Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
confession, brought up by something i saw on twitter: i honestly don't give a fuck about miley's vma performance and don't understand why it's this OMG HUEG DEEEEAL all over.
latest #127
11 years ago
People like clutching at their pearls at a disney star having her rebellion stage.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i mean, i can say "it's probably a big deal because of x and y" but for the most part I DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE ARE SO OBSESSED OVER X AND Y, so yeah.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
I don't grok it
11 years ago
All I know from this??
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i know like intellectually but I just don't get why people care.
11 years ago
my problem is that gurllll that aint no motherfucking twerk
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i mean, hey, it's not something I would've done? But whatever, she's a fucking adult and if you're relying on pop musicians to be your kids' "good role models", you've got bigger issues
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
RakuRanger: haha THAT I GET.
11 years ago
Also I hate Thicke and I hate that song LOL
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
and yeah, i hate thicke and that song, but like. so what? I don't really like miley's music either, so whatever.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i mean, this probably somewhat ties back into my opinions on like. parenting and letting people do their own thing, so. XD
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
but whatever, if miley had a good time, then whatever man. go her for being confident enough in herself to do it, even if she regrets it later.
11 years ago
I dunno, I'm ambivalent about it.
11 years ago
I don't really care, but on the other hand...I wonder if it's some sort of Lindsay Lohan-style cry for help.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Yeah that's my one big worry.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
yeah, I mean, I am a little worried. about HER though, not about all the things people are all clutching their pearls over.
11 years ago
Worse things she could be doing, but this could be just another step towards an early grave.
11 years ago
Oh yeah. It was kind of gross, but that's a style opinion, rather than a moral one.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
The whole "think of the children!!" outcry is kind of ridiculous but at the same time I'm worried that it's not a sign that she's going to end up ODing on cocaine or something.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
I'm hoping it's just a period of figuring out what SHE wants to do and going hardcore on the "not a disney girl" image to try to separate herself from hannah montana and shit.
11 years ago
its dumb and who cares.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Yeah, I really hope she's just rebelling against her previous wholesome image and isn't divebombing off the deep end.
11 years ago
It pissed me off SO MUCH that CNN had to talk about it for like 2 hours straight on monday
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
magicnme: ugh seriously??? wtf that's not fucking NEWS.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
She's an adult, if she wants to twerk on the VMAs I don't care stop complaining people.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
it's gossip.
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
11 years ago
Nothing better in the world to talk about than Miley on the VMAs?
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Well CNN can't report on Syria or something important like that because everyone knows Americans don't watch the news for real news.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
fucking hate news networks.
11 years ago
Egypt, Syria, a whole LOT of important global shit
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
11 years ago
its like the breakdown I had last spring
11 years ago
When Carnival's shit ship got nearly 12 hours of live CNN coverage.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
I learnt about the fires in California from freaking AlJazeera I didn't even learn about it from my usually reliable local news
11 years ago
It's a dead in the water cruise ship with serious health concerns over plumbing issues. We get it.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
ugh, like. i get so little REAL news because i can't stand sifting through the bullshit on news sites.
11 years ago
We do not need a 12 hr minute to minute coverage of towing the thing into port, ALL DAY
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
what bothers me is that if you're American you now have to jump through hoops to get AJ's stream.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Because they've decided to dumb down their news for America now.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
kamex: really? that's a pain. :c
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Yep. :c
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
you can't even access the international news anymore unless you have a direct link
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
gonna go get some actual fucking news, in summary at least, from the last month of daily show episodes.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Isn't that sad that one of the best sources for news is fucking Comedy Central?
11 years ago
more people are complaining about cultural appropriation. Then her sexing it up
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
...twerking isn't cultural appropriation unless women shaking their asses belongs to a specific race now.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
yeah, that's some whole other thing i am not gonna get involved in due to being white as shit. /throws hands up
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
I'm white as shit too, but I've seen African women get really offended over it so /shrug just going to stay out of it.
11 years ago
it's not the ass shaking but the how she is doing it persay I can see some of what they are saying
SJ Mermaid
11 years ago
Yeah a lot of the criticism has come from like, women of color pointing out that she was using black women as props in the act too, perpetuating a culture of white women commodifying black womens' bodies.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Yeah that part is awful.
SJ Mermaid
11 years ago
I read some really good articles about this just yesterday. If I can find them I'll link them.
11 years ago
For me, the problems I saw with it had a lot to do with the sexualization of innocence, and the implications of drug use
11 years ago
She looked fucking drunk
11 years ago
and wasn't even on time with the music
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Yeah no doubt it was being aimed at a gross crowd that at no point should people actually be advertising towards.
11 years ago
Beyond that, the fact that Robin Thicke is much older that her, and was singing Blurred Lines while dirty dancing with someone who was singing about doing Molly and coke
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Robin Thicke is a scumbag.
11 years ago
he is also married with kids
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
11 years ago
The whole situation was pretty problematic.
11 years ago
but his wife got interviewed and she said something along the lines of that did not happen in rehearsal and she was surprised MC did that.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
11 years ago
Overall, though, the fact that most people seem to be having a "this is wrong" reaction to it is good, though, imo.
11 years ago
Also, yeah, Miley didn't look sober. She probably took something ahead of time.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised.
11 years ago
I mean, as someone who generally thinks the internet's reaction to RL stuff is seriously overblown? I felt like this time it was totally justified.
11 years ago
I was pretty much wasted during it, and my best friend said I went on a rant about how nothing about it was good.
11 years ago
As far as Miley appropriating ratchet culture.....let's just say that I don't sit with any white people at work, and all of them think it's hilarious.
11 years ago
Oh I read that one too
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
Oh shit, this is what I get for being ignorant of pop culture in general. This shit is gross as fuck and I apologize for not realize all of the crap she's done.
11 years ago
snickerdoodled: my sister in law ( non white person ) and older brother ( non white person ) think it's pretty funny too. But still see how it's probabilistic.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
no, she's definitely doing a lot of problematic shit that I didn't know about (some of it because I've only seen clips and didn't see any of the dancers) but like.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
spending days and hours at a time talking about it on NEWS NETWORKS and acting like she's somehow BETRAYED people by doing it, like. okay, yeah. it was gross. discuss the ACTUAL
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
problematic aspects of it, in forums where those discussions are meant to take place. Which at this point is NOT THE NEWS NETWORKS, at least not to the extent it's been discussed.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
just, seriously. they could cover actual fucking news.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
but most of what i've seen people talking about is like "omg so slutty" "omg but she's a role model" "omg wow that performance was the suckiest thing ever" and i'm just like
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i don't get the obsession with how bad it was. OKAY COOL. SO. DON'T LISTEN TO HER MUSIC?
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
11 years ago
I would understand if they were talking about the racial implications
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
yeah, but nobody is. maybe somewhere on tumblr, i haven't been there lately. but news stations? nope.
11 years ago
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she's a former disney star, and a lot of kids look up to her/who she was
11 years ago
but i could care less about the sluttyness or rolmodalness of it
11 years ago
In that context, if I was a parent, I would be royally pissed, too.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
i can get parents being mad and that's fair. but seriously, i feel like they probably should've already gotten their kids off her by now.
11 years ago
11 years ago
but where do you talk about it when someone in the public light is pulling racest using people as props shit?
11 years ago
I can see that being news worthy
11 years ago
Not her doing slutty
11 years ago
but the cultural implications of this need to be talked about publicly
11 years ago
and not in the OMGWTF Tumblr way
11 years ago
Exactly. Well, I think all of the topics (the racism, the drugs, the sex) are all things that need to be addressed
11 years ago
The media isn't handling it well, but it's definitely something that needs to be addressed within our culture
11 years ago
I mean, honestly, as a party girl who doesn't really give a crap? I like that it's being addressed. There's a lot of stuff within our younger culture that needs to be talked about.
11 years ago
Miley is just a good way to address it, and maybe set an example as a "see, here's where you should be making some better choices."
11 years ago
I don't mind the party girl thing everyone goes through that phase, it's more the racial issues and her expressing her sexuality using black women as props.
ɗυ boiѕ°
11 years ago
I wish the media did handle it well, because it's a huge thing in America that people like to pretend that we as a country are over and we're not.
11 years ago
Yeah, the media is doing a shit job, basically. But hey, Miley is getting more coverage than that's a thing.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
which is my biggest problem with it. talk about it, even on the news, but not for hours on end at the expense of shit that like. REALLY SHOULD BE COVERED?
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
we are on the same page S
11 years ago
I can see like a 15 minute piece then going to you know Seriya
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
I give no currs about the half naked dancing but I do have problems with the racial stuff after seeing black women upset about the racial stuff.
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
I think I saw someone word it really well where what bothered them is the whole thing where some white people try to use aspects of their culture to be edgy and hip but black people do those things and they're
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
ghetto trash
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
So if it bugs some people I can see why it bugs some people.
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
Other than that, who care?
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
The news needs to cover stuff that's important, way too much pearlclutching going on over her being a former child star blah blah
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
Don't like it, then don't raise your kids to wear vinyl panties and twerk on stage. and if they do anyway, don't judge 'em
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
Maybe question their life choices but whatevs.
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
Girl can't twerk right to save her life tho.
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
Like she needs to stop but that's just because if you can't pull off a dance move right, you need to stop trying it.
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
At least when it comes to performance
Bag of Bagels
11 years ago
I can't dance for beans so I wouldn't be caught dead trying to do it in any area where I was supposed to get paid for it.
Perfect Carlos
11 years ago
This. This this this yes. You always say things better than me. XD
11 years ago
kirajlane: this
11 years ago
Yeah. And this is a repeated pattern because she's done interviews re: the twerking and other aspects before where she's like "Black is just a feeling"
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