11 years ago
I feel pretty whenever I wake up. I don't care if my hair is messy, not even when my face is full of sleep marks because upon waking up, I see the beauty that God blessed me despite of my imperfections.
latest #8
掰噗~ says
11 years ago
說的真有道理 (thinking)
漫遊書影 says
11 years ago
沒「本事」的人,可以用「資本」創業!但是若無「人才」相助,欲發達也難! -摘自悟數者部落格成功要訣(23)
【每日一字】₪漢字王組字遊戲 今天準備的漢字是「」,發音=「ㄇㄧˇ」。〈如何關閉
」的漢字解釋請參考:新每日一字-米 每日一字的圖片及影片轉載自網路,版權與著作權均屬於原作者或單位,特此感謝與聲明。
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