break
11 years ago
\o\ thank you! and, really, not a lot happened.
Murder Break
11 years ago
i am currently in line for the photo portion of the id which hopefully means i'll leave with it
Murder Break
11 years ago
well i think it's the photo part. i heard a camera go off.
Murder Break
11 years ago
i don't wanna take pictures right now because there are people like right behind me and even on line i'm sure people saw me
Murder Break
11 years ago
BUT YAY I THINK I'M ALMOST DONE. i'm hungry and my legs and feet hurt. c':
Murder Break
11 years ago
on the 20th i have a stress test which is basically blood-taking and tredmil running. blood i can deal with--unlike my dad i'm not scared of needles,c but i'm not looking forward to the tredmil part
Murder Break
11 years ago
I AM DONE. i have an id which means i officially exist yeaaah. NOW I WILL LIE AROUND AND LISTEN TO WTNV AND THEN WE WILL GO EAT FOOD.
Murder Break
11 years ago
and tomorrow i will take the test, the day after i see my psychologist, the 20th is my stress test. . .and then nothing haha.
Murder Break
11 years ago
BUT YAY IT'S DONE AND IT'S NOT LIKE MIDNIGHT thank fuck for this being new jersey i'm sure i would've been there all day if it were new york. . . .
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