aprice12 says
11 years ago
I want to whine a bit. Why is it that in the last 14 months I've been through a marriage, my husband attempting suicide, a 750 mile move, and not once have I gotten one if those random acts of pattern
aprice12 says
11 years ago
(LOL) ok I feel better now. I'm just jealous. I don't actually want to guilt anyone into gifting me anything. I'm not that type if person! Just needed to whine a bit and that popped in my head
aprice12 says
11 years ago
Sometimes I feel better just whining over something that doesn't matter instead of dwelling on big stuff that does. If that makes any sense at all.
marigayle says
11 years ago
aprice12 says
11 years ago
marigayle: (cozy) thank you :-)