Sheepu wants
11 years ago
to be all alone without being lonely for once
latest #6
11 years ago
what does that mean
11 years ago
normally I've been surrounded by family lately, and at school surrounded by people, and I have no privacy at home, and I can't escape it to go hang out with friends because I have nobody to hang out with
11 years ago
so alternatively, I COULD be alone, but I can't even enjoy that because I REALLY have nobody to talk to or hang out with, so I just mean to say I'm lonely, to the point where I can't enjoy my "me time" anymore
11 years ago
^ i hope that explanation is good enough
11 years ago
Surprisingly it makes sense. (cozy)
11 years ago
Once I get back to Cali. You can text me anytime. :-)
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