11 years ago
sneezes. Whaaat the fuck, he's too awesome to be sick BT
latest #214
11 years ago
hears a sneeze from his office and immediately perks up. He grows silent listening out for more.
11 years ago
blinks, and pauses....he's good...until he sneezes four times in rapid succession. Fuck.
11 years ago
drops his pen and strides out of his study looking for his brother. "Gilbert...are you okay?" He calls out.
11 years ago
groans, burying his face into the couch. "Jaaaa, I'm fine."
11 years ago
stops at the couch and crouches down beside him. "Let me feel your forehead."
11 years ago
flops over onto his back. "I'm good, West. I'm way too awesome to get sick."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "You have been working a lot more than usual. It could be the stress Gilbert." He says as he presses the back of his hand on his forehead. He pulls it back his lip thinning in
11 years ago
11 years ago
scoffs. "Stress? What stress? I'm fine. I'm peachy, I'm-" He breaks off to sneeze a handful of times. "Not..sick."
11 years ago
frowns. "Gesundheit. I'll go make you some soup..."
11 years ago
pauses. "What kinda soup?"
11 years ago
knew that would catch his attention. “Potato soup.“
11 years ago
would fucking love potato soup. "Well...maybe I'm feeling a little shitty..."
11 years ago
smiles in amusement. "I'll be right back in that case." He heads to the kitchen to prepare the soup.
11 years ago
can't wait. He bundles up in a blanket he'd dragged down, and follows after him. Hopping up onto the counter, he'd content to sit and watch.
11 years ago
11 years ago
quirks a brow when he's being followed. "I told you to rest, not follow me." However, his tone is not very reprimanding and he's more than happy with the company.
11 years ago
curls up in his little corner. "West, what in our long and glorious history together gave you the impression that I listen?"
11 years ago
couldn't disagree with that. "Well, I think I sometimes hope you'll listen to me. I never keep my hopes up if that counts."
11 years ago
grins at that. "I listen when it counts?"
11 years ago
just rolls his eyes as he continues to prepare the soup. "Ja, sure, that works."
11 years ago
picks at a few of the ingredients, munching happily. "It does!"
11 years ago
doesn't scold him, he was sick after all. He finishes preparing the soup, pours it in a bowl and quirks a brow at his brother. "Did you want to eat it at the table?"
Gilbert is
11 years ago
probably going to milk it now that he's getting special treatment. "Nah. The couch is more co-" he pauses, scrunching up his nose, and turns away before sneezing. "Comfy." ugh.
11 years ago
worries and nods. "I'll carry it there for you."
11 years ago
doesn't think he should worry. It's a small cold. Could even be...allergies, or something. "Aw West. I can carry my own soup you know." He couldn't. He spilled it even when healthy and sober.
11 years ago
can't help it. He was a worrier after all. He ignores the comment an places the bowl on a tray lifting an waiting for Gilbert to lead the way.
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
an exaggerated sigh that tapers off into a coughing fit as he leads the way. Ugh, dumb body. Traitor. He flops down onto the couch, curling up in his blankets.
11 years ago
waits for him to get comfortable before gently offering the tray to him. "I'll make you a tea."
11 years ago
places the tray on his lap, sipping from the soup. Gott, it's delicious. "And then come sit with me?"
11 years ago
nods as he heads off to the kitchen to fix him up a tea specifically for cold and flu symptoms. He's back in no time and sets it down on the table to cool off before taking a seat on the couch.
Gilbert has
11 years ago
already eaten the potatoes and..some of the veggies. He's drinking the sauce straight from the bowl. Fuck, West's cooking was so good.
11 years ago
watches him amused. "Don't choke on it. Did you want more or was that good?"
11 years ago
hums happily when he's done. "More, bitte~"
11 years ago
should have figured but at least he knew that was a good sign. He nods and grabs the tray before getting up to go to the kitchen. Moments later he's on his way back@and offering it to Gilbert. "Don't
11 years ago
forget to drink your tea."
11 years ago
siiighs. "I know." He reaches for the soup though, immediately digging in.
11 years ago
sits back down. "Is there anything else I can so for you? I can go get medicine." He offers.
11 years ago
leans against West's side, getting comfortable. He makes a face at the mention of medicine, though. "M'not that sick." It tasted like crap.
11 years ago
thinks that it's best to tolerate the bad taste then let the illness settle in. "It would just be extra precaution so you don't get sicker."
11 years ago
tries not to whine. "It's just a cough...and sneezing. It's probably allergies, West." Which he'd never had before, but...oh well >>;
11 years ago
had lived with his brother for how long. "Ja, and I've just grown a second head. You think I don't take notice? Allergies, you're really mocking me Gilbert."
11 years ago
does whine at that. "Come ooon, medicine? Just leave it, and I'll have some if it gets any worse."
11 years ago
's lip thins but he doesn't argue. Gilbert was an adult after all. "You know where it is." He settles with.
11 years ago
[Christaaaa my skype won't send you messages ;;]
11 years ago
pokes him in the stomach. "Don't be mad, you're supposed to be doting over your older brother, remember?"
11 years ago
flushes lightly in embarrassment. "I'm not very good at you want me to put on a movie?"
11 years ago
((Hold on, let me get on Skype, haha.))
11 years ago
waah ,not if you're busy!]
11 years ago
knows. He's happy, it means he's done enough doting over West growing up, that West never had to take care of him much. "Hmm. Or video games. I'll totally kick your ass at..something."
11 years ago
was bad at video games but he did take pleasure on the war ones although he'd keep that to the grave. "What game?" He forgot they had a game system.
11 years ago
hums, thinking of a fun two player. "How intense do you want to get?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "A better question is how intense can you get without feeling to ill?"
11 years ago
waves it off. "We're not pulling out the wii fit or anything. I mean...multiplayer shooters are fun. But if we play mario party and you steal my stars, I will take you down."
Ludwig likes
11 years ago
the idea of a multiplayer shooter. "So Medal of Honor type of game."
Gilbert likes
11 years ago
that too. Mario party ruined friendships and family. "Ja, ja. We have a few of those. Sound good?"
11 years ago
didn't realise Mario Party was that bad. "Ja, I'll definitely play. I'm assuming you have everything ready already?"
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
it's fun! But it gets very competitive, very quickly. "Ja, ja. Just turn it on, I the disk is already inside." He'd been playing some time last week.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes but does what Gilbert instructed. He throws the controller at him before taking a seat beside him.
11 years ago
catches the controller, testing out all the buttons. This is going to be awesomeee
11 years ago
watches as the screen changes and he's shifting his grip so it's more comfortable.
11 years ago
nudges him. "Wanna play co-op or versus?"
11 years ago
doesn't have to think about it to long. "Co-op. it'll be like the good old days."
11 years ago
grins. "Awww, West." He blows a raspberry against his brother's cheek, selecting co-op mode, and flipping through all the options to choose his weapons kit, etc, etc.
11 years ago
[I have no idea what Medal of Honour is like, so I'm going off the shooter games that I own ><;; ]
11 years ago
( no worries neither do I, haha)
11 years ago
pushes Gilbert away and wipes at his face. "Gilbert...really."
He's also choosing his weapons and gear.
11 years ago
cackles to himself, before sneezing. Aw, what a bummer. "Really." He finishes up after equipping a few grenades, and presses 'start' as he waits for West.
11 years ago
presses start as well. He was ready. "You'll have to lead the way. I've never played this game."
11 years ago
grins at that, eyes already darting to the map. "I got you, West. We're going to save our dudes, and come back to base. Just follow me." He starts working his way through the map, hiding behind tanks and crates
11 years ago
_every so often.
11 years ago
follows behind him not as gracefully but soon catching on. There are occasions he spots the enemy and snipes them from behind a tank or truck as the move along. He looks completely involved.
11 years ago
grins. "Nice one, West." He tosses a grenade into a house, running back to take cover, and gets a bonus when he wipes them all out.
11 years ago
hums as he gets behind the enemy and knifes them and the knifes the next one,. "Might as well save some ammo."
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
that's definitely a good plan. Except that he managed to hijack a tank. "West look! Look I--" He muffles a coughing fit, as he blows up a building. Fuck yea.
11 years ago
nearly forgets about the game when Gilbert falls in a feat of coughing only to turn back around and see him blow a building. "Destructive." He says simply.
Gilbert wishes
11 years ago
he wouldn't worry so much. "S'fun." He croaks out, swallowing hard. He hopes he doesn't lose his voice to this shit. That would be the worst.
11 years ago
nods as he follows behind and manages to get a truck under his control.
11 years ago
cheers...quietly. "We're going to fuck shit up. You know what they should do? Make GTA a two-player game."
11 years ago
laughs lightly. "I don't find GTA that interesting. I prefer these ones."
11 years ago
glances at him. "Really? You don't like stealing cop cars, and blowing up helicopters and shit?"
11 years ago
gives him a look that pretty much says that. "No, not my idea of a good time."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Well. That's why we're playing-" He pauses to sneeze. "This."
11 years ago
abandons the truck and hides behind a fence chucking a grenade at a group of unexpecting soldiers.
11 years ago
cheers when they blow up. He climbs out of the tank, shooting one of the stray soldiers. "I got your back, West."
11 years ago
's lip curves up at that. "Remember the first time I was in a huge war. There were times I was so careless." He was embarrassed by those slip ups.
11 years ago
nudges him. "Jaaa, but you learned! I had your back, and you became a fucking kickass soldier."
11 years ago
smiles. "I did." He's almost startled out of his remembering by the soldier that snuck up on him. However, he's quick enough to knife them before too much damage was made. "Ja...still a lot to learn."
Gilbert feels
11 years ago
kinda bad he didn't catch that. "Europe is pretty good in terms of staying war free. It's cause everyone's economy is in the shitter, probably."
11 years ago
laughs. "That was one factor why we went to war the last two times."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Well yeaa, but. I mean...lately it's Alfred's dumb bosses starting shit, or wars within countries."
11 years ago
can't disagree with that. "That is true." He kills a few more people before stealing their ammo.
11 years ago
hums the mission impossible theme, before tossing a flash grenade, and picking off the targets easily
11 years ago
11 years ago
had forgotten the goal of this game. "Gilbert, what are we working at in this? What's our ending goal?"
11 years ago
pauses. He hits the start menu, and their mission comes up. "It says....oh shit. We were supposed to rescue people." Aw, but he liked blowing shit up. "Okaaay, I guess we should go do that."
11 years ago
thinks they should save some people. "So what kind of people are we looking for?"
11 years ago
hums. "I dunno. Look for women and children, I guess? These games are still pretty sexist. I mean Eliza could take out all these guys single handed."
11 years ago
thinks it's probably because of the time frame they take place. "Are all games sexist?"
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
about that. "Hm...not tetris."
11 years ago
Shakes his head at the smart Alec comment. "Very informative."
11 years ago
cackles. "Well I mean...uh." What else? "Portal! Portal is not sexist."
11 years ago
manages to find a family in need of help and gets them out of the building. "Do you like that game?"
Gilbert is
11 years ago
picking off the people trying to interfere with the rescue attempt. "Ja! It's like....well I don't get to map out military strategy anymore. But Portal is strategic in it's own way."
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad that he's backing him. He had to kill a few people who had gotten to close. "Ja, I understand how you feel."
Gilbert will
11 years ago
always back him. "Mhm. Have you played it yet?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I haven't heard of it until now."
11 years ago
stares at him. "Are you-" He pauses to sneeze. "Serious? West, this is a travesty!"
11 years ago
flushes. "Why? It's not something I've ever really been particularly interested in."
11 years ago
nudges him. "But it's fun! Fun and frustrating!"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
Gilbert will say that about a lot of video games. "I'll let you show me one day, ja?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja. It's great. Even if there's a gun that you can't shoot people with...."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that sounds odd. "A gun you can't shoot people with? What do you use it for?"
11 years ago
picks off an enemy, continuing to lead the family to safety. "Portals. You shoot portals and get to different places in the level."
11 years ago
takes the information in. He's found a few more people to save. "So are you threatened by other people?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Threatened by bots, and the main villain is an A.I....also the terrain can get pretty threatening too."
11 years ago
's brows knit together. "So then how do you protect yourself?"
11 years ago
hums. "Well. I wouldn't say a lot of it is running. But you can turn the bots against each other, and redirect attacks."
11 years ago
nods at that. "Do you see anymore people we need to save?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "We just have to get to the check point, and we'll have cleared the level."
11 years ago
is sure they can easily do that. "Then let's go find this check point."
11 years ago
nods, picking off a few more people. "It's behind that building over there."
11 years ago
covers Gilbert as they make their way over to the checkpoint and beat the mission.
11 years ago
cheers loudly, before being cut off by a coughing fit.
11 years ago
places his controller down and gently pats his back. "I'll get you some cough syrup."
11 years ago
whiiiines at that. "West, neeeein..." his voice is croaky, and he just...faceplants into the blankets with a groan.
11 years ago
thinks he's acting like a child. "It's momentary distaste that's all."
11 years ago
wiggles. "It's gross."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "It'll help though." He says as he gets up.
11 years ago
whines. "Weest, no. Come keep me company."
11 years ago
falters and eventually caves sitting back down. "Are you really sure?"
11 years ago
nods, leaning against his side. "Ja, I'm sure. Staaaay"
11 years ago
sighs. "Fine. But if this lasts longer than It should because you didn't want some medicine it's not my fault."
11 years ago
huffs. "Medicine just makes the symptoms go away, it doesn't do anything to the virus..."
11 years ago
sighs. "But at least you'll be able to relax and let your body destroy the virus. It doesn't matter though. I'll keep you company."
11 years ago
does an inner cheer at that. "Danke, West." He flops against his brother, using the other as a human pillow.
11 years ago
shifts to fix himself before gently patting Gil's hair. "Do you want me to read to you?"
11 years ago
hums. "Jaaa. Remember when I used to read to you? I mean...the tales were more scary back then..I guess. They changed a lot."
11 years ago
smiles. "Ja, I always that it was because you wanted me to sleep with you."
11 years ago
grins at that, reaching up to ruffle his hair. "Well maybe I liked it when my baby bruder actually needed me to chase away the monsters."
11 years ago
flushes but is still smiling. "You still do a lot for me now."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a little "Well I keep you busy, that's for sure."
11 years ago
laughs. "I'm sure I keep you busy with my moping attitude at times."
11 years ago
pokes his stomach. more baby pudge. "Nah, all you need is a beer and some relaxation."
11 years ago
laughs at the face he makes. "It's not as soft as it used to be."
11 years ago
grumbles at that. "I thought I told you not to grow up, huh? I used to blow raspberries on your baby pudge, and you'd squeal all cute and shit, and run, and I'd chase you...damn, you were cute."
11 years ago
flushes. "Gil, really..." He was so embarrassed about that.
11 years ago
grins. "What? It's true you know...then you had to grow up, and get more muscles than me. When did that happen?"
11 years ago
's cheeks are still red. "When you started training me."
Gilbert loves
11 years ago
when West blushes, he thinks it's funny. "What? Really? I mean, I'm damn good at that, but...hell."
11 years ago
thinks Gilbert was excellent at it. "It was hard work."
11 years ago
grins "With awesome results."
11 years ago
laughs. "You seem surprised."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nah. I trained you well, and I always knew you would kick ass. I'm proud."
11 years ago
flushes lightly. "I glad I didn't disappoint."
11 years ago
grins. "Never. I think that would be impossible."
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "You think that now. Wait till it actually happens. " He laughs.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It won't. It's impossible. It's like...saying I'd ever be unawesome."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "The idea of that is preposterous." There was a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone.
11 years ago
grins, nudging him. "You know what I mean."
11 years ago
smiles. "Ja, I do." He leans back against the couch closing his eyes momentarily.
11 years ago
sighs, eyes drifting closed as well. He just might end up taking a nap.
11 years ago
| When he opens them he notices That Gilbert seemed to be dozing off. He smiles lightly and gently pets his hair comfortingly.
11 years ago
hums, squirming into the hand a little as his body relaxes under the affection.
11 years ago
understands where he gets his enjoyment of having his hair pet. He continues quietly making himself comfortable on the couch. He'd be there a while.
11 years ago
eventually dozes off, sleeping soundly for the most part.
11 years ago
picks up a book and reads.
11 years ago
coughs a little in his sleep, but stays passed out completely.
11 years ago
glances down when he does looking a little worried but relieved when he stays asleep. Eventually he pulls out a crossword and plays with that.
11 years ago
eventually wakes up an hour and a bit later, embarrassed as hell. "Oh shit...sorry, I passed out.."
11 years ago
glances down at him. "What pops when it gets hot?" He asks contemplatively as he taps the pen against his cheek.
11 years ago
looks at him in confusion, not realizing he was doing a crossword. "Uh...popcorn? Breakdancers? Anything if you put it in the microwave for long enough?"
11 years ago
eyes the amount of word space and finds it is popcorn. "It was popcorn. And this entire time I couldn't stop thinking of a toaster."
11 years ago
grins at that, finally catching sight of the puzzle. "You and your crosswords."
11 years ago
glances down at him mildly amused. "I wasn't going to sit here and watch you sleep for an hour."
11 years ago
huffs a little, wriggling around "I know that! But I figured you'd watch TV like normal people."
11 years ago
laughs. "You know TV puts me to sleep."
11 years ago
prods his stomach. "Then we would have both taken a nap."
11 years ago
makes a noise at the prodding. "I wasn't tired."
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out instead. "Fine. What if I told you a story?" Without waiting for an answer, he immediately starts. "Once there was an awesome soldier. Let's call him Gilbert. He was the most badass_
11 years ago
_knight there ever was, and he singlehandedly took out like...four different armies."
11 years ago
gives him a look. "Gilbert...I'm an adult now. Maybe when I was twelve I would have believed this but...really?" ((I see what you did there hahaah.))
11 years ago
[8D ]
11 years ago
ignores his protests entirely. "And then the brave soldier kicked this man named Ivan in the face, and broke his stupid nose. The man then cowered before the brave soldier, praising his awesome."
11 years ago
sighs an decides to just listen to the story.
11 years ago
grins happily when the other's given up. "Then the soldier said
11 years ago
_'go now! Be a street cleaner!' and Ivan did. The soldier than conqueror the whole world, and the world all thought he was great. They never teased him or brushed him off ever again, and they marveled at how+
11 years ago
_great he was. Forever. The end."
11 years ago
glances down at him with a quirked brow. "Great story." He humours. "Did the soldier have family or marry?" He could pretend he was twelve again.
11 years ago
hums. "He did. He had a brother who adored him. He was way too awesome to settle down, but he had a few different partners."
11 years ago
gives him a critical look. "Then believe that because stories are based on truths."
11 years ago
glances at him, feeling very much like he'd been...caught. "Too awesome to settle down? I'd say so." The joke is weak though, and he knows it. He feels guilty, and he's unsure why exactly...
11 years ago
Frowns. "That your brother adores you."
11 years ago
sighs a little at that. "But why? I mean I get why...before. Before I was strong, and I had land, and now I'm just...mooching off of you."
11 years ago
grabs his face so Gilbert is forced to look at him. "Because you taught me everything, helped me when you didn't need too and supported me when no one else did. I don't say it enough but I really love
11 years ago
11 years ago
swallows hard. "I..I love you too, West. I just..." Even now, he still very much ached for his loss of nation title, for his land...and it was tied very tightly to his self-esteem, regardless of his ego. _
11 years ago
"Danke. I mean I will always support you, you know that right? I'm here for you no matter what."
11 years ago
pats his cheek lightly. "You are as much Germany as I am. So don't think you aren't a nation either."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
West a look. His brother knows very well that the Western and Eastern parts aren't...harmonious. "Ja.." It comforts him though. He feels as if everything were unified completely, there would be no need_
11 years ago
_for him, and he would just...cease. Like Vati. "Right. East Germany. The better half, obviously." He grins a little at that.
11 years ago
smiles at that. "The more interesting side for sure."
11 years ago
reaches up to ruffle West's hair. "Right, better. S'what I said."
11 years ago
lets him not taking mind to it. "How are you feeling?"
11 years ago
hums. "Good. Awesome." He sneezes, and Gilbert knew it was too good to be true. "Peachy."
11 years ago
gives him a disapproving look. "Medicine."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
an exaggerated yawn. "Oh man, so tired. Just one more nap..." He shuts his eyes, and hopes West will leave it alone.
11 years ago
frowns but does leave it alone. "Do you want to go to bed at least?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nein. a video game or something, and I'll watch." He'd probably nod off to that.
11 years ago
decides to watch a movie since his ability to play video games was very limited. He subconsciously pets Gilbert's hair as the movie goes on.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
trying to remember when exactly West found out he liked having his hair pet. Maybe because he used to do it to West....
11 years ago
had just been petting his hair because he liked it and had assume Gilbert would too.
11 years ago
hums softly, eyes drifting shut every so often. "What movie's this?"
11 years ago
hums. "Cocowah...with Till Schweiger."
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