Emil is
11 years ago
is making some dinner after a long day outside with Mr.Puffin, the bird was now perched on the counter watching him cook and asking for bits of food every now and then.
latest #134
11 years ago
burst into his home, hearing from Nor that he was around. "Iccceeeee~"
Emil says
11 years ago
almost dropped the knife he was using when he heard someone barge into his small house. He frowned and looked to his puffin. He recognized the voice. The bird looked annoyed, if it were possible.
11 years ago
searched for him, heading to the kitchen instinctively. He then walked over and pulled him into a tight hug. "Icccceee~ Where've ye been? S'been a long time."
Emil says
11 years ago
blinked when he saw Denmark and he barely had a chance to push the other away before he was being pulled into a hug. He made a small sound out of embarrassment and frowned up at him. "I've been keeping to
Emil says
11 years ago
11 years ago
nuzzled the side of his head. "I knoooow. It's not nice. Nor and I missed ye. What've ye been up to? What're ye doin' now? Makin' food? I'm starvin'~"
11 years ago
groaned at the nuzzling and tried to move away from him. He mumbled something under his breath about doubting the fact that they missed him. "I'm cooking... or I was."
11 years ago
hums and released him. "Really? What're ye cookin'?" He smiled and rolled up his sleeves. "Can I help?"
11 years ago
brushed out his clothes a bit when he was released and blinked up at him when he offered to help cook. "Fiskisupa," he glanced at Mr. Puffin who was stealing another bit of fish off the cutting board.
11 years ago
clapped excitedly. "Great! I've not had that in ages. Nor makes it the best, but I don't like askin' him to make it all the time..." He hovered near the other, wanting to help.
11 years ago
stared at him blankly for a few moments before he handed him a sac of potatoes. "You can peel potatoes..."
11 years ago
smiles and nodded. He washed a few before finding a knife and started to peel them. "How many do ye want?"
11 years ago
hummed in thought as he went back to cutting the white fish. "4..." he held up four fingers with his free hand before he pulled the fish away from his puffin.
11 years ago
chuckles quietly as he watched the two interact. "Aight." He took his time, making sure to not leave any skin on the potatoes. "Do ye want 'em cut, or are ye gonna bake 'em whole?"
11 years ago
pursed his lips at the question and stared at him, "diced." The moment he took his eyes off the bird it stole another piece of the fish from the cutting board.
11 years ago
shook his head. "At this rate there'll be no fish left~" He started to dice up the potatoes after, making sure to do a goo job.
11 years ago
| The puffin just looked at Denmark and called him a pest before Emil moved to push the bird off the counter. He went back to cutting the fish and adding it to a pot he had ready for it.
11 years ago
laughed some more as he finished the potatoes and gathered them all up. "Alright. M'done with these. What can I do now~?"
11 years ago
handed him an onion with that before he set the putting all the fish and scallops into separate bowls to be added in later on.
11 years ago
pouted as he took the onion. He peeled the skin an started cutting it, trying his best not to tear up.
11 years ago
hid a smile at that as he got a frying pan out for the potatoes and the onion.
11 years ago
bit his lip as a few tears started to form. "Ye're mean."
11 years ago
glanced over at him and blinked looking completely innocent, "why would you say that?"
11 years ago
shook his head with a smile as he looked over, a tear falling. "Why do ye think I'd say that, Ice?"
11 years ago
blinks and stares at him, tilting his head a bit as he pretended to look confused. "I dunno."
11 years ago
hit his arm lightly as he finished cutting up the onions and went to wash his hands. "Uh huh. M'sure."
11 years ago
pushed the onions into the frying pan with the potatoes and started frying them up.
11 years ago
washed up the counter as the other cooked. He had missed being around him, but was glad to see he was okay.
11 years ago
focused on cooking the onions and potatoes before he put them into the pot with the water, bullion and sun dried tomatoes. He wasn't used to having someone else in his home, not for a while anyway.
11 years ago
sat on the counter after and watched him cook. "Ye shouldn't disappear like that, kay? At least give yer brors a warnin'."
11 years ago
carefully stirred the start of the soup, letting it come to a boil as he looked over at him. "Huh?" he blinked and stared, "brors?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Nor and I. We were both worried. Nor more so... There were some days he was pretty down." He smiled a little and looked away. "He really cares for ye, ye know..."
11 years ago
frowns at that and shakes his head, adding in the white fish first when it was ready to be added. "Em I'm sure he was worried about other things."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Everythin' was on hold pretty much. Besides." He leaned over and poked his nose. "I missed my lillebror too~"
11 years ago
wrinkled his nose when the other poked it. "Not your lillebror..." he still didn't like admitting he was in a sense. Admitting it to Norway was one thing.
11 years ago
smiles. "Even if ye say nej, I say ja~ I helped take care of ye. I consider ye my lillebror~"
11 years ago
rolled his eyes at him as he went back to the soup adding in the rest of the fish. "Em... sure sure."
11 years ago
smirked a bit and leaned back to where he was before. "Never forget that, eh? We care for ye, whether ye like it or not."
11 years ago
didn't say anything else as he finished adding things to the soup before he let it boil. He didn't know what else there was to say, he liked being around Denmark and Norway, just wasn't going to admit it.
11 years ago
smiled and slipped off the counter. "I guess I'll see ye around more, eh?"
11 years ago
looked over at him, confused now. "Yes... you're staying to eat right?"
11 years ago
chuckles. "I didn't expect to stay. Ye weren't expectin' me, eh? I wouldn't wanna intrude."
11 years ago
shakes his head, "I made enough... you can stay." He grabbed two bowls out the cupboard and put them on the table. "You helped."
11 years ago
smiled and hopped off the counter. "Then I shall~ We can catch up a bit."
11 years ago
picked Mr. Puffin off the floor and set him on the table before he poured two bowls of the soup. He got another smaller bowl out for the bird. "Catch up?"
11 years ago
took his bowl and sat down at the table. "Ja. Like what ye're up to now. Or anythin'."
11 years ago
set the bird's bowl in front of him before he sat down with his own bowl of soup. "I haven't been doing much... you?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Not much. Normal paperwork. Cops havin' fun. Same old same old with me~"
11 years ago
handed Denmark a spoon. "Ah sounds like fun..." he took a few mouthfuls of soup and glanced over at him. " 'm glad you're doing well."
11 years ago
licked his lips and thanked him for the spoon. He started eating a bit, humming happily. "This is great. And m'glad ye're well. We gotta spend more time together... ye can come over for a weekend, if ye want."
11 years ago
took a few more mouthfuls and blinked at him, "I can?" he hadn't really visited anyone in a while. He looked at the puffin who was enjoying his own soup, mostly picking out the seafood.
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja! Nor and I'd love it! We can set up the livin' room and just have a giant slumber party. Or ye can have yer old room..."
11 years ago
paused in eating and stared at him, "Nor is staying with you too?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not lately. But he'll come join. My house is bigger, so I have the space. No one will be cramped, so we won't need to share a bed."
11 years ago
made a face at that and looked away from him. "You and Brooir can share a bed all ya like."
11 years ago
smiled as he ate some more soup. "Don't worry, we do." He licked his lips after. "But that shouldn't stop ye from comin'."
11 years ago
almost choked on a spoonful of soup with that. He pushed the bowl away, hiding a flush. "In that case, I'm fine not visiting." He didn't want to interrupt anything, really.
11 years ago
laughs at that and shook his head. "Trust me, we'd do nothin' with ye around. Nor'd give ye all his attention anyways." He finished eating not long after, glad for the food. "He really would like that..."
11 years ago
adamantly shakes his head as he got up to put his own soup away for later. He really couldn't eat anymore now. He started to clean slowly.
11 years ago
got up and brought his bowl to the sink. "Here, I can do it. Ye made dinner, after all."
11 years ago
looked up at him and hesitated, "you're the guest." He pointed out as he took the bowl from him. "Thank you for visiting."
11 years ago
nudged him away and took the bowl back. "I'm yer bror. Not yer guest." He hummed quietly as he started to clean the bowls, pots and pans. "No problem. I wanted to visit ye, and see how ye were doin'."
11 years ago
huffed a bit as he stared at him but let him clean. He went to pick up the puffin who had finished eating already. "Well... thank you."
11 years ago
dried off the dishes and put them away once he was done. "Do ye have room for if I wanna stay the night?"
11 years ago
nods as he set the bird on his shoulder, "pull out couch." He only had a one bedroom place, but the second room had a pull out couch in it. He could just move the coffee table out of the way.
11 years ago
smiles. "Mind if I stay then? S'a bit late to go back home. Besides, I like it here."
11 years ago
shakes his head and smiles a bit at him. "No I don't mind at all. I'll go make up the bed."
11 years ago
went to go help him, not wanting him to do all the work. "Perfect."
11 years ago
grabbed a set of bedsheets and blankets for the bed as he let him pull the couch out.
11 years ago
made sure there was enough space for it before pulling it out. "... How big is yer bed?"
11 years ago
raised a brow at the question and looked over at him as he handed him the sheet first. "Queen... Why?"
11 years ago
smiles. "What if I just slept with ye then?"
11 years ago
stared at him for a long moment. "I'm not a little kid anymore..."
11 years ago
chuckles as he held the sheet tighter. "I know... but... it's a comfort for me. Just like old times."
11 years ago
frowns a bit as he pursed his lips. "You should go sleep with Norway instead." He pointed out.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ice, come on. It's been a long time. Besides, ye're nice and warm. And there's no risk of ye hittin' me in yer sleep."
11 years ago
glares a bit at him and folds his arms over his chest. "Nei, don' want you cuddling me or anything."
11 years ago
pouts. "But Iccceeee. It's warmer that way. And it gets cold here."
11 years ago
stared at him and frowned darkly before tossing the blanket at him. "Blankets."
11 years ago
caught them, nodding a bit as he put the sheets on the bed. He kept quiet after that...
11 years ago
watched him for a moment before he huffed and looked away. "Fine." He didn't really want to see Denmark upset.
11 years ago
blinks and looked to him, smiling. 'Really~?" He dropped everything and hugged the other tightly.
11 years ago
made a sound at that and tried to squirm out of his arms. "Y-Yeah."
11 years ago
smiled and hugged him a bit more before letting him go. "Ye wanna sleep now, then~?"
11 years ago
rolled his eyes and grabbed the blanket handing it to him again before he head for his own bedroom.
11 years ago
smiled and took the blanket before following him to his room.
11 years ago
grabbed a change of clothes for himself and went to go change in his bathroom.
11 years ago
just sat on the edge of the others bed and took his shirt and pants off, putting the blanket on his half of the bed before curling under them, only in his boxers. He was glad the other let him sleep here.
11 years ago
came back in a nightshirt and pants. He glanced over at him and sighed before he turned out the lights and crawled into bed, sticking to one side.
11 years ago
instantly turned over and wrapped his arms around him. "Mmm~ Nice and comfy now~"
11 years ago
flushed and immediately tried to shove him away. "D-Denmark I'm not a child."
11 years ago
smiled and kept a death grip on him. "I know ye aren't. But that doesn't mean I'm not~"
11 years ago
grumbled something under his breath but quickly gave up and tried to get comfortable enough to sleep. He realized this had been a bad idea.
11 years ago
thought it was a great idea. He missed Ice a lot, and wanted to be close to him.
11 years ago
took a while to actually fall asleep. He was only really used to Mr. Puffin sleeping with him.
11 years ago
didn't fall asleep almost until morning, just keeping his eyes closed and smiling. He missed having Ice around, and was glad to have him now.
11 years ago
slept pretty soundly once he got passed behind hugged so tightly. He was secretly glad Denmark had come to visit.
11 years ago
eventually passed out, but only slightly loosened his hold on the other. He still liked knowing the other was in his arms. It was a comfort missed.
11 years ago
didn't wake up till his alarm went off at 11 in the morning, he had a day off at least, so he could sleep a little longer than normal.
11 years ago
mumbled into the crook of his neck quietly. "Nej... turn it off..." He then nuzzled the side of his head, not wanting to get up.
11 years ago
blinked and went a dark red as he twisted to try and get out of the other other nation's hold.
11 years ago
pouted a bit as his hold wasn't strong since he was still sleepy, and opened an eye a bit to watch him wiggle out of his hold.
11 years ago
slowly got out of his hold and reached for the alarm to turn it off.
11 years ago
yawned and rolled onto his back, spreading his arms out. "Coffee, ja?"
11 years ago
glanced over at him and nodded as he climbed out of bed. "Sure."
11 years ago
smiled and closed his eyes fully. "Tak~"
11 years ago
rubbed at his eyes and went to the bathroom first before he headed for the kitchen to make some coffee.
11 years ago
hummed happily and quietly while in bed, happy that the night went well. He was going to be in a good mood today~
11 years ago
put the coffee pot on and went to grab a change of clothes from his closet.
11 years ago
hadn't moved from his spot, deciding to be a lazy morning person toay.
11 years ago
didn't even look at him as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater and t-shirt. He didn't have to go into work today so he could dress down.
11 years ago
yawned as he finally sat up and stretched. He fumbled out of bed and got dressed before slowly making his way to the kitchen.
11 years ago
took his time in the shower and getting dressed before he returned to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
11 years ago
had a cup of coffee by the time the other came in. He smiled and gave a small wave. "Morgen. A proper one."
11 years ago
nods a bit to him as he poured himself a cup of coffee and went to get some eggs and bread out. "Morgen."
11 years ago
watched him carefully. "Tak again, for last night. I just really missed ye."
11 years ago
kept his coffee black and took a sip of it before he got out some turkey bacon as well. "Ah... you're welcome."
11 years ago
licked his lips. "Ye should come over to my place next. We can have a party tonight~"
11 years ago
stared at him as he got a frying pan down. "What kind of party are you thinking of?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "A few drinks. Sweets. Food in general."
11 years ago
nods slowly before he went back to cooking breakfast for them. "Norway will be there right?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I can invite him if ye want. It can just be a night with me, or the both of us. Which would ye prefer?"
11 years ago
stares at him and shrugs as he watched him, "If you could invite him that would be good."
11 years ago
smiles. "I'll do that then. I'll send him a text right now~"
11 years ago
nods as he went back to cooking and sipping his coffee every now and then.
11 years ago
smiled as he held his phone to the other. "He said okay~ I know he's more excited though, he's just bein' Nor..."
11 years ago
looked at the phone and nodded, "okay." He blinked a bit before he finished cooking the eggs and put them onto two plates.
11 years ago
wiggled as he watched the other, sipping more of his coffee. "Ye're a great host, ye know."
11 years ago
glanced over at him and sighed softly as he nodded, "wouldn't have much of a choice, you know where I live."
11 years ago
tilted his head and smiled more. "There was no way I was gonna let ye live peacefully once I knew ye were back in town. Ye're a great little brother."
11 years ago
handed him a plate of food and grabbed his own before taking a seat. "Not your brother," admitting he was Norway's was tricky enough for him to do.
11 years ago
chuckles and took the food, thanking him quietly. "Ye are. Maybe not biologically, but in my heart ye are."
11 years ago
stared at him before he started eating quietly not really having an answer for that.
11 years ago
just kept smiling as he watched the other. "It's gonna be so fun tonight. Maybe we can even play some games."
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