antimony_battery shares
15 years ago
NSFW! SRSLY! Noting the lack of sex-related review blogs, I'm here to AHEM fill the void. *cue porn music*
15 years ago
so of course i'm gonna go look!
15 years ago
Teehee! Let's hope half-ass then abandon it like I did Plurk. Seriously, though, anyone seen my karma points? <smirk>
15 years ago
*let's hope I don't half-ass then abandon it, I mean. <rubs eyes sleepily>
15 years ago
i just visited one sexeh place for the first time today. ever been to the Deviant pose shop? new to me anyway! loved the bathtub
15 years ago
Deviant! I have! I am lusting after that throne *hard*. Every girl needs a throne, dontcha' think?