Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
[RP] Janet from Tam Lin, in D_M. I'm voicetesting so help a kid out? :-D?
latest #10
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
copperprism: nah, it's not anything soon, just one of various characters I'm tumbling about in my head atm. XD
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
portes is at the top of my "get back to it when I'm able" list, though, and Janet's not really one I've got a solid voice for yet, so I figured I might as well try!
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
heh yeah, i'll have to throw her at a meme or two before I'm sure, but 4th-wall-breakage is a good place to start for me
11 years ago
saves this to throw someone at Just need to figure out who.
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